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Anyone on Atkins?


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i have the same problem with potassium deficiency and have also suffered from leg cramps, i prefer cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli,(and a good pickle) also i do take apple cider vinegar in the morning with water



What foods are high in potassium?

Aside from the aforementioned cantaloupe, potassium rich foods include:












Bell pepper



Crimini mushrooms

Brussels sprouts







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I just connected that you are going on HOLIDAY.. My partner and I had a great cruise on that ship in 1995. :D I remember it fondly. I hope you enjoy.



Yes, we've been on her twice and have two more booked. We are only about 75 miles from Mobile so it is a great get-away for us. We keep hearing rumors about Carnival replacing the Holiday, and I have mixed feelings about that. The first time we cruised on her I started out disappointed because I was comparing her with the newer larger ships that we had been on,,,By the end of that cruise I did a complete turn around. They have the best crew !!! I do miss a balcony though....LOL

Great work on getting so close to your goal...I am excited for you.... :D

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Hi Gang,

Just wanted to drop in and say Hi!:)


Jean, that apple crisp does sound hard to resist....gotta love our mom's for always trying to do something a little extra for us:D


Tom, great job on the loss! Sounds like you are on track and there to stay!


Pink, great job on getting back down to where you were pre-cruise.


Sheila, I had a question about the shake, it is sooooo delicious that last week I had it almost every morning for breakfast and I weighed myself yesterday and I was up a 1 & 1/2 lbs:( After losing 7lbs the 1st week on induction, do you think it could be b/c of the shakes???? I hope not b/c I love them but I have decided to stay on induction for one more week (after reading the Atkins book, such great info in that book) and I am laying off the shakes until I know if I can safely drink them and still lose weight. Please HELP. Also, have a great time on your cruise.


So as you all read above, I am up 1 1/2lbs but I don't know if it is due to the shakes or if it is water retention. I went over what I ate last week and it did include some salty things like bacon (nitrate free) and a hot dog at the baseball game(sans bun and toppings). I have been drinking a lot of water and doing my excercise so I am hoping for the whooosh by Tuesday, wish me luck:D

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Hey All.....well the winds were really kicking it up yesterday around here and a lot of Hot Air Balloons still went up. Here is an MSN Video link, that if you go too - click on the picture of the Tweetie Bird Balloon - this happened about 2 miles from my house, yesterday!



SFS - Thanks so much for your help with the posted questions - now can you tell my Mom to quit cooking while I'm at work!:o I booked her an appointment for a pedi & manicure yesterday afternoon, just so I knew she couldn't make 'something yummy' - and caught up with her in a grocery store buying some grocery items so she could make us her famous green jello salad - and looked at me like I had 3 eyes on my head when I asked her if she could make it with sugar free jello? :eek: I give up. She goes home Monday. Bless her heart.


Pass the duct tape...I'll just use a big strip over my lips. :p


J - Your doing sooo good! Hang in there - it could just be water - but be sure to drink plenty of water too. Reminder for you - but also myself!


qosmo8 - good list - I like all of it!


Tom - Your doing so good! Keep this up and you'll have to take that tux that you worked so hard to get into - to the consignment shop and sell it!


Lisa, Annie, gooselace - how's everyone doing?


Catch ya later!

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Jbrambach, I am so sorry about the scale going up. But let's get to the root of the problem straight away so that you can get your losses resuming. Were you having the Induction shake with Eggbeaters, heavy cream, and cream cheese, or the S.O.S. Shake with post-Induction ingredients? It is best to stick with the finite list of allowable foods for Induction.


Here is a list for the fridge: http://www.atkins.com/articles/atkins-phases/phase-one/acceptable-foods


Here is a list for your wallet for grocery shopping and dining out!: http://www.geocities.com/tams58/4sidecard.gif


You just might have to tweak a thing or two!


NMCruzzin, so how did the Sugar-Free Green JELL-O Salad turn out? :)


P.S: I finally saw The Pursuit of Happyness yesterday, and really loved it.

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Jbrambach, I am so sorry about the scale going up. But let's get to the root of the problem straight away so that you can get your losses resuming. Were you having the Induction shake with Eggbeaters, heavy cream, and cream cheese, or the S.O.S. Shake with post-Induction ingredients? It is best to stick with the finite list of allowable foods for Induction.


Here is a list for the fridge: http://www.atkins.com/articles/atkins-phases/phase-one/acceptable-foods


Here is a list for your wallet for grocery shopping and dining out!: http://www.geocities.com/tams58/4sidecard.gif


You just might have to tweak a thing or two!


Hi Sheila,

Yes, I was doing the Induction Shake from your website...1/4cup heavy cream; 1/2 cup egg beaters; 3oz cream cheese & 1tbls DaVinci SFS that shake is soooo heavenly I would hate to give it up:)

Thanks for the links, I will look into them and make sure I am on track. I was also just thinking that maybe I had too many carbs last week b/c I just remembered the shake is 6 grams of carbs and I was then eating the 2 cups of salad and 1 cup of either cucumber or tomato etc....This week I am going to track my carbs better, we'll see if that does the trick.

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Actually, your Induction menu (veggie choices) sounds good to me. So long as you are sticking to the book's limits for cheeses and heavy creams, which are 4 ounces and 4 tablespoons respectively, and devoting the remainder of your 20 carbohydrates per day to the allotted non-starchy vegetables, you should be losing. Some people find that doing even the simplest things like nixing the sugar-free ketchup, or eliminating low-carb bars and/or low-carb tortillas or anything else not cited in the list, can really jump-start things. Of course, I do not assume that you are having such extras, but it's always worth mentioning just in case. Please keep all of us posted. :)

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Thanks for the info on the cheese(didn't think of that), I haven't been eating too much of it but I will have to look at everything now:) . I didn't weigh myself this morning but I plan to tomorrow so I will keep you posted.


I have also been keeping track of my eating on fitday. I haven't had the shake since Monday but I have decided to have it once a week as a sort of treat breakfast:) Even though I don't think it was the shake (too much salty foods last week) but I am going to take it slow:D Thanks again for all the great advice and being a great inspiration.

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...and exhausted. It was a great conference & trip, but Las Vegas & OC did me in WOE-wise. I just couldn't resist Roberto's & In 'n' Out. Now granted, I could have eaten there & just not had the tortilla, bun, etc., but I was staying with friends & everything they had was low-fat & high carb, so I figured, eh...I'll just enjoy.


I did get a good hike to the top of a "mountain" at the State Line, but other than that we got very little sleep & very little free time.


Tom, I wished I could have stopped by! We got out every night at 10:00 or so & were so pooped we had to go straight home. We still didn't make it to bed early.


SO, I'm up, I know I'm up, but it's also TOM so I'll have to wait a few days to see how up I am. I am back on track today with no cravings.


Pink...one quick note, has your doctor checked for uterine fibroids or polyps? That is a very common source of runaway bleeding. A quick ultrasound can tell you.


It's good to see you all active on the board. I'll come back with more details tomorrow. Have a good night!

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Hi Guys! i am just now checking in! I have been sooooo busy lately. Since the BIG party for our "Grand Princess" I have been working on a 50th Anniversary party for my folks. Combine this with the worst TOM this year... color me 4lbs heavier:eek: I know, I know "this too shall pass", but, I feel like a balloon at Macy's parade! I do try to eat good during the day, but, I have to "wine" down at the end of the day. Do you suppose the days will get easier as the holidays near?....LOL.


Congrats to all those who have had success! I know this is the best way to go.


Thanks for not forgetting about me:D



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Thanks all.


I had a full physical this summer and my female problems directly coincide with ketosis. My goal is that by maintenance I can be consuming enough carbs that my body won't gain or lose and will also not bleed anymore!


I am down 3 lbs from last Friday. HOORAY! I am approx 3 lbs from the top of my goal range and 8.5 lbs from the bottom of my goal range. I am moving up the OWL ladder to do nuts this week and looking forward to it. I am going to keep increasing carbs till I hit my CCLL. Lost very well at 35 this week! However, I do think the dairy may be a diet culprit triggering strong cravings and some increased anxiety for me which I didn't have before... so, out it goes until I'm done with OWL.


Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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Well, I thought I better check in. 50 days till my cruise. I went to Marshall's, never found the syrup. Oh, well, I'll keep my eyes open.


I have had such a hard time this week. I'm kinda pre-menepausal I guess you would say. Haven't had a cycle in 2 - 3 months. The last few days I have wanted to eat everything in sight and I have! Well, got my visitor this morning. Maybe now I can get back on track with the diet. I guess it really does effect everything. I got on the scale and lost those couple of pounds I couldn't shake for 2 weeks.


I'm going back to induction and see if I can't get my body losing again.

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Hi Gang,

Well, I nervously got on the scale today:D and I was down yeah!!!! So here is the math (which I am terrible st BTW) I was down 7, then up 2, then down 1/2, then up 1 & 1/2 (so that up 2 right:confused: :D ) but this morning I was down 3....so the = down 8 all together since I started. Whew... I have to say the more I think about it salty food was the culprit ie bacon, hotdog etc. Last night I had eggs for dinner b/c I didn't have anything in the fridge and it was pouring out so I didn't want to run to the store. Well, that didn't do it, an hour later I was hungry, so I split half a shake with my hubby:D But I did resist having one this morning. I think something in the combo of the cream cheese, cream, egg beaters & SF syrup has an addiction factor:D :D b/c I find myself thinking about the shake every morning for breakfast.


Pink...Almost at goal, wow great job!


HS mom, don't give up on looking for the syrup, try TJ mAxx or Home Goods. I also use the syrup in plain seltzer, delish!

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You guys are doing so awesome!!!


I found the DaVinci Syrup at TJMAXX!! I got the raspberry and made a shake this AM. I added Designer Whey Protien to it also. It was good. Kept me full along time. They had Amaretto, Vanilla, & Caramel. I was thinking the vanilla would be awesome in shakes and flavoring for my crepes.


It is rainy and dreary here in Maine, but heck, I'm working inside, so what does it matter?:D Been trying to do lots of stairs and a treadmill here at work 2-3 times aweek. Lately, been feeling like...exercise....yuck. *sigh*:( Glad you guys are here to keep cheering me on!!!


All of you having TOM prob's, so sorry. So happy I no longer have that one!!:) No instead I pee all night and have hair growing where it shouldn't!! LOL!!


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You guys are doing so awesome!!!


I found the DaVinci Syrup at TJMAXX!! I got the raspberry and made a shake this AM. I added Designer Whey Protien to it also. It was good. Kept me full along time. They had Amaretto, Vanilla, & Caramel. I was thinking the vanilla would be awesome in shakes and flavoring for my crepes.


It is rainy and dreary here in Maine, but heck, I'm working inside, so what does it matter?:D Been trying to do lots of stairs and a treadmill here at work 2-3 times aweek. Lately, been feeling like...exercise....yuck. *sigh*:( Glad you guys are here to keep cheering me on!!!


All of you having TOM prob's, so sorry. So happy I no longer have that one!!:) No instead I pee all night and have hair growing where it shouldn't!! LOL!!



Donna, I have the Amaretto & the Caramel (haven't found the Vanilla yet) I LOVE the Amaretto in the shake, tastes like vanilla:D

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hey all,


so reading all these last posts made me think , this thur. was 2 weeks i have been on induction so total lost sp far was 9 pds, but now i am up like 1- 1 1/2 pds, do u think its becase of TOM , i am really freakin here since i still am on induction cause the gain scared me to try anything new, plus yesterday i think i over ate but just chesses and usual stuff i still havent cheated and for me personally that has never happend!

so please tell me its TOM and i think ill be ok?:confused:

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hey all,


so reading all these last posts made me think , this thur. was 2 weeks i have been on induction so total lost sp far was 9 pds, but now i am up like 1- 1 1/2 pds, do u think its becase of TOM , i am really freakin here since i still am on induction cause the gain scared me to try anything new, plus yesterday i think i over ate but just chesses and usual stuff i still havent cheated and for me personally that has never happend!

so please tell me its TOM and i think ill be ok?:confused:


the same exact thing happened to me and it was my TO the M....then yesterday I was down 3:) . After reading the Atkin's book I decided to stay on induction for another week. It hasn't been that bad at all, after I knew what I could eat it was kinda easy:) I plan to have a few drinks and SF desserts on my cruise, then back on induction when I get home.


Stick with it,9lbs is GREAT!!!! I know I've haven't felt this good about myself and my WOE in a long time. I have energy and I look and feel good, and I can thank Atkin's and you all for that:)

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Aya-just hang in there, I know the up and down stuff can drive you wild, you just lose different on Atkins. I was 2 weeks on induction and totally cheat free and my second week I lost ZERO!:mad: But it finally moved and all is good.


Good news for me finally, the whoosh happened...I'm down 3lbs this week!! after only 1 last week! Been watching things carefully, found I was using too much cream/half&half, so been more careful. So that is a total of 17lbs total since starting in September, about 6 weeks!!:D


Sunny and cool here, foilage is awesome. Getting more exercise in walking stairs at work, (still hate it!). But I am 5lbs away from a mini goal of mine a weight I have'nt seen in over 5 years!!


Stick with it everyone, the dreaded holidays are coming, plan ahead now before temptation hits!! I can hear the bag of halloween choclate bars in the break room here at work calling my name right this minete!!:eek:


Happy Sunday, Donna

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Spent a week in Chcago for a niece's wedding last week - really worried about gaining because I was already at 142, 2 lbs over my "top" goal weight. Weighed once midweek, but didn't trust my SIL's scale. Back home, the scale has been consistent at 137.


My conclusion - NO low carb bread or breaded food, which I have been having occasionally in Maintenance.


What made this easy, and here's the hint - LOTS of meat and plain vegetables. The Chicago steak and chop houses really pile it on. A pork chop lunch was three hand-sized boneless chops. I asked for broccoli as my side and got an entire crown. Another day, the "mixed grill" was 2 lamb chops, 2 pork chops, and the biggest "petit" filet I've seen. Plus a pile of sauteed veggies. If there was a bread tray I never noticed.


Both the rehearsal and wedding dinners were buffet style, and again, meats, seafood, and grilled chicken were plentiful and delicious. Stayed totally away from all sweets - admired the wedding cake and had one of the strawberries from the presentation tray. The bride was the sweetest thing - had "goody bags" for the rehearsal guests, and ours had all sugarfree goodies (DH is diabetic).


Now I have hopes of getting back to 135 before my Dec. 2 Caribbean cruise - light cruise clothes don't hide extra pounds well. :)


And I hope this may help some of you who are reluctant to eat enough meat to satisfy hunger. Dr. Atkins was right. Meat is not the enemy!

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Hello All:

Gooselace way to go!!!

Sometimes family and fun time are best if we get really strick on ourselves to avoid the major whipe out.

Gooselace you are correct in this. Do not get me wrong because I really do enjoy meat and seafood. I am not afraid to eat enough of it, it is just that I arghhh out on it. Also I love veggies and enjoy those too.

I think the trick is a lot of variety....

It is really amazing that when you go back to induction level that you automatically really start to drop the weight. Even if you are close to goal.

What I find on induction levels is that I really start to eat less overall.

Tom in Long Beach...

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Hey all,


gooselace , donnerpumpkin and jbrambach Thank you guys for the push, i started doubting this diet yesterday as i have been a little well just not really losing and i am not cheating at all, yesterday was my 6 year old girls birthday and i didnt touch the pizzas and cake which normally i over eat , but this time i didnt even care about it, i had made many vegies platers with dressing on the side so i nibbled on those and i was fine, but i just started thinkin mabey thats it mabey i wont lose anymore, but i will stick it out and try harder i need to try to move my butt more i have ben very lazy, and i am staying on induction still dont wanna change it yet, how long can i stay on induction??


plus my main reason is i would love to lose 10 more pds till nov 25....my next cruise.....help.:rolleyes:

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Hi all,


Going crazy getting ready for Women's Day this Saturday...but wanted to check in. Good news...no weight gain from my crazy trip. I think it's because I managed to stay within my maintenance levels of carbs. I'm wondering if I might not stay at maintenance level through the holidays & start trying to lose again when they're all over. Is that a cop-out? I'm comfortably in a size 8-10, and at my lowest I'm a loose 8 or a tight 6. I just feel like there's so much going on right now, and if I do maintenance levels and exercise, I might lose a little more anyway. And I think my body will have had plenty of time to adjust to this weight & won't be so determined to hang on to it anymore. I don't know...I think I'll be able to think more clearly next week...


ayalond ~ hang in there! You can do induction as long as you want, provided you're eating your veggies & not getting bored. And exercise will definitely speed your weight loss! Great job getting through the party!


Donna & Jocelyn ~ you two are doing great! Keep it up!


gooselace ~ what an inspiration. I'm sure your cruise clothes will look great!


Pink ~ way to go!


homeschool mom ~ hang in there! It'll happen!


Tom ~ I think you went back to induction...are you still there? Are you feeling good?


Annie ~ good to hear from you! How exciting for your parents!


Jean ~ how are you, girl?


Hi to everyone else & have a great Monday!

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