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Buff Brides?!


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Ugh ugh ugh.... I totally fell off the exercise wagon again. Nothing all week. I'm terrible! I've promised myself today and tomorrow; no excuses, no BS!! Finals are done and I have two weeks off before I start summer classes so I have NO excuses except for my own laziness!! I haven't measured yet this week. I'm almost afraid to! lol

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Mandabear, those meals sound great! Sometimes for I lunch I like a big salad with chicken in it, if you like that sort of thing. I'm so glad it's summer soon, I can't wit for all the fresh veggies and fruit from the farmer's market!


I too fell off the "diet" bandwagon, because I went up to Wisconsin with my family (my sister graduated, yay!). We went to a Mexican place one night (hello, strawberry margarita) and then to a nicer place the next day. Hopefully I didn't do too much damage, we'll find out when I weigh in Tuesday though!


The good thing is I did complete week one of Buff Brides and am starting week 2 today. I already worked out this morning (the walk/run switchoff). Only 23 more weeks to go until I'm done with the program... It's a long road but I'm on my way! :)

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Hey All! I joined WW about 4 or 5 years ago and lost 30 pounds. I joined up again, and so far I have lost 17 pounds in 11 weeks! I am 2 pounds away from my goal weight, and our cruise is 8 weeks away. I'm hoping to be finished with my maintenance before we go, because it would be great to be a lifetime member before jumping on the boat and eating all that food!


I wanted to share a huge part of my weight loss success with you all... My first time around on WW I was in college and went home for the weekend. I wanted some kind of food that was in my mom's house (see, I can't even remember what it was!) and it was going to put me over my points for the week. I said "forget it! I'm going to cheat!" and my step dad said "What do I care? The only person you're cheating is yourself." And that has stuck with me through it all.


I live in Melbourne, FL and work out 3 nights a week at the rock gym we have here. Rock climbing has made my workouts actually work, because I don't get bored with it like I do at other gyms. I recently started jogging again (I twisted my ankle pretty bad last October and it is just now healing to where I can put that kind of pressure on it... but that's a whole other story!) and that is helping with my weight loss, too. I have lost 10% of my body fat since I started!


Good job and good luck to all of you!!!


Remember, the only person you're cheating is yourself!

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Tyger, congrats on your weightloss and upcoming wedding! You must be getting excited!


I've decided that I'm going to sign up to do a 5K walk/run on the 4th of July with one of my friends! I know that I can do it, but that I will probably have to stop to walk every once in awhile, and hopefully won't be one of the slowest ones out there! She's probably similar to myself in ability so hopefully we can cheer each other on. My problem is that I can job for quite awhile, but I go very sloowwwly. Has anyone done one of these before, if so, any tips? (Other than to stay out of the way of the faster runners?) :)

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Hey I'm doing a 5K too! (Assuming I survive the triathlon in September.) I'm only up to one mile of running now, and when I say running, I mean jogging at 4.4 mph (yup, the speed walkers are faster than I am!). Right now, my big challenge is keeping control of my breathing so that my heart rate doesn't go too high! My best advice is to practice using breathing to lower your heart rate. It's really amazing how much it can affect your performance. A few forced deep breaths, in through your nose, and out through your mouth, will help bring your heart rate down and help you run for longer time periods.

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Mandabear, thanks, I will have to try that! You run at about my pace, too! My heartrate does tend to skyrocket when I run, then I get tired and want to stop just to catch my breath, although my body isn't physically tired. I've never smoked so I think it's just a matter of conditioning myself to do this.

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Hey Guys, Congrats to all of you for working so hard. I have always been a walker, walking 6 to 7 miles a week. But I added running yesterday and I almost DIED! My chest hurt, my lungs hurt, heart was beating out of chest. I could not even run for 1 minute. Can someone help me with this, I can work out doing a very challanging exercise, walk briskly and have no problem. HELP!!

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My advice would be to add running slowly into your workouts. Walk for 10 minutes and then run for 1-2, gradually upping the amount of time you run compared to walk. And I would start of slowly, like at 4.0-4.5 mph. This is really more of a jog, but I find I can go longer if I run a little slower.


I also highly recommend finding some good songs to listen to, with the beats the same as your running pace. That really keeps me going! Some of the songs I like to run to are "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield (sp?) -this one works well on the elliptical too - and "Since You Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson.


Then keep in mind there is nothing wrong with continuing to walk if that is what works for you! 6 miles is great!

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I totally agree with the music for running and I also love the song Unwritten. Pink's new song, U and UR Hand is also at my ideal running speed.


Terryvet: when I started running I had been working out every day doing lots of cardio (elliptical and spinning) and I STILL felt like I was going to die. I started at 5 minutes walking, 2 1/2 minutes of running and I only went for 15 minutes total. Now I'm working with a trainer, and she has me increase my time by 2 1/2 minutes every week. That is a big increase; they usually recommend a 10% increase per week, but I'm hanging in there. For the first three weeks, my knees hurt, my back hurt, and my neck hurt. (nothing major, just some soreness, if you have serious pain, don't run) Now I'm up to 15 minutes of running (one mile!) and I'll admit that I still don't like it, and my heart rate still stays high, but I don't hate it as much as I did those first few weeks. So don't give up, take it slow, and increase gradually! Also, you may be the type that needs to stretch to avoid the soreness, so maybe give that a try. Good luck!

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Well, I'm certainly not an expert, but I run on Sunday morning, Tuesday night, and Thursday morning. My general rule of thumb is that if I feel sore ahead of time, I don't run. I'll get on an elliptical and then make sure I stretch really well. And keep in mind, even with warm up and cool down, I'm only on the treadmill for 20 minutes...

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Thanks to all you who awnsered my question. I went out and ran the day after again, taking your advice I slowed it way down. I practiced on my breathing and HEY, it actually worked, I felt 100% better this time, then the day before. After running this time, my right ankle was real sore, LOL! It's always something, LOL! I like adding in some jogging, it gets boring walking. maybe I will try to strecth a little before hand.

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hey terryvet, glad that the second attempt at running went better! Be careful with your ankle.


Now, I need some help here. What I lack is will power. I will get up at 5am and work out every morning. I will go BACK to the gym at night and work out again. But, when I'm at home, and I'm just about to start cooking, and my fiance says, "come on, we'll get Chinese." I cave. Every time. Some one help. What do you do in that situation?

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I do have this problem myself, too. What I recommend is eating a snack beforehand so that you aren't as starving and less likely to give in to the temptation. I know when I get home late and I'm starving, I will eat absolutely everything and anything. :)


If you do order anyway, keep the portion size reasonable, and then it won't make or break the diet. Don't stress too much if you stray once in awhile. You are doing great with your workouts!!!

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hey terryvet, glad that the second attempt at running went better! Be careful with your ankle.


Now, I need some help here. What I lack is will power. I will get up at 5am and work out every morning. I will go BACK to the gym at night and work out again. But, when I'm at home, and I'm just about to start cooking, and my fiance says, "come on, we'll get Chinese." I cave. Every time. Some one help. What do you do in that situation?


Ack! My fiance is the Takeout King!! He did this quite often. After awhile, I asked him to help me out by not suggesting we eat out. I explained to him why it was hard for me while trying to watch my diet. He agreed and has been an angel about it since. Maybe enlist your fiance's support in being careful about your diet?


DF has been especially careful about his suggestions since he joined me and is working to watch his diet as well. We have a bet going that the one who loses the least amount of inches by August has to by the winner a new cruise wardrobe. I don't know if it's for his health he's doing this or his wallet! :D

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For lunch today I decided to try the new Southwest Chicken Salad from McDonald's. I thought it was really good!!! And for only 320 calories, a pretty filling lunch. I think there are 9 grams of fat, 30 grams of protein, and 7 grams of fiber. There are 970 grams of sodium, but I think overall it's a pretty healthy choice. Way to go, McDonald's!


BTW, it was extremely hard to get out of there without adding on a side of fries, but somehow, I did it! :)

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For lunch today I decided to try the new Southwest Chicken Salad from McDonald's. I thought it was really good!!! And for only 320 calories, a pretty filling lunch. I think there are 9 grams of fat, 30 grams of protein, and 7 grams of fiber. There are 970 grams of sodium, but I think overall it's a pretty healthy choice. Way to go, McDonald's!


BTW, it was extremely hard to get out of there without adding on a side of fries, but somehow, I did it! :)


That's not too bad! I usually don't worry too much about sodium because I do not add salt to ANYTHING and I'm usually lacking it anyhow. I'll have to try one out. Good for you about not getting any fries!! That's the hard part of hitting a fast food joint! :D


Just be careful about some of the other "healthy" choices that McD's, Wendy's, and such offer in the way of salads. Wendy's Mandarin Chicken Salad (adding the rice noodles, almonds, and Oriental dressing they offer) has just as much (or is it more? I can't recall right off hand, but I know it's at least equal) calories and fat as a Big Bacon Classic cheeseburger! :eek: It's amazing what they can try to pass off as a "healthy" alternative.

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I know! I just can't believe the calorie count for some "healthy" offerings. In most cases you might actually be better off with a plain hamburger.


I love Cosi and they have great new low-fat salads, but I have to watch out because they come with this great flatbread that alone is 270 calories! That is almost as much as my entire salad today. I've started just taking a piece of their free sample of bread while I wait for my salad to come up (it's only about an inch of flatbread), then asking for no flatbread to the side. That way, I get a taste but don't have the entire piece to tempt me (I will eat it if it is in front of me :rolleyes: ).


They always look at me like I'm crazy when I order no flatbread with my salad.

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P.S. It also helps if I tell myself that the flatbread is worth a 1/2 hour of treadmill time. Would I rather go an extra half hour or eat the flatbread?


Most definitely, I would rather skip the flatbread 99% of the time!

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Hi all,


I need a proverbial kick in the butt!!!


My dress is a size and a bit too small. I have 12 pounds or so to go and 16 weeks to do it... (I don't get married until Jan 08, but this dress can't be let out and it could take 12-16 weeks to sort something else). I got it for an amazing price, so I didn't turn it down. Possibly not so smart.


After being ridiculously slack these past few weeks I think I need to be accountable... I hope you don't mind if I become accountable to all of you on this thread!


I hope everyone is doing well...




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Ann- What great motivation! Maybe that's what I should do! If I had to look at my dress every day and worry about it maybe I'd be able to say no to the takeout... I use this board that way too sometimes. If I "cheat" and then write about it, then it feels almost like punishment. Everyone knows that I was eating junk food. (for example, we stayed with fiance's parents last night. They are German and cooked us dinner. I'm not sure what schnitzel is, but it sure tasted fried!)


BTW ladies, I have asked Fiance not to recommend eating out...problem is that he is 1) naturally annoyingly skinny; 2) he is studying for the bar exam and feels justified in eating however he wants (and so did I when I took it last summer!) and 3) he LOVES takeout.... So apparently I have to be strong on my own. I've decided that I will NOT give in. I will cook dinner and if he wants to eat out, he can, but I won't!


My new eating-out strategy is that I cut everything in half (except the veggies) and then I only eat one half. I think someone may have mentioned this before, but it really works for me. It feels absolutely victorious to leave half the fries on the plate. (note- to accomplish this, I sometimes enage in what my fiance refers to as "the scorched earth tactic." I dump so much salt on the leftover half that I couldn't eat it even if I wanted to.)

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Hi all,


I need a proverbial kick in the butt!!!


My dress is a size and a bit too small. I have 12 pounds or so to go and 16 weeks to do it... (I don't get married until Jan 08, but this dress can't be let out and it could take 12-16 weeks to sort something else). I got it for an amazing price, so I didn't turn it down. Possibly not so smart.


After being ridiculously slack these past few weeks I think I need to be accountable... I hope you don't mind if I become accountable to all of you on this thread!


I hope everyone is doing well...





I'm on you now, and I'm not a light girl either! lol We'd be glad to have you aboard!


Yeah...possibly not so smart...but GREAT motivation! :D


My new eating-out strategy is that I cut everything in half (except the veggies) and then I only eat one half. I think someone may have mentioned this before, but it really works for me. It feels absolutely victorious to leave half the fries on the plate. (note- to accomplish this, I sometimes enage in what my fiance refers to as "the scorched earth tactic." I dump so much salt on the leftover half that I couldn't eat it even if I wanted to.)


Ooooh....good one! Thanks for the tip. I absolutely can not stand salt. Even if I order fries out I always request no salt. I'm going to try that one! :)


My update: I'm hitting a standstill. Only one more inch gone total...19.5 overall. I started losing tons of inches, now it's just inch by inch. I'm going to start shaking up the exercise routine a bit, but I'm really hesitant to do so. I've been doing Core Secrets on the advice of my MD because of my lower abdominal injuries. It's the only way I can do any ab work without bursting into tears. I was doing the Firm a few years back and still have the equipment. It works great but it is an hour long workout vs. the 25 or 45 minute Core Secrets workout. I'm always time crunched! I'm thinking about pulling the Firm out and interchanging it with the Core Secrets; using the Firm for the cardio and body and the Core Secrets for the abs. I can't do the Firm's ab work, but that darn Fanny Lifter is quite the jewel. That is, after I'm done cursing at it for the pain it caused me! :D


I also thought about joining the YWCA (I get a really nice student discount) and using their treadmills and cycles. I can't afford to buy my own; nor do I have room for them in my house! It might be fun to get OUT of the house and do my workouts as well. I was going to wait until I quit smoking (bad me, I know) and use that extra money to pay for the Y membership, but I'm to the point where I think the extra workout might motivate my quitting more. I probably should just take it one habit at a time though! :)

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Hey Lora,

I'd recommend joining the Y. I love my gym and I've made some great new friends. The added bonus is that they are the kinds of friends who are just as excited to meet for a walk as for a cup of coffee (or lately, a water ice). And trust me, when you are having lunch with your Spinning instructor, you are much more likely to order the salad, dressing on the side, no bread, than the burger and fries!


You seem very motivated by competition. Maybe that could help you with the smoking. My fiance couldn't quit until his father said, "Oh, you'll never be able to do it." That's all it took. OK, well that and a lot of nicorette, followed by a lot of regular gum... but he did it. I bet you could convince your finace to let you pick any reward you want for when you are successful. Think of the possibilities...jewelry, clothes, the expensive shore excursion you really want. This could be great!


As for the standstill with the inches... that was me for the past 3 weeks. I hit a major plateau. Just keep going. Make sure you're eating enough calories to keep your metabolism going.


Ok everyone...I'm off to the store in search of my favorite summertime dessert...watermellon. I love it!

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Hi everyone! I've been reading this message board for a few weeks now, and I've decided it's finally time to start chatting with all of you and get myself (and my fiance, hopefully) motivated to jump on the bandwagon to get into shape.

A little info on us to catch you all up on what's going on: We are getting married in 12 months (June 1, 2008) on Mariner of the Seas. My fiance and I have been talking about loosing weight (he wants to loose about 40 lbs, I want to loose about 20 lbs) and we both have gym memberships. Have we been going? Of course not....always an excuse from one of us as to why today just isn't a good day to go. A few weeks ago I began working with a personal trainer hoping this would help motivate both of us to start going regualarly, but all I've been doing is working with her with weights twice a week. I can't seem to get him motivated to get to the gym to do cardio, which is not helping with my motivation. I'm the type of person who needs a buddy to keep me going on those hard days.

I read the idea of competing with him to see who can loose the most inches. I think this is a great idea and I will try this with him to see if that will get us both working out more. Any other ideas?

Regardless, I'm making myself a work out schedule that I plan to stick to with or without him (hopefully he will join me once he sees the progress I'm making). We'll see how it goes.


Hope everyone is doing well and thanks for any advice in advance!


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Hi Nikki,


Welcome to our group! I agree that it's so much easier with a buddy. My Fiance is finally back at the gym with me and I like it so much more. I used to have my schedule posted all over my apartment, along with a big note that said "no excuses!" Initially, I even had it taped up by my alarm clock, so I'd have to look at it when I was supposed to get up early for the gym. Good luck, and come back to tell us how you are doing.

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