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Posts posted by latitude918

  1. In the fine print of your cruise contract you'll find a bunch of legal jargon that pretty much says, Carnival reserves the right to add, cancel, or re-arrange ports at anytime.


    There are multiple reasons for this. Logistics, safety, cost, etc. My Conquest cruise in October recently had the itinerary flipped.


    I wouldn't worry too much. Sit back, relax, enjoy your vacation.

  2. Typically, you miss out on the same amount of things whether you have early or late dining. ie, you can go to an early comedy show when you have late dining, a late comedy show when you have early dining. The good thing about late dining is you can stay in port longer if you want.


    Why doesn't she want to do ATD? (You knew someone would ask!)


    With ATD too many things are variable for her. I just say okay because it is easier that way ;):p

  3. Hi there,


    My fiancee and I are doing a cruise for our honeymoon, and are giving late dining a try. I am a little worried dinner will run late, and we'll miss things, like the comedy show.


    Last time we had early dining, and it was alright, but we kinda had the feeling that we were missing out on things.


    For the record she doesn't want to do your time dining, so YOUR TIME DINING IS NOT AN OPTION


    Can anyone shed some light on the difference between the two? Are we going to miss out on anything, or am I worrying about nothing?


    Thanks in advance for the helpful replies :)

  4. I filled out the reservation form form for the steak house, for my cruise in October aboard the Conquest. I got an email from the steakhouse itself, verifying my reservation. However, when I click on "my activities" for the cruise on Carnivals website, it doesn't have anything listed as "during the cruise".


    Am I over thinking this, or do I need to get this straightened out?

  5. OK So Im trying to embed my video in the post. If it doesnt work, here is the link


    This is our very first video from our new GoPro and my first attempt at video editing. It is a little long, but hopefully you can get an idea of how our cruise went and how much fun we had!



    Awesome video. I, too, just got a GoPro. What did you use to edit it and how did you get the music on there?

  6. Everyone's cruise needs are slightly different but I can share a few things that we have found to be helpful and useful.



    **** Bring a small stack of $1 bills and a few $5. Room service is not covered in the tip pool so having a stack of $1 handy makes it easy to hand them a tip when they deliver your tray. The $5 come in handy for tipping the porters and also for tipping the Tour-guides. We also like to tip a little extra if we find a good bartender or bar-waiter. This is not necessary to all, but we do on occasion. We also bring a few blank-Thank-you type note cards with envelope. On the last evening, if we feel we have had really good service, we put a few bucks in with a nice note of - Thank you for making our cruise special - and give this to our room steward & assistant and/or our MDR waitstaff. Tipping is a personal thing so just sharing what we do not suggesting this is right for anyone else.



    **** The first time that we order room service, we save the plastic dome that covers the plates. We turn it upside down and use it as a bowl. We then take a few extra pieces of fruit from the buffet and make a fruit bowl for our cabin. It is nice to have a healthy snack available.



    **** We usually take on a few snack items such as: Unsalted Cashews, a can of Pringles chips ( they are $4.95 per can on the ship), a box of individually wrapped granola bars ( for excursions) and a box of Crystal Lite mix-ins for our bottled water. There is plenty of food on the ship but it is always nice to have a few of your favorites to enjoy in your cabin or out on the balcony.


    **** A trick that I learned when my children were younger was to bring a small stack of the paper coffee filters..... the basket type not the cone versions. I used these to hold potato chips or cookies or to have them wrap it around ice-cream cones, tacos or hot-dogs. It saved on the mess and you can just toss them. As adults, we use them to hold a handful of Cashews or to wrap around our morning bagel on the balcony. The ship only provides the cloth napkins so the filters really do come in handy. They also work well for bringing back a few cookies or a pastry from the buffet. :D



    **** We bring our own beach/pool towels. Not everyone may agree but we find it nice to be able to identify our place on the beach or near the pool in a sea of the Carnival towels. In addition, if you lose a Carnival towel they will charge you.



    **** We also bring a mini-sized highlighter to mark what we want to do on the FunTimes. We can just tear off the small strip of planned activities and carry it with us. The highlighter makes the activities and shows easy to spot at a glance.




    **** A few other items that we find useful are: Chapstick, a good hand/body lotion, a small glow in the dark- battery operated alarm clock( $5 at Dollar General), a book or a deck of cards (nice to have for downtime), an inexpensive wine bottle opener (your room steward can get you one but it may take a long while), A drawstring garbage bag ( we use this for dirty laundry), a brown padded envelope (we used these to transport any purchased photographs back home without damage.) and if you have a balcony, some chair clips or large clothes pins to clip damp pool towels or swimsuits to the patio chairs to dry.




    **** Also nice to have are plenty of patience for long lines and other passengers that don't necessarily use common sense, A good attitude... especially if you get a port cancelled due to weather ( you wouldn't believe how many passengers go-off about this), and a smile to the staff that is serving you.





    Wishing you and your family a wonderful first cruise. :)







    +1 for the patience thing. I can't believe how many people let a couple of really, really insignificant things ruin their vacation.


    This is actually a really good list. A few things I would have never thought of. Cheers!

  7. 1. Carnival does not and should not disclose security information about other patrons to other patrons. How would you feel if they were giving information about you to other people


    2. Football is king. They're going to postpone the comedy show to keep selling drinks during the football game, to sell more drinks during the comedy show. They don't care if they've inconveniencing 2 people.


    3. Aruba decided to close the port early, not Carnival. They have to comply with Aruba's rules. Don't blame Carnival.


    Sorry for being honest, but it sounds to me like you are just being a whiner. I think your lofty expectations ruined your cruise more than carnival did. Hope you find success and happiness with another cruise line :)

  8. Sadly I have found others saving chairs on every cruise line and unfortunately there has not been IMHO much success in getting passengers to be thoughtful of others and as a group stop the practice. I have asked staff to find me a chair and someone was always willing to assist me.


    I don't want to turn OP's thread into a chair hog post, but I agree, they are THE WORST. If you're in the washroom, or the pool, that is one thing, but if you've got just a book or a flip flop down on a chair while you're in the Casino then that is just rude and inconsiderate.

  9. This comment caught me off guard. Is it really that big of a deal to talk to other people? I know if I were doing something to interfere with the vacation of others, I'd much much much prefer that they just tell me so I can correct whatever I was doing rather than have some authority figure wave their finger at me.



    I understand what you're saying here, however, you never know how someone is going to react. Not everyone is as polite as you and a confrontation is never enjoyable.


    Also, some people just like to avoid confrontation, and get one of the workers to handle it because then it comes from more of an "authority" figure.


    I know my wife-to-be doesn't like confrontation at all, while I am much more abrasive towards others.


    Just food for thought :)

  10. I'm thinking of booking a mini-getaway with my BF to escape the frigid Canadian temps this December. We are both young professionals and would appreciate a younger crowd, but don't enjoy drunken shenanigans very much. Just wondering if anyone has done a short cruise with carnival and how it would compare to a short cruise on ncl.


    Thanks a bunch!


    My fiance and I did a 4 day cruise back in January for a bit of a winter respite. It was well worth it. We did that Key West and Cozumel itinerary and enjoyed it a lot.


    Since you're younger professionals, like my wife-to-be and I are, you'll enjoy Key West a lot. Duval street offers a plethora of options if you decide to have an adult beverage or 2 ;)

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