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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. Yes, I was near Clitheroe, I have head of the Pendle Witches but don’t know the story behind it all Michelle
  2. I drove home on the A59 last night, is that near Pendle Hill? I always want to go to that Italian in Gisburn, it looks lovely Michelle
  3. Lovely to here from a new poster, hope you continue to visit this site and join in the conversation Michelle
  4. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. Avril, you have brought up a lovely topic of conversation, reminding us all of all the lovely friends we have all made on here. I have had a busy week looking after grandchildren now it’s school holidays. They go home today only for another two and their parents to arrive tomorrow for the weekend. A busy week!! Then to top it all my mum went over on her ankle and has broken her foot. Fracture clinic on Monday for a review. It is a dull day here this morning so I will either bake or take the grandchildren to the play gym Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  5. I have been having log in problems too hence my lack of posting over the last few days Michelle
  6. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. Its a dull cloudy morning here today but at least there is no wind for a change. Normal household stuff to do today including a trip to Tesco and visit to the gym as I am back in “fitness program” mode. We are going out with friends tonight for drinks and a meal to one of my favourite restaurants, Ego in Lytham. Have a lovely day everyone Michelle
  7. On our first cruise the waiter was pouring my hubby some water into his glass and accidentally dropped the water jug. He was soaked and had to go back to the cabin to change. The next night hubby came into the dining room wearing a waterproof poncho, it gave the table and waiters a laugh Michelle
  8. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. I am not a football fan but hubby is so we will be definitely watching tonight, fingers crossed for an England win. I sympathise about the sleep, I am there too. Since taking me off HRT last year after finding early breast cancer all the menopausal symptoms have returned - it’s horrible, - toohot - too cold etc etc - you ladies will know what I mean It’s my mums 90th birthday today, I have booked an afternoon tea at her favourite place, Clifton Arms Hotel in Lytham this afternoon. Have a good day everyone Michelle
  9. The weather doesn’t know what to to here today. It was torrential rain an hour ago, now the sun is out and we have lovely blue skies Michelle
  10. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. It is raining heavily here at the moment, the day gs don’t look too keen on going for a walk at the moment. We got back last night from a week in Devon with all our family celebrating some big birthdays that are all close together. We had really good weather, no rain all week and good periods of sunshine(nearly all day some days) so we were very lucky. A day of shopping and wash for me today Michelle
  11. We are taking my mum to a Warners hotel later in the year and I have booked my restaurants online already. It’s a sign of the times, just about everything is online now Michelle
  12. Glad you had a good time, we really liked Arvia. Love all the food pictures Michelle
  13. Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all well. I have just been catching up with all your posts, some lovely photos posted. Richard’s mum & dad have been staying this weekend. We took them to the theatre Friday night to see Stepping Out and went to Blackpool Tower Circus yesterday. There has been an Elmer (elephant)Trail in Blackpool last few weeks totalling about 50 Elmer elephants and there is an auction on Thursday selling them off. They are all painted in different designs. We went to look at them yesterday thinking we might bid but the starting bids are £1500!! So maybe not!! Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  14. Hope there are no serious injuries and that Mrs K feels better soon Michelle
  15. He is very lucky if he gets all that paid for him. My first car was a red mini with a black roof. I had to buy it myself, pay the insurance and all the running costs by myself. I couldn’t wait to learn to drive, had my first driving lesson on my 17th birthday. Michelle
  16. Exactly the same, hopefully I will get it sorted today Michelle
  17. Good morning everyone, it’s a dull morning here but same as yesterday the sun is forecast to appear after lunch. A bit of a change of plan for me today. I was meeting friends for coffee this morning, trying a new place that has just opened but last night whilst eating some garlic bread part of my tooth broke off so it looked like an emergency appointment at the dentist. I will go to the gym too in the afternoon carrying on my attempts to get fitter and keep my muscles working as best I can. Mrsgoggins, I sympathise about the weeding of the block paving, we have the same problem. The paving appears to be quite old, we would love to replace it but it would be really expensive so the maintenance of it will have to suffice. I hope all the new mummies, babies and daddies are doing well. Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  18. Good morning everyone. A dull morning here but weather forecast says sunny later so fingers crossed. Not sure what I am doing today yet, always things I can find that need doing in the house. I should go to the gym too. Have a good day everyone Michelle
  19. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. Its not a bad morning here, cloudy but fairly mild and no breeze for a change. We have visitors coming over today, they are arriving just before lunch hopefully. Our local butcher makes their own tapas dishes so hubby just gone there the get food for us. I won’t be watching trooping the colour as we have visitors but glad Princess of Wales is going. Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  20. We have, it is really nice and is my mums favourite place for afternoon tea Michelle
  21. Family holiday to Devon end June, Ashcombe Cottages near Dawlish. Got a pool and activities for the children too, there are thirteen of us going. We have a few big birthdays this year, son in law was 40 last Saturday, my mum is 90 in July and I am 60 in August and it’s my hubbys birthday while we are away. On my mums actual birthday we are having afternoon tea at a Clifton Arms Hotel in Lytham Michelle
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