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Everything posted by IntrepidFromDC

  1. Moulon Rouge, red windmill. The original windmills at top of Montmartre were used to process grain and all were destroyed except one by the invading Prussians. One still remains and the legend is the owner kneeled before the Prussians and begged them to take his life but spare his windmill, and they did. 20230513_104217.mp4
  2. Dinner tonight was the best yet! Last night in Paris. Off to Dijon by train tomorrow morning.
  3. The church is the famous Sacre Coeur Basilica, and the monks who live there built the pigeon house. Montmartre is really just a big bluff in the middle of Paris that drew famous artists in the late 1800s and is charming!
  4. Met our Montmartre Walking Tour host at Moulin Rouge and it was a long walk up the hills to Montmartre. Host said Vincent Van Gogh lived on the 3rd floor of the house with the goldish colored door.
  5. The lucky drunks pedaling the drink your way thru paris were funny. There is actually a bartender serving them as they peddle. I have a short video I'll try to upload.
  6. I found the HOHO bus stop, and rode it for 2 hours (12 of the 14 stops). The tomb of the unknown soldier is under the Arch d'Triomphe and Napoleon is buried under the goldleaf domed building. The obelisk was a gift to Napoleon in 1851 from Egypt and dates back to 1250BC.
  7. Today started with a walk from the hotel to the HOHO stop at Notre Dame, through the neighborhoods of St. Germain and Latin Quarter, stopping for a yummy Italian ham sandwich at a place called Cosi (not the US chain)...
  8. The ancient elevator, with the manual exterior door and the buttons with markings showing I have to get off at 5th floor to walk up the steps to the 6th floor (attic, I think I heard fluttering bats last night). No respect.
  9. It would be great to meet you and we could share pics back here.
  10. Sorry, I posted the food at Didon before the restaurant and menu pics...
  11. You better behave at hubby daycare or Nurse Ratchet will administer discipline! Seriously though, hope your hip feels better!
  12. From walking around today, Eiffel Tower has changed since I was here last, 11 years ago. There's a lot more security and you can't even walk underneath it without a ticket thanks to the garish plastic barricades.
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