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Gem 10/30/11 review-Bermuda(Very Long-I'm a Writer)


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Loving the review! Keep it coming! Way too true about wanting to eat every 2-3 hours! ;)


I'm also a fan of your Blog, and I host my sports website on wordpress(self hosted though!) Loved your Panama Canal review!:)



"Oh you Gorgeous OLD rust Bucket you! Did you miss your Daddy?"-Captain H.M. Murdoch-2001

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Thanks for sharing your experience on the Gem. Loving your review, your humor and wit. Take your time, we understand some of us have to work to go on these wonderful cruises.:D. Looking forward to the rest of your review.


Thanks: I'm actually "semi-retired" due to medical issues from the primary careers of Teaching & Coaching Football(post Military, where all the injuries took place actually) but I run my own sports media business from home, and i'm owned by my 4-legged son Shlomo, a 6.5 yr. old "Russian-Jewish" English Bulldog.



"Learn to be Perfect with your Weapon and it will Save your life and the Lives of Others" U.S. Army Ranger Marksmanship Trainer to me

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Day 4(pt.1)-Bermuda Arrival (FINALLY!)-Wow…


On waking up at 06something(which means it’s o-too early-to steal a line from Robin Williams in “Good Morning Vietnam”) and looking out our balcony and seeing the island coastline all I could do was whistle and say “Wow,….loookit that water!” this of course woke Annrose up but instead of being annoyed at me she jumped up and exclaimed “We’re here!!” it took me a few minutes to figure out exactly where “here” was as I didn’t see the dock yard, until I turned on the ships’ navigation channel(on the iTV) and saw the path we had taken in! Once again the ships’ Navigation & Helms crew impressed me with how they “move” a vessel the size of the Gem around “obstacles” in the water! To avoid the reefs on the western side of Bermuda (and supposedly the “triangle”), all ships take an easterly course closer to St. Georges’ and then “hit and steer“ into a marked channel across the north side of the island, past Hamilton harbor to approach the dockyard from the east! So we were passing Hamilton as we watched sunrise begin (see photos below), Note how “clear & clean Blue” the water is!! We also got some shots of the TUG “powerful” moving into position to guide the GEM into the dock, and the Pilot boat…clearly, these “charts” have to be so precise so no large cruise ships run around on the reefs!


Well, as cool as this was we couldn’t “Dilly Dally” about, as we had to be among the first out on the dock for our tour to St. Georges, so we dressed for the day and headed up to deck 12 again for a quick breakfast (I had 2 boxes of special K this morning, and Annrose had a single one and we split a banana) “why did you make this tour the first day?” “because it wouldn’t be as crowded as it will tomorrow!” I said, and I was right (once in awhile I am according to DW!). There were only 17 of us, but more on that later. We first had to get off the ship. This was the one and only time we made use of David’s “Ability to get things done for us” (aside from a rest. resv.) as the concierge. I know he had his hands full with Suite Guests’ requests, so I didn’t feel it was my place to make a pest of myself, just because I was a CC’er who was writing a review and organized a M&G.


Regardless, he was outstanding! What a special asset he is to NCL! He asked Me why I had not called him until now “I Know your busy David” “not too busy for you Dr. Bill, and your going to tell me how you got those “medals” I saw you wearing at the Vip mixer the other night!” (I didn’t know he was a history buff) He took us down The “Dirty” dish elevator “Express” from deck 13 right to Deck 4 and the gangway! “this is “I-95” your walking in now folks, every crew member has to pass through here at some point during their work day, and about 1/3rd of us have quarters here”, as we moved through deck 4 inside. “ I Betcha it’s less traffic then the real I-95 in the Bronx during rush hour on a Friday” I said. As we got to the gangway, David said something to one of the security supervisors, who took our Key cards, swiped them and began to give us a quick safety talk. David stopped him with: “This man is Ex-American Military, I bet you he can give you a safety tip or two!” Score one for David, who clearly does “research” on his guests! Down the Gangway we went, onto Bermudian terra firma, out through the small customs building and onto the “Dock Arm” we walked to where we saw the taxis and tour group organizers lined up.....



"there are Pilots, then there are ARMY pilots…"

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Thanks: I'm actually "semi-retired" due to medical issues from the primary careers of Teaching & Coaching Football(post Military, where all the injuries took place actually) but I run my own sports media business from home, and i'm owned by my 4-legged son Shlomo, a 6.5 yr. old "Russian-Jewish" English Bulldog.





We are also owned by a 4-legged daughter, she's a 40 lb. German Shepherd mutt. She has trained the whole family for 14 years. My DH and I swear my two sons tell us they are coming home to visit us (29 - lives in Mystic, CT and 26 - lives in NYC) but it is really because they miss Casey and they come to visit and play with her.;)

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great review!!! we are on the gem in 2 weeks,I have 1 question if you dont mind. 1- you mentioned when you got to the peir the porter took your soda and water,no mention of wine there, later you said it arrived. Did the porter take your wine too, or did you have to carry it to pay the fee?



My daughter and I were on this cruise too. She brought two cases of soda with her and we had taped NCL luggage tags onto both cases. We left them with the porter on the pier along with our luggage. The cases of soda never made it to our cabin. NCL leaves the delivered luggage and soda OUTSIDE your room in the hallway. The Purser said they checked EVERY room on board, yeh right, and could not find our soda. They replaced the diet Pepsie but did not have Cranberry Splash Sierra Mist on the ship. They offered a pitcher of cranberry juice in place of the soda. We took the diet Pepsie but declined the pitcher of cranberry juice. My word of warning would be to carry your soda onboard with you. The chance of it being picked up before you get to your room to place it inside is pretty good. Our room was ready when we boarded so it would not have been a problem to drop it off as soon as we boarded. Enjoy your cruise.

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Day 4 Part 2-The first Tour-St. Georges’ & St. Davids islands


We found “Hayley” the NCL Shore tour rep. right where David said she’d be. She directed us to “Willy” (who was standing just behind me!) and he in turn sent us to the Tour operator, who gave us our “stickers” in return for our tour ticket stubs. We had a wait for the ferry so as we walked over we snapped a few more shots of the dockyard area, and grabbed a few bottled waters for the trip. About this time we realized that there were only 15 of us on this tour, and that 10 were related to each other!(five sisters & their husbands, plus three other sisters(unrelated to the 5) who were traveling together!) The two MIA’s were also part of the group of 10, one was “Ill” and the spouse wouldn’t leave the other.


While we waited for the ferry we made small talk with one of the Bermuda tour guides and each other, and I met “Jim”, one of the 5 sisters’ husbands. As we got to talking, Jim & I discovered we had something in common. He was an old Army “Special Forces” hand, a Communications & Crypptography NCO (the MOS designation of 18E) with both “Cuban Crisis” and Early Nam experience. We discussed broken body parts, which of course drew “we’re on Vacation” comments from both our wives! We boarded the ferry and met some more CC’ers from our Roll call/M&G who were doing their own thing this trip. Jim & Jolene (JVSNANA) and BEN & JERRY we’re headed to St. Georges as well as FLOWERS 44…


For anyone planning a trip to Bermuda, the Ferry system is the way to get around! You can get just about anywhere by Ferry in well under an hour as opposed to the busses, which could take up to 2 hours end to end if your traversing the entire Island. We settled in for what was supposed to be a 42 minute ride that was considerably shorter (more like 32 minutes). Guess the Pilot had a ”Heavy Hand” on the throttles! We’d find out more about that on the return trip.


The “channel” between the Dockyard & St. Georges is actually two “lanes.” The “inner” is used by personally owned boats & the Ferry system and the “Outer” is the one used by the cruise ships and the Freight ships that deliver goods to Bermuda., and is considerably wider, about 250+ yards…


Once we got to the dock in St. Georges we were directed into groups by the Tour operators’ representative and the three taxi drivers/Tour guides split us up between their three Mini van Taxis. We drew Mr. Leo Simons, a fine gentleman who upon noticing my “UH-60 Blackhawk” T-shirt began referring to me as his “Co-Pilot,”

and later “teach” and “Doc” I also found out one of the other guides was also a Minister who had just lost one of his worshippers’ sons to gang violence just that morning. We also conversed at stops along the way…


Our first stop was a park with a garden that held some secrets as well, like a 400+ year old tomb. Annrose got a shot of a Gekko eating a bug as well as the 400 year old palm trees and some native flowers. Next stop, the Bermuda perfumery and garden, and the oldest church in St. Georges and the first “White House” on the island. The tour also took us to Ft. St Catherine, St. David’s lighthouse, past the Airport which had been the U.S Navy/U.S. Airforce Base (Naval Air Station Bermuda & prior to that Kindley AFB) It was also the LONGEST Air strip in the Atlantic at just over 2 MILES (11,000 ft.) in order to accommodate an emergency landing of the US space shuttle if needed. It was also part of the Joint USAF/NASA Space command and was used as a tracking station for space shots until it’s deactivation about 15 years ago.


Currently industrialist Ross Perot rents one of the former(U.S.) Government hangars to keep his flying toys stored. He is also one of the many persons of “interest & wealth” with homes in Bermuda (so is NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg-Not one of my favorite people since he has a "thing" for NYC teachers-of which I was one of for 26 years).


We also got the “scoop” on the “white” roofs on all the buildings. They are painted in white limestone and sloped with ridges to slow the flow of rainwater to be caught and stored. Bermuda has no fresh water sources since it’s volcanic rock. No rivers, lakes or streams. So all the water is rainwater, except for what is “shipped in” during a draught like they are currently experiencing. Some of the larger water catchment areas, like the ones for the Princess Hotel, are on the hillsides on walled parts of the property. We’d learn more about this tomorrow on our “private” tour with one of the island’s top guides.

(note: I had attached another 10 photos but when i attached these three the 1st 10 vanished!)



("Energetically will I meet the Enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might.")

Line 5 of the U.S. Army Ranger Creed....

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Day Four Part Three-Lunch In St. George, the ferry back and briefly meeting a “Real American Hero” & fellow cruiser at Dinner…


As we ended the tour back in St. Georges town square, we were reminded that we had two and a half hours to the next ferry back to the Dockyard. That gave us plenty of time for a local lunch and some shopping. Since we were a bit beat and my back was beginning to spasm (can you say Ibuprofren 1000Mg.? I can). We walked all of 15 feet into the white horse pub, and got a seat in the shade on the deck! So when folks tell you things are costly in Bermuda (esp, eating out), believe it! But it (lunch for 2) was only “slightly higher” then what you’d pay in most NYC establishments. We had a large salad (Garden, we shared it), and two apps. (Grilled Shrimp & “breaded whaoo bits”-one of the local fish) and two drinks (Diet coke for me, Iced Tea for DW) with the included tip….$57….but it was very tasty. Wahoo tastes Like Breaded chicken BTW….


Next, some local shopping, a “Bermuda Shorts” magnet, our first Rum cake (chocolate!) and a small pr. of earings for DW, and a Bermuda key ring for me, and a much needed “extra Diet cola” post lunch. Now we began to run into our fellow roll callers again, who all told us of their exploits. I was sorry I couldn’t walk around some more, But DW left me with her Camera & all our swag while she explored the shops some more. We both grabbed a few more pics and relaxed in the shade until it was time to walk the 50 or so yards back to the ferry dock. We re-joined a camera conversation with “the 3 sisters” and compared Sony, Fuji & Nikon camera brands, and looked at all the minnows and salt water guppies (thousands) aside the dock in the shallow water (too much glare for a pic!). It had already reached 81 degrees and the humidity was rising a bit so the AC on the ferry was a blessing. A very productive day sealed with a Wish & a Kiss!(see Photos)


We dropped our stuff at the cabin and boogied up to 12 Fwd. and the Spa’s Hot Tub & Therapy Pool! Great cure for the back pain (the Therapy Pool!) and you can also do some resistance training as well. By 7:30 we had had enough of the Spa and it was time to get back to the cabin and dress for dinner. Again, we’d do Magenta, even though we’d almost did room service, but the choices were a bit on the light side.

This cruise was just as much about “freestyle Dining” from me as it was about relaxation.


Sometimes I think I’m losing my mind thanks to a case of early onset adult MS. I can be “flustered easily” and this happened to me waiting to be seated at Magenta when I misplaced my key card in my crappy brand named travel wallet. “excuse me Son, were you an Army Pilot?” I turned to face an older man with glasses and white hair, about 6”1” standing behind me with his wife. I dropped my wallet on the floor and everything in it fell out. It took me a moment to calm down but I answered “yes Sir, and you as well?” (He had a Vietnam Veterans Association pin on his jacket and the same “U.S. Army Aviation Pin” I wear on my bush hat) “Yes, I was with the 143rd, the Ghost Riders of the 7th Cav. , Under Hal Moore” Then when I faced him full on he saw my Night Stalkers pin. “A NIGHT STALKER? I’m honored!” I wouldn’t find out for 2 more days who this man was, but I had just met one of the most famous pilots in U.S Army History, a Genuine Hero, a man who had “Been There, Done That’ and got the tin to prove it!


It bothered me all through the Kung Pao Chicken and Jasmine rice. Where did I hear about the ghost riders? Who was that? Was I rude and disrespectful not to remember? (what a “jackwagon” I felt like) “Eat your dinner Bill, you’ll remember, you remember everything, but how you have room in that head of yours I don’t know” said DW. I almost didn’t want another night cap of my Blackberry Apple Cider wine, and I didn’t get very far with Petty Officer Lutrell’s book. I fell asleep with the wheels still turning on the “ghostriders”




"Forget about your troubles folks, It's all about Good Rock & Roll, Frying Tires, and Football…" Coach Jerry Glanville

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Dr. BILL..wow...thank for being a military member....not to mention this great review we are headed to Bermuda on the dawn next may...



My grandfather was a ww2 naval gunners mate on the Vicksburg.


He was at Okinawa and iwo jima ...he loved veterans day to show his pride and medals I still have his tags...So to you I salute you...and enjoy your day tommorow ....THANK YOU..from me and my family...god bless!



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Dr. BILL..wow...thank for being a military member....not to mention this great review we are headed to Bermuda on the dawn next may...



My grandfather was a ww2 naval gunners mate on the Vicksburg.


He was at Okinawa and iwo jima ...he loved veterans day to show his pride and medals I still have his tags...So to you I salute you...and enjoy your day tommorow ....THANK YOU..from me and my family...god bless!




Hey, Dr. Football, Just another "Thank You for your service" and more Veteran's Day good wishes - I'll be putting a 10 clip of APIs down range out the Lite 50 tomorrow in your honor.

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Sorry Folks, I'm sure everyone is aware of what's happening at Penn State the last few days, Which has absorbed my last two radio shows(last night at tonight). However I will get another installment out at some point tomorrow! Thanks to all of you for your support, and your kind words regarding my service to our nation. I will Be "marching" in the "Saturday" parade here on L.I. with my brothers of the L.I. chapter of the Wounded warriors foundation, which will end @ Eisenhower park where the Veterans memorial that my Father in Law helped get built stands.


Tan: My thanks go out to you as well for your time serving our Uncle, and don't let that "big Fella" kick ya too hard!

Also,..I know you have a cruise coming up so enjoy yours as well. I had planned to go out to the range today with My Colt Combat Commander & my Springfield M1A2(civ. Legal M14) and kick off a few, but a client in Brooklyn needed her iMac Serviced....Duty calls...


MacFin: if I miss something you need to know, just ask...My Private Guide-Duke Soares (which I will get into more in the next segment) gave us a "wealth" of stuff...


Jim,..thanks again for the support, as I told Coka, Coming from CC/NCL cruising royalty that the two of you are, your compliments mean a great deal to me...I hope you saw the Photo of the Medal Jenny Lim (the Gem's AHD) sent over...


Also, today is the 236th birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps, so let's give thanks our "Brothers in Arms" for being the "first to fight" whenever asked. I knew some fine Marines that lost their lives on Oct. 23rd 1983 in Lebanon...I had the honor & pleasure of flying"Support & Combat Search & Rescue" missons for them for 171 days, until we were re-called to prepare for Grenada.



A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to the "United States of America" for an amount of “up to and including my life".

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DrFootball - that's where I am from - Penn State Country :( - so I am very sad about the whole situation. The news van that was thrown over on its roof is the station that I used to work for (can't say I didn't smile a *little* when I saw it upsidedown ;)) So I can imagine how busy you are.


But I have enjoyed reading your review. Welcome back!!!! I have been waiting for this!

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DrFootball - that's where I am from - Penn State Country :( - so I am very sad about the whole situation. The news van that was thrown over on its roof is the station that I used to work for (can't say I didn't smile a *little* when I saw it upsidedown ;)) So I can imagine how busy you are.


But I have enjoyed reading your review. Welcome back!!!! I have been waiting for this!


Thanks for the kind words Re: review.


The Situation(@PSU) is esp. hurtful for me because 2 friends who mentored me as a Coach and have granted me interviews as a media person are assts. on that Staff(of course I can't say who, but they are both older gentlemen who have been there many years) and I expect will be out of jobs shortly, even though they have absolutly nothing to do with this....Not to mention the possibility(as we discussed on our show tonight) that The NCAA & the Federal Gov't will close the football program for up to 36 months if instructed to do so by the U.S. Education dept.

I also have a friend who is a native Bermudian(and fellow Football Media type) who played WR there from 1988-1992, and must be devastated about now.....



If you are able to read this, Thank a Teacher(your welcome)! If you are reading this in English, Thank a "soldier"(again, Your Welcome!)

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Good morning Dr.Football,


Thank you for your service. Reading about the number of others you met who served our great country is really touching.


My own father (age 91) is going out to Applebee's today for their honoring of Veteran's complimentary meal. He is one of last ones around from WWII and Korean War. We went to Disney's special hotel last year and Dad was amazed at the number of veterans and enlisted men who came up to him and thanked him.


Your review is just the way I like it - long, detailed and in installments (which makes the anticipation to the next one higher). Thanks for taking the time to share your wonderful time with us.


I agree - Jenny Lim AHD is a wonderful lady who does her job superbly. I first met her almost a decade ago when she was guest relations on the Sea. I've seen her a couple of times this year and it's great that she has earned AHD position.:)

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(Note: I had tried to get something a little longer out to you all today, but i'm also working on a large project involving the 25th Annv. of the NY Giants SB XXI team and Victory,and trying to follow the days' College FB events, as well as my Big Showcase project for next March in Akron OH. More tomorrow-Bill)


Day 5 Part 1:

Again, Annrose wasn’t a fan of getting up early this morning, esp. since both of us had a little bit of trouble sleeping overnight because we couldn’t “regulate” the room temperature correctly. If we made it warmer we’d wake up bathed in sweat, and not from having “fun” ;-) if we made it colder we were freezing, even with all the covers on. This was the one and only time this happened the whole trip though.


This morning we were able to take a little more time with Breakfast like we had during the two sea days, since we were doing a private tour. We also managed to get there a little sooner then the day before, to the same crowds. NCL sure knows what they are doing with the Garden Café’ buffet stations.


I had heard a few strange food requests in my day, but the one I just heard was the best. “ 6 eggs over easy”…Huh? The person making that request was a tween, who was about 75 pounds soaking wet! “6? where ya gonna put all that Protein son?” I said “ “I’m in Training” he answered. “For what? Special Forces Q school?” Seeing my dog tags and my hat his eyes lit up and he said “sir, were you in Special Forces?” “No son, I was a Pilot, but I spent some time in special operations flying those fine men around, and I graduated Ranger school. That’s not bad protein, but that’s too much at one sitting, and if you do too much of that for too long your tubes will get loaded down with plaque. I’d hate to see that happen to you.” (I was also speaking from personal experience as I was due to see a cardiologist after the trip because of problems with my legs & plaque build up). He looked at me very seriously and said “Thank you sir, I’m going to be a Navy Seal someday,” and moved on with his 6 eggs and 12 slices of bacon. G-d bless.


We took the elevator down to deck 4, out the gangway to a chorus of “good morning sir” “good morning Ma’am” from the gangway team. Down the plank we went back through the customs house, onto the dock arm. Again, the shuttle ”train” was out on a run so we walked slowly toward the taxi staging area. Annrose spotted the sign with our names on it before I did. “Honey, that’s Duke right there in the pink Bermuda shorts with the sign.” So it was.


“Hello sir. Hello Ma’am I trust your both having a fine morning thus far. I’m Duke, your guide for today.” We got into Duke’s very spacious Taxi and began our tour. At first when planning this trip we both had some concern about hiring a private guide for the day, but thanks to CC I had been able to do a great deal of research. Without ever speaking to Duke on the phone, something in reading about him on the Bermuda forum here told me I wouldn't be making a mistake. We didn't and we had not!

Duke understood our limitations physically and was quite understanding in what we wanted to see. He was also happy that we were active participants and was only too happy to converse with us and answer our questions.



"We sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us." — Winston S. Churchill

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Thank you Barb! Yes, Jenny is a Special person and we were truly honored to get to know her during this trip. She was all to happy to give us an impromptu "interview" (which was really more like a conversation!) on the state of the cruise industry, her time in it, and NCL's Goals. Just a very Genuine person.


Re: Applebees: we didn't go last night because I know the 3 locations close to us would be packed and Annrose had to work yesterday(shameful that many "corporate" entities don't give employees off for a national holiday!) and we needed to do some shopping after she got off, so we went to the(on of our local) diner. They were also offering a "free Beverage" of the customer's choice to any vet with their dinner. Please thank your Dad for me as well for his service to our nation. Without their generation, what we have done since then would mean nothing, if we'd even be here.



"A Ranger Platoon is Like a BLOWTORCH, it's cuts through anything in front of it, anything standing in it's way" Gen. Carl Steiner: U.S. Army Special Operations Command-From the Tom Clancy Book "The Shadow Warriors"

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Thank you Barb! Yes, Jenny is a Special person and we were truly honored to get to know her during this trip. She was all to happy to give us an impromptu "interview" (which was really more like a conversation!) on the state of the cruise industry, her time in it, and NCL's Goals. Just a very Genuine person.


I met Jenny last April and got to know her better this past October. NCL should be very proud of her; she couldn't be a better ambassador for them.

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Day 5 Part two: The Grand tour of Bermuda with Duke


As we drove out of the dockyard, we saw a wall where many ships’ crew had painted their logos. Duke took us along a “back road” where we saw a small island where those who had Leprosy were kept in early times. Then past a small church that was one of the early churches on the island’s west end. Next it was on to Fort Scaur. Duke Explained: “ this was the one and only time a gun was ever fired from Bermuda at an invading force, and if the Spaniards had kept coming my name might be Jose now.” One of the land owners that the fort overshadowed belong to the Mott’s Apple juice family.


After we passed some more south shore beaches, it was time for a stop at Gibbs hill Lighthouse. I knew there was no way I was going to climb the 185 steps to the top, but I’d be content with a good amount of Photos, which we got! We even saw the ship at dockyard!


We also saw the “worlds’ smallest draw bridge. Duke criss-crossed the Island twice, showing us both the Harbor and south shore beaches. We had another rooster sighting which Annrose got a (several actually) shot of, as well as some birds in a private sanctuary. We also saw a Garden Pond in the shape of Bermuda. Duke also told us why the economy was so “difficult” “Say you pay 23K for a car in the states, I have to pay 46K for the same car!) Everyone who comes here thinks tourism is the #1 income earner, but it’s banking and Re-Insurance that make money here.”

Other sights included Irish Poet Tom Moore’s tavern, and some good shots of the Princess Hotel.


Duke went a little into his background: “at first glance and on hearing me speak, most people think my roots are British. But I’m from the Azore islands, so my ancestors are from Portugal “ We also found out that his wife Sandra was the Dockmaster at St. Georges!


We finished off the tour at the Aquarium and saw the Giant sea turtles in the outdoor tank, as well as spent some time on the bridge next to the tank looking for rays and neon minnows! It was a fast 4 hours. You would need more like 6-7 to do the entire Island. Duke dropped us off on Front St. in Hamilton, and we said our goodbyes and got a shot (Annrose did) of Duke & I. What a delightful morning.


We grabbed a light snack at a coffee shop/lunch spot called Common Ground (which had Wi-Fi!) and then we continued our quest for “Bermudian” Goods. We didn’t buy any clothing, but plenty of that was available for whom ever wanted. I had wanted to go to the “iStore” which was the only Authorized Apple reseller in Bermuda (which would have extended my streak of Apple stores visited to 97) but my Back was talking to me quite loudly at that point, and after getting directions to exactly where it was from another shopkeeper, it was time to think about the Ferry terminal and the next ferry back to Dockyard and the ship. While we waited we saw a smaller Cruise ship (the Seven Seas Navigator) get “pushed” into dock by one of the Tugs.


Even though we cut the shopping part of the day short we had picked up our first RUM Cake, plus some Jam & Steak Sauce, and a few other items, including the “tee” shirt that everyone must have from vacation. You could tell that Hamilton was a rich mix of old world Bermuda and the modern day.


We Made the 3:30 Ferry, got back to the ship for a late lunch, and a spa visit between Lunch & Dinner(what's that saying about eating every 2 hours on a cruise?)



"Forget about your troubles folks, It's all about Good Rock & Roll, Frying Tires, and Football…" Coach Jerry Glanville

Bill's Brainiac Random Quote Generator V0.95 final beta for Mac

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Review Day 6(part 1)-Last day in Bermuda & Sail away, plus a “Steak “ to remember…



We had kept the last day in Bermuda “Open” for shopping & browsing. We were supposed to have lunch with a Sports media friend of mine who was a native Bermudian, but the two of us had to settle for a Phone call as he had to work Noon-9Pm every Friday. Annrose & I Finally Made the “train” tram shuttle round trip today! I almost wished I had not after he hit a few dips in the pavement, my back began to “talk” again. As we got out at the second stop near the glassworks, I had to sit down and take another pill. I “roasted a bit” in the sun while Annrose went into the “Drug Store” and grabbed a few waters. I was able to get up and slowly walk in with her, and we did a little more shopping. I grabbed another “grilling” sauce from Outerbridge’s, this one for Fish & Poultry, and a Pot Holder. I almost bought another bag to pack it all in, but we were going to get one of NCL’s rolling tote bags at the Duty Free.


The smell of eggs cooking made me hungry again, even though I had eaten just a few hours ago. Outside my back was still kicking it to me, so we moved slowly to another bench outside of the glassworks, while I contemplated the amount of Rum cakes we had to buy as gifts. This drew a stern look from DW with the comment “we’ll ship some home! I’m not carrying all that Rum CAKE!”


We prowled the glass works first, and after a few minutes I had to sit again, but I got a solo demonstration of glass carving from one of the experts. DW found the necklace she wanted. I had wanted her to pick out something for the house as well, but nothing appealed to her. Then we moved over to the other side of the building and bought the rum cakes. All of a sudden (after a taste test) DW was MORE then willing to spend some extra money on Rum Cake as Holiday gifts…


Of course we still shipped a few larger ones home, and directly to those we were “gifting.” We were going to do the museum, but my back was really bad now and I knew it wasn’t going to let me walk around anymore. While we were still in the Glassworks we met up with CC’ers BILL & JILL. When I told her my back was out she asked me “how are ya gonna get back” to the ship. “oh I’ll manage”


As we got back on the “train” shuttle “Jimmy (not cliff) jumped on behind us and began to play guitar as he did every afternoon over by customs house when folks are re-boarding the ship. Another photo op…


Now I wanted “back” to the spa, but we wanted to do sail out topside somewhere, so after a quick hot shower and a “thermal” wrap, we headed upstairs. Topsiders was cooking some steaks outdoors, but we walked forward to Bali-Hai and DW had a Chicken Breast wrap and I had a Burger, then we walked back past the sports court and rock wall and down the steps to the great outdoors, and some more pleasant conversation with fellow CC’ers who were getting in position for sail out.



"You Know, I joined the Army for the same reason you Did, That's to kick A$$ just like in the old war movies. You Know, Be a Hero. That's what i'm looking for in You. A First class All-American hero with his heart and brain wired together cooking full tilt boogie for freedom and justice"- Tommy Lee Jones to Nicholas Cage in the movie FIREBIRDS-1991

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Part 2


After I grabbed a salad to coast with and some diet S.Mist, DW grabbed a few brownies. Sheldon & Scott came by and got a table behind us and Scott wanted to look at (through) Annrose’s Camera..


Then after about 15 minutes, The Man I briefly spoke with the other night at Magenta sat down with his wife a few tables away. It was still bothering me from the other night, “who was that Man?” After 45 minutes I just got up, walked over, and apologized for the other night, and thanked him for his service as well. He invited me to join him and his wife at their table, and after I grabbed our stuff I introduced myself. He stretched out his hand and I saw the scar on his right arm, not unlike the one on my chest. “Guy Miller, U.S. Army Retired” he said. I choked on an ice cube in my mouth and almost fell out of my Chair. “THE Guy Miller? I said, “from the battle of the Ia Drang Valley in 1965?” “Guilty as charged” he smiled at me. Now it all came together! (and again, I felt like a Jackwagon from the other evening!) I was sitting next to, and had shaken the hand of, the second most decorated flight officer in the US Army’s History! Now I remembered where I had read about the “Ghost Riders!”


It was an entire three days of class work at Fort Rucker’s Aviation History training during basic flight school! The only man to be decorated more then Col. Miller was LT. Col. Bruce Crandall of the 229th, the other flight unit from the 7th calvary (and featured in the Mel Gibson Movie “We were soldiers once, & Young”) which would much later become my first unit. Col. Miller had every decoration except the Medal of Honor, which Col. Crandall did get 41 years later at the White House in 2006!


Guy started to go back into helicopter history with me, back to the early days. Telling me stuff I had only read about in books! The time ran together and it was almost sail out time. We started talking about what led me to quit College the first time to enlist, and he told me about how he had almost been selected for Delta Force in 1981 when they needed a new Intelligence officer. “they put me in the room with Charlie Beckwith(delta’s first CO) and a Major(Kannady) and two Captains, One a Blonde”…..I had a look on my Face at that point. “sir, I said, Did the Blonde Captain stand about 6’3” and look like an NFL fullback, with similar eyes and cheeks to me?” I Said?” Guy looked at me funnily. “Sir, You crossed paths with my Cousin Pat!”

“Well I’ll be, He was the only one that liked me & recommended me for the job!

Beckwith overruled him because he didn’t like pilots! We saw each other about a dozen times after that at Bragg! I went back to planning for the 18th corps (the Parent Unit of the 82nd Airborne division) and he went on to whatever he was doing…” I caught him up on Pat’s doings to the present day and how most of us in my family had to be crazy..


Guy was about to retire as a Lt. Col when the Army offered him a teaching job @ the “High School” on the Hudson (West Point) so he had been able to make full Bird…


As Sail out began he and his wife went to grab dinner, we exchanged cards and cabin #’s and I offered to buy him a beverage ASAP. He paid me a heavy compliment “My generation set a fine tradition for yours to follow, I’m glad to see at least some of you did so.” Again, I blushed like a schoolgirl at a Jonas brothers’ concert. ”That’s a mighty large compliment coming from you Sir with what you’ve done!”


As they left, I was able to quickly introduce Annrose to Guy and his wife, and we made plans for breakfast the next morning.


After another walk around deck 13 we headed back to our cabin to get ready for Cagneys. “Honey, That Was Col. Guy Miller!” “see, I told you you’d remember”

Of course she had no idea, but I filled her “In” as we got ready for dinner.


Dinner at Cagney’s is supposed to be “a Cut above.” Some folks on CC had felt that maybe it was losing it’s lustre on some of the ships in the NCL fleet. I’m happy to report to you all that that couldn’t be the furthest thing from the truth, at least on the GEM. The “Cagney’s experience” is something everyone must try at least once if you cruise NCL.


We decided to bring up one of our bottles of wine, the Tisdale merlot my TA gave us.


We had been keeping it cold in our bucket in cabin since the early Am. After our asst. waiter de”corked” it, I had the “sniff” and a small taste. While I don’t consider myself an expert, I am a voracious reader. This was a good dinner merlot, and I was going to “enjoy it.” (and I did, about half the bottle on my own!) Two of the ships’ officers were seated at a table near us, and I saw the asst. Cruise director “Bingo” Joel seated in a corner with two older women(who must have won @ Bingo!). We had the Shrimp Cocktail and our salads ahead of our steaks. I had the Ribeye & DW had the small Filet. All I could say was “wow, that was the best steak I had in some time.” Even though we had dessert we saved room for the “chocolate” buffet afterwards. The Ship was beginning to hit the low pressure front that would give us about 20+ hours of 21+ ft swells and almost 60MPH winds the next day.


So we called it a night with full stomachs and an extra plate of chocolate goodies in our room, and for me, the mystery of "the Ghost Riders" solved.




A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to the "United States of America" for an amount of “up to and including my life".

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(again my apologies for the delay in finishing this. I will post a link to all the photos we could not post here ASAP)


Day 7-The final countdown, What’s all this ”turbulence” about, and disembarking a lot easier then Embarking!


We woke up this morning to very rough seas, reminding this ex-soldier of the only time he spent any extended time on a Navy Helicopter carrier (the USS GUAM) for over water flight qualification in late 1982. I popped my head on the toilet bulkhead. The winds were well in excess of 50 MPH and we had 20+ ft. waves. So much for walking deck 13 or 7 this morning!


It didn’t look like we were going to make too many of the “last Sea Day” activities, but we’d shop, and try to walk around some between eating! We hit Breakfast and our sit down with Guy Miller & his wife. Wonderful people. Their first time to Bermuda as well, but their 7th cruise and 3rd on NCL. We made small talk comparing cruises and land vacations. The ladies went up for another round of juices and teas, and Guy asked me “Dr. Bill, are you really writing a book about your active duty time?” “Yes Sir” I replied. “Not because I feel I have any great story to tell, but because it’s just something that should be told.” “Well then, if you need anyone to read some chapters for you please let me know, I’d be glad to” Wow, this is the second time in two days a “Senior Retired Officer” who barely knew me and only briefly knew a cousin of mine paid me a huge compliment!


After Breakfast it was time for one last spa trip, so we went to cross the pool deck and saw the yellow rope barriers barring anyone from the pool deck! We’d have to go down to 11 and around. Getting there was half the fun, leaning on walls and holding one to hand rails! At one point I thought we’d pack it in and go back to the room, but we made it! We were rewarded with a half empty Spa pool area as it was rocking a bit too much for some, and even me!


So we shortened up our stay to only about 45 minutes, and decided to relax in our room until we were hungry again. We actually began to do some packing of our “waaay too much” stuff (did I say early in the review-NEVER AGAIN? I did, ok)


Someone down the hall from us actually had a countdown clock in paper on their door to disembarkation. Guess they weren’t having that much fun. At one point we pitched up and down so much (besides the “side to side”) that I thought we were on a Submarine diving, but hey, one bad day out of seven.


After a late lunch (because we finished the “Chocolate Buffet Goodies”!) we would do some of the last minute Duty free shopping, and hope to say good bye to a few ships Officers & Crew who made the trip extra special. A lot of our roll callers were also making their last rounds. In the Duty free shop, I thought about that bottle of Johnny Walker Blue (or Green for that matter!) and passed, as it would be one more thing to have to carry off tomorrow morning. We did get an extra Bag to pack someof our too much stuff home in.


As the day wore on the Seas got rougher, but then began to lessen somewhat as we neared dinner. We were going down late to eat since we only had some last momentary packing to do by then. The Fabulous Jenny Lim visited with us at dinner, and helped me “connect” with one of our roll callers who got me some sea glass (Thanks so much Rene!!) I set the Alarm on my phone to 6 am. And then fell off…


And awoke to Dockside at pier 88! My phone automatically corrected itself to standard time from daylight savings, and went off at 6 am Bermuda time-7am NY time!! So we missed a cloudy sail in, but the cover was breaking.


We got dressed and took our carry offs out with us and up to get some seating on 12 at the garden café…we picked a late step off as we were in no rush to get back to home and the possibility of a neurotic bulldog whining for the next 3 days.


At breakfast, DW fired up her iPad and I turned on the hot spot so she could see the puppy spa cam….there he was being “mesuggina “ as ever.


A few more good byes and our color was called, we hit the rear elevators down to 7 to stand in line. A last good bye from Jenny and Joseph her boss, and they directed us to the rear ramp that we came up 7 days ago ”easier on you for walking!”

We checked out and down the ramp we went, picked up our bags in the terminal, got a porter and were out on the street waiting for our car by 10:40 from a 9:50 tag call.



My final Thoughts: already spoke about packing too much.

A Great Cruise overall, with only 3 issues.


a) The terminal personnel need to do a better job of informing the pax about boarding delays.

b) The Embarkation process for “disability assistance” pax needs to be improved somehow.

c) Dining experience was Excellent except for one night in Magenta, where service was slightly spotty.



Whatever the ships officers and crew Earn in salary it should be increased by 50%!



("Energetically will I meet the Enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might.")

Line 5 of the U.S. Army Ranger Creed....

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Thank you for taking me on your journey Dr. Football. What a wonderful review. As you know, we loved the Gem.


We will be returning to the Dawn in August. This will be a trip back to Bermuda from my homeport, Boston.


I hope we will be on the same cruise someday. Best wishes to you and your wife.

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