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OT - New Cat


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I saw this thread started while I was away and I just had to post to it.

We have three fluffballs. Our youngest, Snickers, became terribly ill about a week before Thanksgiving. He is such a sweetheart and it killed me to put him in the hospital for the weekend, knowing he's so accustomed to being sheltered in our home. Even when we go away, he and his brother and sister stay home and someone comes in to take care of him. I cried that whole weekend and we actually considered cancelling our cruise because we were worried he wouldn't get well!

With the care of a wonderful vet (whom we are now transferring care to), he recuperated and is all better. It was also such a blessing to have this board to come to and take my mind off my troubles that horrible weekend when I was so worried he'd never come home.

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I am so glad your baby is better. It can be so scary when they get sick and your made to feel helpless.


Thank you. I wondered if people thought I was nuts, how crazy I was about him and worried sick. He's only 4 years old, but he got some sort of infection and it enlarged his kidneys to the point they were the largest things on the x-rays. He was also running a really high fever. We spent well over $500 getting him back to normal and now that he's all better, I am enjoying spoiling him even more rotten than he already was! But he repays us in love 100 times over.

He even brought DH and me both little "gifts" this morning- me a sock and my DH got a yarn cat toy. Our lives truly would be missing something without him.

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LandLocked - I'm also glad to hear your kitty is OK now - I completely understand how you must have felt. When Mackey was injured and had surgery the day before our cruise, I was a mess. DH took him to the emergency room while I continued packing... when he came home with an empty cat carrier, I totally lost it. It took him some time to calm me down. And then the next day at work, my co-workers kept getting teary-eyed responses from me for any question :o - and on the cruise, I threatened to call the vet's office every day to see if he was doing OK with the boarding situation. You are not alone in your devotion to your kitty - they truly make a house a home. Best wishes for continued recovery for your Snickers!

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Thank you. I wondered if people thought I was nuts, how crazy I was about him and worried sick. He's only 4 years old, but he got some sort of infection and it enlarged his kidneys to the point they were the largest things on the x-rays. He was also running a really high fever. We spent well over $500 getting him back to normal and now that he's all better, I am enjoying spoiling him even more rotten than he already was! But he repays us in love 100 times over.

He even brought DH and me both little "gifts" this morning- me a sock and my DH got a yarn cat toy. Our lives truly would be missing something without him.


Glad your little guy's okay! Don't spoil him too much! lots of things can be too much for their kidneys. Be careful what you feed him. I don't know if the things (low ash? High ash? cat food?) tht give them crystals in their urine can damage the kidneys too, but I would imagine so. Don't let him have stuff the doc says isn't good for him. no matter how much he whines! The Doc knows what's best!

And be glad a sock and yarn are the only "gifts!" you got! I've gotten things that were still half alive! I can't belive I acutally moved a half dead mole to a hole to save it from "playing" kitties! Any other time I'd have shot the damn nuisance!

Hey I went to work in tears when my cocker ate a sewing needle and punctured every part of her innards. they didn't think she would make it thorugh surgery (they called me half way to work- I thought it was a reaction to her thyroid medication making her lethargic- They X-rayed, and lo and behold!) Two hours later she was standing up in the cage wagging her tail! She was also with me when I crashed my airplane! She stood on the upside down wing watching us dangling from our seatbelts wagging her tail as if too say "That was fun, Mommy! Let's do it again!" When I lost my Grandfather, one supervisor at work was very matter of fact. When my ex had to put down his dog, she offered me tme off, very upset! People are funny, and our animals love us no matter what!

You're not alone and no, it wouldn't be dumb. It's what is important to you!


P.S. posting the pictures. Scroll down when you are posting a reply. Click on manage attachments. Find your picture. (JPGs work) Upload it to your message. It's actually pretty easy, and a chart when you click on it tells you what size of each type you can post!

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Thanks for the advice, Travel-to-go. By spoiling him, I mostly let him go outside (on our balcony; he never goes out at ground level where harm could come to him) no matter the weather or my mood, give him a little more tuna as a treat and cuddle him and stop whatever I'm doing to play when he wants. We feed him only Iams food for his regular diet and will certainly ask the doc next time we see her how she feels about the tuna as a treat. She didn't say anything when we talked about it when he was ill, but I would have fed him filet mignon if he'd just eat something!

Your pup is a lucky one! How they get themselves into these situations, I'll never understand, but their ability to bounce back never ceases to amaze me.

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Well, here's what happened. When I posted the photo, my msn homepage came up with all my contacts, etc. So I edited it. Now, when I click on your photo, my msn comes up also. This may be a stupid question, but what happens when you click on your photo? Is it just my homepage that opens only for me? I'm so confused!!!!!:confused:


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If you've got it saved in one of your folders, follow this advice from above:


P.S. posting the pictures. Scroll down when you are posting a reply. Click on manage attachments. Find your picture. (JPGs work) Upload it to your message. It's actually pretty easy, and a chart when you click on it tells you what size of each type you can post!


click on "browse" to find the image, then when you've selected it, make sure you click the "upload" button to make sure it gets there. Then you can see it in "attachments", but you won't see the picture until you actually save the message (it does not show up in the preview, from my one-time experience).

I'm glad travel-to-go posted this info as I would like to post a couple of fashion photos from our cruise.

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That's exactly what I did. As I say, when I click on the link, be it my link or someone else's, my msn page is right there with the photo. If I click on the photo, it maximizes it and the msn page goes away. I'm just nervous about it being there in the first place. However, anytime I click on someone else's link, the msn page is right there with their photo.

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ok here are my kids. the top one is Nemo(the cat that likes baths) and Zoey when we first got her. she just climbed up next to him and tried to fall asleep(that lasted a whole 5 minutes). and the other photo is of my Rocko with the face he usually gives me to prove he didn't do anything wrong.

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I just read this whole thread and I loved the photos. How on earth could Snickers get into the hangers though? Oh nevermind, they can go anywhere they want to go.


As you can tell by my name on this site, we are cat lovers. We have two spoiled rotten, gorgeous cats. We are absolutely crazy about them. If one of them got seriously ill before a cruise, we would probably cancel.

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I just read this whole thread and I loved the photos. How on earth could Snickers get into the hangers though? Oh nevermind' date=' they can go anywhere they want to go.


As you can tell by my name on this site, we are cat lovers. We have two spoiled rotten, gorgeous cats. We are absolutely crazy about them. If one of them got seriously ill before a cruise, we would probably cancel.[/quote']


:) The boy has nails and he climbed up his papa's pants! He was just a little squirt at the time, but that picture tickles me every time I see it! I even have it on display in our family room, so I had to share.

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I know this is off topic but the folks on this board are so nice so I thought I could share:


A couple of weeks ago my DD came home from work crying with this half starved half frozen cat. The shelters were closed due to the cold weather (made no sense to me). Anyway, we agreed to let the cat stay for a couple of days until we could get it to the shelter.


Needless to say the cat is still here and my dd took it to the vet. Apparently we are about to become cat people because this half starved cat is pregnant and will deliver in about 4 weeks.:eek:


I guess thats what I get for being so kind hearted when my dd turns on the tears.


This would not be so bad my our other cat hates the new stray and they fuss at each other constantly.


Don't worry about the cats not liking each other-my oldest cat did not like it when we got our second cat-it took about 4-6 weeks for her to warm up to him-now though they love each other.


Run an ad in the paper when the kittens are 6 weeks old. We did this once many years ago and not only gave away all the kittens we had but some friends of ours also had a litter of kittens and we had enough calls that they were able to give away all of theirs.


Ofcourse since then we have always had our cats spayed or neutered-it was too heartbreaking for me to give those kittens away- I had become so attached to them. I decided then and there that I would never let that happen to me again.

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Nemo- A cat that likes baths! I've heard everything now. I've never tried it! I value my life too much!


well, I guess I will add my cat stories... and tie it to cruising.

About 4 or 5 years ago, just when we were leaving on vacation, a feral female with 4 kittens shows up on our doorstep, searching for food for her babies. We live out in the woods. Well, we fed the babies, who were mostly weaned but still suckling also. Stupid ignorant us, kept trying to feed the babies and not let mama take the "lion's" share- Dummy us- She needed to eat to feed her babies! Well, We had a neighbor coming over to put out food while we were gone. When we got back, Mama had disappeared. She was pretty scrawny- Maybe fox, hawk got her- We don't know, But we found ourselves with 4 wild kittens! We trapped them one at a time and brought them to the TEAM van (a low cost traveling van that will neiuter and spay ferals, brought in a have-a-heart trap) We had a perfect grey tiger- Tige, of course, Fluffernutter, a white longhair with just a tiny patch of peanut butter colored skin on his forehead- Not visible at all when his fur grows out, Patch, a female white shorthair except for a grey fork on her forehead, and Claudia- the most beautiful (and haughty!) multi-colored longhair- gorgeous rich deep colors! Fluffer practically begged to be taken- He'd go in the trap again and again! He went first, of course. Then Patch, who turned mean. Eventually she disappeared. I think she needed her own territory. We'd see her occasionally. Tige was the most timid. We couldn't catch him, and he finally disappeared. We're pretty sure he met with an untimely end. Claudia was impossible. She was pretty wily! Well, she got pregnant before we could catch her. She had the kittens outside. We found where she hid them and tried to get them used to human contact. of course, she just moved them to where we couldn't find them. Still, we fed everyone and tried to hold them when we had the chance. They had HORRIBLE names Sooty nose, - gee, I can't remember the others. Eventually, they all disappeared one at a time- I think we caught a few of them and got them fixed. The next winter rolled around and we managed to get Claudia in the house- The snow was really deep! Well, before he appointment came up with the van, she was in heat. We couldn't take her while she was in heat- too dangerous I guess. So we had to wait. Well, Marc, not knowing how determined a queen will be when she is in heat (I hear it is painful for them if they do not mate, and will go into heat again in about another 2 weeks and will continue this cycle until they either are successuflly mated or spayed.) Well, Marc accidentally let her out. There was nothing we could do. Old Gramps, who we think impregnated half the neighborhood, got her- in a path in the snow. We tried throwing things at them- There was nothing we could do to stop them. Marc felt sorry for them, and figured let her have her babies, then we'll get her spayed. Well, we managed to get her in the house (snow again) and she had the babies in our basement. 3 jet black kittens and one still born (defective) Okay- We'll get them weaned, fixed, and adopted! Well, here we are three or four years later and they drive us nuts! They're totally indoor kitties. I will not let them out. Fluffer still lives in a little house made out of a large rubbermade tub (upside down) with a door cut out and a sheepskin bed inside. Two others, Cynthia and Little Bit showed up- We trapped them both- She was pregnant and about to break her water when we took her- If the water broke, they couldn't have aborted them. But we got them both fixed, and now they both have homes on our deck. And mooch off everyone else in the neighborhoodwe found out! One neighbor paints in his studio he has built in the barn. We found out Little bit spends all afternoon over there mooching. He wont

' let us pick him up (though we did all the time when he was a kittnen) but he sits on Tommy's lap while he paints! Other neighbors put food out on the deck for them all! We didn't know! As I said, we are out in the woods, and houses aren't close together! We finally caught Gramps and had him fixed and he is living a happy life of leisure in a horse barn up the road!


How do I bring it back to cruising? BT (he had a bent tail when he was born) Bugaboo and Miss Susie Q used to cost us an arm and a leg for boarding when we went on cruises. Well, after finding four MORE abandoned kittens in the woods-two were double-pawed (Marc claims they followed him home!!!) which we also gave vet care to and found homes for with promises they would get them fixed when old enough, one of the waitresses in our favorite eating and watering hole (owned by a former Matire D on Costa) took one, and told us about her managerie (She also lives out in a large unsettled area- mostly fields) We never wanted to have anyone come to our home- as it is always so messy! But she was personable and warm, and her home also has that "lived in" look, so ever since, she has been coming to feed our little brood for us while we are gone. Marc called her today. She is coming over Saturday to get everything set for our leaving tuesday for NYC and the QM2~

Oh, BTW, Claudia disappeared once she was spayed and the kittens taken care of. There are occasional sightings by some, though I have never seen her. I hope she is okay! And her name? the first time we coaxed her in the house as a kitten, Marc said WATCH OUT! You'll get CLAWED! I replied- Anyone can see she's a female! So I can't get Claude! She's CLAUDIA!


Sorry to be so long!




I don't think it is dangerous to get your cat neutered when they are in heat-our cat was in heat AGAIN when we had her neutered all those years ago-we made the mistake of keeping one of her kittens-the one I was most attached to- and he KEPT nursing and she would let him-finially we had to separate them for three days I think it was for her milk to dry up and you guessed it-she was in heat AGAIN but the vet still neutered her-it just cost us more-he never said it was dangerous-just harder.


Thoase cats were something else-even after she came home and was well from her surgery-the kitten would come and nurse-NOTHING-I guess and she would let him. a few months later she disapeered-she was both an indoor and out door cat. Not long after that we moved into an apartment where we were not allowed to have pets and so my mom had the boy cat-it was supposed to be temporary because we were looking into buying a house and you GUESSED it gbefore we bought our house-the boy cat disapeered like a month before we closed on the house. It broke my heart.


For years I did not want another cat then one day-11 years ago I was taking my daily walk and I kept hearing these crys in a patch of kudzu near our home-I called to the kitten-as I could tell she was scared-not could I blame her-you guys who live down south know kudzu would be like a maze or something.


Well she followed me home and so from then on we had "Kudzu". Our other cat Andy is an "accident" of our friends. Our friends had a cat that they bought- a persain/siamize mix-they planned to have her spayed-and she was an "indoor" cat-but when she was not quite 6 months old she went into heat and escaped out of the house when "Mom" was coming in with groceries-she got with whomever and whatever before they could find her-she was missing like 2 days. She had 5 kittens and they all looked differant- a couple of calicos, one orange tabby, one black and white cat and "Andy" the one they gave us-he is pretty much all black and long haired-the other 4 were short haired-so we think Andy had a differant father from the rest that was a persian or persian mix. Andy is even furrier then his "birth mom" if that is possible.

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