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Posts posted by Tothesunset

  1. 1 hour ago, Windsurfboy said:


    There will be between 60000 and  75000 cabins to sell for a year for the two  ships . So 3000 pre registering is at most 5% of what they would like to sell. It seems an awful lot of flaf to sell what would be two average weeks of sales .

    But it does suck people in. No 1 lesson in dodgy sales academy? Get the punter to make a snap decision. 

  2. We had an odd experience at Raffles in 2005. 


    We went to have a look round and found they were serving afternoon tea. Well, that's got to be worth an hour or two of our time. Anyway, we asked the person allocating seats if we could have afternoon tea, that we hadn't booked and they seemed only half full.  There was no further conversation. 


    The guy called security and we were encouraged to leave the premises. No explanation. Really, really odd. 

    • Haha 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Will Work for Tiramisu said:

    This fashion suggestion from a popular song from 1959:

    "He wore, tan shoes and pink shoelaces,

    A polka dot vest and man-o-man, 

    He wore, tan shoes and pink shoelaces,

    A big panama with a purple hat band".

    I'd like to show up at a SS dining venue in that get up!  

    As long as it's not your itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow polka-dot..... 

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  4. When we visited Manaus, maybe 7 or 8 years ago, the Chronicles warned of a high rate of pickpocketing and not to wear  jewellery or ostentatious symbols of wealth, hide purses and wallets, and be discreet with valuables such as cameras etc. 


    As we left the ship the couple in front included a man with a camera round his neck and a fanny pack (I'm guessing it held his wallet), both were wearing Rolex watches and the female was wearing a chunky gold (or at least gold-coloured) necklace. 


    I bethought myself that if the pickpockets were active then this couple were an excellent decoy. Made us feel safer. 

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  5. 5 hours ago, Host Jazzbeau said:

    Didn't the new faucet come in a box?  According to dozens of memes posted lately, all you need to do is put the cat in the empty box – problem solved! 😁

    But if the cat is in the box - is it dead or alive? 

    • Like 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, QueSeraSera said:

    Your approach will work fine.  We also put money in the crew appreciation fund on checkout.  Lots of threads on this if you want more details or other opinions.

    Yes, do remember the crew fund which also benefits those you don't see but without whom there would be no cruise: deck hands, engineering crew, laundry, kitchen staff etc. 

    • Like 4
  7. 5 hours ago, Texas Tillie said:


    Excuse me, I'd consider myself a long time Crystal customer, since 2007, with close to 50 cruises, have done 2 cruises with the new Crystal and have 2 more booked, and NONE are at a deep discount. I have paid whatever the  posted fare was for the category I booked at the time I booked. Don't believe I'm the only one missing out based on the people I know. You are right that the money behind the relaunched Crystal is Manfredi. He got a BIG payout selling Silversea to Royal Caribbean.

    And what do all these pro-Crystal posts have to do with a thread entitled Silversea vs Seabourn on the Silversea board?

    • Haha 3
  8. 40 minutes ago, MBP&O2/O said:

    Thanks for all the answers. My concern is that my wife did not supply a mobile number to Crystal so where they have got it from is anybodies guess 🙄

    Either way I have informed Crystal of my feelings and instructed them to remove all our personal details from their database.


    We shall see!

    They are required under the GDPR to remove any personal info they retain at your request. It is a serious offence not to do so. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Host Jazzbeau said:

    Maybe I'm naive, but my thought was that since they had to make it for Mysty they decided to make more and offer it to everybody.  So Mysty was even more special, because she created the night's 'special.'


    [My Mother was a baker in the WAC, and after she died we found a file of her WAC recipes.  Lemon Meringue Pie:  squeeze 120 lemons...  Hard to scale that down to 1 pie!!!]


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  10. 1 hour ago, Fletcher said:

    While you are waiting for the Moon to trundle around Africa and across the Indian Ocean because of the problems in the Red Sea, a friend of mine returned yesterday from an exhausting but exhilarating week-long visit to Yemen.  Yes, Yemen.  They drove across from Salalah in Oman and toured the majestic Yemeni scenery and its amazing medieval towns of skyscrapers.  Incredible sights at every turn, friendly people, no political tension, just rather basic hotels and limited food.  They flew back to London from the Yemeni airport of Say-un via Cairo.  Here's a link to the travel company which also offers Iraq and Afghanistan. Worth thinking about when your next Silversea trip is cancelled.




    Or join the Army. Be getting paid to go there before long. 

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