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Losin' with WW for January 20, 2006 cruise


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Good Morning Ladies,

Janice-that is great you havent gained any weight!! I hope you are feeling better. It's good you still have a positive outlook on your cruise! It will be fun I 'm sure.

Shiela-glad your back on track!

I am doing this 3 day detox diet, yesterday was the first day, I weight 174 in the am, today I was 171! I hope it keeps coming off and stays off.


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Hi Everyone!


Just started back to work yesterday, and worked a 12 hour day, looks like I'll be working late almost every night this week and next to have everything done before we're sailing - but it will be worth it!


Janice - I'm so glad that your daughters, your Sis & BIL, as well as their kids are joining you on the cruise - there will be so many people that love you around, I'm sure you will have a great time - I'm happy that your looking forward to it! That's great that you got through the holidays without gaining, although it's too bad that you had a cold. I'm done with my anti-biotics, and it seemed like I was back to normal at Christmas, then I started having that terrible cough back (wake up 3-4 times a night coughing, have to leave the room when talking to clients until it passes as I'm not able to talk). Everything else is o.k., although the cough is what started it all the last time. If I still have it next week, I think I'll make a doctor's appt. just to get checked out - I don't want to be sick during the cruise.:eek:


Connie - That's great with the weight loss. I was up to 143.5 by Sunday evening, was really, really good yesterday and went on the treadmill twice - I was down to 139.5 this morning - I'm trying to be at 130 by the 19th when we leave, but I think I would have to starve myself for that to happen! I'm going to make a real effort to go on the treadmill most mornings during the cruise, my BIL that is coming with us runs as well, so hopefully we will be each others motivators!


Sheila - Our receptionist here at work and her family all had the stomach flu over the holidays - it's good that at least you didn't catch it. A 4 pound gain isn't much at all, I was up double that!


My SIL had surgery yesterday - they had to do a mascectomy - with everything happening with his family, I think it will do my husband good to get away from it all on the cruise. He has M.S., and although he is very much luckier then alot of people with the disease, the symptoms seem to surface much more with stress.


Well, the count down is truly on for my weight loss for the cruise - wish me luck.


Take care everybody, and have a great week!:)



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Kim-sorry about your SIL, I hope she is handling it ok.

Sheila-the detox is one I saw in a magazine, the first day you drink these protein drinks every 2 hours til dinner, dinner is a huge salad with chicken, olive oil and lemon juice. Day 2 and 3 you eat fresh fruit every 2 hours and a huge salad for dinner, but no chiken. You drink one protein drink with it. It says loose up to 9 pounds, and you can repeat it once a week if you want. It is supposed to clear your body of all the junk in it. I figured it was worth a try!


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Connie -Thank youfor your concern. My SIL has a very positive attitude - is looking ahead and not asking "what if" - she is now officially my 2nd hero, right after my husband (he was completely paralized after an M.S. attack a few years ago - and now most of the time people wouldn't even know he has the disease, although he lives with almost constant pain in his left leg - I guess strongwill runs in his family)!


The diet certainly seems to be working for you!

Congrats on the weight loss!



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Kim ~ Hi! Glad you made it through Christmas without being too sick. I hope your cough gets much better. We've got the crud running amuck around here. I've had a sinus headache for well over a week. I just keep taking Sudafed. Our weather is crazy right now and I think it is the culprit. I'm sorry that your SIL had to have a mastectomy. I'll keep her in my prayers that the cancer didn't spread. Keep us posted on the test results. Your DH is definitely a trooper! He must be amazing!!


Connie ~ Thanks for the diet detox info. I don't think I can do it, but glad it is working for you. I have stomach issues and have to eat every 3 hours. I can't eat salad either because of IBS.

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Sheila - We seem to have every kind of cold/flu sympton you can catch spreading around our city! Hope your feeling better soon. We're having crazy weather here as well - snowed ALL day yesterday, then we were able to enjoy freezing rain all night, then back to snow this morning! The drive to work this morning wasn't too bad though. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, I truly believe that attitude has a lot to do with your health - my husband maintains a great attititude while handling his disease, and it has helped him a great deal, and his sister is handling hers much the same way. I agree, I think my DH amazing - but do you think I may be a little bit biased?:rolleyes: Take care!



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Hi all!


This is my first time on a message board. We are curising on 4/1/06. Both my husband and I are on a mission to get fit and trim. He is able to join the MAC and can work out before work. He turns 40 this month and his motabolisim has slowed down greatly and he has finally realized he needs to do something. At 6'4" he holds his weight well but I reminded him that now is the time to get in shape. It only get's harder the older you get!


I am a work at home mother of 2 and have gained back some of my weight since I was laided off in August. I am a life time member of WW's and am 5'8" and weight 170 now. Highest was 183. Made LT at 162 so I'm not happy about the 8 extra pounds! In addition to going back to WW's our local radio station is holding a Greed Diet where you join as a group (a female friend and I have signed up) and weigh in each week. At the end of 8 week the group with the largest percentage lost wins $10K!!!! We are in the all women's catagory so that helps but I'm not sure if I can contribute enough of a pertentage. I will try my best though. My friend and I could both use the money. Anyway, our first weigh in is not until next Wed. Honestly, I am dying to start! I know I can do it and I've done it before. I would love to get to 155 by the end of the 8 weeks which ends up being the middle of March. I figured that would set me up perfect for the cruise.


I hoping with WW's, the Greed Diet, and the support during the day from a great group like this I can do it! I've read the string of replies and everyone sounds great!


Good luck to everyone and happy cruising!!

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arah - Welcome! Wow, that all sounds like great motivation! Anytime you may feel the need for support, just give us all a post - we're all here for each other!


I'm sure you'll be back down to your goal weight before you know it - I "fell off the wagon" and gained 8 lbs. just over the christmas break! My encouragement was the knowledge that when I gain that quickly, I can usually take it off fairly quickly as long as I am really good - lost 5 lbs. since Sunday - another 3 to go, then I would love to lose another 5 before we sail on the 20th, but at this point, I'm just trying to be really good and see what I end up at.


Your right - it gets harder to lose as you get older - I'm going to be 46 in a few days, I it seems to get more difficult every year!


How is everybody doing this week?


Have a great week-end everyone!



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Welcome Sarah! Wow, the greed diet sounds motivating. My husband and I are both dieting, I just turned 40 and he is almost 39, and it has definately gotten harder. We are cruising 4/8 , so right after you.

Hope everyone is feeling better! My son David was sick last night, I hope he wakes up feeling better.

I did good this week, am still down 6 pounds, we have people coming over today for football, so I will try and behave!!


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Good morning! I was very good this past weekend. I stayed within my point range and did exercise except for Sunday. I had another sinus headache. I'm heading to the doctor either today or tomorrow to get some sinus meds. This is getting pretty old. It could be a lot worse though. ;)


On Saturday, we went to Lowe's to look at this and that and when we were walking up, I spotted my cousin standing at the door. She saw us and was waiting to say hi. She told me that she wasn't sure it was us because of how I looked. I asked her what that meant and she said, "You're wasting away!" Mind you, I see this cousin regularly as we're good friends. Anyway, it made me feel good!


Kim ~ WOW! You've lost 5 lbs!!! I've only lost 1.5. You go girl!!!


Connie ~ I'm 41 and DH will be 43 next month. It does get harder and harder to lose weight. I'm on hormones also due to a hysterectomy and boy it is soooo hard! I'm going to see another doctor because my hormones are not regulated and my weight loss is soooo S-L-O-W! Great job on maintaining the 6 lb. loss. You rock!!

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Good morning all!


One more day and I can start this diet! I know, you're thinking why can't you now? Well, since I am joining that Greed diet, the team that has the highest percentage weight loss between 1/10 - 3/11 wins the 10K. I always loose the most in the first week I start really watching my pts and exercising so I don't want to begin until I've had my first weigh in. But I am ready to start!


Went and tanned this morning. Always makes me feel better about myself to have a little color!


Sheila ~ You must be doing well. When people start noticing you know your hard work is paying off!


Good luck to everyone this week!

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Had the official weigh in today. 173 ugh! I have my work cut out for me. Already drinking tons of water. Have to make that first grocery run for all the good stuff I need in the house. My friend and I have decided to do that WW's Protein Fast Track program. Do you all remember that for a couple of years ago? Where you choose foods out of 2 lists for breakfast, 3 for lunch and 4 for dinner. I have had great success with that and working out in the past so I'm going to try it again. Going to start with the treadmill and some palates/ball exercises that I was given by a trainer.

I know I need to work out everyday to be successful at this and I hope I can continue the whole time. That is how it always goes. Strong at first and then I just quit. That is why I decided to start writing on this message board, join WW's again and the Greed Diet. Something in there has to keep me motivated!




Hope everyone is doing well!

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Good Morning everyone!

Kim-way to go on the weightloss! You must be getting really excited for the cruise

Shiela-Isn't it great when people start to notice!! I hope you get somthing for your sinus headaches, they are a pain!

Sarah-Don't f eel bad, I am at 171, last Monday was 176:eek: Like you, I know I have to excercise 7 days a week to really succeed, Thanks God the DH got me the treadmill for Christmas.

Well, my Grandmom is still in the hospital, she is not doing very well. I feel bad for her, she is depressed and she is in Florida, we're in VA, so haven't seen her. It's hard to get away with 3 kids and a DH that works 12 hour days!!

WEll, hope you all have a good day, off to work.


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My friend and I have decided to do that WW's Protein Fast Track program. Do you all remember that for a couple of years ago? Where you choose foods out of 2 lists for breakfast, 3 for lunch and 4 for dinner. I have had great success with that and working out in the past so I'm going to try it again.


Interested in more specifics on this program. Can't seem to find it on the internet.


Thank you!:)

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Hi Saintsgirl.


I would stop in at WW's and ask if they have anymore of those sheets. That is all I received. It has the food lists and directions on it. Basically, you choose a food item out of each column. The choices that are provided seem to make the right combos to help you feel full. Whole wheat/grains, fruits, veggies, lean meats and at dinner some fat. Good fat. Makes it easier if you don't want to count points and it is more strict so sometimes I feel that keeps me on track better. I was told at one time you also get the 35 weekly pts on top of this but you could double check that. I was going to next time I go to a meeting. If WW's doesn't have it anymore for you then I could see if I can scan it and send it to you. My copy is old and tattered from traveling in my purse to the store all the time. Hope that helps!


I have the Core ball and workout and I actually did it for the first time last night. The 20 min beginning workout. What is more impressive is that my husband did it with me!!! He didn't think it would be a work out but he was the one that was huffin and puffin and got all sweaty! HA! He was in the mindset that he was just going to go to the gym and lift and that was going to drop the pounds. He tells me this as he's eating Pringles in front of me! I quickly corrected him and told him if he doesn't change the way he eats and ad cardio into his routine his hard work at lifting is going to just add bulk. He put the chips away and ate a bag of my carrots. :-) Obviously, I'm working on getting all the "bad" food out of the house!


After we did the Core I did a mile on the treadmil and got it up to the highest incline - 10. My butt hurts today. Tonight I will get back on because my plan is to do cardio evey night and the core every other.


Checking in with my parter for the Greed diet several times a day. Thought that may help in keeping us on track also. She actually turned down a free work lunch to Red Lobster yesterday!!! I was proud of her!


We are supposed to go to a friends return home from Iraq tomorrow night. It's at a bar so of course the temptation to drink many beers comes into play. If I could just sip on 2 that would be great. We'll see. At least it starts later so we will eat dinner before we go! We can't not go...


Hope everyone is doing well.


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Sarah, sounds like your doing a great job!! I havent' had the incline up to 10 yet, had it to 6 yesterday. At the party try to alternate beer and water, it seems to help me. Glad your friend is making it home safe! My husband was over there 5 times, glad he is home.


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Happy Friday everyone! Haven't posted in a while as I ended up with bronchitis from the cold that wouldn't go away. Missed some work so I'm swamped there as well. Sheila--glad you got an antibiotic and hope your feeling better--had to get some too for the bronchitis and sure is helping!


Welcome Sarah! I wish you all the best with your contest and it sounds like you've really got the motivation. Keep up the great work!


I'm happy to report I'm still weighing in at 137.2 which I'm very happy about. Having the illness has helped keep my appetite in check and I'm hoping to try to keep eating the small portions even now that my appetite is back. I re-signed up for another 3 months online with WW hoping it would get me motivated to count points, but it hasn't yet. I might even have enough energy this weekend to hit the treadmill or bike. Haven't worked out in weeks and I'm afraid I've lost all of my endurance.


Hope everyone has a successful weekend! My kids are with their dad this weekend (not much new there except that he has mentioned that he misses me and maybe wants to start working on "us"). I just am not sure at this point what I want to do and when we will have time. Anyway, without the girls around I usually do pretty good eating light. I'm hoping anyway that the ice cream doesn't call my name all weekend! ;)

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Connie, I'm so glad your husband is home safe also! I know how hard it was for my friend while he was away! Now I don't know if I'm going to the party because I couldn't line up a sitter for our boys. My husband told me to just go but we will see them at my husbands surprise party on the 28th so maybe I'll just stay home. I saw him when he was home on leave in Oct. I don't know. Would be nice not to even be in that situation.


Shouldn't have done that 10 incline! My butt was killing me. Today I'm just going to walk with no incline. WOW!


Janice, I'm glad you are feeling better. It is not fun being sick. The only up side it the weight loss or maintenance while you are sick. Hope you are back up to 100% soon!



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