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***GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT!!! A "Springbreakers" Review of the Destiny***

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Hubby and I sail on 3/31 on the Destiny. Our cabin is up in the area of the "secret door" so now we will have company on our "private balcony"!!!! LOL.:D

I am happy to have scored this cabin as we will be on the ship for a Back to Back and have the same cabin. I am soo ready to sail! And this is my platinum cruise and hubby's is platinum on the second half of our back to back.

I think that June got a gold card because he was booked into the cabin with you, a gold card member. At least that is what I have been seeing lately ...if the person booking the cabin is a gold or platinum then the other ( spouse or SO I have noticed) also gets that same card. I will see for sure when we board on the 31st as my hubby still should be gold and I am platinum.

enjoying your review!

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Thank you! You know how when you're about 6 or 7 and you think boys are weird? Well you start to get that mentality back when you hit 20. Here are a couple.






and here is a link to way more!




That should hold him over.




I found myself at work today daydreaming about getting home to check in on your report ;) And of course you did not disappoint. First CONGRATS on getting accepted to Law School (although we weren't surprised :D ). And a second thank you so much for posting the pics of the car for my 12 year old son. The fact that you posted a link for him to look at more cars had him smiling ear to ear --- until I kicked him off the computer so I could read the rest of your review ! :p

We are a family of four who are self- confessed disney freaks. We have been to Disneyland three times and Disney World three times in the last three years. At 14 (I am now 37) I went on a Disney cruise, other than that no-one in my family has been on a cruise. We are set to go on our first on Conquest this October. We will be doing the Western Carribean. Your June quotes are cracking me up -- mostly because I can hear my hubby and kids saying every one of them :) We are going to Mo'Bay, Grand Cayman and Cozumel. I can not wait to read about all the fun things you did !

Thank you so much for taking the time to write your fabulous review !!


P.S. This is only my 2nd post after lurking for 5 months--- so you know you have my attention !



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First, I just want to thank all of you guys for reading my review. It's an honor to know that you all are taking time out of your lives to relive my vacation with me. Sorry I didn't post anything new today! I had to work at both my jobs and do some homework.


And guess what? Now that I know I'm going to school in the Detroit area, June and I have decided to find a place together. Right now he lives almost an hour away and we can only see each other once a week, on Saturday. :mad: So I also spent alot of time arranging tours of places we were considering.


Tomorrow i have NO CLASS and NO WORK!!!! So I'm going to add alot to my review. I can promise that by tomorrow night we will be in Jamaica, I have great pictures of the Falls. I am also going to respond to each of your posts. I've been reading them, but after being at work since 7:30am I'm a little (ALOT) tired. So I'm gonna Skype with June, and then its off to bed. I'll probably sleep in as a reward for making it through this week ;) but as soon as I get up you guys will be getting post after post!


Here is a teaser!




SO BE READY TO READ!!! Have a great night!


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Thanks for the great review...but alas, I need to get to sleep, cause we're heading to the airport at 5:30am for our flight to Miami and OUR cruise on the Destiny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It has been a blast reading your review. We're staying at the Intercontinental also!!!! Great tips for getting around.


I'll catch up on the rest when I get back - and we can compare notes!



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Where are you today?? Waiting, patiently.


Congrats on not being an hour away from the one you love...how exciting.


Where was I today? Sleep!!! Then I went to buy my cap and gown for graduation, and to have lunch, and then more sleep. and now i'm... here. yayayaay. as promised I will finish up to Jamaica tonight.


Please allow me to say thanks to YOU for taking the time out of your very busy life to post this review. Sailing on Destiny next week, so it has been so valuable to me!


Thank You! I hope you have a great time!


Thanks for the great review...but alas, I need to get to sleep, cause we're heading to the airport at 5:30am for our flight to Miami and OUR cruise on the Destiny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It has been a blast reading your review. We're staying at the Intercontinental also!!!! Great tips for getting around.


I'll catch up on the rest when I get back - and we can compare notes!




Catch ya when you return!


I found myself at work today daydreaming...This is only my 2nd post after lurking for 5 months--- so you know you have my attention !




I'm happy you are enjoying the review Donna. I've been to Grand Cayman twice, I'll include what I did both times.


Loving your review so far!! Yes,that is a Celebrity ship in the pic. Oh and thanks for the shipmate app recommendation! I downloaded it today and I love it!!


It's a great tool to have to navigate the ship!


Great review and pics


Thank you


I'm excited to read this! I am going to be on this same itinerary in May! Love the pictures! :o)


Great! Thank you.


Hubby and I sail on 3/31 on the Destiny. Our cabin is up in the area of the "secret door" so now we will have company on our "private balcony"!!!! LOL

I am happy to have scored this cabin as we will be on the ship for a Back to Back and have the same cabin. I am soo ready to sail! And this is my platinum cruise and hubby's is platinum on the second half of our back to back.

I think that June got a gold card because he was booked into the cabin with you, a gold card member. At least that is what I have been seeing lately ...if the person booking the cabin is a gold or platinum then the other ( spouse or SO I have noticed) also gets that same card. I will see for sure when we board on the 31st as my hubby still should be gold and I am platinum.

enjoying your review!


Hmmm... the card thing makes sense I guess. :confused: Great job on scoring that cabin! Thanks for reading.


On getting your first letter!!!!!!! Great review!!! Keep it coming!!!!!!




Congrats on your Acceptance Letter! Poor June just getting dragged to all of the things you want to do!!:rolleyes: Good Girl keep up the good work......


Silly, don't ya know that's what boyfriends are for?? LOL


Awesome review! A BIG congratulations on making it into law school!!!


Thank you very much!


LOVING your review!! Looks like you guys had a great time. Keep it comin!


We did, I am, Thank you

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Anytime Dining and the rest of Day 1 (Finally)


As I said, we were super late for dinner! We got to the dining room(the Galaxy deck 4) around 9:05. We were asked for our cabin number, both of us drew a blank for a second (so much for picking an easy number) and then we were taken to our table. We had a nice cozy booth for the two of us, which was great.




I know it seems like June has been wearing that shirt for days, but I realized some of my pictures from embarkation day were mixed into the first Miami posts. LOL. That night was casual dress, so he just kept on his green polo and nice jeans, while I changed into a dressy shirt and leggings.


We sat down and were given a huge basket of bread! There were like ten pieces for just the two of us! Now being a future lawyer, I HATE when things don't make sense. Bringing that much bread for two people DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. It didn't help that June never ate a piece the entire week. It just seemed so wasteful to me. I was all prepared to ask for some lemonade with dinner, and then I tasted the water. It was yummy! I'm very particular about the way my water tastes and I loved Carnival's.


As I was enjoying my water and mountain of bread, I looked up and noticed June looked confused and a little upset. His eyebrows pull together and makes this cute little wrinkle between them. ANYWAY, I asked him what was wrong, and he whispered in the quietest voice possible, "Babe... there's no prices on here." "Prices on what," I asked. "The menu, he replied." I suppressed a laugh and calmly said, "We've been through this June, Its all free." Instantly, his smile returned and he was ready to order.


For starters I ordered the lasagna bolognese (you can get all pasta dishes as starters) and June had shrimp cocktail. The shrimp was pretty uneventful, and I didn't care for the lasagna. I really liked it at first, but after a few bites it kinda tasted like mush. There was nothing of any other texture on the plate. Towards the end I kinda felt like I was eating well seasoned baby food.


Then for entrees I had the marinated pork chop, which was just ok, and June had the short ribs, which he loved. Dessert was simple that night. I had the cheesecake, and he had orange sherbet. While he was enjoying his sherbet, a pirate, yes A PIRATE, came and put a sword around his neck and a photo was snapped. The look on his face was priceless! We never found his picture in the gallery, because we didnt realize that it would've been behind the photo I take at dinner to save space on the wall. -_-




Thats the only food pic I have from the whole cruise. I was pleased with the anytime dining system. Had we had traditional dining, we would've missed dinner that night. So at about ten, we were finished with our late dinner and decided to wander the ship some more. We headed up to deck 5 and looked thru the windows of the shops, walked through the casino, and found the point after dance club.








June is actually a DJ, and loves hearing other DJ's mix, so we ended up here every freakin' night. It was really packed this night! I ordered a sex on the beach, which did not have nearly enough alcohol, and June got another funship, (he paid full price for one in a souvenir cup, since I had left mine on the lido deck) which was also pretty weak. So we never ordered drinks from the bar inside the club again. We stayed here til around 1:30 and then went back to our room.


Here we found our first towel animal.




Sammy the Seal. I love towel animals, and June thought they were pretty cool too. We placed Sammy on the dresser and drifted off to sleep.


End of Day 1 (FINALLY) Sea Day up next!

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First things first congrats on getting into law school! I know the feeling of getting that letter in the mail and there really is nothing quite like it.


Anyway, I absolutely love love loveeee your review! I really appreciate all the attention to detail. I'm hooked and waiting patiently for more :)

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This morning we woke up around 11am. We decided to place Sammy the Seal in the window so he would be all set to see Jamaica in the morning. It was so nice not to have to wake up to an alarm. However, I was not feeling well at all!!!!! My throat was hurting so bad, I could barely talk! I felt completely fine the day before, so I figured it might be because the air in the cabin was so dry. We went up the the lido deck and I grabbed some juice, and i felt better. Then we got in the line for the buffet. Breakfast was ok, the eggs were... well NOT eggs, and there was a bacon police guy. I have no idea with a bacon officer as long as he is there to hand out bacon. Our guy was MIA several times during the trip. After breakfast we found deck chairs on deck 10 aft, well ONE chair actually, so we shared it. It was always hard to find two chairs together that weren't being used by a towel or flip flop. Grrrr....... Deck ten aft was my favorite spot because we had great views like this one...




I loved watching the water off the aft, so I returned to this spot frequently.


And here is a peek down into the aft, adults only pool, area. This is also where the pizzeria is located, and another grille station. We hung out in our chair for a couple of hours, people watching, planning our day in Jamaica, and listening to our ipods. We started to hear alot of noise from the midship lido area around 1, turns out it was the hairy chest contest. I don't really care for it, and June was very uninterested so we went to see if we could reclaim our chair to share, but it was gone. *sadness*


We were getting pretty hungry anyway so we decided to head to the pizzeria. June went to find us a table and I got in line for our food. At the last second I decided to order a calzone for both of us, since I had never had one on the ship. They do take a MINIMUM of ten minutes to make, so be prepared for that. One day I actually waited about 25. So here's the other thing that I think is illogical. THEY NEVER HAD PIZZA READY! You would place your order and then slide down to the end of the counter to wait. Then when a pepperoni (the most popular) would finally roll out of the oven, it would be cut into quarters, the first four waiting would get a slice and everyone else would have to wait for another to be baked. I dont understand why they just werent putting the most popular pizzas through the even nonstop during lunch. That made the wait for calzones, which we came to love, even longer.


After I placed my order, the guy at the counter told me to come back in ten minutes to pick up my calzones. So i went inside the lido restaurant and got us some lemonades, found June at our table, sat down for five minutes or so, and then headed back to the end of the pizza counter, as instructed, to grab the calzones. YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE THE LOOKS I GOT!! You would think I had murdered someone's puppy by bypassing the super long line, and returning to the spot where I was to grab my calzones. The first man waiting asked very rudely if I wanted pizza, as if I didnt know he was first. I said no, I'm just picking up the calzones I ordered. Then a woman a few people back in the line started to complain that of course the line wasnt moving because people kept cutting. I generally just ignore people making rude and sarcastic remarks but this woman would not shut up! About two minutes later my calzones were brought up, I sprinkled my parm cheese on top, and walked past the woman and told her I hope she enjoyed her pizza. haha


The calzones were great! If you haven't tried one, I recommend it. Just go when they aren't busy. That day was also very windy! Several people walking "lost their plates." Make sure you hold them steady with two hands. Here is some hair evidence of the wind. And this was under the closed part of the deck.




The aft pool seemed to be where all the really drunk adults hung out. So it was great people watching for a while. We finally had enough of the wind at about 3, so we went back to deck 5 to browse the shops now that they were open. The gift shop had a pirate with a bird on its shoulder that sang the "HOT HOT HOT" song that I was really tempted to buy for my mom. It was 30 bucks though, sorry mom. We looked at all the shirts and picked out the things we might buy. We didn't purchase anything because I knew that there would be sales toward the end of the week.


At about 4 we headed back to our room, watched the welcome aboard show on tv, and took a short nap. Around six we got dressed for formal night. I wanted to take pictures,since June and I didnt have any real pictures together, and that led to the first and only argument of the trip. We made a deal that he, who hates taking pictures, would cooperate when I wanted to take some and I, who hates water, would get in the pool/ hot tub/ ocean, whenever he wanted. Well he just wasn't going to hold up his end of the bargain. And that led to a fight because he gets cranky when hes tired (our nap wasnt long enough) and I get cranky when I'm hungry. So we both went to dinner upset. When we headed to the dining room they informed us that there would be a bit of a wait for a table. Not a problem, there was plenty to see with all the couples getting THEIR pictures taken.


I'm really happy we had to wait about 15 minutes because it gave both of us some time to cool off. He apologized for not keeping up our deal and offered to go take pictures now. I apologized for being upset, but didnt want to go since we were going to get a table any second. So we walked down to deck 3 to just look at the different backgrounds and we each picked on to do after dinner. Just as we had decided, our buzzer went off, and we returned to the dining room.


This night we had a table rather than a booth and boy are those tables close together. Luckly we ere seated next to another young couple, who we chatted with, so it wasnt so bad. It was a little awkward though. At first we just typed messages to each other on my android LOL.


That night for starters we had fruit cocktail (me) and shrimp cocktail (June). Entrees prime rib (me) and lobster and shrimp (June). He loved his meal that night! You should've seen his face when I told him he could order another plate. Our waiter brought him another with no problem. He had the cherries jubilee for dessert, which he said needed more cherries, and I had Bitter and Blanc, which I didn't care for. The table next to us was celebrating a birthday, so a cake was delivered to them, and they were sung to. They offered us cake but we were so full that we politely declined.


Then we went to the show in the main lounge. I was called Nightclub Express??? i think. But we liked it alot! Then we headed to the Punchliner Comedy Club to catch the R rated shows at 10:45 and 11:45. There was an employee turning away those who looked under 18, and couldn't present an id. I guess my "skimpy" dress (as my dad calls it) made me look older because I wasn't asked for my id at all that night even though i ordered a drink.




I ordered the drink on the front of the menu because it was blue LOL and it was appropriately named the Punchliner. It was pretty good actually. We stayed for the 10:45 show, which was pretty funny, but decided to had over to the dance club before the next show started. We only stayed til about 12:30 because I wasn't feeling well again. Then it was off to bed, for Jamaica in the morning.


Here is Elijah the Elephant. We were all set to have him join Sammy the Seal! Then June said, "uhhh babe... i think Sammy ran away." Sure enough he was gone and I was devastated. I always wanted to make a towel animal zoo. R.I.P Sammy.




**Here are some things I forgot**

Our cruise director was Kevin Noonnan, known as Noonnan, pronounced Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnan. He was fantastic. Very funny.


We spent over 100 bucks on pictures, because the NON-PICTURE taking guy (June) liked all of them. I had to make him narrow it down to 4 of the 8x10's!!!

Here are two from this night






they are only blurry because i took a picture of them with my phone to upload them since i dont have a scanner...

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First things first congrats on getting into law school! I know the feeling of getting that letter in the mail and there really is nothing quite like it.


Anyway, I absolutely love love loveeee your review! I really appreciate all the attention to detail. I'm hooked and waiting patiently for more :)


Today I went to the mail box and had another acceptance letter!! to my first choice school! I was thrilled! Thank you for reading and the congrats



This is great! Love your writing! Keep it comin'! :)


Thanks! Its moving right along!


I'm really enjoying your review!! Glad you had a great time. Has June become addicted to cruises now?


thanks and yes he has!!! the day after he came back i caught him on youtube looking at videos of ships. he really wants to go on the dream but we may have to wait a couple years to afford that! law school aint cheap :eek:

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I am loving this review.......you are goind a fantastic job. Congrats on your acceptance letters. I just found this review and have sat here and read the whole thing, after finally running the kids out and turning the TV down...lol

You and your sweetie make a cute couple....

I can't wait to read more........

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