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First dive.......Last dive??


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Went to Fort Lauderdale last weekend, 12-09-2011, and figured I could do my 2 dives to qualify for "Scuba" and then see if I wanted to go farther. Little did I know that Mother Nature was gonna take an active hand in it. It's not nice to fool with her, let me tell you. When we went out, it was raining, the wind was coming in @ 20 knots, with 8' waves. To say the least, for a first-time diver, this was not the way it was sposed to be. I got suited up, sickern' a dog, but finally made the giant stride in. It was terrible. I put my snorkle in first but the waves kept loading it up and I was starting to panic for breath. Finally got my regulator in and my DM finally said let's go under. We did 32' for about 45 minutes(I was gulping air), and on the ascent up, my equalibrium was so off, I was sick before we even broke water. To say the least, I did not do the 2nd dive. And may very well never do the 2nd dive. We're doing a cruise out of SJ in Feb and wanted to have the "Scuba" certification, so don't know what I will do now. I have never ever in my life felt so helpless and dependent upon one person as I did in that water that day. I am a very independent individual and don't like that feeling. So, guess time will tell.



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I'm not understand the two dives, had you done two of the four required dives earlier, or was this your first experience in the ocean? Either way, you're a brand new at something that is potentially scary. Don't give up, diving is a wonderful experience. Try it again, but on a calm sea day. That was terrible weather for a new diver and they shouldn't have allowed you to dive in those conditions. I'm a very experienced diver and I wouldn't have gone in those conditions.

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8' waves? Really?


That would make for a 16' arc at the back of the boat. Not a prospect that I would want to undertake.


Conditions such as you describe are way out of safety limits and any dive operator going out in that with divers should have his license revoked.

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With conditions like that and you being a new diver I wouldn't even have let you in the water. Those conditions are no place for a first time diver and just dangerous. Don't give up on diving but do spend sometime in a pool and if you can do your first couple of dives on a inland lake or on a calmer day. It is a great activity and a lot of fun when you are comfortable in the water.

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Laurie, I just want the "Scuba" certification, not the open-water diver cert. It just takes 2 dives for what I want. And believe it or not, my DM actually gave me that dive. So I only have 1 more to go and then I can go anywhere down to 40' and only with a DM. But I'm good with that. I really did enjoy the bottom time and all the amazing things down there.

I feel the same way you other divers do, that I thought it was pretty rough water for a newbie. But I put my trust in them and the others didn't think anything about it. They suited up and immediately headed off as soon as he dropped anchor.

I was actually looking for a dive shop on the gulf side and found one, but it's so far from FLL and he wanted me there at 7AM. We didn't get our luggage and to the hotel until almost 1AM, so it would have been rough getting down into the keys. Certainly wish I'd done it, tho....LOL. Oh well, I will try the

2nd dive from the ship when we sail in Feb.

Thanks all for the replys and comments. I was just kinda venting anyway. You know how us older guys are.;)

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Never understood the appeal of getting the scuba diver cert. You can do OW in two weekends and not be dependent on diving with some sort of instructor.


There's no way your instructor should have let you dive in those conditions.

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Wow, that is incredible that an instructor would take a first-time diver into a sea in those conditions. One thing to always do in diving is that if you don't feel comfortable about doing a dive, don't do it. There's always another day to dive.


Good luck with your next dive. I think once you get a few dives in, you'll want to go more than 40 feet. There is so much more to see!

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Been an instructor for more than 20 years and can't believe any legit outfit would take a student out in conditions you describe.

Don't give up on diving, as previously mentioned spend some time in an inland body until your are more comfortable.... and IMHO find a new instructor.

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Les Paul,


LOL, absolutely will find a new instructor. But I have to lay some of the blame on myself for not having gone on down into the Keys and done this there, in much calmer waters. I was told. Just didn't think it would matter that much. Will try my last dive in the Caribbean and hopefully they will be much calmer. And to JT 83, OW cert would be fine for most people, but I won't/don't dive that much. Maybe 2X a year, but more than likely, just once. And plus the fact, and believe me on this one, I get lost going from the living room into the kitchen. I can imagine where I'd find myself if left alone out in an ocean.:confused:



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Mike let me know when you are home and want to have coffee after the first of the year. I can tell you about my check out dives at the lake and show you some pictures of my dive in Grand Cayman. I'm still a new diver with only 3 post cert dives but I can't wait to go again. Living in Kansas is killing me.

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Les Paul,


LOL, absolutely will find a new instructor. But I have to lay some of the blame on myself for not having gone on down into the Keys and done this there, in much calmer waters. I was told. Just didn't think it would matter that much. Will try my last dive in the Caribbean and hopefully they will be much calmer. And to JT 83, OW cert would be fine for most people, but I won't/don't dive that much. Maybe 2X a year, but more than likely, just once. And plus the fact, and believe me on this one, I get lost going from the living room into the kitchen. I can imagine where I'd find myself if left alone out in an ocean.:confused:




Hi Mike,


I just wanted to let you know that I would seriously look into whether a lot of dive ops even accept the Scuba Diver certification. I know when they say they require a c-card they are expecting Open Water.


For example, with a Scuba Diver cert, you can only dive to 40 ft. Every single dive day I've ever done after my first Discover Scuba class has been to deeper than 40 ft at least on the first dive. What is going to happen when you show up with a cert that only allows you to 40 ft when the rest of the group booked with that op is expecting to dive the best sites and they are 60+ ft?


Also, you are required to be under the direct supervision of a DM. Do you consider 1 DM to 8 divers direct supervision? I'm not sure if the dive op would.


Seriously, trust me on this one, do yourself a big favor and do the Open Water Cert. This will make your diving life, even if it's only 2 dives a year or even less, much easier!

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Hi guys. I really appreciate all the replies and urging me on to OW cert. It is definitely an option.


Kryssa and Laurie......I never thought that maybe a dive team would not take me out because I'm only a 40-footer. However, and it's probably dangerous on my part, a friend of mine that scuba's says he has never been asked for his card but one time in all his dive career, which isn't extensive, but he is an experienced diver. So, for now, unless something breaks, I think I will stay with just the 2 dives.:)


SailawayKC......I'm near 87th & Quivera. About where are you?? I would love to see your pics. I can't show you mine......they are just terrible. They were taken both pre and post puke.......LOL!!:eek:

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What ship are you sailing on out of SJ? My wife and I are on the Victory on the 19th. We are planning on doing a lot of diving. If it's something you're still interested and are looking for dive buddies, let me know. By the way, we're not too far down the road from you in Topeka (blah).


I know of a great dive shop in Topeka that you could knock out your pool dives if you're interested.



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Topeka(blah). LOL, cracked me up. I work with a guy from Topeka. We're sailing on the Adventure on Feb 5th and then again on the 12th. So, it looks like a week before you. And that's a shame. I would have loved to have dived with someone close to home. I think I'm gonna try and get Adventure to give me my last dive and then I want to dive in St Croix on the way home. Heard it's a good place. And if things work out, I may try for my OW cert. I just have a hard time taking that BCD off and putting it back on. I've had major shoulder surgery on both sides and I get a little stoved up. Thanks for replying and you may be hearing from me on your offer.



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Don't give up but don't also dive if you don't feel well/right.

I have only been diving for a year (my 65th year bucket list) and have logged twenty dives so far, most in the Caribbean. I too was a little hessitant to go deeper than thirty feet but now go to seventy and love it.

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Gerry12, We're about in the same range of age. And the Caribbean is probably all I will ever dive in. I'm hoping to get at least one dive in to complete the "scuba" cert while we're cruising in Feb. If I feel comfortable after that, then I may attempt to complete the OW cert. Want to see what the DM's are like on-board ship and how patient they are with us older folk.;)



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Went to Fort Lauderdale last weekend, 12-09-2011, and figured I could do my 2 dives to qualify for "Scuba" and then see if I wanted to go farther. Little did I know that Mother Nature was gonna take an active hand in it. It's not nice to fool with her, let me tell you. When we went out, it was raining, the wind was coming in @ 20 knots, with 8' waves. To say the least, for a first-time diver, this was not the way it was sposed to be. I got suited up, sickern' a dog, but finally made the giant stride in. It was terrible. I put my snorkle in first but the waves kept loading it up and I was starting to panic for breath. Finally got my regulator in and my DM finally said let's go under. We did 32' for about 45 minutes(I was gulping air), and on the ascent up, my equalibrium was so off, I was sick before we even broke water. To say the least, I did not do the 2nd dive. And may very well never do the 2nd dive. We're doing a cruise out of SJ in Feb and wanted to have the "Scuba" certification, so don't know what I will do now. I have never ever in my life felt so helpless and dependent upon one person as I did in that water that day. I am a very independent individual and don't like that feeling. So, guess time will tell.




This brings out one of the worst aspects of the Dive Industry, the "money" comes before the comfort and well being of the student.

It has already been said by other Instructors that they would not consider taking a beginner out in those conditions.

I teach all the time in St Kitts and if conditions are bad, then we cancel the dive. The guest experience and safety is the overriding factor.

Mike, please do not be put off by this, Scuba is a wonderful sport and with the proper training you will find it the most enjoyable experience of future vacations.

On the point of being a "scuba diver", rather than an "Open Water" diver then please remember that you do have limitations to depth (40ft) and that a dive professional must be present in the water at all times.

This does not mean that you have to be specially looked after, or that the group will be small, just that the dive must be lead by an Instructor or Divemaster and the depth of 40 ft must be available for you.

In practice the way you are treated will differ depending on the individual practices of the dive shop. There will however be many dives you cannot do because the 40 ft depth is not available.

You must tell the dive shop that your qualification is "Scuba Diver" or you may be booking something that ultimately they will not allow you to do.

If you are going ahead with your plan to complete the training on a cruise then remember to take your logbook (should have the knowledge, pool work and your Dive 1 signed off). Also book ahead, either with the cruise or with a local dive shop at one of your ports of call.

One last point, you may prefer to do your dive 1 again, as the experience was so bad it was obviously not much of a training experience for you.

Don't give up, don't be put off, just find yourself an instructor who cares!


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Hi Terry. I understand most of your post, but I don't understand the part about the 40' being available to me. If it's NOT 40', I really don't care. That 30'+ on my first dive was enough for me, at least for that time. I can see where everyone is trying to get me to look;), that I'm gonna get bored with just 40'. That is a distinct possibility as I do get bored with things rather quickly.


Terry, we're going to be in St Kitts Feb. 7th from 8-5, and hopefully the weather will co-operate and let us dock. Last time we went thru there the wind was up so much that the capt decided to skip St Kitts and continue on. Would you be willing to take me out for my 2nd dive?? And how much?? If you prefer not to answer here, e-mail me at LedPype@aol.com. Remember tho, I'm an older guy and things get done a little slower now:rolleyes:.



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if one is qualified 'scuba diver'


and completes two dives


wouldn't they then meet the requirements for (PADI) Open Water Diver?


There are no additional skill tests are there?


I know there is additional classroom time, possibly pool time and OW skills, too.


Personally, I still think the OP does not see the big picture and I'm hoping he keeps an open mind about finishing OW. I just feel like he is going to get burned by cruising to a great dive locale and not being able to dive with his cert unless he hires a private DM. Every dive day I've ever done has started with 60+ ft.

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I know there is additional classroom time, possibly pool time and OW skills, too.


Personally, I still think the OP does not see the big picture and I'm hoping he keeps an open mind about finishing OW. I just feel like he is going to get burned by cruising to a great dive locale and not being able to dive with his cert unless he hires a private DM. Every dive day I've ever done has started with 60+ ft.


True. As a divemaster, I would refuse to limit a group to 40 ft just to serve one "diver."

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