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Wishing All Thanksgiving Wishes To Our Cruise Critic Family..........


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Hi All,


My wife and I would like to extend our wishes to The Members Of Our Large Cruise Critic Family (On Land, In Flight and/or At Sea) for A Very Healthy,Happy and Safe Thanksgving Day.


* May We Give Thanks For The Family And Friends We Are So Blessed To Have With Us. Especially Those That We Be Joining Us On This Most Special Day, But Also To Those Because Of Distance And Other Circumstances Will Not Beable To Do So.


* For Those That Have Gone Before Us, Especially Those We Have Recently Lost But Are So Cherished In Our Thoughts And Minds And Will Not Be Forgotten.


* We Thank Our Everlasting Creator For All That We Have Been Blessed With During Our Life.


* We Give Thanks For The Opportunity Of Meeting So Many Caring & Loving Members Of This Cruise Critic Family On Our Last Two Cruises. We Wish To Continue Our Togetherness With Them And All We May Meet On Future Voyages.


* And Special Thanks To The Members Of The Armed Forces (US & Foreign) Who Work And Sacrific Each And Everyday To Keep Peace & Harmony Throughout The World. We Thank Those Especially That Will Be Away From Their Families. We Pray To Keep Them Safe, And Allow Them To Return To Their Homes And Families.


We are forwarding our Thanksgiving Wishes at this time, because time will pass as quickly as it does on each and everyday, and with all the festive activities associated with it, we may not find the opportunity to visit this board as often as we would wish tomorrow.

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Ed and Bev, those were beautifully put and heartfelt. I know Maria has appreciated your friendship through this year!


I, too, have to thank our Cruise Critics. You all have gotten me through (and continue to help me through) one of the hardest times of my life. My cruise Critic friends were posting prolifically, their thoughts and prayers for me when I was in Florida, going through the pain of losing my father, while I was in the process of being laid off from my beloved job of 27 years. When I didn't even call some of my oldest and dearest friends until much later when my father died, my cruise critics friends were there from beginning to end. I had to explain nothing, as they lived it with me. Likewise they rejoiced when my job was saved at the last minute. And continue to help see me through the tough days I have sometimes, with changes in my job circumstances and still deeply mourning my father and dealing with the aftermath.


We rejoiced in the secret plans of Spike, who is even now, on the surprise trip he lovingly planned every detail of with us, with his wife. We shared the joy of two of our fellows cc'ers who got engaged on our last cruise, and even now, one of our cruise critic friends who is leaving for the Dec 2 Caribbean on QM2 in a few days, and spent today at a funeral of a longtime friend who was only 49, died suddenly in his sleep and left a widow and three children, in addition to many friends. We shared the fears recently of a North Carolina CC whose mother was near the recent tornadoes. We have seen our Fairy Cruise-Mother, Queen Maria from start to recent finish of her cancer treatment, which was diagnosed just after her January Panama Cruise. She finished Chemo just before the 4 day Labor Day cruise, at which she organized what I believe to be the biggest non-cruiseline sponsored cruise critic gathering ever!

We've fought like brothers and sisters, and made up the same way. We have differences of opinions on dress, politics, cruise etiquette and which ships we love,...or love to hate, and who is our favorite captain, CD, Entertainers, and waiters. In short, believe it or not. From far and near. shared trips, and never met, and not likely to meet, from the WCC to the Hawaiian cruisers, Brits, North Americans, Germans, and others. We are a family.


To my family, whether you celebrate our US thanksgiving tomorrow or not.

thank you for being you- diverse,wonderful, caring, interesting, and everything else.



Who has no smart sig line. Just thank you.

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Ed and Bev, those were beautifully put and heartfelt. I know Maria has appreciated your friendship through this year!


Who has no smart sig line. Just thank you.


Hi All & Kari,

Thank you for your warm and meaningful message. Yes, Happy & Healthy Thanksgiving Day.


I am so sorry that I didn't have the opportunity to meet you all on Labor Day, it sounded like the QM2 Rocked! It also Rocked on the 4th of July.


I am due to write to Maria soon. She sent us a very nice ecard for the holiday. I do have to do my parish work this weekend but will drop her a short note to her. We did never talk to much before my last cruise and on return.


Wish you well......

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Peace and harmony?


Hardly. Between them America and the UK have set light to the tinderbox that was the Middle East.


Not the work of individual soldiers - often very brave - but of foolish political masters.


Untold numbers of dead - well into the hundreds of thousands - is hardly something to view as praiseworthy.

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Peace and harmony?

Hardly. ...

Shhh, Kindlychap. A Day of Thanksgiving is for reverently giving thanks for what we feel blessed to have been given, nothing more. And nothing less, for

we all should realize that what we have, no matter how much or how little that may be, is more than we deserve. The ills and evils of the world will be with us every day; let's devote just the one day to be thankful for the good.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone,


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Shhh, Kindlychap. A Day of Thanksgiving is for reverently giving thanks for what we feel blessed to have been given, nothing more. And nothing less, for

we all should realize that what we have, no matter how much or how little that may be, is more than we deserve. The ills and evils of the world will be with us every day; let's devote just the one day to be thankful for the good.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone,




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A Day of Thanksgiving is for reverently giving thanks for what we feel blessed to have been given, nothing more.


Maybe you should remember that Thanksgiving is an event in the US, not the entire world. That said I feel that it is sometimes better to bite one's tongue that to grumble about our political masters.

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Well said Paul. Being Canadian, I can respect and disagree with a lot of policies in the US, UK and here in Canada but politics is politics and has little to do with the Thanksgiving holiday. Despite religious, historical and political overtones, I look at this holiday as something that one should stop and smell the roses and be thankful for what they do have in this life.


While most of us are proud to be of where ever we are from, I think we can show some decorum and I just want to also add my Thanksgiving wishes to our American boardmembers.


Besides, how can you go wrong on any day that a feast is involved! Oh the food talks to me again!



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Maybe you should remember that Thanksgiving is an event in the US, not the entire world. ...

Not quite, our neighbors in the Great White North celebrate Thanksgiving in October ("At the proper harvest time," my Canadian brother tells me again and again every Fall).


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Not quite, our neighbors in the Great White North celebrate Thanksgiving in October ("At the proper harvest time," my Canadian brother tells me again and again every Fall).



Precisely - Thanksgiving in November only applies to the US (and the odd US outpost around the world).:)

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Shhh, Kindlychap. A Day of Thanksgiving is for reverently giving thanks for what we feel blessed to have been given, nothing more. And nothing less, for

we all should realize that what we have, no matter how much or how little that may be, is more than we deserve. The ills and evils of the world will be with us every day; let's devote just the one day to be thankful for the good.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone,



And AMEN from me as well. Well said Paul!!


I don't think it's necessary to dredge up politics to be grateful for the good things, big and small that we enjoy...not the least of which is freedom. One need only look at the oppression of women in some parts of the world to understand how very fortunate we are indeed. Please...I am not trying to make any political statements at all...I'm just grateful for so many blessings.


Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving to all....one needn't be American to celebrate blessings today. Penny

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Shhh, Kindlychap. A Day of Thanksgiving is for reverently giving thanks for what we feel blessed to have been given, nothing more. And nothing less, for

we all should realize that what we have, no matter how much or how little that may be, is more than we deserve. The ills and evils of the world will be with us every day; let's devote just the one day to be thankful for the good.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone,



With respect, the OP made a remark about troops that was in itself political. I merely questioned the wisdom of the political viewpoint taken.

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With respect, the OP made a remark about troops that was in itself political. I merely questioned the wisdom of the political viewpoint taken.


Please, KC, and others. I beg of you. Leave it alone.

For this one day.

I don't want this war, and do not agree with our leaders on many things. However, I am big enough (believe me, I am nothing, if not big enough!<LOL>) to wish ALL people (Even George Bush, Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds, Al Qaeda, Syrians and Lebanese, Ethiopians, Etruscans, Congolese, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, Jews, Wiccans, aetheists, Buuddists, Native American spiritualists. Ecuadorians, Peruvians, Chinese, Mexicans, Russians, Norwegians. French, Japanese, Germans, men, women, black white, EVERYONE) peace and kind thoughts today. We can go back to backbiting and sniping tomorrow, if you wish. But for today, for me, please, my wish is for ALL people, yes even people we deem "evil", peace. within, and hopefully, without. I know that even those who disagree with me, even in violent ways, have a reason why they feel as they do. Their anger and even hatred was not with them at birth, except in very very rare cases.


Let us agree, for this one day, to think of the things that we are grateful for, if possible , to share with those less fortunate, or less peaceful. Even if the only sharing we can do, is to share in our hearts that all people deserve to feel good, about themselves, and their lives, and that most evil begins with self doubt, low self worth, fear- of being without, of having no power, or self-will; that when we choose to oppress another, through anger, fear and intimidation, through violence and bullying, it usually starts with some lacking in the perpetrator that they seek to rectify. Hearts become hardened, lives become ruined. That will still be there, and all of the sorrow, tomorrow. Let's not think of it for one day.

I realize it is not Thanksgiving day in other countries. But it is always a good thing to remember the good in our lives, and for one day, stop concentrating on the bad.


I wish you only good thoughts Kindly Chap. And Peace, for this one day.

Tomorrow, I may decide to do it again, for another day. Like quitting smoking or giving up alcohol- one day at a time. And if tomorrow I go back to my old habits, I am still the richer for this one day.



Who wishes you peace.

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With respect, the OP made a remark about troops that was in itself political. I merely questioned the wisdom of the political viewpoint taken.


Well said:)


I am big enough (believe me, I am nothing, if not big enough!<LOL>) to wish ALL people (Even George Bush, Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds, Al Qaeda, Syrians and Lebanese, Ethiopians, Etruscans, Congolese, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, Jews, Wiccans, aetheists, Buuddists, Native American spiritualists. Ecuadorians, Peruvians, Chinese, Mexicans, Russians, Norwegians. French, Japanese, Germans, men, women, black white, EVERYONE) peace and kind thoughts today


Karie - The fact that you include a terrorist group in your list does make me wonder if you're not stupid enough (I don't think you are, it's just sentimentalism showing through badly).:(

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Well said:)




Karie - The fact that you include a terrorist group in your list does make me wonder if you're not stupid enough (I don't think you are, it's just sentimentalism showing through badly).:(



If we gave more thought to why they became terrorists, maybe they would not have.


We have so much, most of us. the fact that we are able to sit here and exchange thoughts on a computer half a world away. I must go carve my turkey soon. For that I am grateful. I will be eating more tonight than some people have in a week. Maybe even a month. For this, that I do not have to go without, and that I have a pretty good life, I am grateful, that for all of my angst, pains, and frustrations, I have a warm home, good food, health care, a job, and friends like you, and all of the fine people on this board and elsewhere. And the fortuity to have the opportunity to do something like go on a cruise.


A bit more kindness in all of our hearts might make for a bit more kindness in others. It costs us little to try. Those "terrorists" are human beings. They may well think that we Americans are trying to make everyone conform to our beliefs (religious, political and otherwise. ) They may consider US terrorists, for surely our policies have greatly harmed others at times. They no doubt think that their cause is right and just, and that this is the only way they can acheive their goals, whatever those are. At some point, they forget the point, and remember only the hate. Just as you have.


That is all I am trying to say.

Have to go iron the tablecloth.



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A bit more kindness in all of our hearts might make for a bit more kindness in others.


That is all I am trying to say.

Have to go iron the tablecloth.


I can agree with that:) . But this thread isn't the place to start a political discussion. The only thing I could add is that I loath ironing table cloths more than anything else:D

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I can agree with that:) . But this thread isn't the place to start a political discussion. The only thing I could add is that I loath ironing table cloths more than anything else:D



Thank you for making me smile, when I was ready to cry,.

The only thing more loathesome than ironing tablecoths (Actually, they are easy compared to ironing a men's shirt!) is ironing that selfsame linen tablecloth, after washing and drying (the cats have e tendencie to jump up on the table and think it makes a fine warm place to lie!) only to find a stain, now permanently a part of the linen, from LAST year's Thanksgiving dinner!


Well, there is one more thing. Hearing an odd but fairly rhythmic noise during dinner, and discovering your skylight is leaking.

then going up into the attic to try to discover the source of the stain on the ceiling of the closed off and seldom used spare bedroom, and see a noticably wet and stained rafter over that spot. And this house is less than 20 years old! Anyone know a good contractor? Marc says wait until Spring. I can't! Winter could only make things worse!


And yet- I must remind myslef, that leaking or not, at least I have a roof over my head, good food and wine in my belly (A Sterling Pinot Noir , plus St Hillaire's Champagne) and a warm home, plus the love of my Marc-y mouse (as his mother used to call him) There are those right here in Connecticut who do not have that, and are out under a bridge, in the cold, or lonely, scared and depressed. It kind of makes one humble.


But thanks, Malcolm. For the smile!



who really DOES feel quite grateful tonight.

(But I still miss my Daddy!)

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Dear Karie,


Thank you so much for your support as a fellow Cruise Critics on this Cunard Board. Not having ever met you, I still thank you for all your assistance in the past and to come.


Thru my life, learnings and teachings - it's best to turn your other cheek to opposite opinions.


After sadly monitoring this board today that started well, some people have strong opinions that can not be changed and they do have that right.


As on many many other Cruise Critic Boards, CC'ers are sending seasonal greetings to each other with kind exchanges occurring, but there seems to be a strong feelings vented by those members from the UK.


I have seen others in the past on many of our others holidays that have come underfire by those not within the US.


With it approaching the end of this day (about 9:45PM) for another year, I once again do wish all a Happy Thanksgiving.


Sadly I may have to think twice on this particular board (Cunard) on doing so in the future and contact those individual CC'ers by personal email with such greetings.

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Thank you Bev and Ed, and Karie (and many more) for your kind thoughts and wishes today. I am very grateful to know you and share experiences with you at this board. It has enriched my life. Peace to all, this Thanksgiving Day.

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If you ever need to reach me or need to vent, or feel a need for a little support, Maria has my email and I have posted it here on occasion. Also my cell phone number. Maria- Please- I have no problem with you sharing that with ANYONE who needs it! (Heavy Breathers okay- probably the biggest thrill I'll get all week, but I don't do mornings <G>)

Finch, goes for you too. I'm here. Thanks for sharing on our last cruise.


Ed, Have faith in our fellow humans and our British Brothers. I think some folks just don't realize how negatively they come across. And truly, sometimes we Americans can be culturally insensitive to others' special days, though we all wished our Canadian Friends well last month on THEIR thanksgiving. And my heart will be with our British friends on Boxing Day. And when Manchester plays soccer (football) Sometimes people have had hard knocks in life, or disappointments, and they have learned not to trust well wishing, or feel if they smile, someone will knock them down. People can do that sometimes. Some of us (me included) never got over those "pull the rug out from under you" mean tricks from when we were kids, and have learned not to trust. I feel it is my duty, having been the brunt of that type of thing in a former life far away (When I was a kid) to give people a hug when they are snarly and irrascible. Maybe, if I smile, and try to understand, instead of lashing back. It could be the beginning of a new day for someone, a reason to smile. Sometimes people just DARE you to be their friend! I, shamedly, have done that in my past.

Then I was miserable. Now, I try to stay positive, and, as "my people" say, walk a mile in another man's mocassin. Even when they sometimes pinch.


Thank you, Ed, for starting this thread. And for your kind thoughts, which went out to EVERYONE, regardless of whether they call this dayholiday or not. I know that you have inner peace. And I know that Maria thins the world of you. And that says it all for me!


Oh yeah, and ed? Don't you dare change a whit! You are fine tjust the way you are. keep beliveing, and Illegitimus Non-Carborundum! (Don't let them get to you- or something like that!) <G>



who is stuffed with good things, having a late night eggnog (dark spiced rum, cinnamon and nutmeg) after leaving a message for my Aunt, who was like a twin to my Dad, they were so close (She is one year older) and talking to my sister. I'm grateful I still have them. Losing someone you love reminds you to love those who are left.

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As on many many other Cruise Critic Boards, CC'ers are sending seasonal greetings to each other with kind exchanges occurring, but there seems to be a strong feelings vented by those members from the UK


Have faith in our fellow humans and our British Brothers. I think some folks just don't realize how negatively they come across.


Karie - Because we're British does that mean we're not human?:confused: :mad: (:D )


What is it they say about two countries separated by a common language? I don't think anyone has objected to your sending "Seasonal Greetings"; there's no objection to wishes for "Peace & Harmony"; however when you start saying that we should be thankful for the work of our solders, when a vast number of the population feel that what they have been doing is wrong, we put our point of view.


However I still don't think that this thread is a place to discuss the problems (or not) with Iraq.


[Tablecloths] are easy compared to ironing a men's shirt!


Not if it's a big cloth!:D

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Ed, ....... Have faith in our fellow humans and our British Brothers. I think some folks just don't realize how negatively they come across.



who is stuffed with good things, having a late night eggnog (dark spiced rum, cinnamon and nutmeg) after leaving a message for my Aunt, who was like a twin to my Dad, they were so close (She is one year older) and talking to my sister. I'm grateful I still have them. Losing someone you love reminds you to love those who are left.


Well said Karie .... you know we aren't all rude, insensitive little englanders on this side of the pond. :eek:



who is glad to be Welsh :D

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