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Smoking on QM2


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As do so many other things - Big Macs, Asbestos, GM food, Alcohol, X rays, etc. However the chance of getting cancer from second hand smoke is a lot smaller than the chances of it being caused by a poor diet.


I can walk past a person eating a Big Mac and not have to hold my breath.

As I said before thank you for the answers to my original post. I appreciate that Cunard designating smoking and non-smoking sides of the ship. Let’s not get down in the dirt over a simple question that has been respectfully answered by most of the respondence.

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Fine - take your holiday on a totally non smoking ship. I don't stay at a non smoking hotel and then insist on my right to smoke, I just take my business away from them. If non smoking ships are so much in demand then you shouldn't have any difficulty taking your business to a company that operates one.




As do so many other things - Big Macs, Asbestos, GM food, Alcohol, X rays, etc. However the chance of getting cancer from second hand smoke is a lot smaller than the chances of it being caused by a poor diet.




A rather mean hope. I would hope that accommodation can be provided that will meet the desires of everybody.




Have you ever wondered why it's so smoky? Could it be bad ventilation, a lot of gamblers also smoke or possible a combination of both.




Not only is there no perfect solution it's also going well off the topic of Cunard cruise ships, I think that Cunard don't do too bad a job in providing separate areas.


I can walk past a person eating a Big Mac and not have to hold my breath.

As I said before thank you for the answers to my original post. I appreciate that Cunard designating smoking and non-smoking sides of the ship. Let’s not get down in the dirt over a simple question that has been respectfully answered by most of the respondence.

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I'm not sure how "English waters" affect things. As a British registered ship, I would assume English law applies to her wherever she is - at least on the high seas.


Laws apply to who's waters you're in. US laws apply when in US waters. For example, no gambling.


Once in International waters it's up to the ship.


-Sheby, USA

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for the information.


Being a reformed smoker for 23 years it is always amazing to me to see so many young people smoking. Taking into consideration the cost and bad press you would think smoking would be more on the decline then it is.


As someone with lung disease and definite confirmed irreversible lung damage from smoking, I want to take young kids I see smoking who think they look so cool and shake them and say , "DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? YOU'RE NOT COOL. YOU LOOK STUPID!!!" But they would listen about as much as I did. And make fun of the crazy old lady. When I see an older person smoking. I figure they are probably long addicted, and would quit if they could. And many don't want to give up their "drug of choice" Which is actually a form of not being able to- (I don't want to give up my mojitos, or what-have-ou, but I can, and I have- when I had to.)


At least adults know the risks, and are taking them knowingly. But a kid- teenager- at that age the think the are invulnerable. They will never die... or get old, or get dreadfully sick, and gasping for life. I know the dangers, and yet, there are still time when the allure makes me think- but knowng I would probably end up hospitalized quickly.


I already sound like my parents...or grandparents.


"When I was your age..."


We rolled our eyes and didn't listen either, did we!


And Penny, honestly! We don't deliberately take those seats! Not knowingly most of us! Honest!


You're being paranoid, dear. And you know what they say about that!



Who says. "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're NOT out to get you! <BEG>

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Laws apply to who's waters you're in. US laws apply when in US waters. For example, no gambling.


Once in International waters it's up to the ship.


-Sheby, USA


Sheby - That's an interesting point. I'd agree with you on the subjects of gambling, serving alcohol and selling goods. I'm not so sure about smoking though - I'd not put it past our government to change the British Laws to say that for a boat to visit the UK it cannot permit smoking on board at any time.

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I smoke Cuban cigars and do not inhale the smoke like those who smoke cigarettes do. My Doctor has even OK'd them if it helps relieve stress.


I've had more people tell me how great a cigar I'm smoking smells than the very few that opposes them. I admit, a bad cigar is a terrible thing to have to smell, but a good Cuban cigar is a different story.


On my QM2 trip this month I plan to smoke in the designated areas and on my balcony.


-Sheby, USA

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Hmmm...I thought US citizens weren't supposed to buy Cuban cigars... :rolleyes:

(Of course that would be a "political" issue as opposed to a "health" issue)


Leave it to the good ol' Yanks to complain about second hand smoke when obesity is the nations biggest health issue. I just love when someone carring an extra 100 pounds or so, rides the ships elevator everywhere rather than take the stairs, orders 2 or 3 desserts after a huge dinner, drinks alcohol while sitting in front of a slot machine all night long, and then rolls their eyes at someone in the smoking section like that's what's really going to ruin their health. :rolleyes:


Yes, maybe the good ol' government can ban smoking everywhere, afterall, prohibition worked so well, didn't it?

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Hmmm...I thought US citizens weren't supposed to buy Cuban cigars... :rolleyes:

(Of course that would be a "political" issue as opposed to a "health" issue)


Leave it to the good ol' Yanks to complain about second hand smoke when obesity is the nations biggest health issue. I just love when someone carring an extra 100 pounds or so, rides the ships elevator everywhere rather than take the stairs, orders 2 or 3 desserts after a huge dinner, drinks alcohol while sitting in front of a slot machine all night long, and then rolls their eyes at someone in the smoking section like that's what's really going to ruin their health. :rolleyes:


Yes, maybe the good ol' government can ban smoking everywhere, afterall, prohibition worked so well, didn't it?


Hey! Lady! I resent that comment! I do NOT sit in front of slot machines! IN fact, I don't even play them! Too smoky in there <ducking!>


(And how did you know about the "or so"- Were you standing behind me when I stepped on the scales? <G>)



Who carries around an extra hundred pounds or so. ... And that's just my purse! If you add what *I* weigh.... Hoo boy!


P.S. Don't EVER call me a YANK! <G>


P.P.S. They have horizontal elevators on the ship? Wow! And to think I did all that walking up to the library and the Commodore Club when I could have ridden the elevator from the Britannia and the Gold Lion! Bummer! Wish I'd known! My feet would've been a lot less sore. And I wouldn't have risked ruining my nice round perfect figure! <GG>

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Karie, You totally crack me up!!!! :D


Just trying to make a point with "The US officially said...blah, blah blah."


We all know what our vices may be. When the government will try to legislate vices...well...don't we have a history of thst shi... I mean cra......I mean...stuff? :rolleyes:


Maybe...just maybe...there is a "higher power" out there. Who can explain why a non-smoker, non-drinker dies so young and yet someone who does both lives past 90 years of age?


I agree, second hand smoke is not "enhancing", yet, what perils do exist that may be even worse, that the goverment does NOT admit to? Additives in our food? The combining of prescription drugs? Living near a toxic waste dump? (That you were never aware if until 30 years later?) At least if you don't like the smoke...you leave! Seems simple enough to me.

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Karie, You totally crack me up!!!! :D

That reminds me: Duck who fly upside down have cra... Uh, never mind!


Well, it would truly be better if we all gave up all of our vices and risky behaviour. But what a truly boring world that would be! No gambling, no rich foods, no speeding, no smoking, no skydiving, or scuba diving, cut most salt out of the diet, no drinking. WHAT! NO DRINKING!?!:eek:

Go ahead and smoke 'em if you got 'em , Lady!

Just, please, blow it in the other direction, as I do have impaired lung function.

But please, allow me the privelege of sitting with you in the Golden Lion. It's not that I deign to take one of the precious few smoking seats to deny you the privelege. It's that I deign to NOT deny myself the privelege of sitting with charming and delightful friends such as yourself and Miss Maria (who, rumors have it, will also have another 29th birthday in, oh... APPROXIMATELY 2 weeks and 2 days)

Please don't relegate me to the back of the room where the non-smokers dwell in self-congratulatory darkness (and it is dark, back in that corner, away from the windows and the opening to the corridor)


As for the new Brit law, although the ship is of British registry, I don't believe they can or would regulate the ship at sea, vis a vis smoking in public rooms, though Cunard, itself, may chose to do that, under the excuse of the new British law. Some establishments actually welcome the law, as smoking is awfully hard on fabrics, wallpaper, etc, to say nothing of the danger of cigarette burns and fire.


Maritime law is actually separate from land-based laws, which apply in part, but not in whole. Jurisdictional issues abound. recent case in point- the RCCL honeymooner (Who is from my state) who went missing near Kusadasi.

I read up quite a bit on maritime law when we were having one debate or another. It is actually pretty shocking just how free the cruise lines are to apply their own "laws" For instance, some of the cases of underaged kids drinking and being taken advantage of, rapes and assaults, involving both crew and passengers. The cruise lines are often able to get away (literally) with murder, by not doing things that would be required on land, such as preserving evidence, or even reporting crimes. I'm not going to stop cruising by any means, and these cases are very much the exception, not the norm, but be aware it does happen. Why do you think they don't have US registry? So they do not have to pay US minimum wage and obey US labor laws!


So don't worry about smoking being banned completely in public areas. Although I might like that (it IS nice to be able to go to bars where I couldn't for a long time in CT) I don't see it happening.



who loves her smoking friends, just not the smoke. And worries about their health, especially those with conditions that smoke could exacerbate, as much as they probably worry about my obesity and its ramifications for my health.

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[quote name='travel-to-go'][SIZE=3][COLOR=red][SIZE=2][COLOR=black]As for the new Brit law, although the ship is of British registry, I don't believe they can or would regulate the ship at sea, vis a vis smoking in public rooms[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote]

I wish I had your faith :(
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$9 per pack? Holy smoke...no pun intended;) Here in the good old southern state of South Carolina a carton of 10 packs will cost between $27 and $33 ( our brands). Then again, we're one of the states that grow the stuff...and still permit smoking in restaurants (for now:) ) I guess at $9 a pack I'd be looking for a good hypnotist...again!!:o

The last thing I'd want to do is cause discomfort to someone else...like you Karie...and I do try hard to be considerate as a smoker. We all have rights...my wish would be that all of us could find a way to be respectful of those rights, whether or not we agree with them. Cheers, Penny
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[quote name='pnhmrk']I wish I had your faith :([/quote]

Well, you can always get mad and do what I did.
One year (1984, I believe) when they had Great American Smoke-Out Day, my boss, who was trying to quit. decided there would be no smoing that day in the office. (Yes that was back in the day when we could smoke in the office- and with our low ceilings, it had to be pretty bad on the non-smokers, but they had no rights back then.) It was prettty rough on me, but I got through it.
At the end of the day, I was stuck on a customer call (past 5:00) but heard the boss saying something to the effect that it was such a good thing, we'd do it again tomorrow! I burst into tears. (Okay, So I was stressed!)
Well, I got home crying, (Sobbing is more like it) and complained bitterly to my (then) husband. His response? "We'll show them! We'll both quit!" Well, I broke a tooth that next morning. Never was I so glad to have a dentist appointment in my life. I must've smoked a pack on my way over there! (My poor dentist! My breath must've been hell!) When I got home that night, my husband said he meant it. He did not have a cigarette after dinner. (unheard of) The next morning, he didn't have his first morning one sitting on the "throne" (Also not done!) So I said, "If he can do it, I can do it!" (He was much more addicted than I was.) So I did! Pretty much that was my last cigarette (one or two times I would grab one from Marc when we started dating after my divorce to try to shame him into quitting- It didn't work. He later quit on his own.)

To this day, neither of us smokes. We have more money than we used to have and are no longer a slave to the weed (I still remember standing outside the groccery hotboxing one trying to smoke it down, not wanting to waste a single drag!) I no longer have tiny burn marks on my shoulder belt from ashes flicked out the window coming back in, I can see through my windshield (was kind of hazy blue, that you just couldn't get clean!) I found out my bathroom tile (in my old house) was actually white! I no longer get burn holes in my clothes. It has given me freedom from that.

So if they try to regulate it! Get back in their face. Say, "I'll show you! I'll just quit!" and then do it!

Good luck!

who is glad no be rid of that nasty habit! (no one can possibly think it is anything but! Even many confirmed smokers hate themselves for their inability to triumph over its pull!)
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[quote name='travel-to-go']"I'll show you! I'll just quit!" and then do it![/quote]

Karie - I did, last October. I haven't smoked since then. I gave up because of the pressure I felt I was under. That pressure has stopped me smoking AND it has boosted my support for the right to choice. I'm one of those ex-smokers who doesn't mind people smoking in my house, who will sit in a smoking area if someone in the group smokes, etc.

I'm reminded of a friend I met on board about 12 years ago - I smoked and he didn't - In the Yacht Club I'd sit at the last table in the smoking area and he'd sit at the first table in the non-smoking area. We were sitting next to each other, I wonder if he'd have noticed any difference if we'd been at the same table?
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[quote name='pnhmrk']Karie - I did, last October. I haven't smoked since then. I gave up because of the pressure I felt I was under. That pressure has stopped me smoking AND it has boosted my support for the right to choice. I'm one of those ex-smokers who doesn't mind people smoking in my house, who will sit in a smoking area if someone in the group smokes, etc.[/quote]
Oh, Malcolm,
You are such a sweetheart. As I said, I do sit with the marvelous (and smoking) Miss Maria at trivia at the Golden Lion Pub. How else would I have met such a charming (and smart!) young lady! She tries to blow it in the other direction and I try to time my inhales so as to not coincide with her exhales! (Kinda like sleeping with someone face to face! <LOL>)
I truly do have medical issues. I don't believe I have EVER asked anyone to put out a cigarette. Even if they were being truly rude. There is only one entrance to my building which is a non-smoking entrance (and posted as such, with directions to several other smoking areas) However, some folks simply insist on smoking there. I mentioned it to management. However, they have to be there when the people are smoking!
I finally put a VERY polite sign (This is the only non-smoking entrance to the building. Thank you for your consideration of our breathing impaired friends) There has not been a problem since. I think some people just don't think. They have a limited time for break, and don't even think about it. Most people aren't intentionally rude! It is a long walk (uphill) even from the handicapped spaces. On bad morning such as we have had recently (record breaking heat, combined with bad humidity- when they tell people like me to stay indoors) I have to stop and rest three or four times, just to get to the door. If I had to go through a cloud of smoke, I think I would turn around (crying) and go home. I have actually done that some days. I won't ask people to not smoke. I have left, and called in to the office from elsewhere or worked from my car until the people leave. That is truly sad. I honestly wish my lungs were healthy. It has wrecked my entire body, what with all of the drugs I have to take and all of their side-effects.

I hope you feel healthier as a result of quitting. It takes a while to clear out your system. It may have been 20 years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday! Ugh! It was not fun!

I am sorry that you felt badgered into quitting, but happy for you that (i am sure) you are now putting that money away for an extra cruise or crossing each year, no? <G>

Who tries to see the silver lining, even in the cloud of smoke!;)
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Ah heck, Karie... I'd even sit in the non-smoking section with you, (esp. for trivia!) :D Not like I have to have a cig dangling from my mouth every five minutes. I'll just walk over to the bar area, (that way I have to "excercise" my right for that cig.) LOL

BTW, my choice are the extremely, skinny, ultra-light, (Yeah, I know...whatever...) Capri's which I get for $32 a carton on the Indian Reservation near Santa Fe. This way, I may feel good about supporting our indiginous population by my bad habit. :rolleyes: (Kind of like like letting them get back at us for introducing "fire-water" way back when.) ;)
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[QUOTE=pnhmr. I don't stay at a non smoking hotel and then insist on my right to smoke, I just take my business away from them. If non smoking ships are so much in demand then you shouldn't have any difficulty taking your business to a company that operates one.[/FONT]

Do you fly on non smoking aircraft?

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[quote name='transatlantic fan']I hope this may help with the UK smoking ban on Cruise Ships.


A very helpful site. I wonder how reliable they are?
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[quote name='mufi']Do you fly on non smoking aircraft?[/quote]

David - when there was still a smoking section on some aircraft we would make a conscious effort to use those airlines. Now that all airlines are non smoking we have no choice but to use them if we want to travel a long distance quickly. It is much nicer though to travel in style on the surface of the earth rather than above it!
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