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Nancy, everyone is the captain of their own ship. Did you read my post? It was a delight to have you back. Sorry you feel that way. If you feel more comfortable in lurking as you have in the past 4 weeks, perhaps that works for you as your comfort zone. Not everyone feels comfortable in posting. Feel welcome to post anytime.

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I was going to report that I can fit into some old bathing suits (SMALLER!!!!), and come to find out that everyone is talking about me! ;)

Maybe the word "reward" is the problem.
One of the things I've learned about losing weight is that you don't have to deny yourself the things you like. You DO have to eat less of them if you want to lose weight, and you DO have to plan ahead.
I knew that pumpkin roll was going to be on my table, I knew I'd enjoy it, so I had fewer starches in preparation. I did NOT plan on my SIL making killer brownies. Now I know that if she shows up with them, the pumpkin roll takes a back seat, and that the brownie container goes in the freezer right after the first one. Same thing for Sat. night. I knew that my friend and I would go out for dessert, so I had a light meal. I just did not do enough research on what dessert I would eat, and I let the wrong one be selected!!!

Once in a while, food as a reward really can do wonders. But I think you have to keep it in balance. The best reward is when people tell you that you look smaller. But when that isn't happening, you need other types of reinforcement. How about keeping your bigger sizes around, NOT just in case you gain weight, but to put on when you are feeling low, so you can see your progress. Presents to yourself can be a good incentive, but if you are trying to save money as well as lose weight, that may not be the right thing. How about a second phone call to a friend that day? Or let yourself spend an extra half hour surfing the net? Or say "Today, I will skip vacuuming!" You have to figure out what will work for you, just like everything else.

Dee, I know where you are coming from. I plateau very early when I diet, and then I lose inches -sssssllllllowwwwwwwly - and then pounds. You may have something similar going on. If it is that time of the month, watch out for things that trigger binges, ignore your weight this week, and see what the scale says after "Aunt Flo" visits a different "niece". Remember, weight is a guide; your clothes will tell the rest of the story.

I brought the brownies into the office. I felt a little guilty giving Fat pills to other people, but these are the people who bring in their own goodies. I will work on guilt later; first I have to work on losing weight!
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Well Gang....not everyone has had a chance/ or maybe the interest to voice their opinion on how to improve this thread. I certainly took the bull by the horns by giving my suggestion. Obviously 2 or 3 members didn't like what I had to say. That's okay cause everyone reads into something the way they choose. Just like two people can go to the same movie and one ends up hating it while another thinks it was great. At least I can say I made the effort. Where would modern society be if no one made an effort? Not modern for sure. A can of worms is opened if one chooses to see it as a can of worms and not a helpful suggestion for improving a thread. Well, I have pondered enough for the night, so I think I will turn in.

PS. Hey Mindy....now that's what I'm talking about! All those "helpful suggestions" to pass on to others so they can think about and perhaps even consider the "alternatives." Nice going:)
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Mindy - SMALLER BATHING SUITS is absolutely amazing! Congratulations!!!!The day is coming when I have to pick one out for me and I can't wait to see how "small" it's going to be. I agree completely with your views on a reward system and implement them in my "diet" as well. I know now that I can have just a bit of it and that keeps me going all week till I can have that taste. Thanks for sharing about your plateau. I hope for me this is just an annomolie (sp?) and all is well next week. I weigh in on my day 30 next and its on tuesday dec 7 so I will let you all know then how much weight I lost in 30 days.

Regina - It's good you feel that you finally got to express yourself. Now, I may be the only one on this board, but I am really confused at why you want ideas on how to "improve this thread". I think the thread is GREAT and I've found incredible support here. I have not noticed anyone getting "pat on the back" for indulging in chocolate cake. It seems this board provides a way to "confess our eating sins", if you will, to others who have also gone astray at one time or another. From my recollection, when someone posts that they ate something not so healthy, people acknowledge it and say they've been there too, and encourage that person to do better and not dwell on the error in judgement in that weak moment and to move forward. I think we all know that chocolate cake, ice cream & pie (etc. etc.) are not the best choices but as Mindy said, "you don't have to deny yourself the things you like" but rather limit them. I've heard that if people crash diet and not allow themselves a guilty pleasure from time to time that when they do fall off the wagon they tend to binge on those very things they denied themselves . . . . . Just some food for thought. I hope you too think this thread is a great one and needs no improvement. You've contributed great things to it Regina and I'm sure we're all thankful for your great encouragement over the course of this board as well.

Have a great week all! & let's keep this thread going as strong as it has been - it's definitely helping me and I know from reading it that it's helping everyone else! This kind of support is priceless and I thank you all again for sharing your personal lives with me & everyone else to help us all improve our lives for the better!!!

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WOW!! This thread has been busy! I can't possible respond to all that's been said. I do want to say congrats to all of you that have done so well.

I have to confess, I haven't done so well. I just haven't been able to take the bull by the horns and stick to my guns on my eating and I am getting bigger each day instead of smaller. My weight is 145. It hasn't been that high since 1999. Last night, I was getting up in the middle of the night and eating peanut butter out of the jar. What is going on with me?

By the way, I think this thread is great. I've found much help and support here and I've noticed how nice everyone is to each other here. The same can't be said for the other boards on cc. I can't believe how mean some posters on some of the boards get when someone finds any fault with a cruise, asks a question that has been asked before, or accidentally mispells a word! I feel completely comfortable posting here and that speaks volumes about you all!
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A quick reply to some posts:

[b]Runner Ann[/b]: I hate the night time munchies! I have found that when I have those....it's because I've deprived myself of something I craved earlier. When I have just a little of something I want....and not the whole thing....I slowly lose the craving. Maybe this may work for you! Hang in there!

[b]Mindy[/b]: High Five on the SMALLER BATHING SUIT!! Don't you love that! It's so inspiring! Way to go!:)

[b]Dee[/b]: I agree with you on the confusion about improving this thread. I like it the way it is...and the way it is evolving. No need to stir it up just to get a "rise" out of people! Yikes....traffic does that for me....(and my chaffeur "Mom":rolleyes: !)

[b]Nancy[/b]: Lurk all you want you Lurker of the Lurks! :D I just hope you will share some insights when you can! I so look forward to the wisdome of all here!

[b]Connie[/b]: It's great to have you back! I'm glad you're here! T-day seems to have been a busy time for many here! Glad you got caught up!

[b]Regina[/b]: I'm glad you feel some "relief" after getting that off of your shoulders! Hey...you may have gotten down into the 50's now! (lol!) Seriously...I think part of the reason why this board works well is that everyone can be honest and can voice their opinions.

Chin up everyone!
[b][size=4][color=magenta]Have a Terrific Tuesday![/color][/size][/b]
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Thanks Kelly!

I just got back from my run and I feel much better. I have a running buddy and we did 7 miles and we both are struggling with weight gain right now, so be burned about 2 miles just commiserating about that. Then I got to "b" about my son in law for awhile and that got us to about mile 5. Then the endorphins kicked in and we both felt better.

So, now I am resolved to get back on ww and stay within my daily points range and drink my water. Today, I have 30 points available to me and I should be able to stay within. I'd like to keep it to 27 points so I can save some for the parties I will be attending on Saturday and Sunday. I will be bringing veggies to both!

For today, I think I can stay within 27 points.
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Good Morning all

I have to be brief because I have to get ready for work. Here is the fact. We were a group of of 22. We are now a group of 12 steady posters (at least sometimes), so now I'm confused.

I was looking at a broader picture and attempting to analyze it with hoping I would get some assistance in the analyzing process. That's all.

Ann, I hope to have time this evening to respond to your weight question.

Have a good day all
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Runner Girl, have you looked into WW's core foods program? There is a list of foods that you don't have to count points for, and then you get an extra 35 points a week for all the non-core foods. For instance, since coffee and non-fat milk are core foods, you can have a latte with skim milk. I have dietary restrictions that make core foods a little tricky, but I've seen others who have great results with it. If you aren't making the progress you like on the FlexPoints program, this might be a good alternative. If you attend meetings, talk to your lecturer to see if it would work for you.

Also, it sounds like you are low because you eat, and you eat when you are low. Since you obviously love running, can you run when you feel low instead? Maybe not 7 miles, but what about a mile or 2? And since the middle of the night is when you have problems, can you stock something less dangerous, but still "good" to snack on then? In your shoes, I would not keep any open peanut butter jars around. If something is not open, it's safe around me, but anything open can disappear! If you are looking for something smooth, why not get some applesauce in little packages? If it's the salt you are looking for, try saltines.

The point is to acknowlege when and how you are most likely to go "astray" and find something that still lets you do that, without all the calories, carbs, points, whatever you are counting. You aren't trying to become a diet machine, you are trying to find a way to live, at a lower weight. So work with who you are, and then you can make adjustments to help you become who you want to be.

Regina, I am going to think today about what you just posted. I'll try to post something tonight on that subject.

EVERYONE, Have a great day!

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Thanks for the suggestions Mindy. I don't currently go to weight watchers but may start again. That may be what I need. I know if I get plenty to drink, I'm less likely to crave. I don't live alone, so I can't just not have tempting foods around. My DH loves ice cream and peanut butter. He IS supportive of my efforts, I just don't feel that he should have to live without all the foods he likes. I also think I should be able to make good decisions about what is right for me to eat regardless of what is there.
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Hey all, I got on the scale today and it seems my theory of the sodium in the restaurant food was right! I pee-d like crazy yesterday and just knew I'd be down today. I ate perfectly yesterday. So when I got on the scale it turns out I did lose the 2lbs this week that I wanted to. Down to 170lbs (can't wait to break into the 60's) Total of 9lbs over 3 weeks. I'm sooo stoked! I don't weigh in now until our day 30 (with the program I'm on) So that's one week from today (dec 7). Will fill you all in then. Also, on the beach body program that I'm doing they let you set up a homepage that you can post your before & after pics on, so if i think they're dramatic enough, maybe I'll post the link here and you guys can see! (or if i"m brave enough!lol!)

runner girl - i hear ya about the noshing! I have a hard time too if something is open already like Mindy said. I used to have to eat the whole thing if I opened something. Now, everyday I allow myself to have up to 4 After Eight mints. (I can see Regina cringing right now! :) sorry girl!) They're out now cuz of Christmas and they make an excellent sweets fighter for me. Sometime I have none and like yesterday sometimes I have all 4. I think Kelly's onto something when she says to let yourself have just a bit of it in order to quash the craving alltogether. It works for me. I crave nothing else when I use the AFter 8 thing and I used to be a serious chocoholic! Good luck!

Have a super day everyone! And thanks for your support & encouragement! Thanks for listening to me whine yesterday about not losing!

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Hello everyone,

Finally, I have a little time to spare!!
Runner Ann-I had a peanut butter craving last night too, but I ate it on a little ice cream:confused: Oh Well, I am very motivated today, I did 41/2 miles on the treadmill, ate my oatmeal for breakfast and am about to have a tangerine!! Maybe someday I will make the 7 mile mark, I can only seem to run about 3 miles without stopping.
Regina-thanks for the encouragement, I am very dedicated on the excercise and will try and remember to drink more water!!
Dee and Kelly- I agree with you guys, I like the way this thread is going and really love all the encouragement and advise!!
Mindy-way to go, fitting into your bathing suits, I am not quite that brave yet!!
Have a great day everyone.. Connie
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Dee-I forgot , Congrats on the weight loss, that is AWESOME!! Good luck on the 30 day weigh in. I found if I eat wintergreen lifesavers it really helps my sweet tooth, I buy the big bag of individually wrapped ones, and eat 2 or 3 throughout the day. Connie
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Wow Dee! Congrats on the weight loss and Mindy-a smaller suit-what could be better!!

I am trying to avoid the chocolate right now and it isn't easy! I do plant to reward myself this evening with a few Dove dark chocolate squares but only if my points remaining will allow. I definitely want to 'bank' some points for the weekend.

This worked for me before, I know it'll work again if I just put it to practice!
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You guys rock! Thanks for the praise!

Connie - good idea on the individuallly packaged treats - it's a great way to limit the intake!

Kelly - velamints, hey, I've never tried those. Gonna go look for them today. I do pretty well with the After 8's but they are 40 cal each! So something less would be great. Do they taste like chocolate mint?

Runner girl - I think your reward will be fine, just an idea though and I find this hard to do myself but try to have the high fat/high carb "reward" as early in the day as possible so it's not sitting in you late at night. That way you have a chance to burn it off during the course of the day. But there's nothing like the last thing you eat in a day to be something fun!

Take care all! Have a super week!!!!!!!! Dee
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[color=blue][b]Roughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh day at work![/b][/color] Fortunately I've decided not to indulge in food....but instead in water when I'm stressed! I think I've been through 12 bottles of Dasani 16.9 fl. oz. bottles today! [color=magenta][b]Can you become a waterholic?[/b][/color] Those of you who have been on the board for awhile KNOW that I'm totally paranoid of dying of drinking too much water....remember the nun?!!! :D

Anyway...I'm sure I'll be fine! :p

Now....off to bed!

Happy to see that the hurricane season officially ends today!
[color=yellowgreen][b]Ahhhhhhhh! Good news![/b][/color] :)

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Stopping in briefly.

Dee, to answer your question: Yes, too much water can kill. The medical name for it is hyponatremia. It has more to do with improper balance of sodium and water.

Once a nurse, always a nurse :) Anyway, hope this answers your question.

Good night,
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Well, I had to find out about the waterholism.
[B]Can you drink too much water?[/B] Yes, and it is called water intoxication. It happens when you drink too much water and dilute the electrolytes in your body.
[B]How likely is it? [/B] Don't lose sleep over this one. Your body can process fifteen liters of water a day, just make sure you don't try to drink it all at once. That's when the problems start.
[B]Who is most likely to get water intoxicated? [/B] Babies, whose bottles are too diluted, or who drink several water bottles in a row, and athletes, who lose a lot of water and electrolytes at once, and load up on water afterward.
For more info, this was my source:

Regina, I haven't forgotten about you. Still working on some ideas, but haven't figured out how to express them yet.

Tonight, I tried on a dress I ordered on ebay for my cruise. It was a little too tight in the hips. Bummer. (no pun intended - for those of you who call the rear end a bum.) Here it is:

You can see that the price is right, and it looks much better in person. My sweet husband said it would look great if we just let it out a little in that area. Unfortunately, there is not enough material at the seams to let out, and it wouldn't be done by Saturday, even if there was. So I will either wear one dress to 2 formals, or I will have to go shopping. One of the stores is open very late tomorrow, so that is what I am thinking of doing. They may also sell dresses on the ship, but I don't want to depend on that. Oh well. I now have an extra dress to wear when I lose another 5 pounds. I keep finding more outfits in my closet that are fitting, but they aren't cruise wear. I will just have to keep digging. Just call me a clothing archeologist.
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Good morning ladies!

I did good yesterday. I not only stayed within my daily points but banked 3 for the weekend. I'm very pleased and hope to be able to continue. The first day tends to be easy for me, though. It's around day 4 or 5 that cravings really seem to kick in. I didn't end up having the dark chocolate last night. I just didn't have the extra points avail and still bank some for the weekend.

Well Mindy, I think you should go shopping.

Okay, I'm off to spinning class. Have a great day!
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Good Morning all and hello Bickers! Good to see you again and glad to know you got the ship compasses I mailed you. Hope they were helpful with your plans. You must be getting excited about your upcoming cruise on the Serenade:) .

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