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Posts posted by Tothesunset

  1. 7 hours ago, DavyWavey70 said:

    Fingers crossed. As a survivor of the inaugural Spirit post stretch cruise I hope that they remembered to order batteries for safes and remotes, have lights in the suites, have all the modern stuff like phones and TVs working, open all of the venues and don’t make you wait in the searing heat for an hour for a tender whilst the CEO and Head of Marketing are whisked to inspect their latest triumph. #neversailaninaugralagain 

    Apart from that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play? 

    • Haha 5
  2. True story time:


    We were staying in the Park Hyatt in Sydney and for reasons I can't remember used the lift (elevator) quite often. I think it's only 2 storeys so were clearly just being lazy. 


    Anyway, on one occasion who should be in the lift with me but Sir Geoff Hurst, World Cup winner and hattrick scorer in the '66 final. 


    But it got even better when I shared the lift with the achingly beautiful Elle McPherson.


    This story has no point, I'm just showing off. 

    • Like 4
    • Haha 7
  3. 7 hours ago, Gourmet Gal said:

    Thanks for taking the time to post a very sad review.  I’m increasingly disturbed to read the many negative observations from recent cruisers.  It’s becoming a doom loop with very few bright spots - the opposite of years past.  Hope someone in charge is reading this forum and not thinking they can still get away with treating a very loyal clientele in this manner.  I guess they think they can somehow impress a less sophisticated but wealth-off market segment.  

    I’m boarding Spirit next week and will have to try to forget all I’ve been reading here and embark with a positive attitude and expectation.  Hoping I won’t have to contribute to this sad saga that’s playing out here on this forum.

    We board the Wind next week and you have written my post for me! 


    I'm taking the attitude that the Silversea we loved pre-RCI is now history and we are trying out a new line with the same name. 

    • Like 4
  4. 36 minutes ago, bohaiboy said:

    On the Muse now.  I have seen jeans and sandals on men on Casual Elegant nights and no one has said a word to the folks.  At least nice slacks, nice shirt and closed toe shoes should be required of men.

    At the very least! 

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Mountain Traveler said:

    We were in the Panorama Lounge on Silver Cloud a few months ago and after enjoying our afternoon cocktails were run off by trivia players who wanted "their" table for the upcoming trivia contest.  We were about ready to leave anyway, but they were borderline rude about it.

    The should really get up early and put a book, towel and sunglasses on the table. 

    • Haha 3
  6. Great post, Fletcher. 


    We, too, are uneasy about poverty voyeurism yet it's inescapable in many parts of the world. 


    I don't know the answer. I don't know if there even is an answer. But I do know how privileged we are to have had the good sense to choose our birthright wisely. 

    • Like 5
  7. The world seems to run on TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms) . 


    My late mother-in-law learned to text but thought LOL meant "Lots Of Love" whereas everyone else in the world knows it means "Laugh Out Loud" 


    Which accounts for her sending the following message:


    Xxxxxx has just told me that you had to have (name of pet) put to sleep. It must have been a terrible shock to you. LOL. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 8
  8. 8 hours ago, Lirio said:

    I hope and pray that SS management will see all these posts before sep. when I will cruise Alaska on the Muse.


    Will see and take an action!



    I suspect there may be an interested party from SS now contributing to, and therefore reading, this forum. 


    Pre-virus (ie the RCLvirus) there would be occasional reports by dissatisfied cruisers but most posts were positive. That situation now seems to be reversed. 


    Whether SS has been eroding its standards or whether people are emboldened to complain because the cheerleaders are conspicuously absent is hard to determine. 


    I really want our cruise on the Wind next month to be as good as all previous ones but the current tenor of reports on this forum concerns me. 


    However, sailing SS ain't compulsory. But I hope it's still amazing! 

    • Like 2
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  9. 5 weeks from now we will be boarding the Wind. It's going to be very hard to approach that voyage with our normal excitement in view of the opinions expressed in this thread (and elsewhere). 


    Of course, some aspects of the experience will have changed since our last trip on her in 2019; that's normal, things change. What we don't expect is change for the worse. And what we certainly don't expect is overt penny-pinching, upselling, mediocre food, diffident staff or gauche fellow passengers (although there's always a few...).


    Hoping to be pleasantly surprised. 

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