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Anyone on Atkins?


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:eek:Here's a good news/bad news scenario...Ate out of town w/ friends Sun @ an all you can eat Chinese buffet restaurant....good news...stuck pretty well w/ my WOE...bad news...felt so bloated & awful for even up to 8 hrs later...too much salt? MSG?...OMG I actually gained 5lbs in water weight & spent Monday trying to detox...Yep, you guessed it, down 5 lbs in water weight...I never could get very far from the restroom...so, maybe I am just getting more sensitive as I age...blah! (wouldn't have even went, but friends were treating, their choice...)


More venting for me...talking w/ a couple of friends today...friend #1 has done Atkins in the past, looks great...friend # 2 starts telling the benefits of Sugar Busters...how they just couldn't do that NO Carb Atkins, blah. blah. blah. I couldn't even get the chance to 'defend'...felt personally attacked somehow, but don't really think it was their intention, & btw, they are a nurse, so what the heck...maybe I am just PMSy or still toxic & it has fried my brain...:eek:


Now, that's off my chest....Ms Jean, your DD & DSIL are going on the Ecstasy - one of the few Carnival ships in the fleet to win top awards like six times...she's not too big, not too old, but just right! I would definitely cruise her more, but like longer trips! Also, the idea of leaving something is brilliant! A friend & I did that on our very first cruise some ten years ago, because one of her work mates was cruising the next week...I'll tell you more later, time for bed for me!:p

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Happy Thursday!!


Cerabella.. Chinese...ya, as much as I love it, sometimes it doesn't agree with me either! And the sodium...wow! It's pretty edgy eating sometimes! :eek: I do like the places where you can choose what goes in your bowl and how they cook it. :) That seems to work a little better for me! ...but when it's someone elses' treat...ahh what we do for social dining!! LOL!!

..Friends that don't get it - will never get it! :p I listen to the 'here's how to eat healthy' news stories and say ' yes, uh huh, yes....been there, doing that!!"


My DD & DSIL are so excited to go on this Cruise!! He's originally from Houston, and they are meeting a friend in Galvestion for lunch before getting on. I know they will have a great time!! I love the Mid-Size...but Magic doesn't fall in that group...so I know I'll be wandering the halls trying to figure out just where I am! LOL! We've been on the Valor, so I know that will happen!! ha! ...oh good, more walking...and stairs.... WOEX! haha!


Today is our 32 Anniversary.... I just might splurge a little...... just saying :p

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Well, then, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Congrats on 32 years!:D:D

Well, that was some rant from me, now, wasn't it...it just seems lately I have become so super sensitive to what I eat my body reacts double what I would expect...for instance, when I factor in what I weighed Mon morn after the Chinese debacle, I have technically lost 9, count 'em 9 whopping lbs as of today..(which puts me still above my goal to reach again...grrr...)I can't believe it sometimes...oh well, welcome to middle age, perimenopause...

Is your roll call very active Ms Jean? It seems half vacated us for FB, which I don't do as of today, anyway...wonder what all they're talking about over there?!:p

Nonetheless, keep up the good, healthy WOE...it certainly will pay off if we stick w/ it, I just have to reel myself back in ever so often.

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How's your week going?

We got back from camping in the mountains last night, spent a little time with our DG-D's and now I'm back to work! I couldn't resist checking the scales since I hiked every day....but we ate fun camping food too!... I am down another pound! YaY!

It seems that this stage in my life, it is slow going....but my jeans feel pretty good and as long as I maintain or lose....that's my goal! I did remind myself that if I stay the course...I do have jeans, one size down that I could go into this fall.... I hope, I hope!!

Missed my swimming class last night....but I'll pick it up again tomorrow! yippee!

Cerabella....it's an ok board, we're finally getting so close that I think most of us just want to finally GO!! haha!

So who is still on a Low Carb lifestyle? Lisa, Cerabella, Pink.....anyone else lurking or your back and working at this? GHarkness pops in every so often, I think!

Well...have a great evening - Until next time!!

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Well, MsJean, since it's just you & me, girl...tell me about your plans for photos - are you carrying your arsenal of equipment...got extra cards?...there must be a million photo ops for you...doors, clocks, the beautiful Magic...water, water, water everywhere!

I am eating lots of rabbit food ( salads ) lately...yummm...sometimes I think I just can't bear to see another one, go for awhile, then, all of a sudden, they are delish again!

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Welcome Photographergirl! I have a Photographer friend in Piedmont, MO... are you close to there!? Is photography...your business or your hobby!?:)

Cerabella.... Oh ya! 3 weeks from today...and Boy oh Boy!! I can't wait!! I've got pleanty of cards... I love to sit all of my stuff out on my bed and clean and sort it out... kinda like a hunter getting ready for hunting season!! :p LOOL!!... Instead of gun oil.... it's lens cleaner!! hahaha!! But I really want to go ...lighter... this trip!! I think I have a plan, and will try it this next week!

... And I get ya on the rabbit food!!... right now we have a lot of fruit in season...and my DIL talked me into teaching her how to freeze peaches - and so of course...now I have some in my freezer too! haha! Our pear tree is starting to finally share and I'll be putting some up for my new Grand-daughter, by the time she's ready for a little taste of something yummy...nothing will be in season! ha!


Lisa... those birthday weeks...eeeek....they'll sneak up on ya! Good for you that you got control!


Ok... back to work... I need some shopping money for our trip!! LOL!!:):p

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Nope, it's about 5 hours away.


I buy emergency equipment for homeland security by day, but I have a fair side business in photography and art. I'd share my website, but I don't know if it's allowed.


We're thinking about booking our first cruise for winter or spring 2012, to the Carribean.


I had kidney cancer last year, and gained a lot of weight. So since I can't lose any of my 42 years :) I'd like to lose some weight (50 pounds or more in a perfect world). But I'll take what I can get!


I have lost 40 on Atkins before.


Today's menu: sausages for breakfast (high in sodium and additives, I know), coffee w

ith a little half and half

salad with ranch for lunch--only low carb veggies

Now: eating 63 cal, 2 carb hummus with a spoon LOL

dinner: pork chops sauteed with garlic and mushrooms, mashed cauliflower


I'm not a soda drinker, but I do drink Splenda-sweetened iced tea and water.

Edited by photographergirl
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Welcome to this site...we all have our ups & downs eating & posting! Be sure to check out the photo threads on these boards too if you haven't already...just like here, there are a host of very friendly people willing & able to share...

I have been buying Eckrich Jalapeno/cheddar sausage every now & then...just read the ingredients...ummmm...blah blah blah...corn syrup...modified food starch...dextrose...etc.oh well...however, on a good note, one local gro store now carries Applewood smoked uncured center cut bacon, no nitrites...Yay!

I made a sugar free cheese cake this week - trying not to go overboard tho (well, cream cheese was on sale - I had to!!:p) Will post my recipe if anyone needs it...

Keep it low carb! We want to look smashing in our thong bikinis!:eek:

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Morning Everyone!

Ya...post your link...as long as your not going to try and highjack Cruisers to take their pictures..:p;) .I think your good!! :D

Good job on the weight loss....and I hope that all is well with your kidney's now too... my Aunt went through that this spring.

Ups and downs?! haha!! that's like life on a kids playground...right!? LOL ...and YOUR right... there are ups and downs!

The applewood smoked bacon sounds pretty good!! We have a meat market store that does all of their own packing... I'm wondering how 'clean' their product might be more then some stuff packaged in the store!?

Hey... Cerabella...share your cheesecake recipe! No thong bikini here - but I have to say that our instructor with the Aqua Fitness class really worked us last night! It was great! The class wasn't quiet as full so we had more room in the pool and she RAN us!!!:eek: But in the water... it wasn't so bad!

It's your fork, and it's your choice! :0)

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This is my 'original' recipe that I kept modifying from combining ones I liked...feel free to change, add, subtract like I do...

I decided I liked it better w/o the crust...


1/4 finely chopped walnuts

1/4 finely chopped almonds

1/4 finely copped pecans ....or any combination of nuts on hand or that you like

1/2 c coconut flour (or almond, etc...)

2 Tb melted butter (or coconut oil)


4 8oz cream cheese, room temp

1 c combination Splenda/Xylitol/stevia


2 t vanilla

2 t lemon or lime juice

16 oz greek yogurt (or sour cream)

Mix crust ingredients & press into parchment lined spring form pan

Beat cream cheese thoroughly, add sugar substitutes til creamy, add eggs one at a time & cream thoroughly, then vanilla & juice, add yougurt last...

Pour mixture into pan, 325 degree preheated oven, 1 hour or so. Leave in oven for additional hour w/ door open...cool & eat!

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This is my 'original' recipe that I kept modifying from combining ones I liked...feel free to change, add, subtract like I do...


I decided I liked it better w/o the crust...



1/4 finely chopped walnuts

1/4 finely chopped almonds

1/4 finely copped pecans ....or any combination of nuts on hand or that you like

1/2 c coconut flour (or almond, etc...)

2 Tb melted butter (or coconut oil)



4 8oz cream cheese, room temp

1 c combination Splenda/Xylitol/stevia


2 t vanilla

2 t lemon or lime juice

16 oz greek yogurt (or sour cream)


Mix crust ingredients & press into parchment lined spring form pan


Beat cream cheese thoroughly, add sugar substitutes til creamy, add eggs one at a time & cream thoroughly, then vanilla & juice, add yougurt last...


Pour mixture into pan, 325 degree preheated oven, 1 hour or so. Leave in oven for additional hour w/ door open...cool & eat!

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Sorry about the double post...I didn't even notice ...

LisaRock - kids back in school? Does that help or hinder your WOE/WOEX?

Anyone else have a cruise booked besides me and Ms Jean? Anyone?

DH grilled country ribs for lunch...tossed them on one of those rabbit food plates...the best! Have to make up for yesterday eve...I am stir crazy w/ the heat & drought here...I used to sooo be an outside girl...now, we seem to be hibernating...blah, makes me crave carbs... H E L P!!!:eek::confused:

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LisaRock - kids back in school? Does that help or hinder your WOE/WOEX?


DH grilled country ribs for lunch...tossed them on one of those rabbit food plates...the best! Have to make up for yesterday eve...I am stir crazy w/ the heat & drought here...I used to sooo be an outside girl...now, we seem to be hibernating...blah, makes me crave carbs... H E L P!!!:eek::confused:


Hi cerabella ~ yes, the kids are beginning their fourth week of school this week! They start early in TN. It's easier at first, then toward the holidays it gets harder like everyone else. I've been tracking my weight every week since 1/09, and the pattern is that I lose in the late summer/early fall and in the early spring. I gain during the summer and during the winter. I know it's related to food, but it's also related to my activity level.


Right now, I'm acting like I'm on induction. For the past however long, I've used Thursday as a "cheat day", which Dr. Atkins doesn't advocate, but it keeps my cravings at bay. If I've gotten a little crazy, I make it a "cheat meal" or even a "cheat snack". When I'm having a busy week, or I'm very emotional, it might turn into a "cheat weekend" or, like 3 weeks ago, a "cheat week". But I won't do that again for a while. I just today am back down to where I was before my birthday, and I have been very strict.


I still have some 13 pounds to lose to get into all my clothes & feel my best. I have to get back to the gym & my basement -- although carefully, since I'm doing PT for tendonitis in my shoulder.


I'm sure that's a longer answer than you were looking for. :p


As far as the indoors part, I hear you. It has been unbelievably sticky this summer, and we're just now beginning to get some relief. Hang in there, fall's coming. :)

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Lisa ~ thanks for your thoughts...sometimes I feel like I probably sound like 'Wendy Whiner' but it is good to track your WOE...after all, for us, it's not really a 'diet' per say, but rather a way of life...I have seriously struggled on & off lately, but I feel like I'm back on track. You would think having a cruise lined up would give some extra motivation...it has, but not as much as I had hoped!:p

Jean, can't wait til you get off on your cruise - I will also wait patiently for your review w/ pics...I know it's still a little while, but anticipation is half the fun!

Picked up the Dr Atkins book & read a little for motivation, then re-visited SFS's site...wow, that girl can make it seem so easy...

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So my link is www.tammyshawart.com


I am so frustrated. As before when I've done low carb, if I can get through the first four or five days I can hang in there pretty well.


But I can't seem to get through ONE day! I start off the day with eggs, protein, fat, and veggies...and end it with something grainy and/or sweet.

I can't beat withdrawals if I can't get to them :mad:

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Morning All!!


Well, here we are with another warm day in the southwest! Fall...ya can come on now...anytime! :p

I'm usually pretty good with summers..that is our camping season, but with this summer, it seems that the heat has just been pretty depressing in the south, rainy in the NW, Fires in the SW, and now hurricane season is here! Hunker down and stay prepared!!


I had such a great work out at the Aqua Center last night! I think that our leader is a trainer at a gym somewhere in town....but I really like her! She worked our legs last night...and it felt really great! It's taken some time, but wow...I am starting to see a difference in my legs and rear! yea!!!


Cerabella.... I am getting very excited about our trip! Two weeks from today..I'll be packed! :) I'm going to get a picture of something on the ship...and you HAVE to find it and tell me where it is, OK!! It'll be fun!!


Lisa... You can do 13 lbs! hang in there Girl!!


Tammy... Checked out your site...nice!! Your first day.... if you get hungry for anything that you shouldn't have.... Drink a big glass of water!! And go for a walk....................and if that fails... grab a chicken wing ! :0)


Ok... have a Low Carb day !!

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...a few random thoughts floating around in my overcrowded gray matter...

Watched a re-run of a March airing of Dr Oz (yesterday)...he had an Atkins - type scientist/author on (Gary Traus?) sorry, I really didn't catch the proper name...did the usual 'NO carb...people die of heart attacks on this WOE...people can't/shouldn't eat this way...MUST have pasta -whole grain of course...yada yada yada...' that was Dr oz's view point...the other side was offered, but really put down. This guy mentioned his work is based on the same studies done by Dr Atkins, but was really kinda shot down, even tho really, there was agreement in many areas, if it wasn't a 'ratings' thing...:confused: Lest we forget, Dr Atkins was a heart Dr...duh...

Jean!! Soooo excited to have a 'scavenger' hunt!!! Believe me, even tho we only have 6 days...I will cover the Carnival Magic from bow to stern, or aft or whatever that rear end thing is called!:p

Lisa - sorry about your 'boo boo'...hope you heal fast. That's about all it takes for me to slow down...some pain...grrr...

PhotoTammy - purge all the junk from your house...unless you're like me (DH ony half heartedly eats low carb) & I do get him some crackers/ chips...Most of the time I resist that garbage, unless I'm happy, sad, stressed, pms-y, etc, etc, etc..:eek:

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Gary Taubes is THE pre-eminent writer about low carb. His research is legendary. Gary Taubes will be the headliner for the Fifth Annual Low Carb cruise in May, so we'll all get to have some time with him, plus enjoy his presentations.


The whole Oz episode had a predetermined ending - it was Oz's show, fer cryin' out loud. They weren't going to let anyone else "win" over the STAR!


That said, Gary wasn't prepared well enough, concerning the request for a cholesterol test. He refused, which made him look bad; He has since taken the test and published his results, which were stellar, as expected. But people will remember that he wasn't prepared and on the basis of that, dismiss the facts.

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Happy 1st day of September!! Woo Hoo!! Now for some Septemberish weather, please! ha!

GHarkness /Cerabella, I did not catch that show. A little sidenote. We have a local Dr that is also a cardiologist and a good friend of Dr Oz. What I find interesting is that our Dr Ramo recommends low-carb... but encourages more fish and fowl - and red meat 1-2 times a week. His big thing is low carb...and what are you doing to exercise!! I think that Dr Atkins also had this approach! How cool that he will be a speaker on the Cruise in May!!

-- I also saw the article yesterday about the US portions and how much bigger they are, then say in the 60's. I found it interesting!

Cerabella....the scavenger hunt is on! :)

Tammy -- Have a good pantry/fridge cleaning!! Get rid of that stuff that has gotten you to where you are today!

I had my Aqua fitness class last night....and I have to say.... I think I'm seeing my jeans fitting a little roomier...and we worked our arms last night...so Hum! I might see some changes there to...some day!! I'm feeling like my muscles ( the ones I actually do have) are a little more stretched and my flexibility is a lot better! yay!

Have a great day!!

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Hey Ms Jean! You will be sooo darn fit on this cruise it isn't even funny!! Plus all that walking the ship, cool ports....wow!!:D

Re: the Dr Oz show yesterday...it was just a little 'over the top' w/ the title of the show something like - 'The Man Who Disagrees W/ EVERYTHING I Say...' When in fact, the two are probably in agreement in 90%...simply the amount of carbs, the amount of protein/fat...plus, like I said, his intro was 'Dr Oz allows carbs, the other guy ZERO carbs...then Dr O puts one strawberry on the low carb side & declares - now this blows your 'no carb diet'....oh well, it was just a little disconcerting...However, DH (who watched it w/ me) said this morning on a news program (MSNBC) Dr O is in the new Time mag w/ new diet / WOE advice & said he did promote 'whole milk'....(oh the horrors...it has some fat in it, tho;))

DH & I spent the day shopping in one of our larger cities - so we had lunch, plus supper (well, the evening meal, some call it different things) I had large salads both times - one w/ chicken, the latter w/ shrimp...I felt happy & in control! Yay for me!:p

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I'm a mess and off track... my DFIL passed away yesterday...and the funeral is tomorrow!?!? On Labor Day Weekend!?! Nothing is open! Thankfully a florist at a local Grocery store is helping me with flowers for tomorrow morning... working on a Power point with my SIL tonight.... OY:(:(:(

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