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Posts posted by GMRPHRN

  1. Personally, I would rather see an increase in tips than an increase in cruise prices. It is a little like places that have a higher tax on lodging, cigarettes, etc. An increase on the luxuries. A person can decide then how much to budget for this add-in. I can't imagine what an all-inclusive cruise would cost us.

  2. In the past with a 15% automatic tip, an $8.25 drink (for example - Kiss on the Lips) would cost me $9.48 if my math is correct. I would then add $1 making the total $10.48.  An 18% gratuity will make the initial price $9.73. So still cheaper than if I added a dollar. A .25 cent increase hardly seems to matter but of course it could get pricey the more you buy. I wish I had already prepaid cheers for my Feb cruise. 

  3. It is hard to make judgments about something if you've never had to use it.  I always purchase travel insurance. I consider it part of the trip cost. I've heard too many horror stories to invest that much money on a trip without it. Still, I have been fortunate not to need it thus far. I like to use one of those comparison sites to look at what each company offers. I've used Travel guard and Nationwide. CCL does tend to be more expensive and if you need to cover hotel and flight that won't help you. There used to be a topic on these boards but I didn't find it.

  4. Will they actually let you in the terminal if you arrive before check-in time if you don't have FTTF?  Last year I was at the mercy of a shuttle and we arrived at about 12:30 and traffic was bad at the port. We waited outside the terminal in a humungus line for about an hour. After that everything went quickly. Not complaining. I just would like to avoid this in the future. I have to drop off a car and take a shuttle from Budget to the port.  If I get there too early, I don't mind waiting outside I just don't want to get there so late I spend hours in line.  My check-in time is 11:30-12.  So I would appreciate some guidance.



  5. On 10/24/2018 at 9:50 AM, carol TC said:



    On 11/8/2018 at 4:09 PM, PhillyFan33579 said:

    Not really a hack, but we always bring a fan with us. Helps keep the room cool at night if we end up in a cabin that is on the warmer side. 

    I have yet to sail on a ship where the room was cool enough including Alaska (where we slept with the balcony door propped open). Can't bring a fan, though. Too heavy.  Maybe a really small one?

  6. I have used them many times. I prefer the security of having a plan in place (and paid for) then going out and getting myself a shuttle or taxi.  Especially, when traveling solo.


    That said, it is perfectly plausible you could be late for your flight if you have an early flight and don't debark in plenty of time. No one will come and find you and tell you to get on the bus. (Although, I guess they make you get off the ship if you try and linger. I've never personally stayed on board that long).   Like any transportation, you should allow for security at the airport, traffic and travel time. I am sure you will work that all out and leave the ship with plenty of time. Be sure and allow for the time in customs, also.


    • Thanks 1
  7. I cruised on the Sunshine the week before Christmas last year. It was very crowded during embarkation and trying to get food when we finally made it onboard. The rest of the week, I didn't notice a difference from any other ship I've been on. The Sunshine has a great bar at the back of the ship (indoors) that very few people frequented. It's got a view, too. Loved to go back there with my lunch or to sit and relax. Seems like there was always plenty of seating on Serenity, too.

  8. I have also felt ill when waiting in the crowd. I am the type to go straight to muster with the first call and end up toward the back.  I have been on a muster where there was a back up getting down the stairs to the location so it is not always the stragglers slowing things down. Everyone knows it has to be done but it is never a pleasant experience. The only inside I've experienced is on the Dream - we actually sat down in the dining room.

  9. I enjoy traveling solo.  I have been on 2 land trips with a women's travel group (once to Italy and once an adventure trip in WV). I didn't know anyone going in and had a great time. On the last trip I drove 8 hours to meet the tour and that was my first solo driving trip. I am taking my second solo cruise in February. I have met people through this site and the F#B one and even found a group to dine with and do the steakhouse.


    Next September, I am taking a solo cruise out of NY and doing 3 nights in the city by myself. 


    It is very liberating. I enjoy that I can do the activities I want without worrying about others happiness. If I want to nap and skip something, I do.  If I want to sleep late, I do. I love to travel. In the past, to have someone to cruise with me, I paid for their portion, so this ends up being less expensive. Since I am actually single, I plan to do a lot of solo traveling after I retire.

  10. I suffer from sea sickness and let it keep me from trying a cruise for many years. I use the patch and take meclizine. I'm not recommending them, just sharing.   I have been on cruises in rocky seas where I still felt queasy.  It gets better after a few days. On my Alaskan inner passage cruise, you could barely tell the ship was moving most of the time - the sea was like glass.  I did get seasick on the small boat excursion to see the whales, though, because I had taken the patch off.


    When I took my AK cruise we returned on a Tuesday. We had an 11:30 flight. We did self-assist and were in a cab by 8:30. The drive to the airport was uneventful.  They have flat rate cabs and there is no reason to book in advance. I think we were the only ship arriving on that day. It was probably the most smooth debark I've ever done.


    Just another FYI, the medicines make you very dry and thirsty. Plan on drinking lots of water or fluids. 

    • Like 1
  11. 40 minutes ago, BigCruze said:

    If John encourages this on writing him for request why should it really bother you. Does this ruin your vacation? Smh 

    I didn't say it "bothered me" just stating what I think.  And no, it doesn't ruin my vacation. But thanks for the chuckle.

  12. 1 hour ago, dmdiver said:


    I'm also puzzled by all the people who rely on John Heald to make all their problems go away or why they expect him to get them free stuff.  I mean, our family cruise next year will be our 40th anniversary, my 60th birthday, one daughter's 10th anniversary all in that year, just not during that week.  Should I be writing to him to give us a bunch of free stuff?  


    I wholeheartedly agree about this. I love to read his page. Yesterday, I scrolled through the list of people asking for something special for events. I think people should reserve that for asking for special help such as proposals, scattering ashes, etc. If you want something special for an event there are the Fun Shops to provide it.


    I am also amazed at the people who get offended from the least little thing. Like congratulating someone proposing in the steakhouse as one poster complained. Did it really ruin the person's meal? Doubtful. Most of the complaints people should just mind there own business. Your vacation is what you make of it and I refuse to let anyone ruin mine. Does what people wear in the dining room affect my meal? Absolutely not. Have I been frightened by the monkey hanging from the ceiling, yes, would I make a federal case of it? No. As a society we are supposed to be moving toward being more tolerant of others yet we seem to be less tolerant of everything around us.

  13. I tend to over-research everything on my vacation. It's just me.  I do not know how some people can go without any planning. I just saw a post with some really basic questions that are easily answered by reading a little on CCL's site. Seems people don't want to do the work.

    • Like 1
  14. People have such strong feelings on this. I can see why it comes up so often. I just like having everything taken care of that I can before the trip so that there is less to pay for afterwards.  Just to show you how people differ, I have never tipped the matre'd. Many cruises I do not even see him.  If I have great service in the dining room, or room, I tip extra at the end of the trip. 

  15. JH had a letter on his page about a guest complaining about a cell phone bill after the cruise. It's hard for me to understand how people are still missing this.  Why would you think your cell service would remain the same in the middle of the ocean or in a foreign port? Lots of info on the boards and CCL's website about phones. I can't remember what information they gave us once on board. I always put my phone on airplane mode but seems like when I forget, I get a message from my carrier warning me.  I know when I was in Alaska and we crossed over to Canada we got a warning.  


    It's just like the complaint he had about missing the ship in port and wanting CCL to compensate their expenses because the ship didn't wait. You wouldn't expect the airline to compensate you if you didn't make it by flight time. 


    Are people just not as informed as the people on these boards?  Do they just take trips without any research?  


    Just amazed (thanks for letting me rant.)

    • Like 1
  16. Thought I would share my experience. 2 years ago on the Conquest, I was suffering from severe sciatic nerve pain that prevented me from standing for more than a few minutes. I read on the boards to contact Guest services for help.  Guest services told me to to to GS once on the ship to arrange for another place to muster. GS on the ship told me to stay in my room. This was a bad option, imo because I had to tell about 6 people who came to check the room why I was still in there. They also called my stateroom out on the pa. I felt I was holding up the drill. I really felt like there should have been a place on the ship set aside for accommodation.  A year later, I was on the Legend and they let us sit in a lounge around the corner from the exit to the lifeboats. I've had back surgery now and no longer have that problem. However, I do hate being packed in like sardines behind that yellow line while you wait for the drill to begin (and end). I think the best option would be to try and show up as late as you can so you are at the front of the group.

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