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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. Oh my !! Get well soon. Now who on here has never used a jug handle to make a left turn? or knows what a jug handle even is? and yes this question doesn't involve drinking. 🤣
  2. Wow, Coastal Kitchen being so bad!! which ship? Very disappointing.
  3. Not that it matters so much now.....so it was a ground ball to the first basement and it was just a race to the first base bag..........Sounds like the fielder just thought he could beat Owen to the bag and the fielder got there late and just collided right into Owen. I assume the 1st basement is built much larger then Owen? On a play like that the pitcher is suppose to cover 1st base. Guess he never got over to cover the bag, if he had this may have never happened. Darn Pitcher not being where he was suppose to be. ! You don't think the 1st basement purposely tried to hurt Owen do you?
  4. Shouldn't run a business like that, just because you sail on a different ship on the cruiseline, you have a drastic different experience.
  5. Outdoor Movie Screen can't be fixed, parts are obsolete, it either needs to be taken down or completely replaced. Nice review, just beware you are going to get blasted on here though because there are MANY Loyal to Royal Cheerleaders that continue to think Royal does no wrong and they are KING.
  6. Geez, I'm not even living the living room.........all these injuries are scary. Hope everyone feels better real soon.
  7. Do you give cash when tipping for your free drinks? I don't see anything posted?
  8. Do early seating at 530pm, guaranteed you won't miss any shows.
  9. Lot's of player's wish Baseball was a non contact sport, but it can still be pretty dangerous no matter where you are on the field.
  10. Why was there a lot of issues? It would have turned into a Complainer's Table?
  11. @A&L_Ont Do you think the injury happened on the collide when he hit the 1st basement or did the injury happen when he braced himself when he went flying and hit the ground? That's the issue that sometimes happens when kids that young don't know how to transfer their feet across the first base bag when trying to catch an errand throw from across the diamond.
  12. How can you be lonely, we all are here sailing with you? 😁
  13. Sometimes the throw sends the (1st Basement) fielder into the runner's path and there is an collision, see it a lot in Major league games. Seems weird they would eject the player in less he just on purpose wasn't going for the ball and just decided to body block Owen from getting to 1st base.
  14. Oh jeez, that tough......Happy Fathers Day in the ER. So sorry. Broke my thumb playing baseball at about the same age as Owen..........The Doctor said we could set it and hopefully it would be okay or we could put 2 pins in it and he said I can Guarantee you when you are older you will be able to hold a Beer Can with ease......We went for the pins 🙂 Still can see some of the scar on my left thumb to this day. Hand/Thumb is 100%
  15. It was quite good, my wife said it reminds her of being on a cruise. lol I didn't tell her where I got the idea of the drink mixture. 🙂 Every time we go to Texas Roadhouse we go with the intentions of trying something different but ALWAYS in the end , end up ordering the 20oz Bone-In Ribeye and it always never disappoints. 🙂 There are plenty of Rib places here is Southwest Virginia that serve outstanding Ribs, so really don't think Texas Roadhouse Ribs could match any of those places.
  16. Happy Father's Day................on their site online there is a place to Join wait list......Since most times going there, there is a wait to be seated. We went on the site while riding there and get on the list, so by the time we are there there is little to no wait to be seated. https://www.texasroadhouse.com/order/action/waitlist You pick the location for the wait list, then put in how many people dining (6 or more people they suggest calling)......then it gives you a range as to how long the wait is. You give your name and phone number. You only get the range of time AFTER you put in the amount of people in your party. Ours today for my wife and I was 15 to 25 minutes. When we opened up the site and filled in the wait list form we were about 15 minutes from the restaurant ...........We arrived, they then text you when they are ready to be seat you., they will hold your table for 15 minutes longer after text if you are a little late arriving. I suggest for tomorrow you do the wait list thing online, to cut down on your wait since I'm sure it will be busy. Then we walked right in and were seated, must have been about 35 people waiting in that holding room off to the side. When filling out the form you aren't committed to anything until you click LETS GO
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