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:eek: Hey all...tragedy all around...so sorry MsJean, it sounds like your loss may have been unexpected... my love & sympathy...( insert tearful emoticon )

We are fighting fires here in ETex...nothing like the really big fire near Bastrop ( a pass thru town on the way to see my kids in San Antonio) but, fires close by...one, 85% contained about two miles away, one ? contained some 5 or 6 miles away... winds now in our favor, but that could quickly change...

Comfort food anyone??!!

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:eek: Hey all...tragedy all around...so sorry MsJean, it sounds like your loss may have been unexpected... my love & sympathy...( insert tearful emoticon )


We are fighting fires here in ETex...nothing like the really big fire near Bastrop ( a pass thru town on the way to see my kids in San Antonio) but, fires close by...one, 85% contained about two miles away, one ? contained some 5 or 6 miles away... winds now in our favor, but that could quickly change...


Comfort food anyone??!!




To say the least!! I did go to my swim class last night... the work out ... the water... it really felt good!!

My sister just moved to the Austin area (from Denver) and she says the fires are awful!! New Mexico tried to burn down in June & July!! It is so sad!! Stay Safe Cerabella!!

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I just told a friend I was going to 'get it together' this September, & so far, things are going good!:p...went to Sams & some other stores today, loaded up on low carb friendly stuff...

Last nite I cooked : about 6 shrimp, a flounder filet, & about 8 scallops- sauted in coconut oil & a little butter...some wild rice mixed w/ quinoa...& some sauted mixed veggies including kale...I wish I had the energy & inspiration to cook this way all the time...but I did buy some wild Alaskan salmon today also, so maybe things are lookin' up?!

Hope all are hanging in there....esp Ms Jean...you are soooo close....soooo close!!!!

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Tomorrow morning.....we're OUTTA here!! I CAN'T believe it's already here!!

We had our DGbabies last night...and I didn't get a thing done! :eek::eek:

I think I'll be taking a long lunch hour today...and it won't be sitting down! ha!

Yup...my first trip to the Med! I'm so excited!!

Am I where I want to be on my weight...nope... but I am feeling pretty good and I really think my water class has helped on that! :)

Cerabella..............I'm going to be finding that special 'something' and ...remember... you have to find it ...and also get a picture of it on the MAGIC!! :p

Everyone else..............Hang in there and stay on track!

See ya all in a couple of weeks!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Everyone!!

I'm baaack!! haha!

Good news!! I didn't gain any weight on our trip!! Gone 11 days! ...and even air plane food!! :eek:

It is so easy to eat low carb on a ship! I think anyway!! We always started with a good breakfast.....and I am hear to say DH and I both agreee.... on the morning we had a carb loaded Bfast...we were starving by lunch!! But we had yummy omlettes and low carb Bfast... and even when we stomped all over Pompeii - we mostly drank water, got a snack when we got back to the ship...and had a nice dinner!! And we were fine!!

Cerabella........Your going to really enjoy the Magic!! There are places we never even got to ...we only had 1 sea day!! I found my picture...for you... but I'll get it to you when it gets a little closer! :p

The Med was beautiful!! I loved our sea day!! Lots of balcony time!

Back to Low Carb on Monday....but with the time change, I was ready for bed by 5:00pm... so I missed my water class! It's tonight though...so I'm looking forward to it!!


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Welcome back Jean!! Can't wait 'til it's MY TURN!!!

Just got back this eve from a 'quick' trip to the Texas coast - Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi. We left Sat & had a blast...however, I don't know how well the WOE fared for me...like you, low carb breakfast is a given, no-brainer, easy peasy! However, the other meals...questionable, since we shared cooking w/ another couple...I am afraid to weigh just yet, you know how that salt water & air is....yeah, I'll just blame it on that!:p

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Hey There!! Did ya all have a good weekend!! Went way to fast for me... the Balloon Fiesta is this week...had some company and we were on the GO!!

Tonight is my Aqua fitness class! Yea!!

Cerabella.... I hear Mustang Island is really nice!!!!!! I'd like to see some of your pictures of it!!

Lisa... Kids are in school.......what keeps you busy these days?

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IF..... Anyone caught it yesterday.................. the mighty DR OZ had a guy on there that listed ... carbs for Breakfast to get things going....and then LOW CARB the rest of the day... Turkey wraps...yes the wrap is turkey with veggies in the middle., AND OH MY GOSH..... we are to have some fats in our diets??!!!!! STop the Presses!!..... A low carb diet for weight loss....on DR OZ???!!! And he agreed!!?? Of course the guy also backed it up with exercise!!... What is this world coming too!?!?!?!?!?!??!! ....:eek: :p:eek:

Ok...that was all waaaay to easy.....................

Have a LOW Carb kind of day............ You'll be glad you did!!!

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Well, another week has passed & so it seems have my good intentions...yes, I am less than a month away now from my cruise...I had hoped to be down a few more lbs, but alas, food (& not always the best kind) just keeps jumping right into my mouth - unwanted, uninvited - that's what I keep telling myself, anyway...


However, to counteract that problem, I have ramped up my exercising some - especially the walking, now that summer in Texas has finally, finally ended. My little doggie Cera really appreciates it too!


Fortunately, the candy is not really a big issue with me - it's just food- food in general...& boy am I a big eater:eek:


Ok, Ms Jean, where is at least one pic of your recent trip? Just a little morsel! ( You don't have to post the one where you are running slow motion down the beach ala Bo Derek style! Hehehe!)


I took this 'Bird of Paradise' on my recent trip to the Texas coast! The weather, the water, the flora, the fauna were all fabulous! (Ok, no bikini pics of me either!!)



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LOL!! Cerabella!!..... I have posted some on FB... and I'm getting them ready for the big upload onto my site... They are coming!!

Wow!!! Sounds like tons of action going on at the pier in Galveston for your sail away!! How fun!!!

I also have a specail picture for you too! :)

The weekend after we got back was Balloon Fiesta for a week...and I Think... I'm just about back to my regular schedule!!

When do you start packing for your trip?? Week before, the night before? Will you spend anytime in Galveston before or after your trip? I have a friend down there that has asked me to come for 2 years!! I need to make a trip down there!! Soon!!


...and I love the picture... Bird of Paradise make terrific shots!!

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Well here we are on a Thursday afternoon.... I had a much needed massage this morning!! How is everyone!?

We are walking the dog in the evenings again.... she needs it and so do We!! :p


Thought I'd post a picture....not the best ... but It's fun!!

This is me at Pompeii from our Cruise! Yes, I finally have a lot of my pictures up on my site.... click link below!



It was a fun Cruise...........but boy some of the Ports are HOT!!!:eek:... This was one of them!

Hope you have a great weekend! :D

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Wow!! You guys must have had so much fun on your cruise! Great pic, btw! Did you 'lug' your DSLR, or a compact, or a combo? As of today, I am about 26 days away, or so! :D I am hoping to get a massage on a beach in Mexico!!


(News flash Ms Jean & other 'old timers' on this thread...remember Tom - Sir Winston? Surprise! He has joined the Magic 11-14 roll call! Yes, he will now be sailing w/ me on this cruise! Isn't it a small, small world, really?!) And Tom, if you are 'lurking' here, jump in & say Hi! ;)


Also, Ms Jean, I really, really like your new avatar pic...I read the thread on the Carnival site yesterday about 'how old is your avatar pic' or something like that, & I thought to myself - self - you don't even have an avatar pic & you fancy yourself a 'photographer'....well, I may just have to work on that one! Ha!


I am afraid to weigh lately, too many functions that involve food - travel, social events, etc, & have been rather lax...Today is DH & my 27th anniversary, but will have to wait til the weekend to even slow down & acknowlege...hopefully involving FOOD!! (Low-carb, of course!:p)

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Jean! Great picture! Hot sounds wonderful as I sit here in 32 degrees. :eek: It should warm up a little next week. I really have nothing to complain about; the weather here has been absolutely pristine this autumn. Lovely.


cerabella ~ you just keep hangin' on in there! :) Please say a big HELLO to Tom if you see him!


The good news: I'm still the same weight. The bad news: I'm still the same weight. :p


I've been allowing myself a couple of days' indulgence each week, and that's going to need to stop if I'm going to begin next year at a good weight. I'd like to lose during the holidays for a change...wouldn't that be something?!

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could probably use a bit of support .... trying to get back on the wagon... Did well last year, dropped 33 pounds - stalled over the summer with eating and drinking too much .... I;d like to lose a min of 15 pounds - hopefully 20 by the end of January - for when we start our florida vacation and cruise on Feb 5th, 2012.


I need to get exercising again too....


OH -- I'm probably 20 pounds from my goal... I think, maybe 25.


My goal is a comfortable size 8-10 where I'm currently a 10-12.

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Hi There TCS! Choose an exercise that you enjoy doing...and do it!! There are great links to sites here and a friendly group of Low Carbers.... we all have our ups and downs!

Thanks for the sweet comments on my picture! It was HOT, we had been walking around all morning - but I had to have my picture taken in Pompeii... just so I have proof of being there! ha! Lisa.. we all have the Good news/Bad news story! haha!

Cerabella.....Your Cruise is just around the corner!! And ...crazy thing... My Hubby's suitcase is on the Magic...and when it gets to Galveston, they are going to ship it out to us! I almost was going to come get it my self... and then I would have waved when you all pulled out!!

So!! Yesterday my DS, DDIL and My DD all did a 10K at the Duke City Marathon and I saw so many people of all ages, shapes, sizes, ages - some dressed really fun and some very serious!! Of course I went to photograph the event.... but came away very encouraged that everyone that either ran or walked...all had a goal.... TO FINISH!! I think most people did! But instead of being on the side lines next year.... I want to start working on a goal to do something on that day!! I think a 5K walk is very doable...so if I pushed it... maybe to walk the 10K?? I don't know...but the feeling of " I could so do this" ... keeps coming back!!

And with that.... I have some ribs in the crock pot and stuff for a nice salad...and i'm going to start going through my gym clothes again!! I love my Aqua class...but it's so cold when I head home... I think I'll have to give the gym my attention... and get back to the pool in the spring!!

Have a terrific Week!!

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Cooler weather - must have my comfort food!! Well, as long as it is lower carb!


Hope all are hanging in there w/ your WOE/X...I have to give myself a talkin' to every single day...grrr...I am a stubborn ole thing!! Carb creep will getcha every time - even if you have a cruise in just a few days!


Ms Jean - so sorry about the luggage...hope you get it all intact & in a timely manner!

The latest news is Carnival Magic has a few mechanical issues - did you have them on your Med cruise? Supposed to be fixed before Galveston...

Also, running, walking, crawling...doing a 10K, 5K or whatever 'K' is very commendable! Go for it! I have always been a bike rider, hoped someday to dress in 'bicycle' jockey gear & peddle like crazy! We'll see..I'm not getting any younger...


I still haven't 'spoken' directly w/ Tom in Long Beach yet on our Roll Call, but if our Meet & greet pans out, I could have a group photo to post - shhhh - our secret!:p;)

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Hey all! I just spent some time on SugarFreeSheila's site...man, that girl is sooo motivated & has it going on!!:p Oh well, I'll just keep on plugging along!


This week on Dr Oz - Tony Horton - (you know, of P90X fame, also, '10 in 10') was on... he has a free download on Dr Oz dot com of a 'sample' WOEX'...I haven't checked it out yet, but WOW, I am always amazed @ the results of his program...(as I sit on my couch eating chocolate...Ha!..jk) Any hoo, I will check it out & post back here...Apparently Dr Oz & wife Lisa have done the program & were blown away by the results...I just need a shake-up in my routine, perhaps this is it...uummmm, before & after pics, anyone!?! :p


Also, impressed w/ those on Dancing W/ Stars..I guess dancing 8 hours a day will actually whip that ole bod into shape...grrrr...it's a shame I'm not a star...I would be in line for next seasons show!! lol! Oh well, I guess it just means that I will have to do it the Dr Atkins way after all! (BTW, a friend treated me to the local do-nut shop this morning...I got a bacon, egg, cheese croisant, & tried to discreetly get rid of the HUGE top part & eat the rest....well, what are ya going to do...I am a public spectacle- Ha!):eek:;)

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Checking in...back on induction :)


No next vacation planned yet but looking forward to a few of them next year if possible. This year has been... really stressful to say the least! Not having a weeklong getaway in over a year has definitely taken its toll.


Glad to see familiar faces here. Will try to check in more regularly now with a new computer and new high speed internet at home!


Pink :p

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Hey Everyone!!

...and no this isn't a post from 'off of the face of earth' LOL!


Cerabella.... I get you Girl!!... The need to change things up .. seem to be even more persistant the ahem..:p Older we get!!:( I love my Aqua class...just hate to come home in 30 degree weather at night!! But, I think....drum roll... I'm going back to my gym - but after my toe heals up!! I have had one of those big toe issues that requires some pain and a Dr to make the nail better...and once it's done healing... waa laa... I'll get my shoe on and get moving again!! It seems that it did not like ANY workout!! I fought with it all summer and I do not live where I'm a sandal girl year round...!!


Holiday's are coming....gulp.... can I keep control??:confused: I did NOT buy any candy for Halloween!! NONE -- zip -- ziltch... and LOOK... I'm still here!! I didn't evaporate nor did the Candy Police come and arrest me for not buying any!!.. However, we did take our DGD to see Puss n Boots! It was a blast!!... :)


Cerabella..............Your leaving on your Cruise!!! Yippee!!!... Here's your Picture... can you find this on the Magic??



PINK!!!... So Good to see you!!!:D

I will be back....but gotta go!! Laters!

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Anyone remember the theme song to 'Welcome back Kotter?!' I suddenly started to hum that when I click on & saw Pink & Jean posting!... I thought this thread was growing some bodacious cobwebs...;)


I am sailing on Monday, 14th! Not quite whipped into ship shape, but DH said 'You look good...!' Well, DH's...gotta love 'em...:eek:


Thanks for the 'scavenger hunt' pic, I will scour the ship & report back! Sadly this is only a 6 nite cruise, but we do have three at sea days! Really, really can't wait...luggage is out, will be finished tomorrow (Friday).


I will eat mostly on plan, breakfast is a given, for sure, lunch the same, but I will splurge on me some good ole Warm Chocolate Melting Cake, hold the ice cream, please...! I will no doubt join Pink back on Induction when I return...my sticks have been purple for quite a long time lately, I have tried to be good....really, really good!:p

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone!!

Cerabella.......how was your Cruise!!?? I hope it was everything you planned it to be!! Did you meet Sir Winston?:)

I was traveling this weekend...and even with the 'eeek! food' around ... I watched my choices and my servings...and the ol'pants are ok today! yea!!:D

How's everyone doing? Where ya at? Is there anyone that are lurkers around and are wanting an invite to jump in here!? Come'on in!:D

Holiday's can be tough!... But I've been here are LONG time...and it can be done!

Off to do errands...but will be back! ;)

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