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Anybody need to loose 100+ lbs

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My WOE was way off yesterday. Back on track today. WOEX is really working out ok. I did 22 minutes this morning and yesterday. I am encouraged.

Yes, I only use Sparkpeople to input the food I have already eaten. Girl, I have not counted calories since high school, it nearly caused a breakdown! I would have all the calories eaten in the form of candy by 7AM and be miserable for the rest of the day. Thank goodness that form of crazy is over.


Be blessed



I am a bit concerned that the rest of this great group has not posted in a long time. :(



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Sorry to be so long in getting back! DH tore up the floor that was the entrance to the office and the only way to get to the computer was by walking the plank. I haven't been on the computer much for the last week.


I'm hanging in here. The exercise is going well but the weight is staying the same.:mad: I have to reconfigure what I'm eating I guess. I know yesterday I had too much salt. I'm so thirsty today I could drink a Great Lake.


I'm with you on the calorie counting and candy bars. It's why I never did well with weight watchers.:D All my points were gone by 10am Monday and I was stuck with celery for the rest of the week.



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I have been under the weather for the last week.:( My back and knees were acting up. It was hurting to the point I went to see the REAL doctor! LOL I hope cortisone is not going to really mess me up over all. I will check it out on the Internet soon 'cause more and more ailments seem to need and respond to it. Anyway, I decided that I better just do old fashioned walking.

I think that the stepping to walk in place is not agreeing with me. But I am definitely going to do some type of exercise. I may even go to the Y and use the bikes.

But the good news is …

I am blessed to be alive this day.

Tami-keep up the good work. You may be on a plateau that will resolve itself like the last one did. Take my advice because I did not use it and do not panic. Stay the course.


Have a great weekend.


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Hi, Hope the cortisone has kicked in how and you're feeling better. Another thing to check into would be water exercise classes. I know, I know... the whole bathing suit thing. But it is a good option if you can get yourself past it.


I've gotten past my plateau finally although i'm still not completely down to where I was before Christmas. I'm at least within a pound. I'm going to walk tonight so hopefully that will get things moving further not stop progress again.



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  • 2 weeks later...



The cortisone did finally kick in. I am feeling both better and worse. I'd love to say I am on track but I am not. I am so sad and disappointed with myself. I have a program and for whatever reason I choose to do something else. Blah blah blah


Anyway, yesterday I rode the bike for 20 minutes. This morning my knees are killing me. :( I am actually becoming gun-shy when it comes to exercise. I have an appointment with the doctor the second week of February. I will express my concern.


I love water aerobics! The last time I went something happened to my hip. LOL

As I mentioned before, at this point in my life I do not need any REAL reasons to not exercise.


So for today I will really stick to my WOE no matter what. I know that even if I only do that part I will be quickly back on track!



I will go to the Y on Thursday and try the treadmill. That machine most simulates regular walking, which does not seem to hurt me.


Please pray that I can get back in the swing of things.


Good for you getting to within 1 pound of your previous spot. I bet by now you have passed it.

How is school going? Little man?


Thanks for listening.


Natalie :0)

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So far I'm hanging in at the same weight. But I've worked myself up to where I ran 3 miles last night, although it was very slow.:rolleyes: Still, I'm very happy with my progress. It will take a little while for the weightloss to catch up to what the muscles are building.


Everything else is going ok here. I have my first test of the semester this week and class is halfway over. So far I only have one page added to my paper and I need 8 but I have alot of things pulled out. Just haven't had the time to sit down and put them into it yet. I'll be glad when MArch 2 hits and it's all done.


You might want to try deep water running if water aerobics bothers your hip. You put on a floater belt and do the running motion in deep water so that there's absolutely no impact. They use that for rehab in hip replacements alot. It's boring, most likely, but at least something that should not hurt your hips. You should ask your doc about some phsyical therapy when you go in this week. Sounds like you should qualify and the therapist could give you exercises that you could do safely.


Keep your spirits up. Its one step at a time.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Tami,


I am so sorry I have been MIA. You know the usual drama suspects at work!

I live in the East where we have been having the storms that you see in bad B movies. LOL According to the weather folks the worst is over. Now we will begin the digging out process. I started this morning when it took 15 minutes to just get the garage door unblocked so the car could get out.


I am back on my WOE with some minor adjustments to make it more living friendly, if you know what I mean. The WOEx is another story.


Oh how I laughed at having one page of the eight page paper! I am sure you have completed that and have moved onto the next challenge. I am strugglig over a one page statement of intent and interest in graduate school.


I am half way through my last semester. Yeah. I had senior/graduation pictures taken and ordered. At first I was going to get the class ring because of what it symbolized. Then a very good chruch friend asked me the following questions: where is my current jewelry? in a drawer somewhere? and most important how cruise could I get for 500+ dollars. So I am not going to get the ring. I will put the cash towards a cruise instead. Which in fact will have the same significance for a job well done.


I am going to get back active on the board. It really did/does make a difference in my focus.


Thanks for being there.


Big hugs

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I can relate to the snow. We have 14 inches of the darned stuff on the ground right now. I've been trapped at home for the last two days. Not good for my karma at all. :rolleyes: I'm actually looking forward to sitting in class for 4 hours tonight because it will be a different set of walls. The kids are making me nuts.



The good part of being stuck inside is that I finished my paper on Tuesday. I'm sure I'll have some minor tweeking to do after I meet with my prof but the main body is done. I actually added 9 pages to my existing paper of family oral history from last semester so I have 23 pages altogether. Next Thurs we have a short quiz and then I give my oral presentation on it, then I'm pretty much done. We'll have a take home test on everyone's presentations but that's really easy. I'm just excited that tonight is the LAST LECTURE!!! Yeehaw!


I finally found the Master's program I've been looking for. I'd been toying with the idea of a Master's in Social work but something was holding me back. Just didn't like the idea of getting back into all of that and I would have only done it to work in adoption anyway. I looked into a Masters in Liberal Studies at Indiana University in Kokomo which is where I go now but I really wanted to take my electives in more folklore and anthropology because I'm really interested in doing museum type work and they didn't offer any courses that I haven't already taken. So I looked at IUPUI which is in Indianapolis and they have a Masters of Museum Studies. Perfect! I know a lady in our homeschool who works at a living history museum and she works with a couple of interns through the program and they really like it. It will be fall 2008 before I can think about starting because I haven't taken the GRE or anything but I'm excited to have found the program.



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As I have said before--You are the woman!


It is interesting how you can"feel" if a decision is right on not.


I am so glad you found the program that you know really fits you! This is so exciting. I also am jealous that you will be "free" for almost a year. I know that you will still have to study and prepare for the GRE. The program I am applying for does not require the test. YEAH!!!


I revamped that letter of intent and am still fretting over it. I am really going to finish it today. Pray on it over the weekend. Give it a couple of once overs with the lady who has been proofing it and let it go before I drive myself mad.


One last thing, so you can really laugh. The admission process requires a "professional resume." I am not sure what an unprofessional resume is????

I have worked at the phone company for 26.5 years. The only resume I have is one I did for a management position within the the same department I had worked for 23 years! LOL That resume will let the school know they must accept me so I can get a different career to put on a "professional resume."


WOE is still going well. Just praying to keep focused and not get side tracked. The most important thing for me is to plan and prepare my meals and snacks.


I am off today and have an avalanche of homework to get done, so I guess I better stop with the Internet and get with Word.


Have a really great bless weekend.


Congratulations again on finding the perfect graduate program.



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Wow, I can't believe it's been a week since I had a chance to check in! i'm so frustrated right now. Between the weather and school I haven't gotten a darned thing accomplished in the weightloss department!:mad: It's only 9 weeks to vacation and I'm no where near goal. I can't wait until tonight is over. I have a test and my presentation which are the two biggies left. I still have to turn in my paper but it's done. The prof has it now to proofread and I will get it back tonight. I should just have to fine tune it a bit this week and get it back to her next week. Also we'll have a take home final next week but that won't be a big deal. Then I'm going to put full force into this weight loss thing. I think I'm going back onto lower carb because that worked best for me. I will probably start this weekend. Atkins is too low carb so I will probably do Protein Power or South Beach. They're pretty close to the same thing. Mostly cutting out starches and sugars will be my biggest issue.


Gotta run and study. Talk to you later.



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Hi Tami,


I am really cheering you on. The home stretch is in sight and see you sailing gloriously through the victory ribbon!


Just so you know 9 weeks is along time. It is more than enough time to use your WOE/WOEx to make a significant difference before the much needed vacation. Remind me where you are going. I am so sorry I have forgotten.


My WOE is doing quite nice. I have to just stop trying to influence the results.


Have a great weekend.



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I've started back on low carb. That seems to work best for me. Not no carb or stupid low carb like atkins induction but fairly low carb. We shall see how it goes.


My paper is done. My presentation and test are too. I just have one more class and the take home test to do. Yee Haw! Then I'm going to attack this house which is suffocating me with clutter and work on this weight too.



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Good morning,


I have been holding back for the last week. I did not want to continue the more talking than doing rut I had gotten into. So....little drum roll please---I went to the Y Monday, Wednesday and Friday! I am taking it very slow as my doctor suggested. I did 15 minutes on the treadmill each day plus cool down AND stretching! It was harder than I would have thought! My legs itched so bad the first day I thought I was going to scream. The second day it was better and today they did not itch at all. Since I am going relatively slow (2 MPH) I have increased the incline. It has been soooo long since I exerted myself that my heart rate gets into the zone in about 5-6 minutes. Next week my plan (one session at a time) is to increase the time by by 2 minutes.


My projects are going so-so. I am burned out and not really applying myself as I should or would like to. But the deadlines are approaching so I am sure that will light a fire under my bum!


Did I tell you I need a resume for the JCU application??? Oh, my goodness. I have worked at the phone company for the past 26.5 years! I am going to have to get someone to do it for me in the next week or so. That will take too much brain power. LOL


WOE is going well. Prayer and a low carb plan work for me.


Glad to hear your presentation, paper and test are done! Yippee for you.


Have a great weekend.



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Hi Tami,


Just dropping in to tell you I completed week 2.

My plan is to add another 2 minutes next week.

My birthday is Sunday, so I am having a family gathering Saturday.

Monday will be the home stretch for one project. It will be what it will be at this point.


Although I will not have the resume this coming Monday for my interview, I found someone who is willing to take all that mish mosh info and make it into what they need.


The end of Hiram is in sight!


Have a great weekend.



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Ok, I actually have time to post. It's been a zoo and then I picked up a funk of some sort in my lungs. We had to go to Michigan for a funeral and then I have been deep cleaning my house. The sad thing is I've been so busy that I've only gotten through 2 rooms. I thought it would slow down once I got done with school!:rolleyes: Perhaps not.


I am working on my weight but with not being able to do exercise this past week I'm stuck. Still at 194. Which is better than 237 where I started for sure, but not where I wanted to be by now. I'm very frustrated. Hoping that warmer weather and sunshine will help. We had a couple of nice days this week but I was sick so that put a limit on what I could do. I was still out in it every day though.


How are you doing?



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  • 3 weeks later...

Tami, Tami,


So sorry to hear about everything. I tell you life is full of twists and turns for sure.


Here is my absolutely fabulous news: I completed the last of my classes for my undergraduate degree this past Sunday! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am on vacation this week. I did stick to my plan of going to the Y three times a week, starting at 15 minutes and gradually increasing the time.

I am on vacation this week, so far I went Monday and today. I did 25 minutes +5 minute cool down and stretched! I am really doing my WOE this week since I am home and can work it out.


Talking about the house, girl it looks like Gypsies have been living here AND having wild parties! I have so much paper and debris I need a big FBI truck to just set up camp on the lawn so I can pitch this stuff. THE PROBLEM is me...I get all sentimental and think I should keep it. LOL So I am starting in my bedroom. Now that school is over it can return to its intended purpose. :)


I too am a bit disappointed in my progress. Especially since I ultimately gained back 15 of the 40 I had lost. Yet, 25 is still good. I am sure that I will be able to get the 15 off and keep it going.


I have been in touch with a travel agent to plan my 50th birthday cruise next year. You know I want to look drop dead gorgeous for that!


I am glad to know that school is over for you too, right? How are your children, especially little man, your MIL?


When is the trip? I can't remember. It is either very soon or now. Either way -enjoy!


Much love,


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Yeah! Glad to hear from you. I've been checking to see if you'd posted. It's been chaotic here but in a good way. This time of year always is as school is winding down. Only about 2 more weeks. Yay! the kids think they're excited but really it's mom who is the most excited. :D


Our trip is in 2 weeks. We leave on the 22nd. 14 days in a van with 4 kids should be very entertaining, don't you think? At least they're pretty good travelers.


Congratulations on finishing your undergrad! WOOHOO! That's a huge relief, I know. Are you doing something big to celebrate? You definitely should. I'm still looking at starting my masters in fall 2008. I did find out that I may not have to take the GRE after all since I'm already listed as a grad student in one campus in the education program and my post grad GPA is a 3.95. That would be a total bonus! I hate standardized tests. They're a total waste of time. They never predict how I actually do in school.


Well, I have to run and fix lunch for the bunch. It's 70ish and beautiful now but it's going to rain soon and then be in the 40's tomorrow so I want to get them outside ASAP. I'll be stuck inside with them the rest of the week.



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Good morning,


Believe it or not there is a snow storm, yes, a snow storm going on here in OH.

It started on Wednesday. I have enough snow in my driveway to warrant a plow. Now you know once they pull up there stakes, any additional plows are charged by the plow. So I just get running start and call it a day. LOL


I am happy to report that I did go to the Y every single day this week(M-F). I did my thing on the treadmill. It is true what the experts say about using music to motivate. When certain songs are playing, I really kick it up a notch. The good news is that I also stuck to my WOE and released 8 pounds of junk. That is a beautiful thing. Seven more to go and I'll be back on the train where I jumped off.


I am trying to plan a small graduation open house. YUK!! Too many things to be concerned with, not to mention the almighty dollar! I must add that my perfectionism (that I am recovering from) is rearing its ugly ugly head. I must pray that I do not let it ruin a celebration that I have earned and truly deserve.


Yes, 14 days in a van sounds like fun. NOT. But I know that overall you all will have a trip of a lifetime with memories that will live forever. I remember car trips a took with my two kids as if they were yesterday. I usually forget the ugly parts unless something triggers them. LOL


I was considering waiting a year to get the master's, but I think it would be like the time I took two weeks of vacation together, I DID OT want to go back! I am planning to really enjoy this time off and try to get some organization going to lessen the stress when I return in the fall.



Take care.


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Hi - I'm just doing a fly through today. I've not been doing good on my WOE as my GERD has been acting up. :mad: I have my race in 10 days and we leave in 11. Life is crazy!


I need to make an appointment this summer to talk to someone about that grad program I want to take. I'm having a hard time getting motivated but DH's work is not looking all that great beyond the 5 year plan so I need to do it. That way if I need to I can work and he can get himself set up in something else.


Gotta run and do some packing while little man is napping



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It is always a pleasure to hear from you. Tell me about the "race"? Have I been so preoccupied I missed this info. It sounds exciting. You are such an adventuresome women. When I grow up I want to be a little like you. :)


I made the appointment for tomorrow night to have my resume done. Heck, I figure since I did not have to pay for a GRE test, it is worth it.


I have been to the Y each day this week as planned. I went and had my circuit thing set up. Long story short --not happy with they way the person did it. He went way too fast and was not considerate of what I was saying. But I'll work it out with another trainer when I go there. BTW it is two different locations. The morning spot is near my home and the circuit training spot is near my work and church.



You know it is interesting how the Universe gives us whatever prompting we need to do what we need to do. Years ago when I was with my husband, I had a dream that said pay off all your debts. I took it serious. About three years into paying them off and with less than six months to go, he was "downsized" from his job of 23 years! So heed the message and signals you are getting.


I know you have to keep it moving.


Be blessed.



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A friend and I are going to do the Komen Race for the Cure. We were going to run the 5K but both of us have had training issues and then her husband is going to have to have some minor surgery on Friday before the race and we'll have to take her baby with us in the jogger so we're going to walk it instead. That's ok. I've raised about $300 for breast cancer research and that's what matters. My MIL and most of her sisters, mother and aunt all died from it.She was a really great lady.


I'm hanging in there. This is our last weekend before our trip. I'm off to the doctor in a little bit because baby-man passed on his cold and my throat is raw. I want to get it taken care of before next weekend when we leave.


I wish we lived close to a gym. Making an appointment with a trainer would be good for me. I've been blowing things off because I've been so busy. When I get back from vacation, which should be alot of walking, I'm going to get back to it. I'm tired of being stuck.



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That is absolutely marvelous. I am sure you and your friend will have a wonderful time. It is so good to do something that benefits everyone involved. You rock!


I am sure you will be in perfect health for the trip.


I was stopping by to tell you "I did it"! I went 5 days to the Y. Yeah! And my WOE has been really good. I a looking forward to Monday's weigh in. I'll keep you posted.


I go see the resume guy this evening. You know I had rationalized paying for it versus the GRE fee, so I was pleasantly surprised to discover I am getting a refund from Hiram! When they switched from quarters to semester a few years ago, they had to do some type of converting. I will even have $60 left to go toward my party. Now isn't that a great example of how God takes care of things when I get out of the way.




PS Have a great weekend.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Tami,


So much has happened since I last checked in.


I am sure you had a wonderful time on vacation.


I graduated on Saturday, May 12. It was a very good day, although way toooo long. My family came in from NJ.

All the grands and some other folks stopped by Saturday afternoon to say hi to great grandpa and their great auntie. We had good food and fun. In the evening we had a birthday party for my brother. The theme was a beach party. It was so cold here in Cleveland no one would put on their summer shorts or swimsuits. LOL My girlfriend decorated the rec room to look like the beach on one end-complete with lawn chairs, beach balls, bach towels, a big decorative hanging sun, sea shells and a "fishing pond." She took a blue dollar store table cloth and rumpled it and put "fish" on top of it and provided the fishing rod with the magnet to get the fish out. How come ALL the adults were fishing. We had music and more good food. The finally on Sunday my brother cooked a marvelous Mother's Day dinner for the moms.


You can read between the lines on the deal regarding my WOE. I did however, completely abstain from the sugar. :)


The WOEx is off track again--about 4 weeks into my goal, I injured my back. Ouch! So I have not been to the gym in two weeks. This past Saturday I tripped at a convenience store and have re injured my back. I am home today nursing it.


So you can laugh, I artfully and craftily avoided micro and macro economics (If I told you this already, please forgive me) during my undergraduate studies because it was not required. Now I have to take it in the summer BEFORE my program starts in the fall. I guess I wasn't so smart after all. LOL I have met some folks from JCU and they are so nice. I am sure I made a good choice.


Overall, I am absolutely wonderful.


I hope to talk to you soon.


You know I want to hear all about the vacation.




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