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Everything posted by BillNY

  1. Yes, and once you sail in a balcony, it’s hard to go back.
  2. If you are platinum or diamond on Carnival VIFP, you can now complete check-in, and secure the arrival time rest works best for you. General check-in starts Thursday.
  3. Thanks for sharing these. We will be on the 4 day cruise on July 13, and seeing this in advance really helps with planning.
  4. It looks like there is a different menu. This was tonight’s menu, posted by a passenger on the ship right now.
  5. Hello, we just booked and will be joining you on this sailing. We are also booked on the Venezia in July to the Bahamas, so hoping this new ship is as impressive as it seems to be. As far as the menus, I think I read somewhere that there will be a few “Italian themed” choices that are new. I haven’t seen any specific ones for the MDR menus, but I did see a few special burgers will be offered at Guy Fieri’s.
  6. We just booked and will be joining you on this cruise. It is surprising that there is so little activity on here. We are looking forward to exploring this newest addition to the Carnival fleet.
  7. For our April 16 trip, it’s the Vancouver Hilton, but it is our pre-cruise stay.
  8. Thanks for your reply. May I ask, did they provide flights with reasonable itineraries, i.e. not multiple layovers, or long layovers? Have a great trip and a Happy Holiday and New Year!
  9. Thank you. I’m looking forward to your report. Sailing on New Year’s should be great. Did you get air travel details yet from AQ?
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