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Anyone on Atkins?


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I did Atkins a couple years ago and lost the weight fast. After a month of unsuccessful weight loss with Weight Watchers I am going to give Atkins another try, its just a lot easier for me. I was wondering if anyone out there is doing Atkins also and if so, do you have any quick ideas for breakfast. I am usually in a rush to get to work in the morning so I really don't have time to cook up a couple eggs or anything. Any recommendations???



I have been off and on a form of Atkins (and Protein Power) for about 5 years. 5 years ago I weighed 235 pounds, now I weight 150! ALL due to these diets! Believe me if I can do it you can! The time that I lost the major amount of weight (70 pounds) I went on this diet with 100% dedication. I made up my mind that I did not want to be one of those old women that had to be in a wheelchair or use walker's just because they were too fat to walk! I cut out 99.9% of carbs - and I meant business. NO starch, NO sugar, NO fruit - NONE!


I was working then, I am retired now. On the weekend I would cook 2-3 pounds of bacon, eat some over the weekend for breakfasts and wrap the rest in foil for the week. On a weekday/work day I would take 4 strips of bacon a 1/2 slice of the lowest carb bread that I could find - even if I had to pay $$ over the internet. I would take it to work with me. Before I left the house I would take a bunch of vitamins with 2 full glasses of water. After I got to work I would wait until about 9AM and then warm up my back in the microwave and make a sandwich with my 1/2 slice of bread and EAT IT AS SLOWLY AS POSSIBLE! I could make it last an hour. I would drink all the coffee I wanted, which at the most was 2-3 cups a day, with fake sugar and HEAVY WHIPPING CREAM (that has little to no carbs!) Other than that I drank ice water. We had a refrigerator at work with ice. So I always kept my Heavy Cream there along with my home made salad dressing and home made salad for lunch, etc. Everyone knew that if they touched my stuff I would KILL THEM!!! I always brought a large salad in for my lunch, all greens, NO tomato, onions, croutons, etc. ALL of that has carbs, even the onions! I would roast large bags of hazel nuts and keep them in a plastic container. Good for you, VERY low in carbs, almost none, adds crunch to your salad. You could use walnuts or almonds if you like. I homemade Blue Cheese salad dressing and kept large containers at work and home. <0 carbs and my favorite anyway. I would crumble blue cheese on my salad, add the nuts and dressing and I was thrilled. Still eat one everyday!

For dinner, I would grill/broil a piece of chicken, pork, fine cut of steak or broil a patty of lamb w/spinach in it or broil/grill a beef patty (good beef so that it has flavor. Cook some asparagus or broccoli and have another salad and iced tea (NO SUGAR) or ice water. That is IT!

I promise you after about 2-3 weeks you will not even miss the other stuff. For dessert I would make no sugar jello with whipped cream made from pure heavy whipping cream - no sugar, no fake stuff. DO NOT eat anything that is marked low fat, they put sugar in it! DO NOT eat any pre-made or prepared foods. If you want to go out, and we did alot, I would take my own salad dressing and just order a piece of grilled, steak, fish, hamburger, "no roll please", "PLEASE NO bread/rolls on the table" order a salad and another GREEN vegetable. NO STARCH! If they do not put the rolls, potato, fries on the table, your plate it is MUCH easier NOT to eat.

NOW if you have a good support person/group you will do great! My husband ate exactally what I did for dinner, he just ate more at work (bad move on his part, he developed diabetes - but you cannot do this to or for anyone else it has to be ONLY for yourself!

After 5+ years I hardly every eat bread or potatoes and still do not drink soda, as I can't stand diet soda. I went from a size 24 to a 10 bottom, I still wear a 14 top, but I have big boobs that did not go away :((

If you have any questions feel free to ask: ambridge@yahoo.com

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Happy Cyber Monday....are ya shopping?!

I've done a little for my DGD's... Now I have to wait 4 weeks ...and my excitement just builds by the week! I have done this to myself for 3 years now...I guess why stop,eh? haha :p

Manheim Steamroller rolls into town on Thursday night and if that doesn't get me in the Christmas spirit...I'm in trouble! LOOL!

How is everyone doing?

Welcome luvbluseas!! I appreciated you taking the time to tell of your life style changes, results and just over all encouragement!! It's always fun to see new timers stopping in and sharing! I am interested in the Protein Powder you use/used. And what is your homemade dressing recipe?... Love sharing tips/recipes on here!!!

My son says protein is really his go to drink before the gym...energy / recovery etc... but I think it's for the Guys...and I really don't need any more hair on my chin then pops up now and then!! LOOOL!! :D

Ceerrrabellla....................how was your Cruise??

Lisa.... and Your busy life?

Pink.... How ya doing these days?

Anyone else lurking or returning that I've missed?

Ok...back to shopping...I mean work... Laters!:p;)

Edited by NMCruzzin
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Hey low carbers! Welcome & thanks for the great info, luvbluseas...Wouldn't things be easier if people, no matter what WOE, just make smart choices & take it slow & steady...after all, we have to eat to live!


Ms Jean... can't believe I'm on my 2nd week home from my cruise. It was really nice - I am a glass 1/2 full kinda gal, so, even tho there were a few things many found to complain about, I enjoyed every minute! Now begins the wishing & dreaming & planning for the next one, hopefully! Do you recognize this little gem?




Thanks for giving me a little photo scavenger hunt project! If you guys ever cruise out of Galveston, let me know! Serenity deck has my name on it!:p

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Cerabella, I was hoping to see what ship you sailed out of Galveston from your siggie....but no joy. Also, from East Texas? Big area, but I grew up in Longview.


Anyway, I am just off the Mariner as of last Sunday, and will be cruising the Triumph Xmas Eve. What did you sail? Ah, looking back, I see: the Magic. I will sail Magic in May. She's impressive looking!

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AND THERE IT IS!!! HAHA!! Cerabella! You found it! Very cool!!.. I was the same way.... some people were pretty grumbly about a few things and I wanted to say "REALLY?? Your upset about THAT!!??" Oh, brother!! I had a blast!! I don't know if they changed the entertainment up after the Med...but we had a good time with most of that too! I thought the Main Band guys were excellent!!!

All of the luggage that was left at the airport from Aug 1 until the Magic landed in Galveston was then shipped out.

I have to say...we were expecting kind of a mess when we got my hubby's suitcase back...but know what - it was almost the same as when we zipped it closed, and put it outside our door!! One of my bags of loose leaf tea from France opened a little and we had some floating around inside...but that was nothing compared to some of the scary stories I've heard about missing luggage finding it's way home!!


GHarkness....Your going to enjoy the Magic a lot!!... and You just got back and will be going out on Christmas Eve again -- YOU GO GIRL!!!!! :D:cool: I would love to do 2 a year.... for some reason my employer just doesn't seem to want me gone that often! haha!

Doing pretty good these days... jeans are comfy again...but now is not the time to slack off, now is it!?! :)

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We are lucky that the Triumph will be number four for us this year, but no we aren't rich and don't have lots of vacay. We just arrange it so that we only have to take two days of vacation on both the T-Day and Xmas holidays, which gives us more time to cruise otherwise.


By the way, the May cruise next year on the Magic is the 5th Annual Low Carb Cruise, with many excellent guests, including Jackie Eberstein, Dr. Atkins' long-time nurse. I met her on the LC Cruise earlier this year and she's really very nice, and of course, quite knowledgeable.

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Hey low carb cruisin' buddies!! Yes, GHarkness, I did sail the Carnival Magic! How cool that you sailed Mariner last week - how funny, you were getting on while I was getting off just one pier over...it is a small world after all! I do some of my shopping in Longview - we sell plants at several businesses there...think pansies, petunias, etc...Please tell us how your cruise was & how you liked the ship!


I will have to check out the LC cruise in May - probably not doable for us, it is our busy spring time growing season, but I do have my eye on the Sept 16 sailing on Magic to Belize ( been there once) Honduras (never been there) & Cozumel (been there 9 times)- however it does seem a little pricey, but there just aren't that many different port choices out of Galveston during the times I can sail...


I do have to confess I am a Warm Chocolate Melting Cake fanatic- WCMC (hold the ice cream) You either love it or hate it, I guess...but yummm...it is like swimming in a chocolate pool of goodness. Yes, there are pics, hope I don't ruin anyone's WOE for the day...




This was my splurge every eve, w/ a cappuccino. Breakfast, lunch & dinner otherwise, - easy peasy low carb. Yummy fresh salads - I loved the food choices. Cruising is the best!



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Well....now that you posted that and my mouth is drooling...I mean watering... LOOL!! Nope! I'm being good today! We have Tickets to Manheim Steamroller tonight and I want to get dressed up...so no bloating foods for me...! haha... but ummmm that warm chocolate gooyness!! I'll just lick my computer screen.... JK!!:p

I did dream last night that I was on an Alaskan Cruise though.....It is calling my name again!!

GHarkness.... I think it's terrific that you can cruise so often!! I'm so land locked that we have to travel anywhere to get to a port!... I'd sure go more often IF we had more then the Rio Grande around here! haha!

We are supposed to get one big crazy snow storm rolling in here this evening! And...of course... we are painting in our house...so we'll crank up the heater, move some furniture, stay LC and then drop at the end of the day! It must be the holidays...that's when our house projects seem to be a part of our calendar activities! ugh.... why do we do this!? Oh well... It'll look great and I'm getting some 16x20 pics of our trip up on the walls and so we'll have some great 'art' to hang up and enjoy!

Back to work...it's my Friday! YAY!!

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Well, the Mariner was nice...newer than the Voyager, but I really prefer the Voyager. There were a few little things that weren't great, but then there always are. Doesn't mean it wasn't a good cruise, and it definitely was. I just would not allow a cruise to not be good. We had one that sailed on September 10th, 2001, so we woke up to the news of 9/11, and we even made **that** cruise a good one,m though that was really a challenge.


One thing on this last cruise that was nice: they had real half-n-half down in the Promenade, so we always kept a supply of it (HWC ain't happening, though :p). Good thing, too because they tried to give us SKIM milk to go in our coffee at dinner! Blargh. :mad:


The food was good, but honestly, RCI food isn't quite as good as Carnival, in some regard, though I can't really specify what regard. There is some good and some bad with every cruise line.


I've had the Chocolate Melting Cake. I found I liked it better served not so quickly out of the oven. I discovered that when I picked some up in the Lido after dinner one night. However, it's too rich and makes me sick every time, so this last cruise (the LC Cruise in May on the Freedom) I just skipped it. Didn't hurt me one bit!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey All!!

Happy Monday --- 12 days until Christmas!! I've already walked by 2 plates of cookies...but yesterday was my DH birthday, so I did indulge in a small piece of Cheesecake!!

Exercise.... Well...my toe is better now... but it's so COLD!! Rain / Snow this afternoon...again!! We still have snow from last weeks storm!! :eek:

Trying to decide on Christmas dinner menu!... What are you all having?

Ham - Turkey? Or something else??:)

I will be back this week!!

Oh................and I'm making some spicy nuts ........Who remembers those from Holidays past?? :D

Check in Everyone.... !! :p

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Who would like a LOW CARB Christmas Cookie Recipe!!!???

I FOUND ONE!!!:eek::eek::D

Let me know....... great for Cookie exchanges, kiddos coming or an after dinner treat!!!:D

This board is quite....... If I see 5 "I DO!'s" ... I'll post it!!!;)

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Oh come on now, Ms Jean, you really shouldn't tease us like that...low carb cookies, are you serious!! Count me in, we have to know!! I might as well get 4 votes, because, you're right, it has been quiet here....cricket chirping quiet...:p


I have recently seen several meatball recipes on Rachael Ray...does anyone like meatballs? It certainly seems I am in a cooking/eating rut...DH grilled a steak last nite,(yes, it's still grillin' weather in Texas!) & steamed some broccoli...delish, but kinda b-o-r-i-n-g...I guess when you're busy, the brain cells just can't be very creative...:confused:


I splurged today & bought free range eggs & organic/hormone free butter..$$$, but, sometimes I wonder just what the heck is in our food...grrr...:eek:

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Lixer, I see you are on the Triumph in a month or so...don't you just love cruising out of Galveston - so handy! I just recently cruised on Magic- the inaugural cruise 11-14...I was a little nervous waiting until Nov, but the weather was fine...I would love to try Triumph, but want those longer cruises (unless of course I can do more than one per year!!!)


Food choices while cruising are the best! GHarkness mentioned getting real half-n-half...I actually had to 'teach' the cute little coffee shop barista what a breve latte' was...she didn't know you could steam half-n-half...(yes, I would have preferred a heavy cream latte'...;)) Oh well, sometimes you just can't be too picky!

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Who would like a LOW CARB Christmas Cookie Recipe!!!???

I FOUND ONE!!!:eek::eek::D

Let me know....... great for Cookie exchanges, kiddos coming or an after dinner treat!!!:D

This board is quite....... If I see 5 "I DO!'s" ... I'll post it!!!;)


Okay, you pulled me out of my post-surgery haze! You did it! :D


Nothing serious, just a faulty shoulder. I got my sling off yesterday, so I can type with 2 hands again. I've been eating rather well for being stuck in my house for 2 weeks and at the mercy of other cooks--but I want to enter the new year at a lower weight than I started 2011, so I've got some work to do in the next couple of weeks.

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1- Lixer

2 & 3 - Cerabella :p Ok.. there - ya get 2!! haha!!

4 - for our recovering Lisa ( Hope it's better fast!!)

One more... gotta have one more!!

AND... I saw that they were recommened for Diabetics!!.... :)

#5... looking for #5!!! They are as Cerabella would say... easy peasy!! :p

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Ok...being in the Christmas mood of giving....I'm going to give you this cookie recipe that I came across and am going to use tonight or tomorrow...

Chocolate Meringue Cookies



  • 3 egg whites
  • 1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup of Splenda
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/3 cup semisweet chocolate chips (You can leave these off!!)




  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C).
  2. Combine egg whites, cream of tartar, and vanilla. Beat until the whites form soft peaks.(Beating egg whites at room temp is better then cold) Slowly add sugar; beat until stiff peaks form, and mixture becomes glossy. Fold in cocoa and chocolate chips.
  3. Drop mixture by teaspoonfuls on to a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes.

Give them a try!!...then come back and let us know what you think!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did anyone try these? They turned out pretty good! I added a cup of Mini chips to mine. ;) I'm going to hang onto this recipe......

So....who is having a pantry, Fridge clean out this weekend...say... SUNDAY !!? Raise your hand....a little higher....yup, ME TOO!!!!!!:p

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Happy New Year to you and you and you!! :)

So is everything put away and you have cleaned out your pantry of NO NO foods, that crept onto your shelves from friends or your own fingers!! (gasp!) If not...today is a good day to do that!!

I'm struggling with a pretty bad cold...so I'm not going to the gym to cough on everyone and spread this bad type of germ.... but I am doing more stretching!!

Onward and Upward ........and I'm up about 4 lb.... so I need to get serious, get them off...and really make an effort to work even harder for my goals!!

C'mon.....hang in here with me!! :p

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I did very well over the weekend considering I live with a food pusher! And I'm headed back to the gym today! ;)

Anyone still working on their WOE or WOEX? Please don't tell me that I'm the only one that is fighting this uphill battle in January!! :eek::eek:

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MsJean...I think you just hit the nail on the head about the food pusher...altho in my house, it's more like the 'carb' pusher...& for a while, I let carb creep into my life again...knowing how yucky it makes me feel, look, think....DH basically eats what he wants now, & as much of it...so much for low~carb support...


Today for breakfast I had a really nice over easy egg & one piece bacon.

Lunch was a great, yummy mixed green salad w/ walnuts. (Here's where trouble comes in...DH whipped out a frozen pizza, which made the house smell really good & tempting...however, I 'shunned' it w/ appropriate disdain...:p


Sometimes eating the best way for you will be a lonely WOE...hmmmm...don't let 'them'' entice you off the wagon! Seat belts, anyone?;)

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Lisa... Lemon Doughnuts..... NOOOOO!!!! :eek:

Cerabella.... So DH comes home last night after stopping at the store ...and I hear the jingle of chocolate somethings :eek:...hitting in a breakfast bowl on the counter.... Yep...I have ultra-sonic hearing when it comes to the world of chocolate .:p

and yes... it's my favorite hershey's with toffee chocolate things. "Why did you get these!!?? I asked him!! Because your doing so well with dinner and exercise, I thought you'd like these!" What????..... why not some flowers...how about a card....but Chocolate?! Is he nuts....no....a total food pusher!! ugh... This is why single people are skinner then married couples... I think!

It's cool today.........why do I have such a hard time drinking water when it's cold?

But..I Do.

Oh Whew.... I'm so glad you guys are here... thought I was doing this by myself!

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