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Everything posted by brian1

  1. Lidl's the way to go mate.The same plonk in UK is 3 times the price.
  2. Is there no end to this mans talents,a supercarer AND an astronaut😉.
  3. Rab C Nesbitt despite his unreputable bildungsroman had a sudden refluent after his 10 pints of Kenspeckle,how's that.
  4. Can't complain I suppose.This is the 4 yearly major service with all the others being a lot cheaper.Better than the old days with 2 or 3 a year.
  5. I turn over when she comes on the telly,she looks like a female Columbo.And she hasn't found Grahams favrit Italian in the Toon yet.
  6. Same on the East side TTL.Started the car up at 7 to take it for it's service and MOT.Bit sluggish turning over as I hardly use it nowdays.430 quid for basically an oil change and a few filters.We recommend new brake fluid sir 65 quid extra er no thanks.But it does lose it's viscothingybob,nah it still stops OK.Perhaps I'll find out when I drive over the Alps in March,lol.
  7. Fantastic,that was on my ultimate bucket list .In the 60s.how they got to the moon with a computer the size of a cruise ship suite and a lunar lander like a giant galvi dustbin I'll never know.Best of luck with your immigration experience.
  8. Agree,we were there in the 80s when a shuttle was on the pad.We missed the launch by a few days.
  9. You're living in the wrong place.When I was a gas engineer for West Kent housing the spiders in the outside meter boxes were as big as my fist,lol.
  10. Love it Jane.You and I should be social workers with our PCness.
  11. My BIL (79) fell on concrete steps last week.His whole left side is claret and blue but not too painful.I said don't worry it looks like a West Ham tattoo from a distance.He does support them so he sorta laughed.
  12. Hey sis,just googled that Octopus has loads of benefits for ones heart,bro😉
  13. Great deal.We found Cape town good value when on a cruisetour a few years back.That reminds of when we were "stuck" in our hotel in Krakow on Easter Sunday when everywhere was closed.Very similar deal for 4 hrs,don't remember a lot about it,lol.
  14. Great news sis,not much I can add to everyone else's comments,just good luck with the new healthy regime,bro.
  15. Morning,frosty start but lovely and sunny now.A gourmet touch from my mrs with the Sunday fryup,lol.Cheesy toms with oregano.PS sis glad to hear Frank is improving.
  16. I got an email from CC advertising cruise deals from £43 per night.I click on "see deals" and every one says no prices currently available for this cruise.This has happened a few times,what's all that about,lol.
  17. We got a weekly am and pm pill box for BIL over the counter at Argos for 6 quid.
  18. Just walked back from the gym across fields and woodland,a bit scary with branches flying off.A 50ft x 8ft x 9in section of the vicarage wall has blown down in the town.I only walked by it a couple of hours earlier.It was bulging out in the summer and they only repointed it.Next week there'd be loads of young mums taking their kids to school with toddlers in tow.The vicar must have upset the bloke up there.
  19. Sorry to hear this sis,I wish Frank a speedy recovery,all the best,bro.
  20. Who watched the doom and gloom soaps over Xmas.Just seen Eastenders,they've killed off Keanu.I think the motive was he's the worst actor since Bennie in Crossroads.What a load of tosh.
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