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Anyone on Atkins?


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ok this is what came out and can i say amazing, they were so good i ate some hot, but i heard they are better cold from the fridge, ill see later about that, the ones with the dark spots i put some choclate syrup on top , and the burned a little but it didnt matter tasted amazing.




i am going to get the reciepe ill post it in a bit, also these ones that are bigger i made the other night also i made them more on the savory side so with like gouda cheese, they were too good. my hubbie ate them up left me 1.


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ok here it is: just so u know these r not my reciepes and you may play and twick it a bit as u choose the possibilites are just plain endless...

ok first pics was the cream cheese small cakes i had a muffain pan of small 24 so i just sprayed them and then,


























BAKE FOR 25-30 MIN, IN A 375 OVEN.





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Hello ALL:

Lisa: Hope you can make it I will keep an eye out.:D My boss also likes to take cruises.

Jean: I only get three weeks. Mostly I take short trips.

Ayalond; the muffins look great. I am becoming a huge fan of cream chese. way to go loosing eight. :D

Jocelyn: Making time and being creative is such a huge part of making this WOE work...


Home School Mom: That is so cool you home school. If I tried I would be taken away for child abuse..... :eek: . I have the greatest respect for educators I have no idea how they do it...


Tom in Long Beach

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Home School Mom: That is so cool you home school. If I tried I would be taken away for child abuse..... :eek: . I have the greatest respect for educators I have no idea how they do it...


Tom in Long Beach

Tom: LOL


Aya, thank for the recipe, I am going to try them this weekend. I think the savory ones would be great for Thanksgiving. For that matter, I probably will even do the sweet ones for dessert:cool: Thanks

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WOW.....it toolk me a long time to catch up with all the posts!!! Welcome to all the new posters...

I am still hanging in there....my Grandma's birthday party was a huge sucess...we had over 70 guests sign the guest book. I ate more than I should have :eek: but I tried to make good choices and I lost 1 pound, so I am happy with that.

Hopefully I will be back to reading almost every day again. This board is such an inspiration. Even when we have down times it helps to see other with the same struggles.

Those muffins look awesome.....Gonna try them soon.

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Hi Everyone,


I'm cruising in January 08 on the liberty and would love to lose some major pounds 20-50. I've been on the Atkins more times than I can remember it always works but after I'm on it for a while I get these wicked leg cramps. Any one else experience this?? I've tried taking calcium pills but still the leg cramps when I'm lying down.



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Hi Jocelyn, Did not make it to Marshalls this past week. I'll try next week. I really want to try this syrup everyone raves about.


Tom, thanks for the kind words. My DH is a public school teacher, that should tell you why we home school. He did not want them mixed up in that system that teaches to the test. Our kids are very well rounded. One reason they love home schooling is it gives them the opportunities and time to persue their passions. Our DS just finished his Eagle Scout Project. This cruise is also a reward for a job well done.


It's been a terrible week with the diet. Did not cheat too much. But I'm just not getting the exercise. I guess that's the reason I'm not losing. :confused: I'm going to try to talk my DH into shopping for a treadmill this weekend. It's just to hot in South Texas to walk outside.


Donna, you think you could send us some of the Fall weather down here?;)


I'm going to the grocery store in the morning and buy what I need to make those muffins, YUM! :p



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Hi Gang,

Just popping into say hello.


Pamela, I tried the Amaretto Syrup this morning and it was sooooo good. It tasted like a vanilla milk shake:) .


Hi Tammy, Welcome! I think Sugar Free Sheila has some info on leg cramps and what to do for them. I am not sure if the info is on the beginning of this thread or not. You can look at her website at sugarfreesheila dot com and try to email her.


Swansonia, that sounds like a great turn out for the party! Bet it was fun.


Well, I pre-weighed myself this morning and I was up 1 lb, but I atribute that to it being that time:rolleyes: . So hopfully the scale will continue on its downward path by Tues.:)


Have a great weekend everyone!!!

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Hi everyone! Just checking in! I've lost 9 lbs so far and I see the doctor in 1 week, I can't wait to see his reaction to that and to the glucose readings. I'm going to work on that dietician, she can't dispute the results of Atkins. Just as an experiment, one day I followed her advice and ate 60 carbs per meal. I felt horrible and my blood sugar shot sky high! I recorded it and everything I ate, just to show her not everyone can eat like that and maintain a healthy weight and blood sugar level! Maybe I'm becoming too obsessive about being in control of this disease.:(


Can't wait to go cruising, I need a vacation! Thanks to everyone for your inspiring stories, it keeps me keeping on.

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Your leg cramps are likely a potassium deficiency. Find potassium-rich foods you can add to your diet and they will likely go away. Pre-atkins I had several cokes, bananas, yogurt and other great sources of potassium each day. Now, I eat tuna, spinach and fage yogurt or dairy daily and haven't had cramps in a few weeks. I still get them occasionally.


Here's a quick link but you'll have to scour your own food for potassium content and see if you can bulk up a bit on it. Recommended amount is something like 4-5000 mg/day (depending on the source you reference) while a half cup of spinach is merely 400mg (just for reference).


Good lunk!


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Happy Weekend Everyone!


Tammy - I have had problems with wicked leg cramps also. Try to stay hydrated, mine have finally passed, but the first 3-4 weeks it was every night.:( And you may need more than "just" calcium, also potassium and magnesium.


Pam - I finally found a way to put some exercise in my life. I work in a small hospital, total of 3 levels. There are 39 stairs I am now taking instead of the elevator. I have to go up and down them several times in my shift. My legs feel like jelly, but it'll get better with time! It's a start. I'll bottle my cool weather and send it along!;) My daughter is hoping to homeschool the twins also. I understand how you feel about the school system today, teaching to the test, not to what they are capable of.


Jocelyn - How do you make the shakes?? They sound so yummy, I just gotta try one!


Swansonia- A pound down even with a party!!! Way to go girl!!


Aya - 8lbs lost! Isn't that a great feeling! and no you are not a nut case about obsessing over your coming cruise! I'm doing the same thing with my upcoming one in Feb. I have all the ships stats (Connie) and where everything is and what's great on the ship....It's so much fun!:)


Jean - Hope you are surviving your second wave of relatives! The hot air balloons sound so awesome, hope you get some great pictures!


Jaye - You have every right to want to take care of your health! It not obsessive, it's making sure you have a healthy life!! Keep us posted about what your doctor and dietician say!


Pink - I hope you can get TOM under contorl hon, I remember how hard mine was, light one month, heavy and continous the next...grrr! And it would make me want to find the PMS Cafe, you know, where the special of the day was Hershey Bar Lasagna, with a side of Smashed Snicker Bars with Hot Fudge Gravy!!:D


Well, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it's been a wierd week for me. I've been really good you guys and I am only down one pound. I'm still on induction too. Was doing so good on it and not feeling bored that I thought I stay a little longer. But only one, I know it's DOWN one pound not up one pound. Come on magic weight loss fairy, wave that wand and make it all go away!!:o Think I should make the switch to OWL??


Have a great week everyone, will be looking forward to seeing you here!


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Hi Gang,

Stopping in for a quick hello, it is very busy here at work (I own a small day spa) and I am trying to get everything in order for the cruise:) Tomorrow is my last day on induction, I have been really good the past two weeks and didn't cheat once:) I think that is a record for me. I sneaked a peak at the scale yesterday and I was down 1/2 lb after the 1 lb increase....I'll take it.


Jaye, way to go on the loss....you have to do what is best for your body and I think your body is telling you that you are doing great!:)


Donna, the shake is a recipe from Sugar Free Sheila, but here it is (it taste too good to be Atkins friendly that I have been wanting it every morning for breakfast) it is 6 carbs for 1 shake....

1/2 cup egg beaters

1/4 cup heavy cream

3oz cream cheese

1 tbls DaVinci SF Syrup (I love it with the Amaretto Flavor)

Ice (I put 15 mini cubes, Sheila calls for 4 reg size cubes)

Blend for 30 secs


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Hi Guys!

Whew!!! One weekend down and one more to go! It's so great to have family come and visit - but they WEAR ME OUT! :o We baby sat my sisters grandbabies so her kids & my kids could go out and have dinner together and I must say, as much as I look forward to being a Grandma - they sure take a lot of energy!! My DH didn't set the alarm this morning and we both sat up at 7:00 - knowing we both had to be out of the house by 7:20! I pretty much said 'See ya at lunch!' to my Mom as I ran out the door! What a way to start a Monday! :eek:

And the FOOD! But each time I looked at what we were putting together /ordering and I asked myself "What would Sheila eat!?!" :p LOL!! Acutally, I have learned the VERY Hard way, to think before I order or sit down to eat! OH! I'm giving myself a day to process and will weigh in tomorrow...we'll see how much that cheese cake cost me! ;)

At lunch I came home to see my MOM with a big bowl of apples she was peeling to make another Apple Crisp, because she didn't get any this weekend and it looked so good we should have another! great mom...what ever you want to do Mom...ha ha!

Donna - Keep walking the steps gal!! You'll be in such great shape for your Cruise! I have to do stairs here, or I couldn't get to my office! And your going to hit that Atkins Whooosh...pretty soon! Hang in there - your doing so good and you will see pounds melt off when you least expect it! Your making sure you have just the right number of Carbs during induction, right?! If so... I bet a big loss is just around the bend! I bet taking the stairs is shocking your system and starting to build muscle in your thighs...and if so the inches lost around your thighs - will explain why the scale hasn't tipped quite as much. BUT the more you do the stairs those muscles are going to need to burn some fuel - and whoosh there goes the pounds! Hang in there! Your doing all of the right things!

Pamela - Your going to love that shake!

Lisa- How was your trip!?

Welcome #1Patsfan! Tammy, My DD just got back from the Liberty a few weeks ago - your going to have such a good time - and dropping pounds between now and then will help you to look forward to it even more!

Have a good evening everyone! I'll check on ya's later!

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Happy Monday everyone....

I hope that muscle-building thing is what's happening with my body!!! I did so good this past week with WOE and WOEx, and still maintained. I have been going to the gym 3 times a week and doing weights and cardio...so I'll hang in there and hope to see a loss this next week. I feel good tho...and my SIL said today that the pounds are melting away...A pretty nice compliment I thought!!!

How "eggy" do those shakes taste? I am not an egg eater (like maybe one omelet per cruise) so was just wondering....

Have a great low-carb week everyone!!!!


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Hello All:

I will make this short. Anyway I started Atkins for the second time in Late May. I had lost about 30 lbs. between when I started and when I went on the QE2 in August. My main motovation to start was not wanting to feel like a fat pig stuck in an airline seat for my 11 hour flight to Heathrow ( London). Anyway I have sort of been stuck at my August weight until last week when I went back to induction. I have lost 2lbs in the last week. :D I only really have about 7 more to go to reach my goal of being at the top number for my BMI w/o being overweight...

Anyway the diet really does work. Sometimes we just get carried away instead of adding back carbs slowy and carefully.. So far my grand total is 34 lbs. :D I have never really went "off the wagon" But I did try and add back in to many "good carbs" before I had reached my goal. And I did actually gain back 2lbs.

Tom In Long Beach

Dr. Atkins in his book said that those willing to go back to induction from time to time are the most likely to keep the weight off for good.

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Good Morning!

Tom...Your so right! Thank YOU for that pep talk that I needed today! (How'd you know?:o ) ....... That Cheesecake this last weekend? Apple Crisp my Mom made, the bowl of M&M's on the table for game time. The Popcorn during the Rockies Game (My family was down from Colorado) . The wings for lunch at Chili's...oh wait that was the good meal - LOL!! Well, this morning I've officially found those 3 lbs that I have been playing teeter totter with for most of September and had finally got rid of IS B A C K :eek: !! Arrrgh! :mad: And I made sure we had SFS Egg casserole ( the one with nutmeg - it's so delish!!!) and sausage for breakfast each morning! ...... Ugh, come to think of it though - I didn't drink as much water as I normally do! Waaaaa Ok, that's all of the crying I'm going to do this morning....

Catch ya later!

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Oh...and Swansonia - the shakes don't taste eggy - that's why they are so awesome! Rembember when the Orange Julis (?) came out and they had egg in them and everyone said 'no way!' ! They are such a good break from the traditional Atkins breakfast stuff. Your SIL's comment is so great!:) My sister this weekend said she thought that the seat in my jeans looked pretty baggy - we're they old jeans.... I think she was shooting for a reason to go shopping while they were down here! :D

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Ack, my net connection failed and I lost my message. Oh well, I'll try again.


I am currently down 4 oz this week and below my pre-vacation weight (from 3 weeks ago) finally! I got off track on those 4 days which led to very intense cravings. It was coincidentally the time I got on dairy and I thought my increased anxiety and cravings may be due to dairy rung. However, I’ve found that I am not having cravings anymore because I returned to my induction style eating of FAT, FAT, FAT. I now incorporate fattier snacks into my lunch daily again (1/2 avocado EVERYDAY) and fry all my meals in butter whenever possible. This has helped kick the 5 a.m. cravings that were causing me to eat off plan (or at least to want to) and made me feel better about this WOE again.


I have a theory that my TOM/continuous bleeding is somehow r/t being in ketosis. I can’t find anything online to collaborate with this theory. However, I find if I eat off plan for a day and kick myself out of ketosis that within a day it clears up. Then of course I go right back to induction eating and within 2 days it is back with a vengeance. I wish I could find someone else online with similar problems but I have a feeling that if I get to maintenance (10 lbs to go!) it will clear up because I won’t be gaining or losing… and I’ll be out of ketosis then, right?[/color]

I am currently having a little dairy in addition to my 4 oz cheese everyday and doing great. NO CRAVINGS at all and anxiety is way down. Now I just have to grow back the left hand of nails I bit off… ha ha ha. I haven’t decided whether to eat off plan for some or part of the cruise in early December. I want to make a conscious decision ahead of time and not just “see what’s there…” because I know in the heat of the moment I’ll likely find a reason to eat off plan everyday.

As for recipes, I’m looking forward to eating some of them that have been shared here lately. One of my fave snacks lately is my half cup cottage cheese with a dash of cinnamon and half tsp splenda! It’s like a sinful dessert! Yum!

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Thanks all for the encourgement...and the answer to the "eggy" question. Now I'll have to find some of that DaVinci Syrup...I saw the raspberry flavor at Sam's a while back, but raspberry doesn't usually appeal to me...I'll see if they have something new in now...

Pinkbikini....I hope you get your bleeding problem under control. That sounds horrible. Bless you my friend. I think I might need to add a little fat back, too. I've been eating lean meat lately. Maybe I need to put butter on my veggies.

Jean...hang in there. Having company is so hard, especially if your Mom is cooking. I have a hard time resisting my Mom's treats. In fact I have a birthday soon and I told her yesterday not to bake me a cake. (She always bakes our favorites on our birthdays.) She told me she HAD to do it. I finally talked her into baking me the low-carb cheesecake that I've been wanting to try, so let's hope she will stick to that plan...:rolleyes: I am taking her the recipe this afternoon.

Annie.....Where are you.???

Tom...you are always an inspiration!!!

Everyone else....you are doing great. I love reading all the posts. I think it helps me stay focused and know that others face the same challenges that I do.

What an awesome group we are!! Pat yourselves on the backs my friends!!!

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Hello, how is everybody?!


I wanted to offer links to some other relevant discussions on low-carb boards I have found to the effect of bleeding, and hope that they will be of some assistance. The recurring theme of what may be the culprit seems to be, of course, hormones. Best to double-check with your doctor on this just to be on the safe side. :)

On another topic: if anyone is planning on dining at a restaurant and you are lost as far as what to order and want some tips, please feel free to post the URL for the menu. I love to offer my own ideas of what might be good, and hopefully this will be something to work with.


To close, I would like to mention that I'll be on the Jewel of the Seas at the end of the month. It will be my first time on this cruise line as well. I am very excited!


P.S: I personally am unable to taste Eggbeaters (pasteurized = no risk for Salmonella) in shakes at all. Another great way to bulk them up is to add tofu. The Mori-Nu brand yields only 8 total carbohydrates for the entire 12-ounce block! I use half (6 ounces) to bulk up one shake. Look for the Mori-Nu tofu with the shake illustration on the package. Also if you prefer soy, in lieu of water, you may consider West Soy Unsweetened soy milk at just 4 total carbohydrates per cup. Soy does not agree with everyone, so again, please check with your physician.

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You are such an inspiration...I've been visiting your website more often lately. Thanks for all you do....And have a great time on your cruise...I think we will try a new cruiseline next time so let us know how you like it!!!

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Hello All

Sheila: Congrads on the cruise next month. Hope you have a blast with free style dining... It sounds like fun even though I like traditional dining with the right table mates.


Jean: Family is the hard one. Mine has sort of given up on me:eek: . But I do fake outs like eat spagetti meat sauce with one noodle and I did not get caught. Also because I cook alot I have control. This is by design. :rolleyes:


Pink: I will not comment about the female problems as the lone male regular on these boards, except to say that I am sorry you are going through this. As for Fat it is so weird that you can loose FAT while eating it. I have really let loose my inner Frenchman and I put butter on everything...


Swansonia: Thanks :D


My big news is that after loosing 2lbs last week, I cheated and got on the scale again this A.M. and I am down 2 more. So induction does work even when you have a realitive few lbs to loose. I have already added in more veg but want to stick to this level at least for another week.... I swear I will loose this last bit and not whipe out on maintainance...

I am being super strick with myself and it is working. I did my monster 1 -3/4 walk hike today.


All for now, Tom

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