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Day by Day Cruise Review: Grand Princess Alaska/Glacier Bay May 20, 2013


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Sky: Overcast

Wind: Westerly, Force 5

Temperature: 13.5 C / 56.3 F



We slept in today and we totally missed breakfast. Felt so good to sleep in. Tonight is our second formal night and the Captain’s Party for past passengers (done two different times). Spent the day wandering around the ship and taking photos. We did dress up again for formal night and also attended the Captain’s Party. I was surprised that they did not introduced us to the Captain or the Captain to us as we entered. People just shook hands and kept walking in. Photos with the captain were taken at the end of the party if you wanted them taken. They did serve champagne and a couple of other mixed drinks. I believe they had a few food items too.



Dinner was lobster and tiger shrimp for us. They were really good. Hal had his favorite Escargot. We asked about it earlier in the week and were told that it would not be guaranteed. They were having problems ship wide getting their supply it. Hal was so thrilled when it was on our menu. I don’t like it (of course, I will admit I have never tried it nor do I want to … LOL). Hal and Yalchin talked up a storm to get to me to take a bite. I won this one … no bite for me.



After dinner we went to the production show in the Princess Theater. Show was called Do You Wanna Dance. Very good, we did enjoy it. Shocked that only about 1/3 of the theater was filled tonight, but there was three shows. Not sure which one we went to as far as time. We also went to the Broadway Music Trivia in the Explorers Lounge and also listened to The Volume perform their tribute to Motown. Seats readily available even up until showtime.



By later in evening it was getting really foggy and the ship was starting to rock again. Queasy Beads and Bio-Bands back on just in case, and I ate a green apple too. Better to be safe than sorry. Didn’t last all night, and we both did OK.



Food is prevalent on any cruise, so today I took photos from the buffet, Sundaes (Hal was great about getting me a 1/2 size cone) and also of one of Hal’s favorite desserts that was served almost every day … it was a chocolate cake with vanilla cause on it. My favorite was the chocolate chip cookies at the buffet, room service, and International Cafe (not that I tried them from each one … LOL … OK, well, maybe … LOL) I have to commend the buffet on always having a plentiful supply too of fresh fruit (bananas, apples, watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, and more). They had the best watermelon I have had in ages.










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No tux or formals this time for us. I think Hal looked very nice in his suit, and I wore lots of sparkles in my blouse (camera didn’t pick them up, but it was covered). The best part too was that both of us were extremely comfortable and stayed dressed up for the full evening. Many cruises we have gone back and changed after dinner and the Captain’s Party. So this was a nice change for us.



This was about 30 minutes before the show. Only ended up being 1/3 full.

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Enjoyed this group. Heard them a couple times during the week. They are called The Volume. Each time we saw them they were performing in the Explorer’s Lounge.



Fog and rocky seas end our evening.

Tomorrow is Victoria …..

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Dinner tonight … Hal had prime rib, salad, rolls, and a passion fruit souffle. ...

That sounds so tasty... Now were hungry!

Thanks for the photos and story!!!

Can't wait.


I also shoot all of my photos in "auto" mode.

We almost never use auto mode.

We usually use program mode.

It works much the same as auto except it lets you modify some of the settings.


I set it to Vivid - this gives it qualities much like Kodachrome (guess were old and like the warm rich colors of Kodachrome)

I usually set it for 1/3 stop under exposed.


In program mode, it seems to do a better job of getting the focus correct.


You may want to play with it and see if you like it....

Edited by MauiLvrs
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That sounds so tasty... Now were hungry!

Thanks for the photos and story!!!

Can't wait.



We almost never use auto mode.

We usually use program mode.

It works much the same as auto except it lets you modify some of the settings.


I set it to Vivid - this gives it qualities much like Kodachrome (guess were old and like the warm rich colors of Kodachrome)

I usually set it for 1/3 stop under exposed.


In program mode, it seems to do a better job of getting the focus correct.


You may want to play with it and see if you like it....


Hal is the one in the family that plays with all of the settings on the camera. I've been really pleased with the outcome of my photos using AUTO. I have just stressed in my review that it was AUTO so people knew that we had not color changed, color enhanced, lightened etc the photos. That what the photo shows is what I saw. Hope that makes sense.


Appreciate the tips tho, always willing to learn new things.

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Your pictures are so fabulous. I hope you are going to send one in to the Princess photo contest although I can't imagine which one I would choose - there are so many great ones. Ketchikan looks like it has changed a lot in the last few years. We'll be going in about three weeks, and you are getting us aptly prepared! Thanks again.

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Your pictures are so fabulous. I hope you are going to send one in to the Princess photo contest although I can't imagine which one I would choose - there are so many great ones. Ketchikan looks like it has changed a lot in the last few years. We'll be going in about three weeks, and you are getting us aptly prepared! Thanks again.


Thank you so much. I actually was thinking about their photo contest and wondered how I could find out more about it. I appreciate your vote of confidance.


We haven't been since 2006 to Alaska/Ketchikan (our 2nd Alaska cruise). The new dock is different, but was so nice to be able to walk along the waterfront. The rest really seemed the same. I remembered stores and venues. I hadn't been to Creek Street since 1986 (our 1st Alaska cruise) but knew immediately how to get there.


My husband teases that I am the navigator in the family, because I remember things he hasn't even thought of when it comes to places. there was one part of the wharf in San Francisco that was complete dejavu (not spelled right). I knew for sure I had been there before and what the stores/restaurants were. I was right on target when we got there and I hadn't been since 1970. I've just always been good at remembering these things.

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Your pictures are so fabulous. I hope you are going to send one in to the Princess photo contest although I can't imagine which one I would choose - there are so many great ones. Ketchikan looks like it has changed a lot in the last few years. We'll be going in about three weeks, and you are getting us aptly prepared! Thanks again.


I just googled it ... the contest accepts entries until June 22nd. I better get in gear if I want to enter.




Have a wonderful time on your cruise. I'm glad my review has been helpful to you. Lots more tips etc on my cruise blog. You are going to have such fun.

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Today we will be in Victoria BC. When we booked this cruise, we were so pleased that we actually got what I consider some quality time in Victoria. On our last cruise, we docked in Victoria at 7 pm and left at midnight. The hardship on that cruise was that the very next day we got off the ship in Seattle. We opted not to go into Victoria as a result as we needed to pack. So for this cruise, it would be completely different!!!! We are to be in Victoria from 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM with final boarding at 1:30 PM. We had time to explore in daylight hours which is a big plus to us.

Noon Position: Alongside in Victoria


Sky: Overcast (it sprinkled on and off while we were there)

Wind: Light airs

Temperature: 10.5 C / 50.9 F


The day before on the TV in the cabin they ran info shows on Victoria. I was amazed at all the things they talked about. So will list some of them here, as they may be items of interest to you also.

1. Victoria is the driest area of Canada.2. Empress Hotel is the most photographed. http://www.fairmont.com/empress-victoria/

3. Victoria has a Bug Zoo (about 1/4 block from where they dropped us off). http://www.bugzoo.com/

4. Royal BC Museum http://royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/ which includes Thunderbird Park http://www.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/exhibits/tbird-park/main.htm

5. Beacon Hill Park has over 200 acres … http://www.beaconhillpark.ca/

6. Petroglyph Provincial Park (actually in Nanaimo) http://www.vancouverisland.com/parks/?id=450

7. Pacific Undersea Gardens http://www.pacificunderseagardens.com/


We did book the shuttle through the cruise line ($9 per person roundtrip). It is a large bus marked CVS & Princess on the front. It runs from the port to the corner by the Empress Hotel. There are public shuttles too, but this shuttle was just for our ship. We were the only ones in port that day. As soon as we got through the building at the port, the shuttle was waiting for us.


The shuttle was the size of a greyhound bus and there are a number of steep stairs to walk up. I do not know if all the buses are handicap accessible. I didn’t notice on our bus to town, but the one on the way back had a wheelchair lift almost to the back of the bus, and they also stored a scooter under the bus for one of the passengers. The scooter has to be one that could be taken apart for storage and then reassembled. The person on the scooter had someone with them to put the scooter together. I do not know if the driver is authorized to assemble or take apart the scooters for passengers.

Many people walked into town, but if they walked the same route we drove .. it is a bit of a walk so I am really glad we had the shuttle tickets.


We were let off the shuttle at one of the corners by the Empress Hotel around 9 AM. We were told they would pick us up at this exact spot, and that the bus ran every 2o minutes. We walked to the Empress Hotel. They have remodeled so the elegant, fine lobby I remember as a kid no longer is used but has been turned into the Tea Room. The hotel is covered with ivy and there are beautiful plants all around. Definitely ask for directions to get to the area that is the Tea Room and gorgeous carved wood. That area was just as I remembered. Can’t wait to show you the photos. There are also restrooms at two locations at the far end of the hotel by their shops and the Tea Room.


After walking through the hotel, we headed back the way we came and walked down Government Street. There is a Visitor’s Bureau across the street from where we were let off too. Lots of shops, candy stores, and even an Irish shop. We didn’t see shops from other countries like I remembered as a kid, but we also may have not walked far enough down the way. Chinatown is about 8 blocks from the corner we were let off. Hal and I decided not to walk down there, but instead walk back to the harbor area and take photos. We stayed in town for about 3 hours then headed back. A cruise we are looking at for next year as Victoria from 10 am to 6 pm which will give us a bit more time to tour around the city. Shops were open when we got into town. I don’t know how early or how late, but I’m sure with a cruise ship in town it impacts their work hours.


If you haven’t been to Butchart Gardens, I hightly recommend seeing it. Book a tour through the ship tho as it is almost an hour out of town and with limited time in the port you want to be guaranteed getting back on time. www.butchartgardens.com

Victoria is the only port that we are aware of that people almost missed the ship. We were supposed to be back on board no later than 1:30 PM. We were out on our balcony (as were a number of others) and saw two people walking quickly back to the gangway. A number of officials were waiting. They got onboard and the officials stayed. The welcome mat got rolled up, and they stayed. Then we saw a woman running as fast as she could to get to the gangway. A man followed but walked. People were cheering them on. The woman got to the gangway, and then a man in a cart drove out to get the man walking. He may not have been able to walk any faster, not sure. But it was nice that they drove over to get him. Within minutes of them boarding, the gangway was pulled in and we were on our way. I think it would of been interesting to hear their stories on how they almost missed the ship. I hope we never are in that situation. I’m pretty paranoid about getting back to the ship on time. It was funny, in Ketchikan I really would of been content to stay on the pier until just before we left … didn’t do it, but thought about it. I think it was because of the beauty of the area and that there were places to sit and enjoy the views.

Here are some of the photos we took in Victoria:

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This is the port building. All of our immigration things were done before we even got to port, so we just walked off the ship and through the building. Made sure we had our passports with us too.



We saw “permanent” light poles and flower baskets all over Victoria. Had to laugh that these ones are moved in and out as needed for decorations on the dock for the ships.



As we were pulling out from the pier, I noticed name tags all along for the different ships that dock there. Kind of neat to find our ship’s name.

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These photos were taken in town:




The beautiful Empress Hotel. Ivy covers much of the building. The grounds around it are gorgeous. This is the new entrance to the hotel.




You see the light posts along the way. So unique.




Had to get a photo of this magnificent tree on the corner area of the Empress Hotel. Loved the color of the bark.

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The day went by too quickly. We head back to the ship for lunch. Went to the buffet and had beef stew. It was really good.




A mix of people coming and going. We are the only ship in port today. There is a gift shop in the terminal building, but it is jammed pack on our way back so we avoid it.




It rained more after we got back to the ship. Not bad while we were in town. We both wore our lightweight jackets into town. They have hoods so we were fine.




Another place where we got to watch the seaplanes from our balcony.

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We are on our way. One more sea day, then back to reality and San Francisco.



Time to relax and kick back for both of us. I’m so glad I brought my iPad mini. I made notes in it each day of things I wanted to remember for my review. Also used it to read, play games, and read some of my e-books about the ports the next day.





Hal trying to decide what we should do tonight.




Finally got a good shot of the starboard side of the ship and our cabin. We were in E725 which is Deck 8 / Emerald Deck. We were the 3rd cabin from the end.

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I just googled it ... the contest accepts entries until June 22nd. I better get in gear if I want to enter.


Have a wonderful time on your cruise. I'm glad my review has been helpful to you. Lots more tips etc on my cruise blog. You are going to have such fun.


I've been going kinda back and forth between your posts and your blog! I giggled when I read that one of your favorite foods was the wonderful watermelon!!! We took the Star Princess cruise to Hawaii and the South Pacific this spring, and I ate more watermelon on that cruise than I have probably had in my whole life!! Seems like a strange favorite, but I agree with you it was the best!


Going to be sad along with you as you write about your last day. When is your next cruise? I look forward to another review!


Question: Did you happen to hear anyone comment on the "Duck Tour" offered in Ketchikan? My granddaughter thought that would be a good one for me as I'm not a very good walker. The last time we were in Ketchikan we did a boat tour where we pulled up crab pots and then ended up with a crab feast at a lovely lodge. I would love to do that one again - all you can eat Dunganese (sp?) crab - YUMMY!!


Hope the waters were not too bumpy on your way into San Francisco! Welcome back to our home port! Oh, and we'll be looking for your photo when Princess announces the winners! Good Luck!

Edited by Bucky3
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Thanks for the great pictures and narrative, I feel like I was there with you both. Your thread makes me excited about our cruise in 10 days but sad that it does come to an end. I will be interested in how disembarkation went. One question, on the sea days were you able to find seats easily at the buffet (breakfast and lunch)? Once again, great review and wish you many happy sailings in the future.

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I've been going kinda back and forth between your posts and your blog! I giggled when I read that one of your favorite foods was the wonderful watermelon!!! We took the Star Princess cruise to Hawaii and the South Pacific this spring, and I ate more watermelon on that cruise than I have probably had in my whole life!! Seems like a strange favorite, but I agree with you it was the best!


Going to be sad along with you as you write about your last day. When is your next cruise? I look forward to another review!


Question: Did you happen to hear anyone comment on the "Duck Tour" offered in Ketchikan? My granddaughter thought that would be a good one for me as I'm not a very good walker. The last time we were in Ketchikan we did a boat tour where we pulled up crab pots and then ended up with a crab feast at a lovely lodge. I would love to do that one again - all you can eat Dunganese (sp?) crab - YUMMY!!


Hope the waters were not too bumpy on your way into San Francisco! Welcome back to our home port! Oh, and we'll be looking for your photo when Princess announces the winners! Good Luck!


The Duck Tours are supposed to be great!!! I attached a photo of the one we saw in Ketchikan when we were there. Our friends live in Seattle and took the kids on the tour there, and the whole family enjoyed it. It looks fun with riding around the city, then into the water. Amazing what these vehicles can do. Don't forget too each person gets there very own duck whistle to blow during the ride and keep as a souvenir. Our friend said on the one they did they told quite a bit about the area too. So it was fun, entertaining, and educational in some respects too.


It was funny about the watermelon. Oh my gosh, I got some each time we went up there to eat. It was so good, and we get good watermelon here. Not sure what the difference is, maybe it is being on vacation. LOL.


Our next cruise is on the Norwegian Pearl (5/3/14 through 5/8/14) then an overnight in Vancouver then board the Star Princess (5/9/14 through 5/12/14).


The Pearl is going:

Los Angeles ... begin


San Francisco



Vancouver ... end


overnight at Vancouver


Star Princess is going:




San Francisco


Both are repositioning cruises and when we booked the rates were GREAT. In fact, the Star was SUPER GREAT. Prices are a bit higher now, but still very good. Definitely worth looking into if you want a unique itinerary and the ability to go round trip from CA.


My husband and I both think we will submit photos to the contest. Would be amazing to win. Fingers crossed.


If you get the chance, get King Crab in Alaska. There is no comparison to taste altho Dungeness is good too. I researched this for one of the people on our roll call:


The other thing you have to have is halibut fish & chips. Highly recommend the Sweet Tooth Cafe


We had the halibut fish & chips there and it was fabulous. No comparison to cod that is typically used. Altho the cod fish & chips we had in Ketchikan was very good too. The halibut was just so much better.


We had some rough seas coming back down to San Francisco too. Just put on our bands, ate green apples and did OK. Not anywhere near as bad as heading north and didn't last all the time either.


Yes, it will be hard to have the review end. It has been great tho reliving our vacation. Have enjoyed that aspect greatly. The review has been fun, but a lot of hard work. Not sure if I will do a day by day one next time or an overview of both. Lots of time to work it out. Hoping to have this review completed tomorrow.

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Have really enjoyed your review and the fabulous pictures. We'll be on the Grand with our granddaughter next month. Even tho we've been to Alaska several times, your review has renewed our interest in things to do, especially with a child. We may check out the Victoria Bug Zoo. Wouldn't have known about it without your comments.

Thanks so much. Good luck on the photo contest. Hope you win!!

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I've been going kinda back and forth between your posts and your blog! I giggled when I read that one of your favorite foods was the wonderful watermelon!!! We took the Star Princess cruise to Hawaii and the South Pacific this spring, and I ate more watermelon on that cruise than I have probably had in my whole life!! Seems like a strange favorite, but I agree with you it was the best!


Going to be sad along with you as you write about your last day. When is your next cruise? I look forward to another review!


Question: Did you happen to hear anyone comment on the "Duck Tour" offered in Ketchikan? My granddaughter thought that would be a good one for me as I'm not a very good walker. The last time we were in Ketchikan we did a boat tour where we pulled up crab pots and then ended up with a crab feast at a lovely lodge. I would love to do that one again - all you can eat Dunganese (sp?) crab - YUMMY!!


Hope the waters were not too bumpy on your way into San Francisco! Welcome back to our home port! Oh, and we'll be looking for your photo when Princess announces the winners! Good Luck!



Hi Bucky 3,


My husband and I have cruised with you to Hawaii, back in 2006. We were on this same cruise with Mary and Hal and took the "Duck Tour" in Ketchikan you are asking about.


I booked it through Princess - my husband cannot walk very far, so I thought this would be a way to see some of Ketchikan. I do recommend it, especially if you have grandchildren, I'm sure they would enjoy it and you too!


They play music like "Gilligan's Island Theme", just fun stuff, have a lot of cute "duck" jokes! Our tour guides name was Renee and she was really great, noting points of interest along the way. We saw 3 bald eagles and a sea otter. It is a nice way to pass a couple of hours.


Isn't Mary's review just the greatest? She has a wealth of information on the cities we visited. So, so helpful on our roll call all the months we were waiting for our cruise.


Hope you enjoy your cruise!



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Have really enjoyed your review and the fabulous pictures. We'll be on the Grand with our granddaughter next month. Even tho we've been to Alaska several times, your review has renewed our interest in things to do, especially with a child. We may check out the Victoria Bug Zoo. Wouldn't have known about it without your comments.

Thanks so much. Good luck on the photo contest. Hope you win!!


You are going to have such fun. I'm excited for you.


This was our 3rd time to Alaska, and I think we see new things each time. We are ready to go back.


I had never heard of the Bug Zoo either. Hal wants to go there on our next visit. The one thing that I really like about Alaska ports and Canada is that we can do LOTS of excursion or none at all and still feel like we have had a wonderful time in the port. We didn't do any excursions, just walked with the exception of the shuttle into town.

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