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Buff Brides?!


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I am the exact opposite of you! I will do cardio all day, but I can't make myself lift weights. Together, we'd have the perfect workout. :) I'm finally admitting that I won't do the weights on my own, so I am going to start working with a trainer. And I agree with you completely... If I am avoiding all of the easter candy (which is EVERYWHERE, by the way, even my Spinning instructor was giving it out) I want some results!


I love the feeling of tanning and I like not looking like Casper the Ghost, but I am actually allergic to the intense UV rays in the tanning booth. I get red bumps everywhere. NOT attractive...so no tanning for me.


Has anyone done the spray on tan? Did you like it? I'm afraid I'll look orange or streaky.

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I am the exact opposite of you! I will do cardio all day, but I can't make myself lift weights. Together, we'd have the perfect workout. :) I'm finally admitting that I won't do the weights on my own, so I am going to start working with a trainer. And I agree with you completely... If I am avoiding all of the easter candy (which is EVERYWHERE, by the way, even my Spinning instructor was giving it out) I want some results!


I love the feeling of tanning and I like not looking like Casper the Ghost, but I am actually allergic to the intense UV rays in the tanning booth. I get red bumps everywhere. NOT attractive...so no tanning for me.


Has anyone done the spray on tan? Did you like it? I'm afraid I'll look orange or streaky.


Fellow Casper here! :D


Have you tried Jergens Daily Glow lotion? I don't like tanning (tried it once, won't go back) and am leery of getting a bad spray on tan! I've been using the Jergens for about a week and love it. I've got color! :D

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Hey ladies,


I was just looking at the thread and realized a whole lot of people are in my weightloss boat! I have six months and have started weight watchers too. I lvoe that it lets you eat anything so you still have flavor and variety. I love their oatmeal for a great quick breakfast in the morning. You canonly order it through their website but it's yummy. I have been doing it for 12 weeks and have lost 15 lbs so far.. another 20 to go... what a long road... any good motivating tips?



So glad I found you all!

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Hey ladies,


I was just looking at the thread and realized a whole lot of people are in my weightloss boat! I have six months and have started weight watchers too. I lvoe that it lets you eat anything so you still have flavor and variety. I love their oatmeal for a great quick breakfast in the morning. You canonly order it through their website but it's yummy. I have been doing it for 12 weeks and have lost 15 lbs so far.. another 20 to go... what a long road... any good motivating tips?



So glad I found you all!


Hi and welcome aboard the weight loss wagon! Sounds like you're doing great. Keep it up! :)


I find taking pictures of myself helps motivate me the most. I usually wear a sports bra and shorts and take a full length picture. Sometimes even candid pictures of me look awful. When I don't like how it looks, it gives me the drive to make myself look better :)


I also ditched my scale. I take body measurements instead. It's a lot more encouraging because I found that I lose inches WAY before pounds. I have a lot of muscle under my fat and it weighs a lot to begin with.

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Weekly update:


I really haven't been as diligent as planned. I completed a full week of all the exercising goals I set for myself earlier. I'm doing Core Secrets and a really fun dance cardio video from The Firm. I'm not really dieting, just watching what I eat and how much of it I eat. I still indulge every now and again, but let's say instead of eating potato chips, I eat a much smaller portion of Cheddar Chex Mix or popcorn.


Well, I did my weekly body measurements. I lost 2 inches from each the bust and waist (why, oh why do our boobies have to go first?! :eek: ), 1 inch each from the hips and bicep. Calf is the same and the thigh gained 1/2 inch. The grand total is 5.5 inches lost in one week! I don't know if that's slow loss or not good enough for the work I do, but it's not there anymore and it's good enough for me! :D :D


How's everyone else doing??

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Hey VABride, welcome to the party (of course, it's a party with no cake!). It sounds like you are doing great. I've lost about the same amount of weight as you. My favorite motivation is when other people notice that I look better. A close second is trying on clothes in smaller sizes. And then there are the pictures of girls in bikinis taped all over the fridge!


Lora- Wow...full length pictures. You are a lot braver than I am!!! As for the Casper thing, the Jergens doesn't work for me. I just look weird. Especially my knees. They seem to absorb more color (even if I use less lotion). And 5.5 inches is amazing. Congrats!

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Hey VABride, welcome to the party (of course, it's a party with no cake!). It sounds like you are doing great. I've lost about the same amount of weight as you. My favorite motivation is when other people notice that I look better. A close second is trying on clothes in smaller sizes. And then there are the pictures of girls in bikinis taped all over the fridge!


Lora- Wow...full length pictures. You are a lot braver than I am!!! As for the Casper thing, the Jergens doesn't work for me. I just look weird. Especially my knees. They seem to absorb more color (even if I use less lotion). And 5.5 inches is amazing. Congrats!


I tell you, those full length pictures don't lie! :D I tried the bikini girls on the fridge, but it really didn't work for me. I know I'll never look like that because I am way too muscular and have had 2 c-sections. Before I had kids, I was very athletic. I wrestled in high school and played a lot of tennis and soccer. I actually had cue-ball biceps! My fiance figured out the reason why those bikini girls depressed me. Go figure! Maybe I should tape my full length pics to the fridge. I'd save a bundle on groceries scaring EVERYONE out of the fridge! :eek:


With the lotion, I had the same problem at first. I made sure I exfoliated my knees and elbows. When you use any type of bronzing lotion, that's the first place the color collects because the skin is thicker and rougher.

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LOL! I don't actually think I'll look like one of those bikini girls either...at least not without some major work and probably some plastic surgery (which i'm just not into.) But I am not ready for pictures of me in my sports bra to be in plain view! (and i would really like to be "too muscular" I think athletic builds look great!)


I'm going to try the lotion again after exfoliating A LOT. I guess it's a good time to do it, since it is still miserable and cold here in NJ. No chance of shorts/skirts anytime soon. So if I turn orange again, it won't matter!


Just to amuse all of you... I am such a terrible swimmer that the lifeguard laughs at me! Because I got talked into a triathlon, I have to be able to swim 1/2 mile. I thought I liked swimming. I recently learned that I like floating in the pool/ocean with a nice cool drink. Actually swimming is a whole other story. I try to swim twice a week. The first time I tried, I panicked when my face hit the water. So now I swim freestyle, but with my head out of the water. I know I look ridiculous, but I swear to you, the lifeguard actually looked at me and laughed out loud!

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LOL! I don't actually think I'll look like one of those bikini girls either...at least not without some major work and probably some plastic surgery (which i'm just not into.) But I am not ready for pictures of me in my sports bra to be in plain view! (and i would really like to be "too muscular" I think athletic builds look great!)


I'm going to try the lotion again after exfoliating A LOT. I guess it's a good time to do it, since it is still miserable and cold here in NJ. No chance of shorts/skirts anytime soon. So if I turn orange again, it won't matter!


Just to amuse all of you... I am such a terrible swimmer that the lifeguard laughs at me! Because I got talked into a triathlon, I have to be able to swim 1/2 mile. I thought I liked swimming. I recently learned that I like floating in the pool/ocean with a nice cool drink. Actually swimming is a whole other story. I try to swim twice a week. The first time I tried, I panicked when my face hit the water. So now I swim freestyle, but with my head out of the water. I know I look ridiculous, but I swear to you, the lifeguard actually looked at me and laughed out loud!


A triathlon?? Good Lord, girl. You go!! I'd probably die in the first half! :D


It's miserable and cold in Iowa too. We were supposed to have 3 inches of snow last night, but it was so wet and heavy that it melted quickly.


If I'd have been swimming in front of a lifeguard, he/she probably would have laughed at my big butt before my technique! :D You do what ya gotta do! I'll come swim goofy with you! lol


My OB recommended swimming as a great exercise. There is virtually no joint impact and it's fun too! I have to consult my OB or my GP before exercising because of my wonderful abdomen. My daughter was born via emergency c-section and they had to get her out like yesterday because she stopped breathing. In the process, they tore part of my pyrimidalis and my rectus abdominis. 5 years later, it's still not repaired properly. I sometimes still have trouble getting out of bed!

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Yeah, it's the first half of the triathlon that scares me. I figure that the worst thing that can happen during the biking is having to slow down, and the worst thing during the running is having to walk... but the swim... the worst thing is that you get kicked in the head and drown!!!


OK ladies, here is my question. Is there ANY type of chinese food that isn't terrible for you? If not, what do you think is the best choice? Oh, and I don't eat any fish. Someone help me!

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Mandabear, do some extra cardio for me. :) Yeah, all the toning I am doing isn't going to do squat (haha... squat.. get it?) if I don't burn off this little chunk around me! Also, for Chinese food, I don't know what to tell you. I always go with shrimp and broccoli because I figure it's one of the better options. I could be wrong. My fiance and I split one tonight, so I guess it's only half the guilt.


Luvmytbear... I'm with you. My breasts are definitely the fat part I wanna keep! But congrats on your success in losing some inches!


VABride, congrats to you too! I'd love to lose 15lbs. I'm hoping to start losing more now that I plan to step up my cardio. I did lose body fat, but because I was building muscle I haven't really seen any weight loss exactly. I weigh in on Monday!


Swimming is definitely great. I used to be a lifeguard, and it was definitely a workout (the training was... being an actual lifeguard was cake). I like it because it basically works on your whole body and it doesn't hurt your knees (an issue for me).


I love reading everyone's posts! Your successes are inspiring!

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I love this quote. It's what I think of when I'm at the gym and I can tell that I'm just going through the motions, and not really working very hard. It also inspires me to change up my exercise program once in awhile.


"Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress." -Alfred A. Montapert

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I love this quote. It's what I think of when I'm at the gym and I can tell that I'm just going through the motions, and not really working very hard. It also inspires me to change up my exercise program once in awhile.


"Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress." -Alfred A. Montapert


I didn't know that actually came from another person! I don't know if you've been around the boards reading my posts (lol) but my Grandpa (RIP) was a sprouter of wisdom and funny little quotes. I use them quite often still. One of them he used to always say is "Don't confuse activity with progress." :)


My all time favorite though is "I don't mind fools. I just don't want them around me."

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Thanks for the wisdom, Mandabear. That's funny!


Meeko, the DVD is good. The book is good if you read, which I apparently don't. My trainer is using the same exercises during our gym routine, so the exercises are definitely good. For the most part they are easy. I like the DVD because I want to make sure I am doing the exercises right. I'm also not disciplined enough to go through a full routine unless pushed.


Speaking about discipline... Pixie... the hard part is getting to the gym! I actually have to write it in my calendar or I won't go. The buddy system is usually the best approach. Makes it a lot more fun and less awkward to have someone to go with you.

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I finally found those Strawberry Special K bars everyone was talking about. They are delicious! (and there aren't too many 90 calorie foods that I will call delicious!)


I also tried the 100 calorie pack Lorna Doone cookies. In my opinion, they are the best of this snack type. They taste like real cookies, and even though they are 100 calories, I know I won't go back and eat more. I am trying very hard to avoid the mini Ben & Jerry's ice creams. Anyone else seen these? They are about the size of a shot glass!

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Hi everyone! And CONGRATS on your upcoming weddings!


Although I'm not getting married on a cruise, we are going on a Hawaii cruise for the honeymoon in November, and I'm about 1 week into my ok-it's-time-to-get-serious-about-this weight loss plan! You all are so inspiring! In the week so far I've lost 1.2 pounds, I hope that slow and steady wins the race here. I've been following a semi-WW diet (not going to meetings, but I used to so I still have all the books), and my plan is to go to the gym 3-4 times a week and doing a pilates DVD the other nights.


I hope with the little over 7 months to go I can shed about 30 pounds. Do you think it's do-able? My goal is to seriously have to alter my gown by the time it comes in around September!


Good luck everyone, I'm so glad I found this thread!

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Back on the WW bandwagon for me. So everyone I decided to rejoin Weight Watchers. I was a member last year and lost 30 pounds and thought I could do it on my own so quit after about 6 months there. I've decided to go back because even though I know how to eat healthy there is no checks and balances for me. My fiance travels for weeks at a time with his job so it's hard when there is not that other person there to motivate me. So I have decided to get back on the band wagon.


You know what really did it for me ladies? Was that I ordered my dress last week from Alfred Angelo, and I had to get a size 24 dress to fit my curves in it. I was a size 24 last year and have made a promise to myself that I would never go back there. So it's time to hit the gym and the ww plan.


How's everyone else doing this week??

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Back on the WW bandwagon for me. So everyone I decided to rejoin Weight Watchers. I was a member last year and lost 30 pounds and thought I could do it on my own so quit after about 6 months there. I've decided to go back because even though I know how to eat healthy there is no checks and balances for me. My fiance travels for weeks at a time with his job so it's hard when there is not that other person there to motivate me. So I have decided to get back on the band wagon.


You know what really did it for me ladies? Was that I ordered my dress last week from Alfred Angelo, and I had to get a size 24 dress to fit my curves in it. I was a size 24 last year and have made a promise to myself that I would never go back there. So it's time to hit the gym and the ww plan.


How's everyone else doing this week??


Don't feel too bad about the dress size. I am normally a 16 and had to get my wedding dress in a size 22. Gowns are sized a little differently! :D


I'm not doing so great this week so far. I had a tough Anatomy and Physiology test today so I've been booking it more than hoofing it. I haven't exercised since Saturday. I'm hoping to at least do the 25 minute workout on my Core Secrets video tonight after I get my Psychology paper written. I've been doing OK diet wise, just lost track of my exercise routine.

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Hi Meeko! I'm with you about the dress sizes. I just ordered a bridesmaids dress for an August wedding and I am really hoping that I have to pay for major alterations.


RachieLnn- I think it's totally doable, and the Hawaii cruise sounds amazing.


Lora- I give you a lot of credit for working so hard at the end of the semester. I always gave up and ate pizza then!

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I had to order a dress 2-3 sizes larger than normal, glad to hear that this is "normal!"


The thing is, I was ok with it all since I had heard this before, but the lady I ordered my dress from was all, "Oh, honey, are you ok? Don't worry, it happens to everyone, etc, etc."


When I hear things like that (lots of sympathy and attention) it makes me feel like I'm going to cry, even though I'm not upset in the first place!


Although I suppose she was trying to be nice, once I found the dress when I was with my mom, she was so excited for me that she gave me a big hug!


PS Ran 2 miles today! Whew!

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I finally found those Strawberry Special K bars everyone was talking about. They are delicious! (and there aren't too many 90 calorie foods that I will call delicious!)


I also tried the 100 calorie pack Lorna Doone cookies. In my opinion, they are the best of this snack type. They taste like real cookies, and even though they are 100 calories, I know I won't go back and eat more. I am trying very hard to avoid the mini Ben & Jerry's ice creams. Anyone else seen these? They are about the size of a shot glass!



OMG.... Lorna Doone cookies are "to die for." They remind me so much of the Girl Scout Butter cookies. I can't believe they are only 100 calories. You go girl!!!!



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