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Cunard Book Club


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I have come stumbling into your midst after the madness of planning our first family-oriented cruise to the Caribbean. We've never cruised before, so it's all new to us.


And now, my husband has been asked to be a guest lecturer on the QM2 in July as part of their "floating" book club. Can you imagine how excited I am? (Can you feel the whiplash effect on me as I swing from Carnival to QM2 prep?:p )


I have a million questions and will try to research them all before making a fool of myself, but first off I wanted to check in with the experts:


Have any of you participated in the Cunard Book Club either by reading the book or attending lectures/signings? He does this all the time and he's amazing and quite popular, but I like to help prepare him for his specific audience. What did you like or not like?


Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing of your experiences!



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I read about it in the booklet QM2 sends out. When we were on board the book to be discussed was the Prada book. My SIL bought and read the book, was disappointed because we thought the author would be on board to sign the book.

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Thank you, Cusyl. I guess I never went far enough in the information about QM2 on their web site. We have been on her 4 times and never knew about the book club but now I'll look for the book to be read before our June 10th TA.


LOL about your cat and the keyboard!!:D




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The book club thing is new. I think it was last fall when they started it.

So, EMRMOM (Cindy), what book or sort of book will your DH be lecturing about?

If I'm not asking you to be giving away secrets, of course, and perhaps he has not yet made a choice if this just came up.


BTW, in case you are not familiar with the lingo here (I wasn't at first) DH means Dear husband.


And don't worry about making a fool of yourself here. You have some already big shoes to fill there!


Don't sweat it. Just ask and we'll try to answer. We all started somewhere!



who wasn't born brilliant. Well, heck. Still am not!

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I have come stumbling into your midst after the madness of planning our first family-oriented cruise to the Caribbean. We've never cruised before, so it's all new to us.


And now, my husband has been asked to be a guest lecturer on the QM2 in July as part of their "floating" book club. Can you imagine how excited I am? (Can you feel the whiplash effect on me as I swing from Carnival to QM2 prep?:p )


I have a million questions and will try to research them all before making a fool of myself, but first off I wanted to check in with the experts:


Have any of you participated in the Cunard Book Club either by reading the book or attending lectures/signings? He does this all the time and he's amazing and quite popular, but I like to help prepare him for his specific audience. What did you like or not like?


Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing of your experiences!




Welcome to Cunard, Cindy. How exciting that your husband has been invited to be a guest lecturer on the QM2 in July. I hope both of you enjoy your voyage very much.


I have attended lectures by guest authors on two cruises. On our first cruise in 2004, James Hall, who writes suspense thrillers, was the speaker. He gave three lectures and also hosted a book signing in the library. In 2005, Carolina Garcia Aguilera was the guest author. She is a mystery writer and I believe, gave two lectures as well as a book signing in the library. I thoroughly enjoyed both authors and found them to be extremely interesting speakers. Of course, most authors are good story tellers!!!


We were also on the QM2 in 2006 when we saw the Cunard Book Club for the first time. They feature a book each quarter on the QM2 and offer a time during the cruise for those who have read the book or are interested in the book to meet for a discussion. I believe this meeting is hosted by the librarian. Our cruise also featured, "The Devil Wears Prada". If you followed the link that Cusyl posted you can see the current Book Club book plus some of the other enrichment programs.


Cindy, from your post, I would assume your husband is just going to be on only one sailing and that he will be giving lectures. Will your sailing be a transatlantic? Cunard is well known for their enrichment series and speakers.


As Karie has suggested, please share information about your husband and his writing if you can. If he is an amazing and popular speaker, I'm sure he will be well received on the QM2.


Since this will be only your second cruise and your first Cunard cruise, I'm sure you will have many questions. Be sure and read Pepper's review of his transatlantic voyage last year. If you weren't already excited about this wonderful adventure, you would be after reading his review. Feel free to ask any questions you have. Cruise Critic has a wealth of information.



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Thank you so much for your information and kindness!

I don't have a lot of details yet on the program. They've been trying to work this out with his publisher (and our crazy schedule) for a while and I don't get the impression it's a "one-time" thing but that they like to rotate books/authors. I am also figuring this is a relatively new program that they are still working on.

(Though I think it's a great idea: both for authors and for readers -- especially on a TA. Gives the author a chance to really interact with serious readers instead of just doing the usual book-signing. We love it when there is actual good conversation around his books/writing!)


I don't think it's any big secret (and no one will see this but us anyway, right?;) ) ... but Luis will be part of the July 12 sailing to NYC. I believe they will be posting some kind of readalong guide (?) well in advance and, from what I understand, the hope is that people will have read the book before, though the talks are also designed for those reading or who haven't read, as well. For this trip, they're doing his latest novel (The Hummingbird's Daughter). You can find out more about him and his books here. I hope I don't sound like I'm shilling for him!! I really am just curious about how this works and how interested TA passengers are in the lectures and book club.


This does seem to me to be a great idea. I know there's another company that is doing Destination Cruise book clubs where they offer a package with books, author interviews, etc. based on your destination (Alaska, Mexico, etc.). For me, at least, the first thing I thought of when I imagined all that lovely leisure time on a cruise was "Great! Now I can READ!"

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Have any of you participated in the Cunard Book Club either by reading the book or attending lectures/signings?



Cindy - Congratulations to your hubby:) Do you get to go along for the ride? Please don't say that you have to do any work while you're there:eek:


I must admit that I've seen the book programme advertised and never really bothered with it. However there are so many people on a Cunard sailing that they don't all have the same interests and will all want to do different things. I've met people onboard who have quite different tastes to me - they enjoy their Cunard and I can still enjoy mine without either feeling that one's entertainment is infringing on the other.

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the first thing I thought of when I imagined all that lovely leisure time on a cruise was "Great! Now I can READ!"


Absolutely! And no, I don't think you're 'shilling' for your husband - the advanced info from Cunard on these things can be so patchy I'm sure those on the crossing will be delighted with the advance info, so can prepare, or not, as they choose. The only problem I find is many of the books I take with me on a crossing go home un-read - I'm so busy, doing nothing much......


Have a wonderful time!



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No need to worry about our reaction here. We are delighted to be "insiders" and know in advance about the book and author (quick, give us some good questions to stump him with!)

My problem is the same as Peters. I bring five or six boks, thinking, "Oh Goody! I can catch up on my much beloved reading! (that I no longer have time for!)

Would you believe, I brought the same two books on my January Cruise and my September one? Both were non-fiction and suitable for a little here , a little there reading. But it is a bit embarassing. Especially since the author of one book (who lectured on Seven Seas last year, I know) sent me the book personally! I keep hoping he doesn't ever quiz me on parts of the book and I have to admit I haven't finished it! Wehn it came in the mail (at work) I just had to dig right in and read a chapter in the middle (It was autobiographical, and knowing parts of this man's life I could skip to certain areas of his life I was deeply interested in)


James Hall- I think I have read some of his. Does he write about the Florida Keys and Everglades and sometimes team up with Carl Hiaasen? I'll have to go look in my bookcase. In fact, I just came a cross a Randy Wayne White around the house last week that I had not read! Same genre.


Here's a packing hint. Books are very dense and heavy. Do not spread them out on the bottom of your suticase, the X-rays cannot go through them, and it will look as thought you have lined your suitcase on purpose, guaranteeing they will open it and inspect it. You are better off stacking them. And I usually put a note on the top of the open suitcase outlining the contents (I usually do a spread sheet as I pack)




avid reader- so little time these days.

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Hello all!

And yes, yes. I am definitely tagging along on this one! I figure it's one of the spousal perks for tip-toeing around the house while the great man is putting his magic on paper, right?:p

We're supposed to talk to the Cunard rep this week, so I'll have a little more information. I'm really excited about what they're trying to do and think it's a great idea. These sorts of things are always a little dicey: Sometimes they want a more "lite" author (like Prada and mysteries which can usually be read quickly without too much commitment) and sometimes they boldly go with a more literary fiction book. They picked up Luis's book while visiting publishing reps in NYC. Apparently the Cunard person fell in love with it and is really eager to share. That's exactly the news a hardworking author (and his devoted wife:p) LOVE to hear!


And, I too, travel with WAYY too many books and don't read nearly enough. (3 kids who are staying home for this trip don't help either!)


Thank you so much. I am so looking forward to pestering you with unending questions!



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My wife and I are on the July 12th crossing and were just discussing the Cunard Book Club. We were wondering when we would find out the identity of the author and his/her book. Now, thanks to your advance news, we know, and will secure a copy of the book and begin reading!

We look forward to meeting your husband (and hopefully, you; does Cunard provide for a guest to join the author?).

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My wife and I are on the July 12th crossing and were just discussing the Cunard Book Club. We were wondering when we would find out the identity of the author and his/her book. Now, thanks to your advance news, we know, and will secure a copy of the book and begin reading!

We look forward to meeting your husband (and hopefully, you; does Cunard provide for a guest to join the author?).


Really?? How cool is that!

I will definitely be tagging along (my official duty, of course, is to make sure Luis knows when and where to wear his tuxedo:p ). We will very much be looking forward to hearing from you and I know Luis will be thrilled to chat pre-cruise as well (assuming of course you LIKE the book ... it wouldn't do very well otherwise, I suppose:o ).

I'm excited to find someone else on this cruise! There isn't a roll call and I hadn't noticed anyone else with this date.


And Miss Karie, if you tag along with us (oh please do! I have noticed that you seem to be yearning for a crossing, but don't have one booked yet?), I promise I will provide you with perfect set-up questions!



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I have attended lectures by guest authors on two cruises. On our first cruise in 2004, James Hall, who writes suspense thrillers, was the speaker. He gave three lectures and also hosted a book signing in the library. Beth


Hmm, just grabbed one of my James W Hall books, "Bones of Coral"- I have read Buzz Cut. Yes, he is the one who writes about the Keys and the Everglades.

But I think there is also a James T Hall. Or is that a country singer?


I would DIE to hear Carl Hiaasen in a lecture!

I have met Tom Corcoran and another Keys author- can't think of his name right now! Aggh! And I have nmet him a number of times at an annual convention I go to! He wrote Florida Road Kill- too weird for me, but I like the guy! And he tells a funny story about his Mom bragging about his first book to the ladies at church and telling them all to run out and get it when it goes on sale! It is NOT the sort of book you want your mother's church friends to pick up!


Cindy, Your husband Luis' book sounds like the type of book I would love. I love reading books that give me a little cultural look into an area or way of living. Although I do not expect to be on this cruise, it sounds like one I will have to pick up. Of course, if it involves foreign phrases it, takes me longer to read, as I have to stop and roll each delightful delectible morsel of foreign tongue over my own tongue. I guess I'm weird, but it makes it come alive more for me, and I love to pronounce new words and foreign names. Just strange I suppose!

BTW, I also love the bookjacket illustration!



sorry she will not be on board, but maybe a repeat lecture when I AM

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There was/is a combined roll call for the 7/6 and 7/12 crossings... here is the link:




A few of the posters who were planning to make the trip had to unfortunately change their plans, but there is still a group of people set to join us. You have to let everyone there know your great news!


I'm glad you are going to be tagging along. My wife will be performing the same tuxedo duty for me :).


Having taken a sneak peek at the webpage you linked us to, I am certain that both my wife and I will love the book.

We look forward as well to the pre-cruise chatting.



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Cindy, thanks so much for the link to your husband's website. How interesting!


This is a link to Pepper's review of his transatlantic: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=514324


At least I HOPE it is a link! If you were not already excited about your voyage on the QM2, you would be after reading his wonderful review.


Do keep us posted on your trip.



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Cindy, here is a link to Penny's amazing review of her QM2 cruise: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=471053


Although her cruise was in the Caribbean and you are doing a transatlantic, you will thoroughly enjoy her review and learn quite a bit from it.


Doesn't the Cunard board have some amazing writers!!



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Oh, I am sorry for falling behind! But so happy to hear from you all ... you are so friendly and helpful. (what a relief, as I've noticed other places on these boards aren't quite as welcoming ...)


Mr. BillNY, thank you so much for the link to the rollcall. I will post there post-haste to say hello and maybe get some readers involved pre-cruise so Luis knows he won't be facing an empty room!:rolleyes:


And Miss Beth, I cannot thank you enough for the links to other reports. I've been devouring them (instead of pulling up the dead ivy in my garden) and I am having the most fun imagining our trip! I have to make myself keep it down a bit, though. I still have a lot of other things to get through before July (our oldest is graduating from high school ... sniff).

And yes, I am definitely in awe of the quality of writing on this board. (Not to mention my personal delight in not tripping over poor spelling and lazy grammer:p ).


Now, Miss Karie ... I really think you should reconsider. And if you can't, we'll make sure Luis is so charming that they can hardly wait to invite him back -- only we'll insist it be on your cruise! But I'm glad his book sounds like something you would like ... I personally think you will, too. It was the all-city read for San Francisco last year and they went a little mad. That was very cool. There are some Spanish phrases, but nothing that you "have" to know. I think you'd get the gist from the conversation. And if not, give us a holler and we'll explain. I totally love that cover, too. Unfortunately, they only did it for the hardcover, which I believe is sold out. (though we do have connections, so let me know if you need one!)


I feel like I've landed amongst friends!



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Oh Cindy!

You and Luis are definitely among friends.

Who is the little baby in your avatar?

I wish I could go on every cruise.

But I have this silly little thing called a job! Why those poor sports actually expect me to show up! EVERY DAY! It is NOT fair!


Yes, I love books that deal with things I don't know about. I believe when you stop learning you die..one way or another.

And I am pretty good at piecing together even languages I am not familir with. We have a considerable Spanish speaking population here (Connecticut) My folks used to live in San Jose, CA (I know all about Junipero Sera) here in Connecticut, we had the second largest Puerto Rican population, which is understandable being so close to New York, butaaltely we have a brugeonling population of Columbians, Mexicans, Ecuadorians, and believe it or not, Cubans! It is a wondefful melting pot of people from all over, so of course, you get exposed to a certain amount of another language. One of the Ecuadorians I know has been teaching me a bit of Spanish while I help her with her English. She tells me about her country, and her family (Here and there) and the politics over there, the climate. (She comes in an areas that is pretty much 70's and 80's year round!)

I grew up around Cubans, living in Florida at the time. It is so fascinating to learn about the ways and culture of others. We Americans can sometimes be so insular and expect everyone to be like us and to cater to us when we go abroad! (Not all of us, of course!) I think for many people it is as much an inferiority complex. They don't want to find out how wonderful other cultures are, because then why would they pick their own?

I have learned things about some parts of Mexico, but the rancheros is not as familiar to me as the Yucatan and Quinatana Roo. So I will have a chance to learn a bit about a different state, I imagine (although I am rather fond of Jalisco state- one of the three states where one of my favorite products can legally be made and call itself what it does! <G>)


I will look forward to reading the book!



wishing she could be on this trip!

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I love this board, which I've only just discovered a couple of weeks ago. You're readers, writers and travelers who love ships. I wish you all were just down the block, or better yet, just down the passageway from us. We would never run out of conversation, that's for sure. The only problem with the Cunard Board is that I spend too much time devouring the delicious informational tidbits and enjoying the various personalities on both sides of the Pond. Karie, I hear ya about the inconvenience of having that pesky job. As I read on another board, "Born to cruise; forced to work."


Linda the Glazed-Eyed Anglophile

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