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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Good morning Cupids,


No news yet but they are still talking. I guess that is good news.


Heidi, I'll follow you off a cliff as long as there is water below. :D


Char, thanks for the support. Need all I can get. There isn't any info coming out of the talks. Gag order from the mediator.

Mimi, glad Andy is okay.

Ed, good to see you here.



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OK I need to clarify something. I would follow Heidi off a cliff but there had better be a large air mattress to bounce off of at the bottom or as Dave said, lots of water.LOL (It would also help if the cliff was very low, say, 6 feet off the ground.......) Actually a bungee cord might not be a bad idea. Yeah, that's it...a bungee cord!

I am NOT certifiable!!!!!!!

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The highlight of the day was when Andy's mom sent a text to me (after we knew he'd be alright) to tell Andy to "stop getting stoned!!"


Good one! :D Reminds me: when we went to our nephew's graduation a couple weeks ago, we first went to a sod farm near there and bought a whole pickup load of sod for our lawn. When we got to the graduation, I told my brother "I have some really good grass out in the pickup". LOL! :p


Glad Andy is going to be ok, Mimi! My dad has had lots of trouble with kidney stones, and yes...dehydration is a major problem. Dad had to have the laser thing where they break up the stones with ultra sound and it is not fun. Tell Andy to DRINK! But not the fun kind of drinking......


Yep, looks like our troll is toast. Thanks, Mods!


Dave ~ still keeping fingers crossed that they get things resolved for you at work.


We are taking friends out to dinner tonight. They fed our cows for us while we were gone on the cruise.....IN FEBRUARY! :eek: It has taken us this long to get our dinner plans together. First, as you know, I was sick for almost 2 months after the cruise. Then, seems like every date we tried for would not work for us or for them for one reason or another....finally gonna get 'er done tonight. Dave also bought him a parts washer that he wanted for his shop, but we did want to treat them to dinner as well. Better late than never, I guess!

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Afternoon Cupids...


Heidi...I would also follow you off a cliff if I have a parachute. :D


Yep...looks like that troll was sent packing...some people just need to get a life.


Sue & Mimi...your pot stories are funny...kind of like "smoking but not inhaling"? LOL


Ed...I sure hope you don't have another bout with kidney stones...Jim has never had any but I know people who have and they are terribly painful.


Mimi...how scary and I am glad that Andy is okay and that the stones pass quickly.


Dave...you always have our support...I am just sorry you have to deal with this strike stuff...keep convincing those scabs to join you then the company has less power.


Cat...glad you enjoyed your dinner...is your company still there?


Rick...hope your computer problems are cleard up...CC did have a internet problem a few years ago something like you described...tho' just couldn't log on didn't have the message that the site could be dangerous. Some of us could get on through Firefox like Heidi said she did this time.


Well I hope everyone has a really nice week-end...today is quiet which is a good thing...getting caught up on housework and finishing the laundry...and of course all this after I slept late this morning. :D We have a family reunion tomorrow then no real plans for Sunday.

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Well Walmart officially goes full time the week after the 4th.... now I also have another job offer possibility on the table.... for a lot more money..... what to do? What to do?


Off to the restaurant.... see ya all later:D

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Heidi and Rick, I am having the same problem with getting on CC. We have Firefox with McAfee. When I try to get on CC I get the same message you got, Heidi, that this is a dangerous site.

I guess I missed the troll. :eek:


Mimi, I am glad Andy is OK. That would be scarey. I have never had a kidney stone, but have taken care of patients who had them. I remember they are very painful. Let him know we are thinking of him.


Dave, I hope the strike ends soon! Stay cool.


Sue, Have fun at "Baler school" tomorrow. Enjoy your dinner out tonight.


Char, Glad you had a good trip. Don't get to tired cleaning house. Have fun at the family reunion.


Renee, Good luck with your job decisions.


Barbara, I am glad Jerry is home. Let him know we are thinking of him.


My brother is home from the hospital, doing good. He will be on antibiotics for about 6 weeks, then has to have another surgery. He has a hole from his ear canal to his brain that they need to fix.


We have a family get together Sunday, but other than that will be the usual weekend - going through stuff at Frank's dads house, laundry and the weekly grocery shopping.

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Erin called me back as I just finished the above post.

We did request late dining also.

I still need to get her e-mail and go through the contract.

Erin rocks. I had forgotten about time change from Eastern time zone to my Central time zone. I called at 3:45 my time and thought I wouldn't hear back until Monday. But she did call back at 4:45 my time (5:45 Eastern time).


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Erin called me back as I just finished the above post.

We did request late dining also.

I still need to get her e-mail and go through the contract.

Erin rocks. I had forgotten about time change from Eastern time zone to my Central time zone. I called at 3:45 my time and thought I wouldn't hear back until Monday. But she did call back at 4:45 my time (5:45 Eastern time).


YAY ! ! ! ! ! I am so excited. :) Will be fun to cruise together again Kathy.

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Hi Ed! I will relay the information onto Andy. Do you have any dietary advice? I'm researching tonight about what foods to cut out, etc. Mostly I'm finding that dehydration is a huge cause for kidney stones.

Props to your DW... that's very tough to deal with. My MIL in the past week has dealt with my FIL in the hospital for surgery, my BIL with having his appendix out in an emergency situation, and as Andy calls it "the trifecta" with of course, what you already know with Andy's visit to the hospital. My MIL definitely deserves a second Mother's Day this year!!

Ed, I hope you're not due for additional kidney stones. Wishing you and your DW well. :)



Yep, make sure to keep hydrated. Like Sue said tho, not the fun stuff.:(


Dave, I'm here a lot, lurking.;)


Kathy, happy we'll be cruising with you and Frank again.

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Good evening Cupids,


It was quite warm walking the picket line today. Got up to 95. Tomorrow it is predicted to be 98 and 100 on Sunday. I sure hope this strike is over soon.


Hope everyone has a great weekend.



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Well this might, just might be an "exciting" weekend for us. Here we sit in a coastal county on the Western shore of the Gulf of Mexico waiting for a tropical storm that might or might not hit us today or tomorrow. How is that for certainty??? Tropical storms are 1 step below the smallest hurricane but the last one to come thru this area caused 15 million dollars damage so they must be respected. Other than battening down the hatches, securing the dog, and bringing the car into the house there isn't much we can do. Ok, so the dog is in and the car is out........Being a block from the water always means the rare possibility of flooding but it probably won't get to our place.

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Good morning! :)





Erin called me back as I just finished the above post.

We did request late dining also.

I still need to get her e-mail and go through the contract.

Erin rocks. I had forgotten about time change from Eastern time zone to my Central time zone. I called at 3:45 my time and thought I wouldn't hear back until Monday. But she did call back at 4:45 my time (5:45 Eastern time).


Yay, Kathy! let's keep pour fingers crossed that this time nothing happens to cause you to cancel.


Well this might, just might be an "exciting" weekend for us. Here we sit in a coastal county on the Western shore of the Gulf of Mexico waiting for a tropical storm that might or might not hit us today or tomorrow. How is that for certainty??? Tropical storms are 1 step below the smallest hurricane but the last one to come thru this area caused 15 million dollars damage so they must be respected. Other than battening down the hatches, securing the dog, and bringing the car into the house there isn't much we can do. Ok, so the dog is in and the car is out........Being a block from the water always means the rare possibility of flooding but it probably won't get to our place.


Rick - I hope the tropical storm doesn't amount to much. I know they can sometimes be as damaging as hurricanes.


Staci has surprised me twice in the past couple of days. The first time was Thursday when she walked in the door in the middle of the afternoon. I was startled when I heard the front door open when I wasn't expecting anyone. I knew she had plans to possibly come home this weekend for a friends 21st B-day but it had slipped my mind and even so, she was home a day earlier than originally planned. Then last night she and her friends were going out in Chicago and were planning to spend the night at a friends apartment in the city. At about 2:30 AM our phone rang and of course it scared the crap out of me just because any time the phone rings in the middle of the night you think the worst. She was actually calling from right outside the front door because they had decided not to stay in the city but she didn't have keys to get in the house. LOL. She didn't bring them because she hadn't planned on coming home.


Eric's plans for Vietnam are all set. He bought his ticket for July 2nd so I guess he's really leaving. :( He's coming home tomorrow so we'll have about a week with him before he leaves.


Yesterday Dave was off so we went out for lunch. We wanted to eat at John Barleycorn but discovered that it's not open for lunch. we were surprised because I would think they'd do a good lunch business. we ended up at the Tilted Kilt. they have a nice outside patio and it wasn't super hot so we sat out there. Then I worked a pretty long shift last night but I am off today. Yay.


Have a great weekend. :)

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Thank you all for the well wishes for Andy. He's doing fine... no major pain yet.


Cupids, we are sailing during the second half of the 2014 Winter Olympics!! Looking forward to watching curling (possibly on the big screen?) :D


Maybe for the Cupids 2018 cruise we could do a 2 week long cruise to last the entire Olympics!!! Cupids VI right?


If Andy is up for it, we'll be going to the Long Grove Strawberry Festival today. The weather is perfect for an outdoor festival.


Dave, any word on the mediation?


Have a great day all!

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WOW, I slept in REALLY LATE for me this morning!!!! Was awakened at midnight night-before-last by the dang smoke detector (AGAIN :mad:) even though this is a brand new one. Don't know what the heck is going on with us and smoke detectors. Then, last night (or this morning!) was awakened at 3 AM by my cat and the barn cat going at it in our yard. Had to get up and go out and chase Blackie barn cat away, then get the flash light and go find Bailey and get him in...by then I was totally awake. Took me a long time to go back to sleep. I guess I needed to catch up a bit...nice to sleep in and do that.


We are NOT having baler school this morning like we thought. It rained pretty hard yesterday, and the hay is too wet to bale. We pushed it back to Tuesday. It is forecast for more rain today. The ONE time I DO NOT want rain is during haying! Oh well.


We had a nice dinner with our friends last night, and the food was delicious. The chef is a kid that went to high school with Brian, and then went to culinary school. He is a fantastic chef! I brought 1/2 of my dinner and 1/2 my dessert home for today.


Kathy ~ YAY, girl! So glad you are official! I am SO looking forward to meeting the peeps I thought I would meet last time....you & Frank, Ed & Dale, Char & Jim....it will be lots of fun. Glad you are late dining. It should be fun at dinner, I'm sure we will all be seated near each other. In fact, I think we should request that to make sure!


Heidi ~ I know you must have mixed feelings about Eric leaving. Would be hard to know you won't see him for 6 months or so. Glad he got his plans finalized, though. How nice to see Staci unexpectedly, even if she DID wake you up in the wee hours! :eek: Enjoy your time with Eric!


Renee ~ decisions, decisions.... More money sure sounds tempting!! And, maybe you wouldn't have to go to work at 5 AM? Anyway, glad to hear the Walmart job is going full time in case the other one doesn't work out or you decide not to take it.


Rick ~ hope the tropical storm misses you! Stay safe!


Char ~ enjoy the family reunion!


Dave ~ don't get too hot on the picket line, my friend! Hope things happen for you soon in getting you back to work.

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Kathy ~ YAY, girl! So glad you are official! I am SO looking forward to meeting the peeps I thought I would meet last time....you & Frank, Ed & Dale, Char & Jim....it will be lots of fun. Glad you are late dining. It should be fun at dinner, I'm sure we will all be seated near each other. In fact, I think we should request that to make sure!

Sue, when I talked to Erin yesterday and requested late seating, I also asked her about linking our reservations together with the other Cupid's. She said it was already done. So hopefully we are all seated near each other.


Heidi, Here's hoping Eric's flight goes good. If he is leaving July 2, will he be home in time for Christmas? Enjoy your day off.


Rick, I heard about the tropical storm on the news today. GOOD LUCK!


Here is a site the shows the Gulf of Mexico swells. It is interesting to look at before a cruise or when the tropical storms/hurricanes move in.


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Well it has been raining since yesterday afternoon...just a steady rain, no sudden downpours and certainly no high winds.It is, however, raining in my bathroom. It is much cooler today than it has been so the metal sheath that lines the exhaust fan has shrunk letting the rain come in. I AM NOT THRILLED! It is, however, just drip-dropping so no major damage to anything other than my blood pressure......I wanna be on a cruise ship somewhere, anywhere!!!

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Good morning Cupids,

Woke up to good news this morning. We have a tentative contract to vote on. No one has seen it except for the negotiating committiee but I'm sure it is good. They know our feelings and would not pass on something we would not approve.

Rick, stay safe. Debbie seems to have a mind of her own. One moment she is headed back to Texas and the next back to Forida.

Kathy, glad you are now official. Now that I may be going back to work. I will start looking at cabins and put down the full deposit. Hope Frank has some new magic tricks.

I'll be back latter with more info.


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Dave ~ great news about the tentative contract!! Hope it's a good one.


Kathy ~ that's great news that our tables will all be linked. Should be a lot of fun.


We didn't get any more rain yesterday. Looks like maybe the storm has passed. Not sure when we'll cut hay again. The baler school guy will not be here until Tuesday, so we don't want to get much hay down before that in case there are problems with the baler.


Brian leaves for Dupont, WA (near Seattle) today. He'll be there for 2 weeks, training for his job. He has passed all his tests now and is a fully licensed agent (State Farm). After this trip to WA, he will be home for 3 weeks and then go again for 2 weeks....then do that one more time. Then it's a matter of just waiting for an agency to become available.


Watched some of the Olympic Trials on TV last night (wasn't live). They are being held in Eugene, at Hayward Field (University of Oregon's track facility), which we've been to many times. Eugene is known as "Track Town USA" and track & field is a big deal there. Steve Prefontaine was a famous runner for U of O (Ducks) back in the '70's, and also an Olympian...died very young in a car wreck in Eugene. That was when Dave was going to college there ('74 or '75). There's a memorial to him called "Pre's Rock" near where he crashed. It's very moving, people leave their running shoes there a lot. Pre was a native Oregonian.


Another native Oregonian that was a great track athlete was Dan O'Brien, who had the World Record in Decathlon and was also a Duck and an Olympian. My brother actually ran track against him (and sometimes BEAT him!) in high school in the '80's. There was a new World Record set in Decathlon yesterday.....by ANOTHER Oregonian! Ashton Eaton is the kids name, and he grew up in Bend, where my kids live now. He's also a Duck. Brian has interviewed him many times when he worked at KVAL TV station in Eugene...said he's a great guy and very humble. I was really happy for the kid. Dan O'Brien was there at the Trials, and was thrilled for Ashton....said it was time his record was broken.


So, GO DUCKS! And GO OREGON!! We know how to grow some fast and strong ones here, apparently. ;)

Edited by momofzeke
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Good morning!


Dave is headed down to Normal with Staci today. We could have sent her on the train but she has some things she wants to hang on the walls in her apartment so Dave drove her back so that he could do that for her. She wouldn't know how.


Eric is supposed to be home sometime today but I have no idea when. Probably he'll be home sometime this evening because I imagine he partied pretty hard last night since it was his last night in Champaign. I doubt he'll get here before I have to leave for work at 3:30.


Oh great....we are now getting ready to leave for church and you guessed it.....it is now raining very hard. Oh and here comes the wind.....


Rick - stay dry.



Woke up to good news this morning. We have a tentative contract to vote on. No one has seen it except for the negotiating committiee but I'm sure it is good. They know our feelings and would not pass on something we would not approve.



Dave - fingers crossed for you.


Have a good day. :)

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Morning Cupids...


We had a great time at the family reunion yesterday...some stayed overnight so we went all met up for breakfast...more good times. Two cousins are headed to Morro Bay and the rest are going home...since Jim & I got married young we all really grew up together...so this week-end was nice.


Dave...great news and I hope it will be something all of you like...keep us informed. I think we are going to book our cabin next month.


Rick...I have been watching the storm in the Gulf...stay dry and safe.


Cat...how are you doing? Are you in the middle of the storm?


Mimi...it will be fun to see some of the Olympics on the ship...I am sure they will be on the big screen.


Sue...wow its amazing at the athletes that you guys have in Oregon...good luck with the weather for baling school. Did you pick a new horse yet?


Kathy...it will be fun that we will be grouped together for dinner...and we are also wondering if Frank has any new magic tricks.


Lisa & Phil went to Lake Wishon for some kayaking yesterday but it was too windy so they didn't even get in the water. It has cooled down about 20 degrees since Friday and should stay that way all week...:D :D DD Teri & DSIL Chris will be moving to a new home soon they purchased a little bigger one and are really excited about that. They live in Colusa which is 4 hours north of us so they don't get to join in some of the family stuff...but do get here for all the big holidays which is nice.


Hope you all have a really nice Sunday...and to all of our Floruda Cupids...STAY DRY.


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Renee ~ decisions, decisions.... More money sure sounds tempting!! And, maybe you wouldn't have to go to work at 5 AM? Anyway, glad to hear the Walmart job is going full time in case the other one doesn't work out or you decide not to take it.




Yes it would be alot more money.... better hours.... I'm waiting to see if they decide to get health insurance.... that's the kicker....

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Congrats Dave on the possible new contract. Hope it all works out for you.


You really haven't begun to experience all life has to offer you until you have sat down on the commode, looked up, and got a rain drop in your eye. Now I need an umbrella to go to the bathroom.

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Char and Dave, I will tell Frank to start practicing his magic tricks. He left quite a few of his "tricks" with our waiter on the Conquest (can't believe I forgot his name). Frank will need to make a trip to the magic store to see what is new and to restock on his old and favorites.


Rick, Stay dry. Just watched the news, looks like this is going to be a very slow moving storm with lots of rain.


I forgot to mention when I booked, Erin, was somewhat glad we booked a specific cabin. I guess the allotted number of guaranteed cabins is running low. I wonder how many cabins they gave us? She alluded that she could book as many specific cabins as she could for our group, but only had so many of the $50 per person deposits to book. I remember reading a while back that our group was out of the 8-C bookings.



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Kathy...I think I got the last 8C guarantee...I think it was Ed who came on after I booked and said all the 8Cs were taken. This cruise is booking up fast...must be because it is on the newest ship. Usually you have to reserve 16 cabins to set up a group...then they allocate the cabins catagories after that.

I wonder if when we book our specific cabin that will free up more 8Cs guarantees?

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