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It's still Sunday here in Houston, so I'm not too late! Unfortunately, it is late enough that I am too tired to read everyone's posts - I'll do that tomorrow, and then make appropriate responses with a wide-awake brain.

I gained 4.4 pounds this week, making it .8 pounds that I have gained since the beginning. But I think it was mostly water retention, since today , my jeans felt LOOSE! You know, when you are walking, and your clothes go in a different direction than you do? It happened in at my thighs! Not an average occurence for me. Even my husband has noticed, and he says I am shrinking.

Today, I made a challah (a bread with eggs in it) to be used for turkey stuffing, and gravy. Then for dinner, I was too tired to cook, and my husband was too tired to go out. (He would have cooked, but I was still busy with the gravy, and I just did not want to share the kitchen, since I do not make gravy every day). He really wanted pizza, and I decided what the heck, and let him order one for himself, and I ate a left over chicken breast and broccoli. It served two purposes: I stuck to a healthy dinner, and I got more real estate in the refrigerator.

Hope everyone had a good weekend, and I'll check in tomorrow.
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Thanks Regina!

Holiday shopping! I haven't even started! I do have a few small things but not much. Gotta get on that!! I did get the "grand dogs" tropical collars while I was in Florida. I got my daughter some Mary Kay stuff. DH and I aren't exchanging. We bought a pair of road bikes this summer and agreed that that was Christmas and anniversary! Never mind the cruise in February.

Well, happy Monday all!

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LOL... I'm laughing at myself. The above message should have read" Re: dieting and toning" at any rate, looks like Lani hit a plateau. As you know Lani, that's pretty much cosidered a loss in your situation...not bad at all.

BTW: Lani are you sure it is not your monitor causing the problem and not the hard drive. If your monitor is up there in age, it could be kicking you off. That was my problem when I had a computer specialist check mine out a few months ago.

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Hi everyone,
Sorry I did not have time to get on yesterday, I haven't even read all the posts, but I am sure you have all done great!! I gained 2 pounds, but it is about that time of month. I have been very busy with the impending move , my parents flew in Sat. night, and I had the allergic reaction Friday, my face and eyes swelled up, and were so red and itchy. I am on some oral steroids and feeling better!! I had 2 skip the gym 2 days, but went for a long walk yesterday. I will try and get on later and read how everyone did!! Have a great day. Connie
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Hey there Connie! Stuff like that can really impact your weightloss. Don't let it get you down, just get back on track as soon as you can.

Took a 50 minute spinning class this morning. Whew! Those are always good for a good sweat! Great way to start the day!
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Connie....Let's see now....pms, steroids, 2 lost days at the gyn. I can understand the gain, but also know it is temporary. Don't worry, you'll be back to schedule soon enough, just be patient with yourself and don't give up. How long will you be taking the steroids?

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Hey all! Well, it's the start of week 3 and I weighed in today. Oh by the way, last week after 1 week I had lost 5 lbs. and today another 2 lbs. I was a bit disappointed cuz I thought that in the first few weeks you lose more and then balance off at 1-2 lbs a week after that. But I'm glad I lost the 2. I want to start adding an addition 30 mins or more of cardio everyday as the Power 90 program I'm on only has 1/2 hr. workouts in the first level and I think I need to do more than that.

My stats f.y.i:
Date Submitted 11/8/04 11/15/04 11/22/04
Weight 179.50 174.00 172.00
Waist 35.00 33.50 33.00
Hips 43.00 42.50 42.25
Chest 42.50 41.50 40.00
Right Arm 13.25 13.50 13.50
Left Arm 13.25 13.25 13.00
Right Thigh 27.00 26.75 26.00
Left Thigh 27.00 26.75 25.50
Body Fat 38.50 37.25 36.80

Ann - excellent results! I hope I can do as well as you after only 3 months! Way to go!! and I say wear the two-piece anyway - I'm sure it looks great!!

Carolyn - great job on the "slight loss". Each loss counts towards the final result. Keep it up!

Ann - thanks for the link - i bookmarked it and will definitely check it out!

Jodie - way to lose 7 lbs too - just like me! Looks like we may be losing at about the same level. I really look forward to seeing your results and keeping up with you. We can sooo do this!

Connie - I'm glad your diagnosis on the rash was an allergic reaction. I had a mysterious "rash" last month which I thought was bug bites and it was actually shingles (apparently rarely seen at my age of 31) It was not fun. Please get better soon!

Take care all and I'll keep you posted with next week's results! and way to go to everybody for making these positive changes in your lives!!

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[b][color=royalblue]Hi Everyone![/color][/b]
I'm at work...so I'll make this quick!

Congrats to all who even signed on and posted! That is an achievement in and of itself! :p

[size=3][color=red][b]To all who lost....woo hoo!!!![/b][/color][/size] [size=3][color=red][b]You did it![/b][/color][/size]

[size=3][color=royalblue][b]To all who stayed the same....woo hoo!!!!! You didn't gain![/b][/color][/size]
[b][size=3][color=green]To all who gained...woo hoo!!! You have something to shoot for next week![/color][/size][/b]
[b][color=black]ok...that's enough pep rally for now![/color][/b]

[b]See you all soon! :cool: [/b][b]
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Hello All,

Sorry I am a day late, but we went away for the weekend Christmas shopping. We are almost done thank goodness!

Well, here is my results: last week I was at 135 and this week I am at 134!! Yippee!

I really like the idea of reporting our eating habits on Thanksgiving! It might help me think twice about what I eat!

Happy thanksgiving!
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Ann/Runner Girl - I saw your note about a spinning class. Do you mean spinning fibers or something else?

Everyone who is exercising - I envy your persistance and determination. I do not like to work out, and the weather here is usually too yucky for walking. I tried some walking videos, but when the newness wears off, I am no longer interested. I am going to look at Ann's couch to 5K link, but I promise NOTHING.

Jodie - saw your post about wishing you could do TG without the dressing and gravy. Last year, I got away without eating the mashed potatoes my MIL made, because I let her put milk in them. Since I don't mix meat and dairy, I had an excuse not to eat at least one starch. Have you considered a recipe with ingredients you don't like, but your DH does?

Speaking of starch, I can't make my DH understand that mashed potatoes AND bread (at least 2 kinds) AND stuffing is too much starch. And when I say I want to make a vegetable, the family mentions a casserole. But between the gravy AND the casseroles AND the margarine or butter for the bread, the Fat Fairy has a field day. Oh well. If I can get everyone to take it all home as leftovers, then it really will be only one day.

Welcome Dee. I really don't whine all the time. But this is a great bunch of women who will let you VENT!!!! when you need to, coach you when you have a problem, and cheer you on to keep you going. I've been going to WW at work, and sometimes I can't make it to the meeting. But these women are here when you need them! Keep up the good work!

Oh, one more thing. I found a bra for the formal that almost fit, and it made all the difference. Now I can take that on the cruise, so I have only one more to get. It's bad enough having to shop this time of year, at least I don't have to find TWO dresses!
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Good morning all!

Mindy, spinning is an excersize class that involves stationary bikes. The instructors play really good music and coach us through increasing and decreasing tension on the wheel or increasing and decreasing speed. It's a very good workout. I generally hate aerobics classes but this I really like. I need a break from running. I got a good 450 calorie burn out of that. You really can get used to excersizing every day but it takes time. It took me about 6 months of running to get to where it just became a part of my life.

We have a fitness center where I work. I was a good girl yesterday and got down there to lift weights at lunch time. I hate doing that but I know it will really make the sleeveless shirts look better next February!

Okay, last night, I thought I was going to get some stuff done around the house but my daughter and son-in-law got into a fight and my daughter wanted me to come get her. I was scared so I did. She just needed to cool down and I took her back home in about an hour. They used to live in Colorado. It's nice having them 2 1/2 miles away but sometimes distance is nice. As for Thanksgiving, I'm having everyone here, but I've assigned out the corn, yams, mashed potatoes, salad and pie. All I have to do is the turkey & stuffing, cucumber salad and rolls. (And clean my house, set the table, clean up after.......)

Tomorrow morning, I get to go to court for a speeding ticket :( . Not looking forward to that. They say I was speeding in a school zone. I swear the lights weren't on. There's no school on that street so I can't figure out why that's a school zone.

Kelly, I read that article. Interesting, huh?
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By the way, I booked our airfare yesterday for the cruise so now I'm getting pumped about the cruise again. I booked this cruise last March so the excitement kind of wore off. We're going to cruise out of New Orleans this time. We are going to fly down the Friday before. I have a goal of running a marathon in each of the 50 states. The Mardis Gras Marathon takes place on 2/27 at 7:00 am. We're going to run the marathon then get on the ship that afternoon for 7 days of celebration. A few others from my running club are going to do the same. My DH has always wanted to run a marathon and get on a cruise ship right after because marathons make him very hungry, for days!!! Then, after the cruise we are going to stay 2 more nights in New Orleans. Have never been to the big easy, so we're looking forward to it!

I feel like booking the airfare was the final thing we had to do. We booked the cruise, made hotel reservations, entered the race, now we've got the air done. We're doing the Western Caribbean, which we've done before, so we aren't going to book any tours. Just find beaches to relax in.
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Kelly, sorry, but I couldn't view the site you posted as it is only viewable by AOL users.

Evonne, congratulations on that pound loss. One less pound to worry about. Keep going :) Glad you like the idea about posting what we eat for T Day.

Mindy, how exciting your cruise is so close. Hope you don't get like I was two days before my cruise. I was practically brain dead and had no concentration except on the cruise.

Ann, sounds like you have Thanksgiving plans under control so you can relax without doing all the cooking. That's how we do it with family members all contributing to the meal. BTW: Ann, have you ever experienced runner's high?

For me to be able to type this much at work with no interruption tells me how much of a boring day it is here.

Will check in later tonight. Every one seems to be doing well....good job!

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Good Morning everyone,

I still haven't been able to find time to read all the posts!! I feel so out of it.
Ann and Dee-WELCOME!! Just seeing Runner girl gets me inspired. I have been running at the gym on the treadmill, but am still running then walking, etc. Some days do a total of 5 or 6 miles, some days only about 3.
Regina-I have 4 more days of the steroids, but today my weight is back to where it was!!
Kelly- Way to go on making your goal!!!! and breaking the plateau
Jodie-Welcome back
I know I am missing alot of you, sorry!! I have my parents visiting so am in a hurry. I told you 2 weeks ago I was told we were moving the first week of December, now last week they said they weren't sure, so at this point I don't know if I am moving or when:eek: Stress levels are very high in my house, but I have not been eating more from the stress, Ok, I have hit the wine a bit more but hey, I am only human:D
Well, gotta run, I hope I can get caught up with everyone soon!!
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Connie, glad to read your weight is back cause that is hard to do when taking steroids. Good for you!

Mindy, I just read your post about your 4 pound gain. I must have missed it in my earlier reading. Are you absolutely sure it is water gain? Have you gained 4 pounds in the past due to this reason? If not, I'm wondering if it's because of the exercise issue you mentioned.

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[b][color=red]OK....for those of you without AOL...here is the article! Very interesting! [/color][color=yellowgreen]Sleep and obesity......read on....then go to sleep!:D [/color][/b]

Nov. 16, 2004 -- Skimping on sleep may make you more vulnerable to obesity, according to a new study.
The finding is based on data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey I (NHANES I). More than 9,000 people participated in the initial study, which was conducted from 1982-1984. They were initially weighed, and later, researchers obtained a self-reported weight for follow-up. More than 8,000 people took part in a 1987 follow-up study.

People who reported getting less than seven hours of sleep a night were more likely to be obese on initial evaluation. The study also showed that they were also more likely to develop obesity during follow-up.

Participants who slept five hours per night were 73% more likely to become obese than those getting seven to nine nightly hours of sleep, say Columbia University professor of medicine Steven Heymsfield, and James Gangwisch, PhD.

Even one hour of sleep can make a difference.

People getting six hours of sleep per night were 27% more likely to become obese than those getting seven to nine hours.

The lightest sleepers -- those with only two to four hours of sleep per night -- were 67% more likely to become obese than people who slept for seven to nine hours.

Those numbers were calculated before taking other variables into consideration. However, the link between sleep and obesity held even after adjusting for those factors, say the researchers, who reported their findings in Las Vegas, at the annual scientific meeting of the North American Society for the Study of Obesity.

More work is needed to explain the sleep-obesity relationship, but the researchers have some ideas.

In a news release, Gangwisch says humans may have evolved to store fat in summer, which has short nights and plentiful food, to prepare for winter's long nights and historically scarcer food supply.

"As a result, sleeping less could serve as a trigger to the body to increase food intake and store fat," says Gangwisch.

Other studies have also shown that insulin sensitivity and levels of two appetite-related hormones -- leptin and ghrelin -- can be affected by sleep deprivation, which could impact weight.

Leptin is associated with appetite control and ghrelin has been identified as an appetite stimulant. During sleep deprivation, leptin levels fall and ghrelin levels rise.

That may be a recipe for ravenous, tired people who may end up raiding the refrigerator when they might be better off turning in earlier or hitting the snooze button.

SOURCES: North American Society for the Study of Obesity's Annual Scientific Meeting, Las Vegas, Nov. 14-18, 2004. WebMD Medical News: "Sleep More and You May Control Eating More." WebMD Medical News: "Why Dieting Makes You Hungrier." News release, North American Society for the Study of Obesity.
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Thanks for the article Kelly!

Okay, I'm very discouraged this morning. My weight has bounced up even higher than where it was before I started 142.6. I suppose I shouldn't weigh myself this often. I haven't been counting weight watcher points but I have been logging my eating at fitday.com and unless I am making some major mistakes, my calories burned have been more that calories eaten. I have to say, if I were counting ww points, I'd have been over on my points each day, but not by much. I ran 7 miles yesterday too. Go figure.

I watched the biggest the loser last night on TV. I think, as far as reality shows go, it's better than most. But I didn't like how people felt bad if they only lost one or two pounds in the week or didn't lose at all, just maintained. Those are all victories and no one should cry about those. I know, they were worried about getting sent home.

Regina, yes, I have experience runner's high. It didn't happen for a very long time after I started running. It happened after my first 5 mile race. I either have to run long or hard to experience it. I almost always experience it after a 5K race because those, I usually run very hard. Then after I'm done, the endorphin rush sets in and I feel really good! :)
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Ann, you must try and stay away from dicouragement. That type of feeling eventually takes it's toll. Are you in your pms week when weight goes up? I suspect you might be. It is quite normal for weight to fluctuate while trying to lose. Don't weigh yourself every day to avoid the dicouragement....once a week is fine.

As far as that show on TV. I personally can't bring myself to watch it.

I figured you might have experienced runners high. Give me a runner who hasn't and I will say, they really haven't run.

Just keep the faith and keep going
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Good Morning,

We had snow last night!!! I guess I will be sledding with the kids, that means lots of walking up hill!! Ann, don't get down, I know how you feel, I have a terrible habbit of getting on the scale everyday (sometimes even more than once) and me weight flucuates so much it's not funny. I know once a week should do, but I can't seem to control it:eek: I have been watching the biggest loser also, I feel bad for them when they cry because they only lost a few pounds!! I am surprised the big guy ( I think Mo) is losing so much slower than everyone else!
Well, have a great day everyone. Connie
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Ann, keep in mind that weight is just a number. You can have a target weight, but what you are after is better health, smaller clothes, a cuter body, you get the picture. Weight can vary, based on your hormones (as Regina pointed out), how much salt you eat (as I learned the hard way), your exercise level, how much water you drink, and other things as well. If you weigh yourself only once a week, you are more likely to see a trend, whereas daily weighings can drive you insane. If you can't stay off the scale, make it a game of some sort. See how many days in a row it changes by more than half a pound. Or something like that.

Back here, I tried on dresses last night. The ones that did not fit for last year's cruise made me feel great! :D One is going to be my smart casual dress. The other was too big in the back!!! My husband pointed out that if I moved the buttons it could work, but with Thanksgiving and getting gifts mailed before the cruise, that is NOT happening. Not sure when I'll get the nerve to try on bathing suits.
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Thanks guys! You are all really helpful. As for pms week, it's hard to tell since I had a hysterectomy earlier this year. I kept my ovaries, so the pms does still come every month. (it's very strange to have pms without a uteris but I don't miss that organ one bit-good riddance) I suspect it may be that week due to some other symptoms.

I went to court for my speeding ticket. $150 later, it's overwith. Boy, there were some weirdos there, though.

Mindy, that's awesome you are fitting into clothes you couldn't before. That always feels so good! Congratulations!

Hey, with the browser I have on my home pc, I can't see everyone's signatures so I don't know what cruises you are going on, when, what ship. Can you tell me. One time I logged on from work and I could see all that stuff but I can't at home. Mindy, sounds like you are leaving soon!
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Hi everybody! Just checking in mid-week to let you know I'm still around.

Runner girl - we are sailing on Jan 29, Western Caribbean, Celebrity Century. Our first Caribbean cruise. We did an Alaskan 5 yrs ago. Can't wait to see the white sand beaches & crystal water for the first time ever!! We will be doing excursions at every stop and are sooo excited for them! Our cruise will be preceded by 2 weeks in the Orlando area (Disney, Busch Gardens, Universal, etc. etc.) Should be a blast!!

About the Biggest Loser - does anyone else but me care that they seem to waste A LOT of food on that show. Sure it's bad food for the most part but it seems a bit extreme especially after last night's challenge! I hope some of the food they tempt them with that they don't put in their mouth goes to feed the crew of the show or something (or better yet a homeless shelter). Love the show though - its almost like a weekly inspiration to continue to lose weight!

Have a great week all and I'll check back in on Monday morning after I weigh in. We're going to be away for Friday & Sat. (driving home on Sun) so this will be a bit of a challenge to eat perfectly but I think we'll pack our own food to resist fast food, etc.

Take care!!

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