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Eclipsing Northern Europe by cruise : Basic black , and Baltic blues


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I too have seen the Aida ships all over the world and would like to try it at least once if the itinerary or price was good. We just don't get any advertising for them down here in Australia.


Mic, they mostly advertise in German speaking countries and in Eastern Europe where more people learn German at school than in Australia. AIDA just anounced a world cruise for AIDAcara (their smallest ship) which will be their first time in Australian and NZ waters.


You can book them from all over the world via their website http://www.aida.de but you should have someone with German language skills help you as the website is German only, too.

How about a Baltics cruise? If we find the same cruise I could help you with some translations :)


The biggest differences between Celebrity and AIDA (besides the language) are:

- tips for crew and drinks with meals are included in the cruise fare

- cruises are priced in Euros and Euro is on board currency

- credit card payment will cost 1% surcharge (you can pay with a European debit card charge-free)

- dining is buffet only in the included restaurants

- dining is freestyle, no fixed dinner times

- very few tables for 2-4, mostly 6-8

- specialty dining is with service at the table

- the younger ships have their own brewery on board and make their own beer

- spa prices are about half of Celebrity´s

- cabins are smaller

- if you travel with children and young adults you get a discount (kids 2-15 yrs 35% off, youth 16-24 yrs 25% off, babies and toddlers travel free)

- lots of party going on in the evenings

- the 7 bigger ships don´t have a "real" theatre but a venue called Theatrium which works as both Atrium and theatre

- they have their own production shows which are developed in cooperation with Hamburg based Stage Music (a broadway style musical company)

- they do fantastic laser light shows on the pooldeck


scubacruiserx2, sorry for the off topic.

Back to your wonderful review and pictures, please.

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Mic, they mostly advertise in German speaking countries and in Eastern Europe where more people learn German at school than in Australia. AIDA just anounced a world cruise for AIDAcara (their smallest ship) which will be their first time in Australian and NZ waters.


You can book them from all over the world via their website http://www.aida.de but you should have someone with German language skills help you as the website is German only, too.

How about a Baltics cruise? If we find the same cruise I could help you with some translations :)


The biggest differences between Celebrity and AIDA (besides the language) are:

- tips for crew and drinks with meals are included in the cruise fare

- cruises are priced in Euros and Euro is on board currency

- credit card payment will cost 1% surcharge (you can pay with a European debit card charge-free)

- dining is buffet only in the included restaurants

- dining is freestyle, no fixed dinner times

- very few tables for 2-4, mostly 6-8

- specialty dining is with service at the table

- the younger ships have their own brewery on board and make their own beer

- spa prices are about half of Celebrity´s

- cabins are smaller

- if you travel with children and young adults you get a discount (kids 2-15 yrs 35% off, youth 16-24 yrs 25% off, babies and toddlers travel free)

- lots of party going on in the evenings

- the 7 bigger ships don´t have a "real" theatre but a venue called Theatrium which works as both Atrium and theatre

- they have their own production shows which are developed in cooperation with Hamburg based Stage Music (a broadway style musical company)

- they do fantastic laser light shows on the pooldeck


scubacruiserx2, sorry for the off topic.

Back to your wonderful review and pictures, please.


Thanks for all the information.:D

I have a very simple grasp of Dutch which is as you would know is somewhat similar and of course the internet has some wonderful translators that can help a lot as well.

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scubacruiserx2, sorry for the off topic.

Back to your wonderful review and pictures, please.


No worries AntjeG . One of our most interesting cruises was on a MSC cruise . We cruised Italian style with the most diverse group of people , primarily European . And all of the announcements were made in Italian , German , French , Spanish and English .



Next stop : The Norwegian Folk Museum :) :D

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We reached the museum by riding the hoho bus and arrived when it opened at 10 AM. Our first photo stop inside the museum was a house that needed it's roof trimmed








A little walk brought us to the rear of a stave church








This church was built in the 13th century at Gol Hallingdal. It was moved to it's present site in 1881 by King Oscar II in 1881.







The interior features a painting of the last supper of Jesus








The keeper of the keys appeared in native clothing.







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I know, I know! I've wandered off again! I really haven't gone far. I'm back again, and once again I'm all caught up. :D You have done a wonderful job, as always.


While I know you have a couple of cruises already planned, I can't wait to see where you'll be taking me next. I will, as usual, be travelling virtually. If only I could take our cats on cruisesI would be able to cruise more, but then I think about the logistics of taking our cats on a cruise! :eek: That is not going to happen even if the cruise lines would allow it, which, of course, they wisely do not. So for now we will continue to cruise when we can, and take virtual cruises when we can't get away ourselves.


I have the same problem and the solution is a "cat sitter"...I know they have them in FL because but I don't know where you live. Ask your veterinarian...most of the time one of his/her assistants will also do pet sitting on the side. I have a wonderful petsitter who knows my cat from his visits to the Vet (very infrequent) and I trust her completely. I wouldn't recommend taking them on a cruise....cats don't like cruising. :D

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As we were leaving the museum we saw Diane and Larry with a local friend. He informed us that there would be a seafood festival at the down town area. We rode the hoho and jumped off of the bus at the modern Aker Brygge shopping area.





Some tents were set up where local chef's were preparing snacks and lunch






Seafood display





After nosing around for a bit were drawn to some spicy scampi and a pizza - like bread . The baby approved of it and it was great ! :)








Walking around the mall we returned to the waterfront with this view of the Legend tied up in front of Akershus Castle.




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Walking along the waterfront with Aker Brygge on the left , you can see that is was a nice , warm day.




Our last stop was Akershus Castle








This is the chapel inside of the castle







Nice tapestry







We noticed that one of these cannon was trained on our balcony






Our day in Oslo had ended and here's a video clip of us leaving Oslo :



Dyna Fyr , in the harbor , is an old lighthouse which now functions as a cosy restaurant .





Next up hopefully tomorrow , is Stonehenge


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The old church and houses are exactly the same as what we saw in / near Helsinki with the same designs and décor. The influence is easy to see right across the Scandinavian countries. I was joking with my guide that mowing the lawn (on the roof) is never that dangerous in Australia :D

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The old church and houses are exactly the same as what we saw in / near Helsinki with the same designs and décor. The influence is easy to see right across the Scandinavian countries. I was joking with my guide that mowing the lawn (on the roof) is never that dangerous in Australia :D


Perhaps the Scandinavian design is spreading .






Their roof is how my lawn looked after being gone for 3 weeks ! :eek:

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Perhaps the Scandinavian design is spreading .






Their roof is how my lawn looked after being gone for 3 weeks ! :eek:


I have been home but the lest 3 or 4 weekends it has been raining so my lawn needs doing as well, along with trimming all the bushes and plants back.

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Lovely....I cannot wait to go to Norway....the stave church reminds me of the one we saw in Kizhi, Russia....built entirely without nails!! Magnificent!


That's the church that we wanted to see in Russia ( but didn't ) ! Here's a photo and article from wikipedia :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kizhi_Pogost






Kizhi Pogast by MatthiasKabel


Description :Transfiguration (left), Bell Tower (center), Church of Our Lady of the Intercession (right)


Original Description :Verklärungskirche (links), Glockenturm (Mitte), Kirche Maria Schutz und Fürbitte (rechts)




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When we first visited Stonehenge , the facilities consisted of a parking lot , some necessary rooms , a tunnel under the highway and the stones .








In 2014 a new visitor center opened with a gift shop , bathrooms , cafe , an exhibition hall , car park and a staging area for the shuttle bus .





When we stopped at the park , Sebastian went to purchase ticket and rent auto guides , but seeing this Rapeseed field - I bolted across the road like a streak of lighting to capture it before the light could change !






If you see a photo - Take it now ! Because it may not look the same later .






After the shuttle ride - there it was !






It's a very open area where sheep can graze






and helicopters can soar overhead .






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We had past a military base earlier and the next helicopter that we saw was an Apache gunship .









A three photo stitch







It's been very cool and windy both times that we went to Stonehenge , so DW and I headed back early for a cup of tea and soup to try to warm the sore throat . When the group had fully assembled we boarded the van for our next stop Windsor Castle .



The 2 previous posts were copied and pasted from the Total Eclipse thread about our TA on the Eclipse . With Tyler along on this trip I took fewer photos , here's a couple .






The shuttle to and from the stones .











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That's the church that we wanted to see in Russia ( but didn't ) ! Here's a photo and article from wikipedia :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kizhi_Pogost


You'll just have to go back!!! It was one of the most amazing sites I've ever seen...and one of my favorite ports on the river cruise we took.


Loved your pix of Stonehenge as well. We were there before there was a shuttle...just a tunnel and there you were. It was a typical October day in London (we were living there then) and the gray skies just added to the mystery....didn't see any sheep grazing, only tourists.... one of whom actually said: "It's so surprising that they built it so close to the road"...I swear that's true!! :D

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....didn't see any sheep grazing, only tourists.... one of whom actually said: "It's so surprising that they built it so close to the road"...I swear that's true!! :D


That's too funny !! :) :D


But you do know that the builders possessed some special insights . ;)


Our guide told us that we were there on the afternoon before the Summer Solstice and the " Strawberry Moon " , and told us that we might see some interesting people . I kept the camera ready , but I did see any .

The big turnout was at sunrise the next morning ( 4:52 am ) .



Story and photos here : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3651904/Stonehenge-welcomes-solstice-Thousands-druids-hippies-tourists-travel-ancient-stone-circle-watch-sun-rise-longest-day-year.html


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After leaving Stonehenge our next stop was Windsor Palace .IMG_7980_zpspyspra1x.jpg



Windsor Palace has the distinction of being the longest - occupied palace in Europe .






After parking down the street and agreeing on a meeting time , we all set out on own . Along the way I was drawn to photograph this vehicle .





I remarked to my wife , " If this is what the church organist drives , I'm in the wrong business ! " Arriving near the entrance , the next stop was the loo (and I don't mean Waterloo ) . I found this map there :






I like to take map shots , in case we get lost ! But I found a better one later on the net .






Seeing the Royal Standard flying confirmed the Queen's presence in the castle .






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The round Tower garden






One of my favorite sights in the castle area






As we walked around inside , we saw this jaw dropping room - the State Banquet . After taking this photo , I was told no photography , something I had somehow missed in our frenzied pace . I'm glad that got this one , what a beautiful room !!






Exiting the enclosed area , my next photo is the Upper Ward ( I think ) .




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Wonderful pics again, love the cheeky table shot.


Sometimes, when I haven't seen any signs, I may ask a attendant if photo's are allowed or only without the flash. Often they acknowledge the politeness and say they are okay without the flash even though on the brochure it may have said no photography. I think this is mainly the cause of camera phones, they know people will take photos and it helps with publicity so they just try and stop the flashes.

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Wonderful pics again, love the cheeky table shot.


Sometimes, when I haven't seen any signs, I may ask a attendant if photo's are allowed or only without the flash. Often they acknowledge the politeness and say they are okay without the flash even though on the brochure it may have said no photography. I think this is mainly the cause of camera phones, they know people will take photos and it helps with publicity so they just try and stop the flashes.


We hadn't seen any attendants inside or signs at this point and I was taken by the beauty of this room and so I composed the shot by looking through my viewfinder . I wear driving glasses for distance and reading glasses for close up work , but in the viewfinder I can see clearly because of the viewfinder's dioper adjustment , but not distant because of the wide angle lens . If you look at the arrows you can see a sign and a attendant in the distance which I couldn't see in the tiny viewfinder .


I don't use flash on my Canon 6 D in museums ( it has none ) . But I do add a speed light on the cruise ship sometimes , like for food photos - but it can make a nasty glare on shinny surfaces like the table .





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Our last stop was St. George's Chapel .






After passing a guard , we returned to the van .





Anyone considering a visit to Windsor Castle may want to take a look at their official video before going :




That was our previous visit , and these are from our most recent visit :


Pat and Tyler in front of the St. Georges Chapel






Photo op ( but not for Pat or Ty )





This may be the Captain of the Guard . Note the uniform and armament differences .






We left the castle early to grab a bite to eat before returning to our meeting point . And guess what Gracie , we were the first ones there !!!






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