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Posts posted by Tall-Cruiser

  1. Is that the bottom of the divider visible below the horizontal beam of the crane in the foreground? What do you think?






    I think you are right. No other place in the building dock has those shapes/things on the floor. Took a quick look at the floor when Anthem Keel blocks were laid and there are no such things. Also look at the right wall of Hall 6. There are sets of vertical lightings (I think that’s what they are). On the Anthem keel block laying picture there is one just next to the divider with two behind and another close to the yellow crane. On the current webcam picture you can see the same light set to the right and above were the divider is. The second green crane is blocking the top of the divider.

  2. Great news. I saw the musical in Toronto (while my other half participated in a curling tournament)!



    Happy Thanksgiving to all my U.S. neighbors!



    Edit: Funny thing. When I first saw the Anthem keel las week I thought to myself


    "Mama mia. Here we go again. My my, how can I resist you? ..."




    I also think its a great choice. The music is upbeat and a lot of people globally can relate and or like ABBA.


    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Having the Anthem sail out of Southampton has a benefit that you won't get when it is in Florida. When we sailed on the Indy this spring the average age on board was well into "OLD". Being in my early sixties that should give you a point of reference. My point is that the entertainment venues on board (sky diving, bumper cars, flow rider) will be relatively empty so you can enjoy them as much as you like without waiting on long lines. It might be hard to find a seat in Two70 as many of them maybe sleeping, bless their hearts, in place. Looking forward to trying her out!


    I read somewhere recently that RCI hired a firm in UK to market to youngsters. So I think they want all ages to enjoy the new ship.

  4. How do they plan on floating the quantum out if they are building the athem in front of it?


    See post 594 and 596 two pages back. Basically the portion of Anthem built when Quantum is ready will be floated out first, then Quantum will be floated out of the building dock. Then Anthem will be towed back into the building dock to be completed. Supposedly this has been done before at Meyer Werft.

  5. I feel that one of the Oasis Class ships will go to Port Canaveral when the 3rd one goes into service. I also speculate that 2 Oasis Class ships will stay in Ft. Lauderdale. I seriously doubt an Oasis Class ship would be placed in Southampton on a permanent or semi-permanent basis as Anthem will be there during the summer. Oasis Class ships would not stay in Southampton during any of the cold weather months due to Central Park and it's plants.


    I think there is a case to be made about PC given their recent announcement for a new terminal and the specific mention of "new" cruise ships and Port Execs having met with three of Major Cruise Lines in Miami. Only two of them currently have new builds in progress. Since Anthem is going to FLL the next likely would be Oasis III for RCCL (but anything can happen/change). It is also possible that one of those "new" cruise ships is a NCL Breakaway Plus Ship. One would think that PC really did their homework before they committed to spend $85 million on a new Terminal. So I think they will get something for making a huge investment.

  6. I wish we could get to see Quantum's rear. :eek:

    I mean the aft end where the Two70 block, the loft suite block, sports deck block, etc. will be attached.



    Remember this photo taken soon after the Getaway floated out:





    Not much different from this enlargement of the Anthem keel-laying photo.







    I think we're overdue for another Meyer Werft supplier or an Experience Advisor tour with someone taking photos of the other end of Quantum. Is it in January that a CC member said (s)he's going to visit Meyer Werft!?


    Would also be nice if Ingrid updated her page.


    Did anyone see/read the last sentence of the Mayer Werft press release?






    Photo:The first block of the new cruise ship Quantum of the Seas for Royal Caribbean Cruises is put in place in MEYER WERFT's building dock II.


    Was this a typo?

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