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Buff Brides?!


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OMG... you all are a freaking riot! RachieLnnn... you crack me up! You're mean, but I like it!


Well, I wasn't trying to be mean, I am quite sarcastic sometimes though! :D I mean honestly... like we don't know "the healthy strategy"... or that she/he was the first person on this thread to think of it...it's absurd!


Like Lora said, if she/he would have read this thread or even a page of it, she/he would realize that "the strategy" is just about all we talk about, and how certain things are working for us, and how others aren't. How we are making ourselves healthier by working out and eating right.


BTW, is she/he even getting married? Just curious as to what enticed her/him to click on this thread in the first place?

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CB At Sea, the cookies are not the ones you buy in the store. They are meal replacements packed with vitamins and stuff. No way would I ever think I could eat 800 calories of Oreos and call it a diet! It's a medically supervised rapid weight loss program. And FYI, I don't even LIKE cookies, which I did mention in that post. I'd take a bowl of steamed veggies over a couple cookies any day!


I found a good article today about taking in and burning calories and how to calculate what you need to do to lose a pound: http://www.sparkpeople.com/community/ask_the_experts.asp?q=27


It definitely gave me a better understanding of the relationship between diet, exercise, and weight loss. Not even my nutritionist explained it this well!


Hi Luvmytbear! Yes, I'm alive (not "killing myself" on cookie diets or anything...lmao). I was in DC and then spent the holiday weekend camping and hiking in North Carolina. So I haven't been online much at all! Glad to know I was missed!


With all my slacking off, I gained almost a pound this past week. :(


That cookie thing stiil sounds gross. Pizza cookies? Ewww.... Maybe they're more like pizza biscuits? lol


I tried registering at sparkpeople but I haven't been able to figure out the site yet. I get emails about stages and stuff but I'm lost. I just delete the emails. :o


That one pound you gained might be muscle from all your hiking! :D I have to admire your hiking though. I'd never make it through!

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Luvmybear, I too got frustrated with the Sparkpeople website! I suppose I just need to sit down and actually look through all the sections and links, but I haven't had time to do so yet. I want to because it seems like there is a lot of good information there, but haven't had the patience yet.

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Yeah, I'm thinking the cookies are not like the kind of cookies we are thinking of. They are shaped like a cookie, but they probably taste like a bunch of vitamins.


SparkPeople can be very involved. Honestly, I deleted all the emails at first. Then I started reading them. I like the recipes the most. If you sign in to the website you should see a section on the right that says "My SparkPoints." That is primarily how I use the website. If you click on "View SparkPoints" it will give you a list of ways you can get points. Not that the points matter much, but that's the fastest and easiest way to see what the site offers, in my opinion. I like the food and fitness trackers, though I haven't used them lately. Sometimes I read articles on there, but most of what I read is the emails.


I don't even bother with the Stages. I'm not quite that into the website. There are motivational components as well. So you can really pick and choose what works for you on the site. I was already tracking food with Weight Watchers, so switching to this one, which was free and better, was a no-brainer.


I'm off to the gym for now...

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Hey ladies! I ran 1.5 miles today! Without feeling like I'm about to drop dead! I am so excited. It was great to hear my trainer say that I could stop running and then to look at her and say, (without panting) "Ok, unless you want me to keep going." My normal reaction when she says I can stop is to lunge for the speed control.


Yummy dinner: Taco salad. (minus almost all of the taco!) Lots of spinach and greens, tomato, peppers, cucumber, fresh corn (shaved off the cob), a sprinkle of cheese, 1/2 cup of taco mixture (ground turkey and seasoning) and yes, I did crumble up one taco shell.


If anyone has some creative salad ideas, I'd love to hear them. By thursday at lunch time I am so tired of looking at salad! (spinach, veggies, grilled chicken...)

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Mandabear, sometimes I like to make salads with spinach, chicken, grapes or apples, and walnuts, with maybe a raspberry vinigrette? It's awesome with a pinch of gorgonzola cheese, too.


Good luck, it sounds like you are doing great with your salads and diet, wish I could say the same for me this week! :rolleyes: That taco salad you made sounds really good though!

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Hahaha... no Alcheme. Sorry to disappoint. Maybe after my bachelorette party... but no such pics exist right now!


Mandabear, congrats on your progress. I don't think I could run that long without wanting to die.


As for you lunch issue, I would suggest not eating salads every day. That would be one way to not get bored with it! I do Healthy Choice meals for lunch. Next week I think I am going to do 2 days of those, 2 days of Subway, and one day to eat out with my coworkers (where I will probably get a nice big salad).


Another way I like to mix up my salad it to put it on a tortilla. I know tortillas aren't exactly healthy, but I LOVE wrap sandwiches.


So for the month of June I am challenging myself to be REALLY good... eat right, have a thorough mix of fitness activities on a consistent basis, and plan and track all of it. By the end of the month if I don't see some real progress then I will know it wasn't from lack of effort. I turned down lunch with my coworkers today, which was difficult. I actually had my purse in hand and was ready to head out the door.

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Hahaha... no Alcheme. Sorry to disappoint. Maybe after my bachelorette party... but no such pics exist right now!


Mandabear, congrats on your progress. I don't think I could run that long without wanting to die.


As for you lunch issue, I would suggest not eating salads every day. That would be one way to not get bored with it! I do Healthy Choice meals for lunch. Next week I think I am going to do 2 days of those, 2 days of Subway, and one day to eat out with my coworkers (where I will probably get a nice big salad).


Another way I like to mix up my salad it to put it on a tortilla. I know tortillas aren't exactly healthy, but I LOVE wrap sandwiches.


So for the month of June I am challenging myself to be REALLY good... eat right, have a thorough mix of fitness activities on a consistent basis, and plan and track all of it. By the end of the month if I don't see some real progress then I will know it wasn't from lack of effort. I turned down lunch with my coworkers today, which was difficult. I actually had my purse in hand and was ready to head out the door.



Wow, I know exactly how hard it is to turn down outings. I too have so much trouble with that. It always seems like friends and co-workers are going out for Happy Hour, lunch, dinners, etc. I try to limit myself going except for maybe once a week, otherwise it's just too much (especially Happy Hour with drinks!!!). I usually can do pretty good for meals and order salads and things, but when everyone is drinking it seems I lose my control - for fatty food AND too many drinks. :rolleyes:


Luckily, it is getting nice out so I try to suggest going and sitting outside at a park and eating either a homemade lunch or something healthy. I don't want to turn everyone down too often, or else I seem so anti-social (and miss my friends)! And I'll try to mention other things that we can do together, and think I have some work people signed up to try a 5K walk.


The problem is that 90% of the time, all anyone wants to do is drink (I guess that is architects and engineers for you - we are fond of that particular activity :D ).


Do you guys let everyone know around you that you are on a diet/exercise plan? For some reason, I feel that is a more personal thing, and I don't want the world to know about it (well, really only my guy co-workers). It's just a little awkward for me, and I wish it wasn't. I think that if people knew, they would be less likely to "tempt" me. I don't know.


(I know that paragraph is a little funny because it's saying I don't want the world to know, but here I am on a message board. Well, hopefully you know what I mean!)

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Argh, this just happened again, just now! Co-workers are going out to Bennigan's for lunch, and gave me a REALLY hard time for saying no. :(


I'm sorry, but not only do I want a healthy lunch, but hey I'm paying for a wedding, this can be hard on the budget too!


Oh well, I told them no, and I'm not going to feel bad about it.

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I'm getting some exercise today. I'm sitting in my basement in the middle of a tornado warning. I grabbed my laptop and my mini-trampoline is down here and am having a blast! :D


Still have 15 minutes before it's over. Sounds bad upstairs, but I think it's more storm activity now; lots of thunder and lightning. I can't believe I kept my Wi-Fi connection! I'm safe though...laptop is on battery power! :)


Rachel...good for you! I'm not sure my willpower would have been that strong! :D

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My job is REALLY bad. I work for a sales and marketing company and my account is at a grocery retailer. So we constantly have new products coming in to be sampled. I'm right above the QA lab, so it's always like "Hey, we have a new mousse downstairs. Come try it and give us your input." Sooooooo bad. We also get a lot of extra product, which means freebies for everyone to take home.


Luvmytbear, where do you live? Hope everything is okay!

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Wow Brise, that must be tough! Good job!


Fridays are tough for me because that is when we turn in out timesheets so they know what jobs to charge for our time. Our HR person puts out a basket of candy for you once you turn it in (I know, so kindergarten, but it's fun!) and I have a tough time not grabbing something! Today I grabbed only a mini-sized Hershey's so I figure that's not too bad.


Lora, stay safe. I'm glad that you are in your basement!

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I'm in Eastern Iowa, right on the Mississippi. We had some really bad damage a little more north and south of us, but mostly right in my area is downed trees and lines. My neighbor lost part of his roof and his doghouse is now in my backyard, sans dog, thank goodness! :) I only lost a piece of siding and had a big tree branch fall on my truck. Luckily it landed in the bed and didn't do much damage, just scratches. Here's a picture from our local news website that a viewer took from about 40 miles south of me.




Including the link for copyright purposes, just in case




Now...back on topic! lol I lost about 10 lbs. after I quit my fast food management job. It was a big downfall for me diet wise, that's for sure! Mousse....yummy.... I don't know how you do it! :D


I wouldn't say a mini Hershey's is bad. Just out of curiosity, I wonder how many calories are in one? I was thinking maybe that the little ones could help curb that occasional chocolate craving I get. It'd definitely be better than eating the whole bar!

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Wow...so much going on tonight. Lora, glad to hear that you're ok! I've only been in one tornado warning, and that was when I was visiting my sister in Kansas.


Rachie, I know how hard it is to deal with the coworkers going out. Sometimes I give in, and I try to do it on days when they are going somewhere with salads! Other times, I make excuses (Oh, I can't, I have to run errands...) We also have the bowl of candy...except it is always by the time sheet (so you have to stop there at least twice a day). My strategy is to buy candy that I don't like and fill it up myself.


Well by now I'm sure you all know that my ultimate weakness is chinese food...tonight was no exception. It was my friend's birthday and she wanted to go to PF Changs (chinese)... and I am sad to report, I did NOT have the chicken with broccoli...or anything with broccoli for that matter! Guess it's extra gym time tomorrow! Hope you all enjoy the weekend!

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Hiya Ladies!


Hope things are going well for everyone! It's nice to know I'm not the only one struggling every now and again!


I work for myself, therfore don't have the office get togethers to worry about!


Brise - you sound really onto it!


Lora - hope things are OK at your end! That photo of yours is the closest I have ever come to a tornado!


Rachie - thanks to you I now have another reason to stay focussed. I keep reminding myself that we're paying for the wedding and cruise as well!


Manda - way to go with the running!! You must be stoked!!


Right... it's Saturday evening here and I have made it through the week!! :D... 2 walks, 2 weights, 1 pilates, and a spin class... My only vice were the 3 non-fat mocha-lattes I've had. I can live with that!!


Hope you have a sensational weekend wherever you may be!!




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My brain and my mouth just can't cooperate with one another this early! I work early on Saturdays, and so I let myself get the Dunkin Donuts coffee. But now I order it with milk (not cream) and Splenda (instead of sugar). Well I must be really tired today because I got to the counter, and planned to order my "diet" coffee. Then I heard myself say "cream and sugar." And before I could do anything about it, she had already put both in the cup! Oh well. But for the record... sugar tastes REALLY good when you haven't had any in months! (sorry ladies!)


Are any of you swimmers? I know I've mentioned my triathlon before, but I'm just starting training for the swim. I suddenly HATE putting my face in the water. I have no idea why, but it's this really weird reaction and all I can thing is "Get your face out of the water!" I'm not afraid of the water, and I know how to swim. Part of it is the water in the nose phenomenon... but i just bought an oh so stylish nose clip, so I'm hoping that takes care of this. Any advice? Not sure I can swim 1/2 mile without putting my face under!

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I'm so excited. I just made the yummiest dinner! We had stuffed portabello mushrooms. I got the recipe from SparkPeople, but I changed it. The original recipe is on my blog. I still put the soy sauce and lemon juice on the mushroom and grilled it, but for the stuffing I used chicken/turkey sausage with corn and peppers (links, which I just bought from Costco), brown rice, green peppers, tomatoes, and fat free mozzarella. I think this will have to be a regular meal. We have never made mushrooms before, so this was new and exciting (and so good). We had some asparagus on the side and finished it off with some pinot noir. Not good for the diet, but it's good for your heart! :)


Also, on another note, Things Remembered is having a sale on their champagne flute and cake server sets. $30 each.

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WOW Brise, that sounds really good. Was it hard to make? I love cooking, and it's always fun to try something new.


Lora, I'm glad that you got through the storm with minor damage. That is a scary picture of a tornado, I've never been that close to one, although in Illinois we have had warnings pretty often.


Mandabear, just a funny thing, I HATE putting my face in the water, too!!! Maybe it just goes against our instinct. I can swim and all, but I swim sooo slowly, it's kind of funny, I think I make the lifegaurds chuckle. Sometimes I used to do 12-16 laps, but I would switch up the stroke after every lap (sidestroke each side, back stroke, and then "regular" front stroke, whatever that is, but looked more like a doggie paddle for me :D ). It is fun though, and at least you don't get all sweaty!


Ann, great job, if 3 non-fat mochas are your only splurge, I would say you are doing ok. I have a Starbucks downfall, so I've started getting non-fat sugar-free vanilla lattes, and it's just about the longest name of something you can order in the world (esp. when I also add "iced" to it!)

Now, when I was there the other day, I thought I saw something about them offering non-fat frappucino mix, but now I can't remember if that was a dream or if I really saw that (Don't you hate that?!).


I'm excited, this weekend we ordered the bridesmaid dresses in burgandy, I'm going to put a link in of what they look like!!! http://www.bestbridalprices.com/davinci-bridesmaid-dress-9151-p-7960.html


This weekend I didn't get a chance to do my Buff Brides workout #3 of the week, so this week I'm going to do four of them to catch up. My goal is to stay on track with that and with my diet...and write down what I'm eating more often (I didn't do that all weekend, either). I had a lot of family in town and was really, really, busy. I know it's not an excuse, but hey I can tell I didn't do everything I'm trying to do, since the scale stayed the same (at least it didn't go up!)


Have a great Monday, everyone!

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Rachie - I love the dresses! They'll be gorgeous.


LuvMy - I'm from Iowa also! I live in Florida now, but grew up in Iowa. I didn't know tornadoes went through there, I'm glad you're ok!


Brise - the Portobello sounds delish! Too bad my fiance doesn't like mushrooms. :(


I made my goal weight! I'm actually a pound under, and I'm still planning on losing 7 more pounds before July, but I'm into the 6 weeks maintenance, and I'm so excited! Off to the rock gym!

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Ann- You're doing great! If only I could get down to three non fat lattes as my vices! :D


Mandabear-Swimming...the only advice I would have had was your stylish nose clip! lol I love your bridesmaid dresses! Very elegant!


Briseis- Your recipe sounds yummy! I'll have to actually read my Sparkpeople stuff and see what they have going on. :)


Rachel - LOVE the bridesmaid dresses! Very elegant! I finally bought the Buff Brides DVD off of eBay this weekend. What all does it make you do? lol I'm not the world's most coordinated person and I was really hoping it wasn't a lot of complicated dance-like moves. I love the Firm's workouts and bought their dance cardio video. Tried it once, now it's collecting dust. I couldn't do the steps AT ALL! :o I was looking for something to shake up my workout a bit, something with a bit more cardio involved.


Tyger - Awesome for you! I would love to say I was that close to my goal. Hopefully I will be 45 days out from my wedding. I didn't realize you were that close! Getting nervous yet? Where in Iowa did you grow up? I'm right on the Mississippi, which is why we're a little more prone to tornado activity. I've seen funnel clouds sit and spin over the river before. I wish I had a digital pic of it (yeah, dumb me stopped and took a picture) but it was a while ago and the pictures are on "film". Can't get my scanner to work!! :mad: You moved from tornadoes to hurricanes, huh? :)




I'm watching Montel now (yeah, I need to get off my butt! lol). It's about being overweight (mostly younger women, late teens), getting motivation, and has some great diet tips. They suggested buying a "motivational" piece of clothing (something you really love that is a size or two smaller) hanging it up, and looking at it when you're about ready to fall off the wagon.

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Ann- You're doing great! If only I could get down to three non fat lattes as my vices! :D


Mandabear-Swimming...the only advice I would have had was your stylish nose clip! lol I love your bridesmaid dresses! Very elegant!


Briseis- Your recipe sounds yummy! I'll have to actually read my Sparkpeople stuff and see what they have going on.


Rachel - LOVE the bridesmaid dresses! Very elegant! I finally bought the Buff Brides DVD off of eBay this weekend. What all does it make you do? lol I'm not the world's most coordinated person and I was really hoping it wasn't a lot of complicated dance-like moves. I love the Firm's workouts and bought their dance cardio video. Tried it once, now it's collecting dust. I couldn't do the steps AT ALL! I was looking for something to shake up my workout a bit, something with a bit more cardio involved.


Tyger - Awesome for you! I would love to say I was that close to my goal. Hopefully I will be 45 days out from my wedding. I didn't realize you were that close! Getting nervous yet? Where in Iowa did you grow up? I'm right on the Mississippi, which is why we're a little more prone to tornado activity. I've seen funnel clouds sit and spin over the river before. I wish I had a digital pic of it (yeah, dumb me stopped and took a picture) but it was a while ago and the pictures are on "film". Can't get my scanner to work!! :mad: You moved from tornadoes to hurricanes, huh? :)




I'm watching Montel now (yeah, I need to get off my butt! lol). It's about being overweight (mostly younger women, late teens), getting motivation, and has some great diet tips. They suggested buying a "motivational" piece of clothing (something you really love that is a size or two smaller) hanging it up, and looking at it when you're about ready to fall off the wagon.



I'm actually doing the Buff Brides book, which is a 3 or 6 month exercise program. You gradually change and add exercises (some weights, some lunges, things like that) for 3-4 days a week, then it tells you a cardio goal for the week which also increases as you go. I like it because it tells me exactly what to do as far as weights and things like that go. I actually bought the DVD too, but haven't used it yet at all! I usually head to the gym for the cardio part.


I'm glad you like the dresses! :) They looked great on all the girls so we went with them.


I love watching Montel and all those shows, so addicting, aren't they? Hey, you're learning from it, and sharing tips with all of us, so don't feel bad! And thank you! :D


P.S. Co-workers went out for a lunch for someone's birthday today. I went with and wasn't completely good (I didn't get a salad) but I did get a turkey burger with fruit to the side instead of fries! Woo!

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Congrats Tyger! That's great news!


I dropped my bike off at the bike shop today. First step to riding outside again. I learned an important lesson... do NOT leave your bike on the balcony for three years and then expect the "tune up" to be cheap!


I have a starbucks downfall too (in addition to the chinese food!) but I'm sticking to the tall skim cappucino w/splenda...i figure it can't be TOO bad because it's mostly foamy skim milk! Actually, that's where I'm going right now!

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Hey guys,

Last night I totally blew the diet. :( You know how it is when you go out with a group of very good friends you haven't seen in a long time, and you just have so much fun, you can't just leave early because it seems like old times (college)?


We started out at a Happy Hour of young engineers/architects, where there was an open bar, so I had 3 rum & diets and some assorted appetizers, but nothing too bad. Then after it turned into a cash bar we decided to go to an italian place called Quartino which has shared plates and had an assortment of bruschetta, pizza, and I believe 2 carafes of wine between 5 people (2 L).


I felt a little guilty when I woke up this morning (oof, and a headache), but you know what, I don't see these guys very often, and I had a TON of fun, so maybe I'll just try to throw a little more gym time in there to make up for this.


This weekend is going to be tough because I also have a baseball patio game with 60 work people (with all you can eat and drink - beer). We always have a lot of fun but somehow I'll have to alternate beer with water or something so I don't end up drinking so much.


It's really bad because I do great when I'm by myself, but it all falls apart when I am at a social function. Grrr.

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Rachie, those bridesmaids dresses are beautiful! Don't worry about being bad. It happens to us all. I would rather slip up than hate my diet. As for drinking, definitely alternating with a glass of water will be good for your diet AND for those morning hangovers! I make it a rule to order water with every drink, alcoholic and non. I can safely say I have only had hangovers when I didn't stick to that rule! Also, go with wheat beer... it MUST be healthy... it's wheat! Hahaha! Seriously, it is my favorite.


TygerPawz (cute name) my fiance didn't like mushrooms either. Portabellos are so hearty. Worst case he will just eat the stuffing. With the chicken sausage and brown rice and stuff, the stuffing could have been its own meal!


Lora, I totally agree with the motivational piece of clothing. Mine is pictured below. It's a dress I bought on eBay from Thailand (search for beach wedding cocktail dress). Before I got it I posted pics up at work on my computer and in my notebook where I track my diet and fitness stuff. It finally arrived and it's the first thing I see when I walk in my closet! Although I can get the thing on, it is a size 8. I am like a 12, maybe a 10 if the designer is generous. Haha! So I have a long way to go, but I have until February. Anyway, I was so hyped up about this dress that everyone thought it was my wedding dress. This is what I plan to wear the day we set sail. Hopefully it won't be too cold in Miami that day. You never know with this Florida weather!


Hi Mandabear! My Starbucks fave is a shaken chai tea latte. Yum! What's really bad is that my church now has a Starbucks in it (not a franchise, but their coffee products are all Starbucks). And yummy chocolate chip chocolate muffins. I give myself a break. God wouldn't count calories in church!


So I have good news. I lost 3.2 lbs this week! FINALLY some progress! The difference was kicking up the resistance in my cardio. I have found that I can get my heart rate up and do cardio every day, but it hasn't done crap. Now I have upped the intensity and I'm breaking a serious sweat and it's working! I guess I had to get over sweating in public. I will when everyone sees how well it's working. I've been getting comments all week about looking thinner. I didn't believe them until I weighed in today!


On my blog I wrote a rant about eating out if anyone is interested (as I wait for the fiance to bring home Japanese... I am SUCH a hypocrite). I really have issues with eating out, though. I am at least more selective about it. If anyone is interested in reading the rant, it's at http://buffbridesblog.blogspot.com/


Sorry for the long post. I haven't been able to get online all week!

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