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Segments 3 & 4 World Cruise,part 1


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Paula, You review of the restuarants was quite interesting. You were on longer than we so you certainly have more to judge it by. I agree with you as far as breakfast room service is concerened, but we enjoyed La Veranda breakfasts more. Our service was great and food did arrive in a timely manner. We also enjoyed watching Captain Dag dock the ship from up there.


Lunch was always out at the pool grill for us, it was plentiful and the choices fine. The grill has the best burgers! We did have luch on shore at every stop so our lunches were mostly sea days at the pool grill.


Dinner was never a problem. Signatures the 3 times we ate there was wonderful. Their chicken soup presentation was over the top and the rack of lamb wonderful and cooked to the perfect med rare. We enjoyed everything we had there. Compass Rose was an expierence, we ate with world cruisers every evening there and they are very well taken care of, so I have absolutly no complaints, only the best comments...the service was outstanding, soups came hot or they were take back and presented steaming the second time..As we all know you can order anything your heart desires and it will be served the next evening but we are fish eaters so we had no problem with the regular menu. I can't comment on the breads as I don't eat them, but I did indulge in dessert a few times and enjoyed.


We walked into the afternoon tea a few times and found the selections varied and very appealing to the eye...........I was good and didn't sample until the choc. lovers tea and was that great!!!! there were four of us and all enjoyed.


We were 8 at TGIFridays in Lattitudes our first night onboard, and no one loved it and none went back..enough said.


This was our 4th trip on the Voyager and we love it and feel it just keeps getting better and better.



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Although we've been on the Voyager quite a few times, I really have only the 2005 WC to compare to your experience with many of the same ports. It sounds like things have NOT been done nearly as well this year as last year. For example, we were in Cochin for 9 hours and this is where we had our special event....not Goa (we were there only 6 hours). I can't imagine choosing Goa for this carnival for 700 passengers. This makes no sense and it's no surprise that the results were a disaster as you described. This carnival sounds like it would have been a total bust no matter how many hours you were there!


For my own selfish reasons, I'm hoping that they realize many of the mistakes made this year and don't make similar ones on the 2007 WC. I took the time to re-read Debbie and Clay's journal. As you said, none of us are here as PR for Regent, we're just here to share information with each other and to call it as we see it. (In their case it's to share with their own family, probably not intended for us). Even after re-reading their journal, I question some of their comments and reasoning for being somewhat disenchanted with the experience. IMO, some would seem justified, many don't. It does sound like they have settled into a nice routine and recent entries are more pleasant than their earlier ones. (I still question why a couple who was unhappy on a 4 day cruise would opt to book a 4 month cruise?? This is something I will never understand). This is not intended as any type of personal attack on Debbie & Clay whatsoever so I hope it's not misinterpreted, just a casual observation. Of course, some people go with the flow easier than others. I enjoy your postings so much and in your case, I think you are such a seasoned cruiser that you can be objective and fair giving praise and criticism as it is deserved.


And what is going on with the entertainment or lack of?? On our WC, we seemed to have a LOT more entertainment than you did. On some nights when we didn't sail until later, we too didn't have entertainment but this didn't happen often. On those nights there was likely a pool side grill party with lots of socializing, music, dancing and fun. The one thing that we really always had to fall back on was Mandy and Robert in the Voyager Lounge. This husband and wife duo were so talented and we were so lucky to have them performing almost every night. On our recent SA trip on the Mariner there was also a duo who were OK, but nothing as good as Robert and Mandy. The activity each night in the Voyager Lounge was greatly missed on our SA trip. On this recent Mariner trip, there were only a handful of nights we didn't have a show in the Constellation Theater and most that we saw were good and well received.


Our cruise director, John Barron and assistant Cruise Director Brian Townsend (soon to be CD on the Voyager) both had excellent voices so they too put on a one man show from time to time. We almost always went to the Peter Grey shows on both the Voyager and the Mariner, other shows we attended about 50%. Whether guest chose to go or not, nightly shows should still be offered most nights for those that do enjoy staying up and may not be into casino, socializing or dancing. Again, I hope the lack of nightly entertainment on your WC is not a sign of the future.


I am not much of a foodie (my husband is more so!). What worked well for us on any RSSC cruise we've been on is the special order. We've done this dozens and dozens of times where we order the night before for the following night. I think more people should take advantage of this. It is so easy to ensure you're going to have an entree (appetizer, dessert) you enjoy!


I know quite a few people who are currently on the entire WC. I'm anxious to hear their comparisons between the '05 and '06 voyages as well.


Paula, we are all enjoying your review so much. You are a very gifted writer who has such a talent to bring everything to life!

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--Re; Signatures...Do you mean that wonderful puff pastry domed consomme w. the secret finding of black truffle? I agree it was terrific. [incidentally, this dish was created several years ago by Paul Bocuse for the dinner honoring the President of France.] I also enjoyed the crustacean bisque which appeared [i think] on the alternating menu. My husband really enjoyed the duck magret,as did I...but I also was very fond of the veal tenderloin w. soubis.

--I totally agree that the Pool Grill hamburgers were delicious! The Cr ones weren't bad either.

--I only attended tea twice and only to have a cup of tea. One day it was 'chocolate tea'...what a mob ...but I didn't even approach the center table.

--You're not suggesting that it was because you dined w. WC that the soup was hot....are you??? Just kidding!




- Thanks for your kind comments.


- At the start of @ segment, R provided a 'social calendar' in which you can list appts, reservations, etc and in which they had printed the Captain's parties,etc. Neat idea & very functional. The back contained a list of the entertainers & lecturers. To date, I haven't been able to locate my copies but if I do, I will add info accordingly. I have been able to recall two additional entertainers ....a female vocalist [ Donna ]who did a Judy Garland show plus another show. We weren't too fond of these performances but perhaps others were. There also was a male vocalist [Elison?] whose shows involved singing in the style of Sinatra, Tom Jones,etc. [ Does no one sing their own way?] So for 2 segments we had a juggler, a fiddler, an Elton John impersonator, Donna/Garland and the above described male vocalist, 4 shows by PGT, 3 of local entertainment...I must have missed someone. I wish that I had kept track of the nights without shows as there did seem to be far more of these than I had ever experienced previously. One night we had Name That Tune and on 3/17 we had pax talent show as the main offering. I don't recall Liar's Club, etc. The only on deck evening was the buffet dinner [as far as I can recall anyway]. I don't know if this is a LOT less than you had...or I just expected more. I've not been on ships that didn't have a small welcoming show on night 1 and a small reprieve/ farewell show the last night out.


-The pre dinner music in the Voyager ends at 7:30 [we would prefer 8pm] and doesn't resume until after the show; we would have liked to stop by for an after dinner drink and dance. Frankie Holiday begins again sometime after 9pm.


-We certainly knew that we were welcome to special order on R. We talked about it but never got around to it. Perhaps afraid we'd prefer the night's menu? Actually,so many good items rotated [dover sole, prime rib,butter poached lobster tails] that we didn't feel deprived in the selection category but rather, found the preparation more at the 'good banquet' level or country club level. This may be the sorry plight/ lot of a foodie!


-We enjoyed dinners alone and with new found friends...and always had a pleasant evening.


-Yes, I suspect that Goa was poorly conceived...and I also suspect that it won't be repeated.

Staff members were shuttering and waking w. all of the comments they rec'd that evening!

So don;t fret.


If it hasn't come through to date, let me take this opportunity to emphasize that we very much enjoyed this cruise. We were happy campers who did not waste our vacation comparing/contrasting, complaining or nitpicking. There are many, many things we enjoy about R and nothing we hate....we would have stayed on for another seg in a blink!...and look forward to sailing Voyager again in the near future. In saying this, I do not shy away from my earlier comments that I feel there is room for improvement in the cuisine & entertainment. I am glad that R is embracing 'all inclusive' because I found not being bothered w. chits delightfully freeing, most especially when we were at tables w. 8 or more people. I've read where others have rued the loss of a European crew but I found the filipino/a crew to be warm, personable, attentive and dedicated to serving you.


When able, I will finish off w. Mumbai & Dubai...and be happy to answer any questions.

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Oh, the wonders of air travel and time change! A week ago today we sat at Burj al Arab, enjoying 'tea'.


This fabulous hotel in Dubai, UAE is so richly ornate, creatively designed and beautiful ...all so over the top that it borders on unfathomable. Built & owned "by the Sheik", its shape replicates the typical sail on the Arab boats. It reaches high into the sky and can be seen for miles as you approach, your excitement building. There is a security gate and you need a reservation w. confirmation number in order to enter the grounds.


You enter an via an area of large fountains, lighted in soft multi colors as they play out their routine. Most folks jaws are agap as they're riding the escalator up to lobby level. This is because the open atrium has a color pallet artfully shaded from blues to greens ascending up, up, up...broken by vast amounts of gold. Stained glass medallions appear to mark each rooms entry. There are ever so many interesting artifacts in this area, including a Swvarsky [?sp] crystal replica of the hotel.


The setting for tea was elegant...richly upholstered furniture, oriental carpets, flowers galore and lots and lots of well trained staff. Tea began w. a glass of champagne and was followed in courses by

1. a bowl of berries w. fabulously rich, lightly sweetend whipped cream

2.an assortment of tea sandwiches--egg, chicken salad, cucumber & on herbed bread et. al.....surprisingly, not the best part of this tea

3.scones w. clotted cream and strawberry jam

4.an elegant silver tray w. assorted french style small pastries, including some date cakes...dates being a local product and love

5.a silver ferris wheel shaped tray of bonbons

All of these trays were decorated w. small red rose bouquets.


This tea experience was rather costly. Priced at 220 d pp [rate is 3.5 or 6 to 1 US$] normally, we were there [unbeknowst to us] on Mother's Day, so the prix was 300. At the conclusion they presented the women w. an elegant small box [about 9- pieces] of fabulous chocolates.


What an experience! We shared it w. some cruise friends and and there was much merriment over finding ourselves in this elegant setting.

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Paula, this sure brings back memories. I've never seen a hotel like this in my life!! It smelled of $$$ !!


We were very fortunate that we made friends with a segment couple who were getting off in Dubai and booked a room at Burj al Arab for the night. We had a cocktail party on the top floor for all the full WC passengers but this nice couple had invited us to stop by their suite first. Of course we jumped at the chance to see one of the suites and invited Jamie and Dana to join us. Each suite is a 2 story townhouse style and HUGE. I'm guessing around 3,000 sq. ft.(and dripping in gold of course!) Keep in mind, these friends had gotten the least expensive standard room (all are suites). I can only imagine what one of the larger suites looked like. To get to their room we had to check in through the concierge (one on each floor) letting them know we were invited guests etc. I think it would have been easier to get inside Ft. Knox! Our cocktail reception on the top floor was so over the top, just like your tea. It was quite an evening. I don't have your email to send you these but you (and others) may enjoy seeing some of the photos I took. (when looking for your email on your public profile I notice you're a Libra like me....I'm Oct. 3rd!)


going up the escalator and the entrance to the lobby




One of the very high end shops within the hotel



Inside one of the suites' bedroom (you should have seen the view!!!)




one of several bathtubs inside suite



huge livingroom




each suite has a large staircase


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Isn't the decor just unbelievable?! Wow, what a suite.......especially the staircase. I hope everyone enjoys the photos. I recently acquired my first [almost point & shoot] digital camera...and may try to post a few photos this week...but it's still such a struggle for me. Perhaps that's why I've being enjoying Clay's blog. R had a reception for the WC at Burj this year also; we saw them arriving as we were departing from tea. As touristy as it sounds, we sat on the sofa [in your entry/lobby photo] for about half an hour, just watching that water fountain, prior to finally tearing ourselves away.


Oct 8th here.......... pcloguda...[ no spam/ads please] at/symbol comcast dot net.

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Glad you like my photos Paula. The photos just can't do it justice! BTW, in the living room picture the Large gold frame is actually one of several plasma TVs. Also, you may see a clock on the staircase. It isn't really there but the illumination is and the time is correct (never knew how they did that type of thing). Our friends that invited us into their suite told us the cost was something like $1,600 or $1,700 for the night (going by memory?). I remember being surprised at how many Arab families with several children were staying at the hotel. To them it must be like a local Howard Johnson....gue$$ it'$ all Relative$$.


Once you get use to your new digital camera, you'll love it. Like you I just have a simple point and click. I'm technically challenged and couldn't handle anything more advanced.

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I was only commenting on perceived challenges in breaking into groups of people who have been traveling together & making friendships along the way....I just read some posting on the Crystal board and they made me shutter.......You're in MY seat????


Re: Clay/Debbie's blog...Currently there are some great photos of middle eastern

countries and passage through the Suez Canal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Marcie, This was my very first experience w. a digital camera and hence,

first experience trying to send photos. I know that I didn't do a

fabulous job, but I'm learning. Unfortunately, I can't even answer your question!


BTW Loved your 'seamail' and followed it. Paula

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Hi Paula,as you can see this is my first posting or attmpt to post. Thank you so much for your wonderful review of the WC 2006. You said everything that I would like to say but only much better.How on earth did you remember the menu from "the Burge"?

We thorougly enjoyed meeting you and experiencing the exciting dune ride !Just joking. I will be asking questions regarding the Norwegin cruise next summer.All I have to do is convince Ray. Pat.

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