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Haven't weighed in "yet" .
Plan to get to gym today to exercise (since Weds.) and see "where I'm at". Haven't indulged.. just had stress so I should be same.
Regina, where's this buffet and is it "worth" going to. I might try it next time I'm down at Mom's since I probably need to take ride down before leaving on cruise from JFK.
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Good Morning Everyone,
Sorry I have not checked in until today. Thanksgiving went fine. I did not overeat. My weight stayed the same this week. I am retaining water and am very puffy this am. Guess I need more water. Did make it to Curves 4 times this week and worked really hard in the garden yesterday. Finally got all those spring bulbs in the ground. I will be so happy come spring. I am going to go get my nails done this afternoon. Have not been for 2 weeks. Still have the "blues". Not sure what is going on. Maybe my medication is not working. Who knows?! Just know I am not me and have not been for a few weeks. Oh well, this too shall pass. Take Care all and have a great day.
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First my weigh in. I am now down to 154!!!! The weight I gained last week is gone and then some!
I was 158
Now 154

Thanksgiving, I started off well. Since I cooked the meal, I felt I had to eat a little of everything I made. So it was
2 slices of white meat turkey
1 scoop mashed potatoes
2 spoonfuls of gravy
1 scoop of stuffing
1 scoop of homemade cranberry sauce (I used apple cider, and reduced the sugar)
several pieces of roasted zucchini (it has some olive oil, thyme and minced garlic)
2 scoops of broccoli salad (Broccoli, colored bell peppers and homemade salad dressing - no sugar or corn syrup)
1 glass of wine

Then dessert killed me
2 slices of pumpkin roll (Pumpkin bread rolled with cream cheese)
slice of apple pie (after saying I wouldn't eat something out of guilt, I did it. My SIL brought it and the pumpkin pie. )
2 brownies (The first one was good. The second one was insanity kicking in.)

I'd say that all of that was ok, but once the chocolate monster got me, it was downhill from there. Yesterday after breakfast I ate another brownie! So I threw the rest of them in the freezer. I will take them to work tomorrow, they will disappear. Then yesterday I went to dinner with a friend. We went to a small place that had lots of vegetarian selections. I had an Eastern Mediterranean platter with hummus, salad, tabouleh, but all small enough portions. I tried a bite of my friend's veggie lasagna. All of this could have been fine. But then we went to a place called the CHOCOLATE BAR for dessert. It was too cold for ice cream so we looked at the cakes. (Can you tell where this is going yet?) The only one we could agree on to share was called Aunt Etta's chocolate cake. We knew that the cake was tall, but had NO idea how big the slice would be. Let's suffice it to say that Aunt Etta has no skinny nieces and nephews. The slice was Heavy. It should have been shared by 2 families, not 2 women on diets.

So I am going to put on a walking video today. Not sure if I'll make it through the whole thing, but with a cruise in a week, and lots of people bringing in leftovers this week, I have to do something drastic.

Hope everyone ENJOYED Thanksgiving, and is now ready to take on the world!
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue]Hey Everyone, Well I think I hit one of those plateaus!!!!!! Still 163. Guess that is better than a gain. Everyone is doing so well it is good to see so much success on one board. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red][b]Jodie[/b] you will feel better soon I know it. I get the blues around this time ofyear too. I think for me anyway it is all the stress of trying to make things perfect and do all the things like before I worked full time, I use to bake dozens and dozens of cookies and kolachi etc. Now I buy most of it, I use to start decorating the 1st of November now I am lucky to get it done 2 weeks before Christmas:( But that is me pressuring myself so only I can fix it and I haven't quite gotten there yet. OOPS sorry I rambled on soo much. Any way everyone keep up the good work, you are all doing great!!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=teal][b]Todays Thought:[/b]dieting doesn't happen on it's own, it takes conscious effort!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
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[color=red][b]Lani[/b][/color]: Congrats on your non-gain! That's worth celebrating! I think you hit the nail on the head with the holiday blues! ;)

[color=blue][b]Mindy[/b][/color]: Congrats on your loss! Wow! Even during T-Week...that is something worth celebrating for sure! Nice job!

[color=magenta][b]Jodie[/b][/color]: I second Lani on her words of wisdom! Hang in there! It will pass! I tend to get really emotional during the holidays (as does my mom!). I think there is a real feeling of tradition, loss for those who are not with us anymore and feeling overwhelmed. It's like a wedding....lot's of work for a quick celebration...then it's over! Hang in there! We're with you! :)

[color=yellowgreen][b]Carolyn[/b][/color]: Good luck on your weigh in! I'm sure it will be fine! How fun for you to live so close to Regina!

[b][color=orange]Take care all! I'll stop in later![/color][/b]
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Hey everybody! All your breakdowns of what you ate on your t-day is making me hungry!! Way to show control everyone!

Congrats to everyone on your weight losses/maintenance! It's great to hear your weekly reports - the program that I'm on is measured in 30 day stints and most people will only weigh in on day 30/60/90. I weigh in each week so It's nice to hear how you're all doing! Thanks!

We are back from our road trip. I managed to workout before we left on friday at 6:30 am and on saturday I used my laptop to play my workout dvd and did it in our hotel room. It was actually fun and the working out part has really become second nature to me now. I am just entering week 4 tomorrow and weigh in tomorrow morning (I'll post any results here then).

I ate farily decently. We too found a nice buffet and ate there both fri&sat afternoon. They had excellent choices for "allowable" foods like roasted chicken, steamed veggies, salad bar. I did have a bit of dessert but way less than I would have in my previous life! Also had some icecream at West Edmonton Mall (largest mall in Canada, second in the world I think) I'll just use that as my weekly reward and not reward myself today (my day off).

I heard this in a movie (can't remember which one) but it's a good thing to keep in mind . . . "Eat to live, don't live to eat". It totally makes sense and boy did I live to eat before 3 weeks ago! Now I try and see food as something I need, not want.

Have a great day all! & see you tomorrow with good news, I hope!!

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Dee...congrats on your upcoming 4th week. Looking forward to your weigh in tomorrow.

Just a thought on the "reward system." I don't really know if it is a good idea or not to use food/ dessert as a reward. I would like to get everyone's opinion on this cause right now I have mixed feelings on it. Thanks.

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I'll be AWOL till Monday... didn't get to gym, so couldn't weigh in.
I'll have no excuses tomorrow, except if I really want to veg out (no excuses) since it's my BD and I think I may be a bit "blue" from all this stress.
BTW, I don't live near Regina, my Mom lives on Long Island and I (unf.) have been down there more than I'd like to be (away from my young kidlets). Hopefully one day soon I'll get to meet w/Regina.
Have a great evening.
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Hi everyone,

I must have missed a few posts. We have 7 weigh inners with 8 more to go.

Evonne, why would I not continue to post??? Posting is what is helping me to lose my pounds and stay strong to my commitment and when I have become weak (cause I am human), posting gets me back on track. When I see some gals not posting, I know they are losing their commitment and that's really sad to me. My examples of names who stopped posting are: Nicole, Laura, PJ, Nancy, Michele and Mary.

Mindy, congratulations on your loss. But, please be careful in the days ahead. Your post shows too many temptations that are too close together. That "Fat Fairy" is playing games with you, so don't allow her to win.

Okay, back to my question I posted earlier....How many think that using food as a reward is a good strategy? I really am interested in your responses with your reasons.

Will check back tomorrow.

Wishing thin dreams that come true,
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Hi all,

I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I have been lurking almost every night...does that count?

Kelly, you've done great!! How exciting that you've already reached your goal weight, and then some, before you even leave. It gives me hope!! I think once reach your other goal, you'll feel so much better, you'll strive to maintain it. Or at least I hope again. :rolleyes:

Regina, it sounds like you had a great time on your cruise. I'm glad to hear you'll be sticking around. We would hate to lose you. You keep us all motivated.

Dee, welcome to the group!! You won't meet a nicer group of ladies, and the encouragement is piled on thick. ;)

Jodie, I hope you are feeling better soon. Think of it as a funk....you'll snap out soon. If I remember right (forgive me if I'm wrong), you're cruising in Feb. That should be a light at the end of the tunnel. Start running towards it.

To everyone else, it sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving. Sometimes it seems with all the stress, chores, work, errands, etc., we rarely stop and appreciate what we truly should be thankful for. I try to do it daily. Unless I'm too busy. :D

Ok, here's what I've done. Thanksgiving is a no-brainer for me. I don't like turkey, stuffing, gravy, or pie. Nothing there to tempt me. Since the 1st of November, I've been eating whatever I want for lunch and dinner. Drinking lots of water. I'm walking either 3.2 miles (hills) or 4.2 miles (flat) almost every day. I think I've missed maybe 4 days the whole month. I've lost 10 pounds. I realize it won't always be this easy, but that's ok. All I needed was the first 10# push, and it helps to put an end in site. I'd like to lose 15 [B]more[/B] before we leave, but will be happy with the 20-25 range. The rest will come off when I get home.

I'm sorry I stayed away. I promise I won't do it again. Am I forgiven?


Oops, in all my rambling, I forgot to reply to Regina's question. I think using food as a reward could be a big mistake. That isn't to say you can't have the occasional slip, but to intentionally sit down to a reward you know isn't good for you ( at the present time ) could lead to a whole day of pigging out. At least it would be for me. I miss my Pepsi. And I really miss my bag of Dorito's. Imagine the two together. Next thing you know, it's a bigger bag, and therefore, more to drink. I'd have to find something else....a book or something.
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I don't think rewarding with food is good! Occassionally a piece of pie or something is ok, but not on an on-going basis. (ok..that last comment was for MY benefit!) :rolleyes:

[b]Nancy[/b]: I'm glad you're back! I missed you.....and yes....[b]you are forgiven[/b]! :p Lurking is good....that means you didn't give up on us totally!

[b]Carolyn[/b]: Good luck with your weigh in today!

[b]Evonne[/b]: Congrats on your lattitude!!! LOL! I like to think of the plateau as a lattitude now! BTW...I will ALWAYS be here posting as long as everyone else is! If I'm posting to myself...well....I'll just invest in a journal! ;)

[size=4][color=plum][b]Everyone have a MARVELOUS MONDAY!!![/b][/color][/size]
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Hi Everyone, Sorry I have been away!! I have been so busy with my parents visiting and kids home. I have not read any of the posts for days, I am taking my parents to the airport soon, so tonight I will sit down and catch up!! I weighed myself yesterday, was 165 down 1 from last week (but was up 2 then) but I'll take it. I have not done to well having company. I did do good on turkey day. I had I portion of what I wanted, but no seconds and no added butter on anything. I small slice of bavarian apple torte ( was yummy) and 2 glasses of wine. I normally would have had seconds on alot of things. Ok, gotta run but I am looking forward to catching up later!! Connie
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My Oh My....Nancy, nooooo... lurking every night does not count.....sorry:D Posting and weighing in does count...Good to have you back though:) and congratulations on your continued weight loss.

Gals, I'm not being mean believe me, but if we all decided to lurk, we would not have exchange of info to keep helping each other and this thread would eventually become non-existant. Soooooo....POST POST POST

Nancy and others: I tend to agree with you on subject of food as a reward. Soooo, Mindy are you rethinking that strategy? Exchange of info works as it gives us all a chance to review our ideas and possibly make changes for the better.

It's good we all pat each other on the shoulder for our efforts and such, but it is also good to feel we can openly express our ideas even if they differ from the other person. Honestly, I haven't seen too much of that going on and that is why I posed the question. You all read Mindy's statement about rewarding herself with food, so why is it that nobody put their 2 cents in (me included)? The reason is we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings should it be taken the wrong way by the reader. Yet, I do believe it is possible to be open with another member without causing damage. If I am wrong, please feel free to tell me. I am opened to different point of views. Anyone?

This post was basicly my way of looking for a way to improve our thread. Other ideas are welcomed.
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Finally got to gym...
Weighed in... stay the same..
which I'm fine w/considering I didn't work out since Wednesday.
I "usually" don't use food as reward... for me right now I try not to use food for anything.. (I'm in a blue funk anyway and not much appeals to me, when I'm on cruise it takes alot for me to indulge and then I think "is it REALLY worth it" how will I feel after(very carb sensitive w/back and potential guilt and bashing) it'll take alot for me to get "off the wagon". I ramble.
Hope everyone had a good day.
For me, even though it was birthday, I was "good"... though had a TON of stress. I'll be heading down to Long Island at LEAST one more time before cruise. Have to find another live-in for Mom. The present one just told her (on Weds) that she MUST go to Jamaica for 3 weeks (originally was to be 7-10 days). When I was there she told me she'd find someone... well as of today it's not working out. The person she thought she had will only work 5 days MUST have weekends off so I'm back to dealing w/agencies. Wonder when this will EVER end. Also the pain contractor woke me up this AM to ask for more $$ (didn't finish job and was stiffing his workers) and he hung up on me. They still have a bit of work to do.
Have a great evening.
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Carolyn, sorry you are having so much stress. As I have said in the past, I was in your shoes with same situation prior to my Mom having to enter a nursing facility. The only difference is I lost sight of taking care of myself and gained an enormous amount of weight because of it. You are doing fantastic with your weight so I applaud you under the circumstances. I like your term, "blue funk", but I don't think I would like to be in one. I hope your next year birthday brings lots of smiles to you to make up for this one. Hang in there...all nightmares come to an end.

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Hmmmmm...ok....hmmmmmmm....I've been sitting here reading and weighing in (get it?) :p on the pros and cons of posting on these previous issues.....

So...without further delay, I will say this:
[b][color=blue]I am not on this board to judge, ridicule, make others feel bad or be condescending in any manner what-so-ever! Period! Exclamation point! I am on this board [color=red]for support[/color], [color=red]to support[/color] and to learn when and where I can, about myself and others![/color][/b]

I think that when we post things that we want to say, and they are harmful to others, then we are not really being helpful to others (or ourselves) or kind to others (or ourselves). It is, for this reason, that earlier (a couple of months ago) I was debating on whether to leave this thread. Thank GOD I didn't! :) Instead....I tried to take those whose posts were not feeling supportive, or complimentary, or helpful, with a grain of salt. I still do this when necessary!

I think if we want to reward ourselves with food....fabulous!
If we want to reward ourselves with a 50,000 diamond ring...fantastic!
Whatever works for each of us! I think we should support each other's learning processes and styles. [color=yellowgreen][b]This may mean falling down and making some mistakes...and then reflecting on those here....without judgment or ridicule....but with support and kindness! ;) [/b][/color]
[b][color=#9acd32][color=red]Let's accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative! Who knows....the negativity or feelings of being judged may be why we are losing some of our posters![/color] :( [/color][/b]
[b][color=blue]Hang in there all! I'm not going anywhere....and I'm remaining my positive ole self! :p (annoying as that may be at times!)[/color][/b]
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Hi everybody!

This board is full of great encouragement and I appreciate all of you guys taking time out of your day to read my posts and comment on them.

Well, I got on the scale today and it did not go down. I was 172 last Monday & today It was right smack dab inbetween 172&173. I'm SERIOUSLY DISAPPOINTED!! I'm really trying to figure out what went horribly wrong. I think maybe the extra sodium intake from eating restaurant food (we dont add salt to anything and eat very little foods with it) or maybe cuz "aunt flo" is visiting? ( I don't want to use that as an excuse as it's a part of life) Not sure but I'm so shocked it didn't go down at least 1lb considering this is only my week 3. I wasn't expecting it to show 0 or plateau so quickly. I do not think this is a plateau.

I have not missed a workout in 3 weeks and don't think I've made any seriously bad food choices this past week. Any ideas? Thanks for your insight on this everyone!


Congrats to everyone for making it through another week. Weight loss or not as long as you go through the motions of bettering your lives - you're reaping the rewards I'm sure.

About the rewarding with food. . . I'm indifferent about it. I agree with Kelly with whatever works for each person. I had a friend whose dietician/trainer told her to take one day off a week completely with exercise & what she ate. She could eat anything she wanted in that 24hr period and believe me she did. She still lost weight - maybe not as much as if she didn't blow one day a week away with McD's but nevertheless she still lost.

I on the other hand reward myself with one item or meal a week and usually only if I ate good all week. I do not think the whole day thing is a great idea. I would never choose my reward item to be a Big Mac & fries or something silly like that, but perhaps one candy bar, a higher fat meal than normal (like pasta) or something like these things. Things that really won't make much difference in the scope of a week. So was it the icecream I had at the mall on the weekend that made me not lose one single pound all week??? I don't think so - at most it's a few hundred calories over the course of a week and probably would not affect the loss in a great way. But who knows for sure!

btw Regina when you said this: "You all read Mindy's statement about rewarding herself with food, so why is it that nobody put their 2 cents in (me included)? " did you mean me? cuz I didn't see where Mindy says she rewards herself with food but I know i mentioned the icecream being my reward for the week.

I also am on this board for what Kelly said she is on the board for: "for support, to support and to learn when and where I can, about myself and "others!" I hope we can all be on this board for those reasons also and I'm glad you have all welcomed me as warmly as you have, thank you all!!

Take care everyone!!

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Hello everyone,

Well, I think I am finally caught up!! Carolyn, Happy Birthday, I hope you start feeling better soon, and things work out with arrangements for your mom. I get into those blue funks every so often, and I hate the feeling!!
Dee-just stick with it, and when it is that time of the month it is not just an excuse it is a fact, so don't beat yourself up!!
About the whole rewarding yourself with food issue, I think different things work for each of us. My mother in law lost alot of weight years ago, and she went out for a icecream sundae once a week, and knowing she could do that helped her.
I am also one that will keep posting even after my cruise, I love the support and tips and understanding!! (of course my cruise is WAY to far away)
I have not been to good the last week, I have gone out to eat way to many times so tomorrow I am starting fresh!! I have also decided to try and start eating breakfast, I don't normally, but am really gonna try and stick to it. I also need to eat more fruits and veggies. Well, I guess thats about all for now. Connie
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Kelly, I agree with support, no judgement, no ridicule, or condescending matter. I also agree in helping, educating, giving different perspectives to allow others to take from it what they need and disgard what they don't need. Yes, everyone is different as it should be and that's a delight. Some feel at ease with some topics while others don't. Some feel comfortable in being more open than others. No pressures for sure on this thread.

Dee, quite a few people (can't remember all their names...and it really doesn't matter) along the way have mentioned food of various types as being their reward and that's perfectly okay. What does matter is there are good treats and there are bad treats. Should we as fellow dieters not mention this? Are we truly being sincere to our fellow dieter when we keep our silence? Why shouild a helpful suggestion given be looked upon as a judgement? How do we learn from others if we don't give helpful alternatives? I want to help my fellow dieter not by saying "go for that banana split", but by saying.... "Have you considered a frozen banana yogurt instead of the banana split?"... and not be afraid to say it. I pose these questions not just to a few, but to all...as well as myself. I do believe we can all make this an even more workable thread. I'm beginning to think we have lost quite a few members not due to judgement, ridicule or condencsending mannarisms from anyone on this board....but because it is leaning to the surreal side. Well, that is just my own personal opinion, but if everyone is happy the way things are going....that's great news to here and our membership on this thread will undoubtedly continue to grow. Honestly though, I have to be honest with myself and I am not going to continue to pat anyone on the back for using a double choc layered piece of cake (just an example) for a reward. I will suggest something healthier for the next time they want to reward themselves, and yes...it will be their choice to take my suggestion or not. Phew! Glad I finally expressed myself. Thanks for listening.
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Kelly, thanks for the warm welcome back. I have a feeling it's going to be short-lived. When I replied to Regina's question regarding rewarding yourself with food, I didn't realize it was a can of worms so to speak. I too didn't see where Mindy made a statement about "rewarding herself". She was honest about what she had eaten in 2 days times. I'm sure it isn't anything we [B]all[/B] haven't done at one time or another. I myself had a handful or two of cheez-its and a pepsi for lunch one day last weekend. I'm just thankful I stopped there this time...there have been many times before where I've just blown it. Do I feel bad after doing that? Absolutely!! But maybe sometimes it can be a positive thing....you hate that you did it, and move on. That's where you can turn it around and vow to yourself not to do it again. Well, at least for a little while. :) I really don't see the harm in having an ice cream cone, a candy bar, or a small bag of chips every now and then. Plus, it tastes sooo good!!!

I'm back to lurking status for a little while....I like that I'm the boss of me. :D

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Connie...looks like you have been giving alot of thought to your diet.:) Good for you! Don't forget to include more water and exercise if possible. Your determination comes across loud and clear. Good luck and post to let us know how it goes.

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