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Ww Needs Buddies To Lose Alot Of Weight For Nov 27th Cruise. Anyone Interested?


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Welcome Sheila! I just joined this little group too. I also just joined WW last Saturday. I've lost 37 pounds on my own, then gained 7 back... so I needed an extra boost so I'm trying WW. So far I'm loving it! I can really deal with it better than low-carbing like I had been doing.


Just got back from a cruise on the 2nd. I was down 30 pounds from my last cruise, so I was feeling pretty good about that. Now we are booking again for next February and I have about 50-60 more pounds to lose to get to goal. I'm sure I can do it!


Better go start supper. Brown rice, refried beans, salsa and a little cheese with a salad for me. Not sure what the rest of my family will be eating. Probably sandwiches and fries.


How do the rest of you handle meal making when cooking for a family? I've looked up a bunch of WW recipes and I think they will like most and not even know they are eating WW.


Talk to you later,


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Sheila,welcome to our little group..We are all here for the same reason...to lose weight and get support.


Sara,how many times a week do you have to weigh in on your program?And do they charge per week or per weigh in,just curious....

Leaving for Arizona in the morning so I will check my weight before I go and hope to make good choices while I am there. I will be back on Monday night,arriving into Logan late...

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week and upcoming weekend.


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Hello everyone,


Well, I am not on WW, I am on LA Weightloss, but I would love to be part of your weigh-ins. I joined LA in late Jan. and have already lost 21 lbs. My goal is to lose about 50 more by my Oct. 30th cruise. My first cruise was last Nov. with my husband (honeymoon) and although I made a commitment to myself to have fun no matter how I looked, looking back at the pictures I am not happy with my appearance. So, hopefully this time will be different.


I'm interested in how you feel about LA Weightloss???

I have an appointment there today :)

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Well, I had my weighin and I lost .8 pounds. :p I'm quite supprised since those chips got me last night.



For those that asked - I do LA Weightloss, I like it. It is $7 a week, but you have to pay it all up front. We weigh in 3 times a week. I usually go Mon, Wed and Fri. I like LA because it teaches you a healthy way of eating that you can use the rest of your life. During the weightloss phase you are restricted on alot of things, but once you get the weight off and you go into the maintenance phase you can start having some of those foods again. I haven't had mac&cheese in 4 months and I usually eat that like everyday. It's mostly just fresh meats, veggi's and fruits. Not alot of processed foods.

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It's so nice to see other people going thru the same stuff as me. I joined WW on Jan 9th and am down 29.6 pounds so far. I was hoping to be down by 45 by my May 14th cruise but don't think I will make the last 15 pounds in only 5 weeks. To keep myself motivated I set 15 pounds goals with rewards.


15 pounds- Girls Night out!

30- Massage

45- Manicure and pedicure (wanted this for cruise, will do it early anyways)

60- New hair cut and color (My husband has always wanted me to dye my hair brown, who knows?)

75- Full day at the spa


I've tried to do this on my own before but give up so quickly. I was always restricting myself too much. I love points because I don't feel like I've given up everything and I get enough to eat everyday. I save my flex points and use them on the weekend to eat something really good. Last weekend it was Mexican food at On the Border.


My biggest change has been exercise. I workout four times a week. 2 aerobics classes and two nights on my elliptical. I can't believe I've kept this up for 3 months. I hate to workout.


I'm down two sizes now. Was a 20 and now a 16. It's so frustrating that a 16 in womens isn't the same as a 16 in misses. Why is that? I'm so ready to fit into cute clothes again but can only get in a womens 16. Hopefully by summer this won't be a problem. I have to buy a whole new wardrobe for the cruise as none of my old summer clothes fit.


As far as the scale goes I am addicted to weighing myself each morning. My scale at home is probably within a pound of the WW scale at weigh in but it's nice to see my progress during the week. It also makes me a little stricter during the end of the week if I don't see it moving down. Can't wait for the cruise and the ability to physically do so much more walking, swimming, etc.



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evajean - You must be my twin! :p I also started in Jan. and was in a size 20. I have now lost 25.4 pounds and just got my new pair of size 16 jeans yesterday. None of my clothes fit anymore. I am also going to have to buy a whole new wardrobe for my Oct. cruise. I am on LA Weightloss though, it's easier with a friend. My friend has been sick this week, so I've been going alone. :( Anyway, I am also addicted to the scale. I just got a new digital one this weekend and it is about 2 pounds off from the LA scale, give or take .5 pound.I like to weigh in the mornings and then weigh in the afternoon after lunch to see how mcuh that food in my belly weighs.:D I know I'm silly. Keep giving us updates, we like to hear how everyone is doing.

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Good morning!


On another thread we have Thursday weigh-in so I finally weighed and and reported after not doing so in quite some time. I was so happy to report a 5.5 pound loss since I started WW last Saturday! That makes a total of 35.5 so far! (50 more to go)


We booked our next cruise last night! It's not until next February, but I'm still excited! I know I'll be at goal by then!


I don't know what got in to me this morning... before 6:00am I had done the dishes, sorted clothes and washed a load. Straightened up the livingroom and kitchen... It's such a beautiful, sunny day... I think that helped! My tulips are about to open up! Things are finally coming alive again and it gives me a new way to look at things too. Coming out of my "slump" and getting re-motivated again!


As long as I'm on a roll here this morning, I think I'll shower and get to the grocery store this morning. Need to get some ingredients for some WW recipes I found on line.


Have a wonderful day everyone!


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I don't know what's going on either. But, now that I am having to buy new clothes, I am picking really brite t-shirts and shoes. I used to only wear black. I guess I am more confident and the spring sunshine has something to do with it I'm sure.

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evajean - You must be my twin! :p I also started in Jan. and was in a size 20. I have now lost 25.4 pounds and just got my new pair of size 16 jeans yesterday. None of my clothes fit anymore. I am also going to have to buy a whole new wardrobe for my Oct. cruise. I am on LA Weightloss though, it's easier with a friend. My friend has been sick this week, so I've been going alone. :( Anyway, I am also addicted to the scale. I just got a new digital one this weekend and it is about 2 pounds off from the LA scale, give or take .5 pound.I like to weigh in the mornings and then weigh in the afternoon after lunch to see how mcuh that food in my belly weighs.:D I know I'm silly. Keep giving us updates, we like to hear how everyone is doing.


sarapdot- Are you able to get into the misses size 16 yet or just a womans 16? I'm so frustrated that I can't fit into misses clothes. I'm 28 years old and want to wear trendier clothes and have hated the plus size clothes I've had to wear for the past 8 years. Why do these sizes have to vary so much?

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sarapdot- Are you able to get into the misses size 16 yet or just a womans 16? I'm so frustrated that I can't fit into misses clothes. I'm 28 years old and want to wear trendier clothes and have hated the plus size clothes I've had to wear for the past 8 years. Why do these sizes have to vary so much?




Please can you explain "misses clothes" to me, I am from the UK and have never heard of this.

Many thanks,


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Hi everyone. I just got back from Las Vegas. I lost more money than weight there! I walked everywhere I could but the food choices weren't the best, even on the buffets. Right now I think I weigh more than when I started WW(only 2 pounds)so now am trying to figure out my next step. I have 10 coupons for WW left. I have no trips planned until the end of May so that may help. I know I am rattling, sorry. Just trying to decide if I want to stay on WW or go on my own. It has been a frustrating 3 months to date.

I see that everyone has been doing well, losing weight and working out. I started yoga and that is really great. I have the same problem with consistency in sizing in the U.S. We have "misses" and "womens" sizes here, the misses tend to be for more slender builds. So you can actually wear a 16 in misses and have a 16 in womens be too big on you! One of these days the manufacturers will come up with ONE sizing template. That way all the sizes would be the same across the board. I am tired of getting a 16 in some things and having to buy a 2X in others. No rhyme or reason!

Have to go do some laundry. Hope everyone is enjoying the weather! Here in Chicago it is going to be warm this weekend so we are going hiking at Starved Rock State Park. Talk to you all soon! Hang in there! Kristie:)

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I'm not sure if my new jeans are misses or womens. I got them at Old Navy on the clearance rack. But, now that I got new pants the weather has gotten hot! So, I guess it's back to the mall for some capri pants.:D Darn, I half to go shopping again!

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Had my last weighin of the week this morning and it isn't good news, I gained .6 back. :( But, I did go to this store called Rue 21, they sell mostly teen styles and sizes, and I got 2 shirts:D They are XL, but hey, a XL in a store like that is nothing like a XL in a regular clothing store. I am quite excited. My grandpa was put in the hospital yesterday for a heart attack. He was gonna go home this morning and he had another "spasm", so he can't go till tomorrow. And of course this meant that I HAD to have a real Starbucks drink to calm my nerves and I think that is where my .6 came from. I'm sure I'll lose it by monday, I hope:o ! Hope everyone has a good weekend.

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Hello everyone!


Well tomorrow is my 1st weigh-in after being on WW one week. My scale at home was showing a 5.5 pound loss, so I'm hoping it's as good on their scale. That will put me to a total of 35.5 then so far. I'll report back tomorrow and let you know for sure.


Found some good WW recipes on line and tonight I'm trying a baked veggie dish with zuchinni, tomato, parmesan cheese and reduced fat Bisquick. I'll make grilled chicken breasts to go with it. I marinate my chicken in Italian dressing. Has anyone ever tried that?! It's Sooooo good!


Had a little pampering this morning. Hair colored, eyebrows waxed and went tanning. Guess it's time to get busy around the house now!


I'll be checking in tomorrow with (Hopefully) good news! :D


Oh Lisa... about Misses sizes. Juniors are for teens basically (cut smaller), then comes Misses sizes (or what you'd consider "normal" sizes), then Womens or Plus sizes.


Take care,


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Hello everyone!



Oh Lisa... about Misses sizes. Juniors are for teens basically (cut smaller), then comes Misses sizes (or what you'd consider "normal" sizes), then Womens or Plus sizes.


Take care,



Thanks for the explanation Jean, I now know what everyone is talking about.

Keep up the good work,


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After week 1, I had my 1st weigh-in today at WW. I'm SO excited to report that I lost 6.8 pounds since last Saturday! So I'm down a total of 36.8 pounds! I should have ne problem getting to goal by the end of the year. Hoping to be there by the end of October actually, but I'm being realistic and not expecting too much, too fast.


Hope you all are having a great weekend.


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Back to WW yesterday for weigh in after a 6 month hiatus. Only a 1.5 lb gain after losing 40 lbs. I'm blamin' TOM. I have yet to hit the full 50 lb loss but before my cruise on June 8th I'm gonna do it! After all, I don't wish to be mistaken for a whale!!! Time to pull out the old WW Garden Vegetable Soup 0 point recipe standby. My leader has lost 120 lbs and what an inspiration! If she can do it, WE can do it.:)

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Well, I had my first weighin of the week and I'm back up another .4 pounds. I'm sure it was my 2 starbucks frappucino's this weekend. Plus with my grandpa being in the hospital I was a little stessed. I'm hoping to get back on track this week and get closer to 30 pounds lost. Hope everyone has a good weightloss week!

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Weigh in on Saturday went o.k. Down 1.6 for a total of 31.2. I think my TOM also added some water gain. By monday morning my scale was down another 1.5 from my weigh in on saturday. Cruise is only four weeks away. I hope to be down by 40 by then. I'm really dreading having to go buy a new bathing suit. At least it won't be the bathing suit dresses from the past. Hopefully with TOM gone I can keep my cravings in check this week and get down another two.



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Weigh in on Saturday went o.k. Down 1.6 for a total of 31.2. I think my TOM also added some water gain. By monday morning my scale was down another 1.5 from my weigh in on saturday. Cruise is only four weeks away. I hope to be down by 40 by then. I'm really dreading having to go buy a new bathing suit. At least it won't be the bathing suit dresses from the past. Hopefully with TOM gone I can keep my cravings in check this week and get down another two.




Well done Eva, you are doing great. I know you can get to 40lbs for your cruise, just keep focused.

Don't dread buying a new swimsuit, feel proud of what you have achieved and bask in the glory that you need one so much smaller now. Good luck,


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Hi Ladies,

It looks like we still have a lot of energy going on here;)I just returned from a brief trip to Arizona and this mornings scale shows a half pound loss...official weigh in is on Saturday and we will see if that holds up....


Have a good night and CONGRATS to all who lost this past week and keep a head up to those who are struggling.



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Thought I'd better pop in here again to say I'm still here and still doing well on the WW plan. Only on week 2, but I can tell that THIS is the plan for me! My meetings are on Saturdays, but I weigh-in here on another thread on Thursdays, so I'll update you then.


Hope everyone else is doing well! We CAN DO it!


Be good!


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