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Anyone on Slimming World?


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I'm back on SW with our Caribbean cruise on P&O's Azura (27th Dec) firmly in sight! If people are keen to post their progress each week it may help to keep me focused and on track!! 😎🍴



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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm back on SW with our Caribbean cruise on P&O's Azura (27th Dec) firmly in sight! If people are keen to post their progress each week it may help to keep me focused and on track!!



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Hi, how are you doing so far? I'm on SW and it's going okay but could be better..............this also sounds very much like my school reports from years ago! We are not cruising until 2015 but as time goes quickly (unlike the lbs) I also need to focus more. Lost 18lbs so far but it's only 1 -2lbs a week and not every week at that :rolleyes: Are you at a club or doing it on your own? Either way good luck and lets help each other.

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Ah perfect! I started a couple of years ago and lost nearly 2 stones but then I fell off of the wagon when my dad became very ill in hospital and I put about 1/2 st. back on. Thankfully he's ok now but I've not really been properly back on track since....ooops! This time (when I started the thread) i was doing ok but then we had a flurry of trips to London, nights out etc....not that that should be an excuse!! 18lbs is amazing, well done 😃 Do you go to a group? I used to but I work shifts so I couldn't make it every week plus my consultant changed and the new one wasn't as good. I decided to try doing it alone but it's been quite hard. I think I'm much better if I keep a food diary as I can't cheat, so that's the way forward for me. Right....let's do it, we will look great on board 😎🌴What day do you weigh in? X



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I go to a group but it's nice to have a bit of one to one support so we'll help one another. In your message there are so many similar points to mine but your picture is so much better:o. I weigh in on Saturday mornings but this week has been a disaster in that I've celebrated 3 different birthdays and gone completely off track. Drawn a line under it and going to knuckle down. My big weakness is chocolate and so I'm always dithering between trying to give it up completely or managing it better. When do you weigh in and what's your weakness? Cathy

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Mondays are my weigh-in day since I've been going it alone. However, I'm considering returning to a group as I think that the support is invaluable and I really need to get cracking!! That means my weigh-in day may change depending on the group. I also need to find a smallish one because there were loads of people at my last one and it took almost 1.5hrs per session! My weakness.....hmmmm....I think it's red wine or being lazy and going out for dinner whenever my husband suggests it! I used to be much more strong willed but that was when I was going to group. I've talked myself into going back haven't I?!! Hannah x



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Joined SW in July after putting on over a stone on my last break. It has been a godsend to me. In the eight weeks since i joined I have been on one cruise (12 days) which i at first perceived as being a challenge, but was pleasantly surprised to have been able to keep within bounds. I did add 1 and a half pounds but quickly made up for that in the first weigh in ashore.

Cut out the bread rolls, stuck to the healthy options and sugar free options at dinner.

Always went to breakfast in the MDR whenever possible as the measured portions were far more beneficial than the help yourself in the windjammer. If the WJ was the only option i stuck to scrambled eggs with pepoers and Tea.

Smoked salmon with either poached or scrambled in the mornings with water melon blitzed in the blender kept me going through to lunch. Fish dishes were high on the priority list.

We did visit chops and Portofino but kept away from the sauces.

My only sins were the Gin and zero tonics only 4 sins my allowance is 30 so plenty of scope.

So far been slimmer of the week and the month and will get my 1 stone sticker this week.

Pleased you bet.

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I am surprised that SW hasnt been adopted or been approached by many of the cruise lines.

After all whats the first reaction of most people when you tell them you plan to go on a cruise.?

Whoa your gonna put some weight on.

Everybody knows that it is the wardrobes in the cabins that make your clothes shrink!😇


I do need to find a SW spot in Florida as we spend 6 months there and using Publix scales is not as accurate.

Maybe somebody from SW could peruse the menus and score them accordingly,im open for the job if they want somebody.

You know your amazing.

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Hi Hannah and is it Jac who has joined us? Just a maintain for me this week but in my defence I did have 3 separate birthday celebrations so not feeling to downhearted. Back on track and definitely going to catch up by next week. My aim is to loose a further stone and a half by Christmas. Got to be honest and say that whilst I wouldn't go OTT on a cruise, I don't know if I could be quite as good as you have! Hannah what will you do in December? Maybe it's this attitude that stops me getting to goal:rolleyes: Have either of you seen the SW Fakeaways book, it has some good recipes. Hope you've had a good weekend. Cathy

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Wow Bobnjac, you've done really well :-) It sounds like you've got an iron will to be able to pass up on all of the lovely food on board!! I just had a 1.5lb loss this week but if I can keep it up then I should get to goal by Christmas. Eeeek! Unfortunately I've got a wedding this weekend and a hen do the following week but I'll try to make the best choices possible.....wish me luck!

I must admit that although I won't go mad onboard and stuff my face 24/7, I probably will indulge in a few things that I wouldn't usually have at home. My theory is that if I'm at my target weight before I go, I know that I'll be able to get strictly back on plan when I get home and we all know that SW does work wonders if you follow it properly 😉 Sadly, I just love food!!



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Oh and I haven't seen the SW Fakeaways book but I'll look it up now, thanks Cathy 😊 Keep going everyone!! Hannah x



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Have seen the Fakeaway recipe book at the weigh in and last week it was our chance to nominate Woman of the year. Evidently it is an opportunity for members to cook a recipe and bring along a portion for all to try.

Amongst the offerings were 3 selections all from the Fakeaway recipe book.


The Sechswan chicken and the Sag Aloo were great. There was also a rice dish containing lemon and coriander. All very tasty and you get your chile kick.


I. Shall buy the book as we do love a curry and have many recipes but most contain Ghee or Cream we shall look for replacements.

Thai is the lightest and the tastiest to date.

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Bobnjac there is also a book just for curries so take a look at that as well. If you go on to SW online website you can also find recipes on there. I'm not a great fan of curries but the "hearty chicken" and "tandoori lamb" seem popular at group. The" taster nights" at club always come up with some good ideas.

I'm home for a couple of days so I'm going to try a couple of new dishes, will let you know how it goes.

Hannah well done, does this mean you are going to do it without the group? If you strut your stuff at the wedding etc I'm sure you'll do just as well next week. I'm enjoying this chatting and you've both made me determined to stay focused, so thanks. Cathy x

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Hi, thought I'd report back on the two new recipes I've tried but bear in mind I'm no Delia...First was the luxury fish pie. Tasted good but not a lot different in ingredients to other recipes except that it used quark in the sauce and carrot and swede for the mash. Then tried Salmon Laksa as my other half likes this type of dish and I wanted to try something different from my normal stuff. Jury's out on this one, never tasted nam pla or lemon grass before so not sure what to expect. Hubby quite liked it though and as I now have the ingredients I will try it again. How are you both doing and has anyone else anything to share on the SW front. Cathy

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Hi, I'm doing ok this week but our friends wedding is tomorrow and it's always difficult to stick to plan, plus I tend to lose all willpower when faced with plentiful red wine at the meal!! I love weddings and love the food part too but I'll try very hard to be good! Fingers crossed for a maintain next week.


With regard to SW recipes, I've also tried the fish pie but I prefer to use a white sauce and syn it. It's actually not as many syns as you'd think and it tastes much better 😊 Have you looked on the minimims website? It's full of SW friendly recipes and they usually tell you how many syns (if any) are in the meal, although most are free.


I tend to google when I've run out of inspiration.....'free SW recipes with beef, chicken, fish etc' and I always find something. I particularly like the pizzas using smash potato powder as the base....have you tried them? My husband loves the pulled pork recipe and diet coke chicken is always nice.


Hmmmmm.....can you tell how much I love food?!! H x



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Weighed in last night and lost 2 and a half which gave me my 1 stone loss also as i had been consistent 2 and a half a week the slimmer of the week sticker and certificate too.

Must have been my day for awards as i received an email from cruise critic saying i was also review if the week too, for my review of my last cruise on Brilliance of the seas to the Baltic.


be careful with the nom plah sauce its very strong and the lemon grass should have added a lemony base to the sauce. I love Thai food and its very quick to make and delicious.


Someone in our group mentioned mackeral which are in season now they made up a salad using this fish with veggies etc and used it not only as a main course but also as a filler or snack food. The result minus 5.5lbs


We love the jerk chicken recipe from the SW magazine the marinade leaves the chicken so moist its a real treat and very moorish and free.

We haven't tried the Coka cola chicken but it seems to be way up there with favorite dishes.

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BobnJac, what a great week, really well done. Thanks for the advice on the Salmon ingredients; there wasn't much of a lemon taste at all in my dish so back to the drawing board:o, I do love the diet coke chicken though and will take a look at the other recipe website recommended by Hannah.

My weigh- in is tomorrow and it's fingers crossed and lightest clothes at the ready. I have done extra exercises this week so hopefully it will pay off.

Have a good weekend everyone and Hannah enjoy your wedding; if you do go off plan a bit, don't worry you will pull it back later. Just don't do what I always do which is cheat then go super, super strict which makes me down and so hungry that I can't keep it up ; result is me cheating again! When will I ever learn:rolleyes:

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Hi all I am on SW and have a fair bit to lose before my cruise next May On RCI Splendour OTS. So far I have lost 18 lb have at lest another4 st to lose..I tend to take the long and winding road approach it will come off but I am not going to be miserable on the way.Only blip in the way before Xmas is my 40th going away to Krakow for a couple of days :D

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Hi Bess128 and welcome to our little group ;-)


I think the slow but steady approach is the best as the weight then stays off. I also think that SW is the nicest 'diet' out there if you don't want to be miserable as you can still eat lots and treat yourself too......that's why I like it!!


Great job on the loss so far. The time will fly by and you'll be bikini ready before you know it! 👙😎


I've got a hen do this weekend but I'm taking gin and slimline tonic to save a few syns if at all possible. The truth will come out at my weigh-in next week!

H x





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Weighed in last night lost another 1.5lb. Was a little disappointed as we have both stuck rigidly to a 7 day plan and I mean by the book!

If you tell people this is the breakfast you can eat, they just don't believe you, everything is almost syn free.

Still the weight it is going the right way.

On our last cruise in the Diamond lounge we were able to drink without too many worries as the G & T,s were made with diet Tonic so only around 4 syns each.

Enjoy your weekend.


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Hi girls and welcome to Bess128. Last weeks weigh in was only 1lb loss, I was disappointed so what did I do? Well it wasn't knuckle down like any normal person but fell off the waggon on both Saturday and Sunday. It was so unnecessary. I have been good since and so it's fingers crossed for tomorrow's weigh in. Have you seen the October magazine, there are some great recipes and really inspirational stories. Though I'm off to the naughty corner, I'm not going to let it get me down, I will do better!:o

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Ooops, I put on 1lb after my friends hen weekend but I'm actually quite surprised that it wasn't more! There were absolutely no healthy options available and my diet for 3 days consisted mostly of pizza, crisps and champagne!!


Sometimes it takes a couple of weeks for my true weight gain to show, so I need to be extra good this week in an attempt to claw something back. Oh well, I knew that it wasn't going to be a great Monday weigh in!! Meal planning here I come.....


Well done to everyone else though, you're all doing great :-) xx



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Ooops, I put on 1lb after my friends hen weekend but I'm actually quite surprised that it wasn't more! There were absolutely no healthy options available and my diet for 3 days consisted mostly of pizza, crisps and champagne!!


Sometimes it takes a couple of weeks for my true weight gain to show, so I need to be extra good this week in an attempt to claw something back. Oh well, I knew that it wasn't going to be a great Monday weigh in!! Meal planning here I come.....


Well done to everyone else though, you're all doing great :-) xx



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Hey, this is life and as long as you enjoyed your time with the girls it's worth it and after all it's just a little break in your journey, You sound determined to have a good week so looking forward to hear about your success next Monday:). Went out for lunch with friends today and menu wasn't SW friendly so I know what you mean. Settled for a chicken fajita but left the curly fries which was hard to do. also refused dessert so feeling a bit pleased with myself.......hope it lasts:D xx

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