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Everything posted by Ricks

  1. We ended up booking here, its close to the port https://www.editoryhotels.com/en/riverside-apolonia-lisboa/ Its considered a 5 star, not sure who sets the rating
  2. I really wish that was true for me, 2022 cruise, he was useless….. I gave up $400 OBC with another cruise online TA for personal assistance never again….. I do great on my own, and pick the Online TA with the best perks, but this years cruse went with NCL TA, with no expectations just wanted the 25% off coupon for transatlantic. Im happy it worked for you…. Maybe you need to share their name.
  3. Awful ….. usually one cup…. Off to Starbucks
  4. On Bliss last November (Panama Cruise) just walked out with it each day, returned the next day for a fresh one when we went back. Spa staff could careless
  5. Thanks for the great review, we are doing the TA back to San Juan in November…. I been reading about so many negative reviews…. It was very refreshing to get a realistic review of the ship….. still trying to plan everything, you gave us a lot to think about. Funny thing is our room is on the other side of the hallway 15738. Was there much motion on the TA cross over? would love to see your pictures
  6. Leaving out of Lisbon at the end of November for a transatlantic, looking for hotel idea’s. We are coming in a few days before. Thanks for your help
  7. Thanks….. for info….. if I change my flight from mia to Fll…. I can get home to the airport 5 min from my house instead of going into Boston, hour ride to get home….
  8. I tried to search a bunch of different ways….. but nothing coming up.. So question is Coming in Monday Dec 4th on NCL Bliss, is it doable to get to FLL airport from Miami port for a JB flight leaving at 12:20pm. thanks for any input
  9. This is us, we have been on many cruise lines, we have our favorite… its not NCL but last few have been on NCL… bottom line Best Bang for the buck, and always just to stay positive.. We have the attitude “Ship Happeens”
  10. On a 2 week cruise, first day guy lights up next to me on his balcony, I go out there and tell him… you already know your not suppose to smoke out here, besides that Im not spending the next 2 weeks smelling your smoke in my room and when I sit out here. This is what’s going to happen, either you put it out or I call down stairs and tell them your smoking in your room and on balcony. You can deal with them, you dont want to know the other option. Well he didn’t say much…. Put it out….. next day did it again…. I called down services and tell them he keeps on smoking….. they went up there with security and gave him a fine for smoking in the room. Told him he will be put off the ship if they come up again…. He wasn’t too happy with me….. Being 6’4” 250lbs husky guy…. Didn’t really care…. Just knew I was not putting up with that….. I absolutely hate the smell….. on other cruise people below was smoking call services they came up and went on my balcony till they seen who was doing it and went down to them….. Sorry people that do smoke… I have no tolerance for it…. Im not brain washed…..
  11. Of course can’t give up the $$…. Im hoping for a cancelation for that stop
  12. With the bad hurricane that hit Acapulco, it’s has taken so much damage from the Cat 5 Hurricane. Just wondering if cruise lines have been canceling that stop. hope the best for everyone in Acapulco
  13. Thanks for great review, doing same cruise in a few weeks….. never been to Panama Canal, never on the bliss….
  14. Well, being cruise departure day, would it be tough to get a Uber? I seem to like the idea of just grabbing a Uber at hotel, shuttle back to LAX and using a transfer….. but the good part of it, you know it will be there for the time you want
  15. What is the average cost of Uber from LAX Hilton to San Pedro the day of of the cruise
  16. Thanks for the reply on that….. seems like that will be the route I go unless I find something better
  17. So when you add the transfer in your NCL account, you just add a flight number of the day of going to the ship, not the one we originally came on the night before?
  18. We are on the NCL bliss in November In Los Angeles. We are flying in the day before getting in around 11pm, so we are just staying in an airport hotel. Just trying to figure out in the morning transfers to port. All the different ways are Uber, shuttle company (I have check a few but on pricey side) or taxi which who knows what that will cost. I was thinking and also read that some have taken shuttle back to airport from hotel and took the cruise ship shuttle ( $25 each) to the port in the morning. I guess my question what have you all done?
  19. what is the cost of Uber to get from LAX hilton to San Pedro to get on NCL Bliss
  20. Just an update….. flew out of Providence RI on Southwest 12:30 landed at 3:30 in Fort lunderdale, took a Uber to cruise port…… they closed the door behind him……… Ship leaving time was 5:30, he was so upset that he told me 4pm he was by himself, his wife flew in from a business trip in Texas to Miami…. Other family members on other flights left Boston no problem. He went to check in and they said his flight was canceled…. They had nothing to get him there by 5:30, they sent him over to delta… but they told him they have nothing. Just a FYI…. Flying with NCL arranged packages……. You are on your own….. if your flights cancels. They do nothing to help the situation, and will not hold the ship at all. It was a united airline flight that was canceled ….. in Boston….. He allowed NCL to take care of everything because he thought he was in good hands….. not the case….. now he will have to fight for getting his refund back from NCL for the airfare part of his cruise. He had to pay his own flight expense to get there….. all in all he will sleeping on the ship tonight when I talked to him on board the ship….. he was having his 1st double for the sail away. When he get home, I will remind him, always fly out the day before!!! we have been on many cruises, we always leave one or two days before…
  21. Other family members are all flying in from different places to MIA meeting on ship….. real bummer….. he has been on hold for 2 hours….. picking him up to go to different airport to catch a flight he found…. But he wants the ship to wait….. he should be able to get to port for 4:45
  22. Ha ha …. Hot line answer…. Ok we will refund you your cruise…..
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