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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Moring all,


Thanks 2bcrewzn!


How is everybody doing? Carolyn, are you back home yet? Belle, anything set up with the Doctor's yet? Behaving just well enough to maintain but still eating out or fast food at home (frozen waffles). Should have the range hooked up by tomorrow night at the latest but so much dust and many things scattered about the house that cooking will still be somewhat limited. I can't use anything without washing it first.


Everyone have a great day and grab your water!

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Ok girls, if you don't hear from me tomorrow, call 911 and tell them the body will be in the guest room since that was the scene of the crime. We have been so busy with all this remodelling that the laundry to be folded was put in there 3 weeks ago and I just discovered it. We rushed out to get Joe a pair of jeans last night since everything he tried on was way too tight! What seemed really strange is that we got the next up size but they were way too big so had to get the next size down. Now I know there was a good reason! I would be laughing hysterically right now except he would catch me. 99% chance he won't even realize what happened. In my defense and putting the blame where it belongs - who in the world doesn't know what clothes they own? Now I am off to fold the laundry still downstairs and play little miss innocent!


Grabbing water on the way!

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The body was found among a bunch of clean clothes..

they were on top of her..like they were attacking!..LOL


Donna..you know men are from Mars! You really think

they know what clothes they have or even where they are?

Just because they have been in same place..put away in

same closet or drawers......

for years?


No app. yet but have been on phone..should hear this week.

Tired of sitting home waiting..let them leave a message this time!

Going shopping then a show and dinner.


Donna glad your maintaing..I'm up some..trying AGAIN to get back

to being strict..HAVE TOO!


How's the kitchen coming? Everything ordered?


Carolyn how's it going. Your mother's house done yet?

Hope why we're not hearing from you is because your still

gone and not because your in jail for assault and battery

on the lawyers!


Well it's Monday..lets get on with it..losing weight!

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Morning all,


Belle, I will keep my fingers crossed that they finally get moving on this and get your appointment set up. I have never been able to understand how they can tell someone they have C then take their sweet time getting around to taking care of it!


He hasn't figured out the clothes and never will! I managed to get every speck of laundry and ironing done and put away in between helping with the kitchen yesterday so no evidence remains! The first Ikea cabinet is in place under the snack bar and the electric has been completed for the range. The gas company will be out this morning to change the meter and Joe says he will hook up the gas while they are here. Should finally have a working range and the middle of my kitchen floor back by the time I get home from work! The second Ikea cabinet isn't ordered yet since the only one that handles that gets back from vacation today. The cabinet fronts aren't ordered yet since we have to track them down to tell them what color to manufacture them in. Flooring is ordered and should be 1 - 2 weeks. Will definitely have to find somewhere to go for Easter. Up 1 today but that is due to way too much eating out and fast food at home. Should be off by Thursday but will probably wind up with no additional loss.


Carolyn, Are you back yet? All lawyers still alive?


Off to get more water and get ready for work.


Have a great day!

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I got back late Sunday afternoon. Tried posting here but had problems.

Then I've been SO busy e-mailing elder lawyer (at least he'll listen to my concerns... estate lawyer is MAJOR PAIN... won't listen to anything to me).

Yes, they're still alive but estate firm should ALL be shot. Even Mike (DH who's usually very tolerant) is looking to see there are ways to make a formal complaint against the firm once things are said and done (legal malpractice if there's such a thing).


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Morning all, I am amazed! Got on here first try!

Carolyn, Soon! Not sure what you can do about the idiot lawyers. How is Libby doing? Do you get to stay home for a bit now?

Belle, Appointment? Your right about getting back to normal life.

Good news - range is in and works beautifully (haven't tested the convection part yet). Bad news - will have to pull it out again to build the new backsplash. Cabinet refacing, Ikea pantry cabinet and flooring are all on order. However, just made the project way bigger since I have decided that we need to paint the inside of the cabinets. Now I am hoping that it will be finished in 4 weeks.

Ok, trying to behave and only halfway successful but I won't stop trying. Have a wake tonight so not sure what we will have for dinner. We were going out Thursday night but I think that I'll run out at lunch and get the stuff to make at home.

Where is your water?
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been very busy...
and feeling crappy (got a cold)
think the lawyers got their numbers "somewhat" right (I give up.. they win)
house is listed.
Need to go down to make sure cleaning crew does their thing
Calgon.... take me away
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Couldn't get on the board lastnight..down again!
Been gone today.

Donna..Glad to hear your getting some of the "work" done
but have to take the stove out again! Oh no!
Every time we think of something to do..Why does it always
take so long? LOL

Carolyn..You need Calgon..remember that..
Take me away..
with Calgon (soak in tub with)
Hope the house sells fast..

Have an app. almost for consult..someone called Monday while I
was out (of course) to say looking at my file Tuesday, will send me things to read and a app. date, Should get Thursday or Friday! Wish would give surgery date them but know will probably be after I see the Doctor.
He will see what he has available. Waiting is the pits!

You two take care...wishing you the best for weigh-in day.
I'm not doing to good..everyday going to get on track and I
slip a little bit..EACH DAY!
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Happy St. Pat's Day all,

Belle, I am keeping my fingers crossed that you will be all squared away by this time next week! Just keep hanging in there and make sure you get plenty of water!

Carolyn, Listing is a real biggie! Now you need to take care of that cold before it gets worse and spreads to the rest of your family!

Scale is acting flaky so will trying changing batteries Saturday and see if it is any better. First reading seemed nuts so tried 2 more times and came up with a 5 lb. range. It appears I stayed the same but not really sure! Out to dinner tonight which will be much better tonight than making St. Pat's dinner at home. Now off to find clothes and get moving. Boss is gone until April 4th so today is a day of celebration for most of us at work.

Where is your water?
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Guess everyone has been busy? None of us have been on.
How are you two doing?

Donna you enjoying work better that your boss is gone?
Did you have a "great party"? LOL How's the kitchen going?

Carolyn how's your cold? You been gone again? Checking the
house? Hope the house sells fast.

I have my consult on April 5th. They say they try to take in order
of geting them and high priority first...least I'm not number one
on their list. Thankgoodness. Would of like to get it sooner thro
but that's life. Just hope the surgery is soon after I see the doctor.
Don't want to wait as long as I did for the consult.
Aren't I lucky before that I have my app.'s for my Pap and Mamo on
the 30th and the 1st. Hate to get them. Guess we all do.

Otherwise been busy with this and that and my house is a mess..
I really need to clean it! I need a housecleaner! Wouldn't that be
nice for us all. I have a few friends who have them. Think they should
loan me one.. (and pay for it) LOL

Well have a good Sunday. Enjoy! Drink your water!
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Hi all,

Belle, I am here and this project is moving at a snail's pace! Getting frustrated and the diet is paying for it so have to start paying more attention. Still eating out way too much as we run around shopping for the stuff that we need to eventually complete this.

Glad you have the appointment and that they didn't think it was serious enough to move you to the top of the list. Also hoping that you get quick results once you see the doctor so you can get back to normal.

Carolyn, are you home or gone? Are you managing to eat? How is Libby?

Ok, better get dinner started in the slow cooker. Unfortunately, breakfast out as we do more running but dinner will be at home. If I have realized that we would be out again this morning, I wouldn't have chosen spaghetti!

Where is your water?

Have a great Sunday!
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I'm back home.. well sort of (in body)
I was sick last week before I went down to Mom's on Thursday.
The cleanining crew (if you call them that) did everything that I expected (and that wasn't a good thing... they almost ruined the wood floors.. since they weren't finished and they wanted to use Murphy's Oil soap which would have stripped any wax on them and then dried them out further... and then used a rope mop sopping wet w/H2O on the barely sticking grout in the bathroom -- after I warned the head girl that the grout wasn't holding well.. alot of the grout got worn away -- ok they guys didn't do a good job to start with) so I was nearly having a coronary when they were there... calling the realtor who recommended the cleaners.. .they didn't even take off any of the "labels" that were left on the new toilet and shower (I couldn't believe it). Well, we made it to Friday's realtor's open house. It went well and then had some folks look on Saturday. Then yesterday was the "official" open house (and it rained.. very gloomy) but had some lookers and 2 more folks came today.. Looks like we're going to get some "serious" offers tomorrow. Realtor's checking out their financials soon so we shall see. Now if we can get Mom in somewhere and get the estate lawyer from messing up anymore I'll be greatful. Think by then end of June everything should be finalized.
Donna and Belle, how are you all doing. Donna=-= how's the kitchen and DH's eating? Belle, have you had your MDs consult and set an official date?
Hope everyone's doing well.. I'm eating "crap" but will get back on program now that I'm home.
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Sorry been busy..so haven't been on for a few days.

Donna guess you've been busy with work and the "kitchen"!

Carolyn welcome back. Hope the house sells fast.
My consult is April 5th.

You two take care.. will try to write more tomorrow.
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Morning all,

Belle, Busy and bad just hope not bad enough to be really unhappy tomorrow! I have been fighting off something and winning but it has taken its toll. Haven't worked on the kitchen during the week yet. Hoping that Ikea calls us by Friday so we can go to the next phase. Doors aren't ordered yet since we didn't like what they were going to do so had to go out and find our own hinges. Now we need to give them the dimensions since their's are too small.

Carolyn, Soon! Here is hoping for a quick sale to at least get that part off your plate! How is Libby doing? Are you remembering your water?

Better run!

Have a great day!
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Posting while waiting for a reply from elderlawyer. Looks like things are going to be moving "very quickly" for Mom once the elder lawyer gets things in place. Don't know if I'll be ready... I anticipated this and am having a hard time trying to get things "ready" (esp. old bank statements that I believe the lawyers have but want to make sure since those accounts were closed 'cause the nutty aide's threats back in July <before Dad got in hospital etc.>). It's a real mess. My house is a royal disaster!!! (PIT, Hell hole.. you ladies get the picture) I was away for 5 days and Mike got sick so there were papers and dishes (encrusted w/dried Krispies etc) piled almost to ceiling on every counter possible. At least he did run the dishwasher prior. Read the kidlets the "riot act" about them having to at least rinse out the dishes to help me (and Dad when I'm not here) out. Think I've finally won the fight of throat/cold but at my expense of eating... I've been BAD (even worse) the last 4 days... I hope I can turn it around today... can't let it go on any longer. Don't know what "damage" I've done since I don't have a scale in the house. Haven't been to gym in a week and then it was just for one day.
To make matters worse I've been arguing w/Mike about what to do about Alex (private school). The tuition is steep (he's going into 7th grade so it's a commitment of 6 years before college) but more of a drain will be the transportation... it's far from the house (at least 35 mins traveling on back roads, even longer the regular way) and there's not bus service, even if we were will to pay for it. So this is weighing in on me, since there aren't that many folks from around the area going, need to try to find a carpool where I won't totally lose my sanity. It got to be a screaming match on the phone last night.. Mike wouldn't let up and I got worked up terribly. Finally hung up on him and then Alex answered the phone. He told Mike he'd understand if he couldn't go (he's like that) but Mike feels that we'd be doing him a great disservice if he didn't send him. He's got shorted on his education so far, he's terribly bright (most times he's teaching himself years ahead, we don't push anything on him, he's done it on his own) and hasn't been challenged. Mike's even saying worse case scenario is that he'll just go for 2 years (but I feel how can you pull him after being in that wonderful environment). So that's where I'm at. It got so bad last night that I was going to have a drink. Pulled out the Kahlua bottle (that was "aged" at my parents) and then Alex started to lecture me. I assured him that if I had a drink one drink it wouldn't make me a problem... Let it go at that and I tried to calm down. Well, when everyone was asleep I went downstairs, the bread started to "call" me, then the ice cream cake (all of which are bad for me since I'm terribly carb sensitive) and then I had an adult drink. Paid for everything this AM but hopefully I got everything out of my craving system and now will move back to being "on plan" (can only hope).
So, Donna, yes, I'll try to do the water. At least I'll try to drink some "good" liquid and stay hydrated. I'll try to eat what's beneficial to ME.. I've got to start putting me a little higher on the totem pole. I'm not even asking to be on top... just not in the basement all the time. And NO the kids don't insist on things.. but I feel guilty since I've been away from them so long, and since my family has done this (doing things as whole family, though when we were very young my parents did go out with a group of friends... Mike and I have NEVER done that.. ). I'm done venting now.
Hope everyone has a good, productive, supportive day.
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Sounds like us three aren't doing as well as we want.

In health or eating wise.

Think we all been busy in our own ways.

WE have to get back on the ..."straight and narrow"!
(even thro we've been trying somewhat and still will)

Lets make a pack... Easter Sunday the 27th....Enjoy ourselves

Then on Monday the 28th...


WE have to be the THREE MUSKETEERS...fighting to stay on our PLANS!
WE all have obstacles of some sort in our lives right now being a
hindrance to our weight loss's but we can do it! RIGHT?

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Belle, I'm with you! I am already planning what I will bring for lunch next week to keep me out of trouble! Really harassing Joe right now to book an MSC in January along with Seagulls, Gayla59, Llindac, Sissyg (If we can get her off Princess) and NILinda. Means I really have to lose extra since some of it will reappear on the TA. Want to come with? We could really make it a group cruise of our own! Looks like our weather may be starting to change a bit so it will help a lot!

Carolyn, Did you and Mike finally figure it out? We were very lucky that we were able to make the decision to move out of Chicago and into an excellent school system rather than private schools but that was just because of timing and rarely works that way. I'm sure you will come up with a workable answer but it is tough with all the other distractions you have right now. How is Libby feeling? Belle, is right and we need to start taking care of ourselves and redirecting some of our focus to what we need!

Ok, off tomorrow for the first time in six years so hoping to get lots done around here. Looks like Monday will be the first day of really towing the line since this weekend will be a lot of running and eating out yet again.

Everyone have a great day!
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Monday is my D-Day! So enjoy your day off and the weekend!

Your going on a cruise in October, aren't you? You want to go
on one in Jan. too? Go for it! Woman after my own heart! LOL

Your naming "old familar" names going on the cruise. They don't come
on here anymore. Are you on the sight that Holly started a long time
ago? Wanted me to come in/join but didn't at the time. Say Hello to
them all for me. Hope everyone is well and happy.

Carolyn don't know if your traveling again..hope it's because the house sold.

Wishing you both a Happy Easter if you celebrate it!
Have a good weekend!
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Morning all,

Belle, Yes, I am one of them! Actually long story, short synopsis. The site is now on yahoo and Holly is gone though she in I are still good friends and email regularly. Met Holly and V in Fort Lauderdale last year with Sissy, Gayla, Seagulls and LlindaC. This past July was Sissy, Gayla, Seagulls, Llindac and NIlinda in Chicago for 4/5 days and we had a ball! Picked up NI in a Limo at O'Hare then we all took the Limo to the liquor store. Should have seen the clerk's face when he carried out the box and the driver opened the trunk for him! Actually, we have been talking about adding a few more if you or Mir or Carolyn are interested. Just send me your email address if you are interested and I'll get out an invitation. We still talk about dieting but probably just as much about the latest find in wines! One of these days, I'll manage to get them back out here but they are still standing behind LlindaC after the problems she had with the Atkins group. Looks like we may proceed with getting info on the first MSC cruise of the season on Jan 14. Sissy is out by you right now so she is the only one we haven't heard from. Actually, I threatened Joe with the Sea Princess in March with friends so he is now seriously thinking about the MSC!

Ok, Monday is D'Day! The thought of an October cruised being followed by one in January is daunting at best and terrifying at worst. If I don't get moving now, I will have nothing that fits in January!

Carolyn, are you back still? Things starting to run a bit smoother? Find all the paperwork? Behaving yourself!

Today is running day then, hopefully, get work done the rest of the weekend! It is snowing at the moment but it is supposed to stop so we can get all our running taken care of.
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Regarding the Atkins thread, would I still be "invited" since I know that Llinda and I kind of had a clash (but I think it was more of a TallBlonde thing) since I respected Llinda's comments and usually took them in the spirit they were given (though I didn't realize that was the reason why others have stayed away from "this" board).. please let me know
I'd LOVE to be posting with "old familiar 'faces'" if I was welcomed...
and would love to meeting others if there'd be a "girls' gathering" since I now know that Mike can handle the kidlets (as long as I look past the mountains of dishes etc).
my e-mail is [email]cmjaffe@cox.net[/email]
as for me and weight... don't know if it's good or bad, but I have been "good" for 2 days now, but I'm going down to Moms this afternoon so I don't know what will happen.
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Happy Sunday/Holiday all,

Belle, Hope you have a great day planned!

Carolyn, invitation is on the way! Been a crazy weekend for all of us and took a bit to get the votes in. Sissy isn't back from CA yet but I'm sure she'll be glad to have you added to the "Wild Bunch" which is Joe's favorite nickname for us.

Ok, I am actually going to cook breakfast and dinner which is quite a record of late. Better get breakfast started so we can get something accomplished. I swear, I will not under any circumstances go shopping again today!

Where is your water!

Have a great day!
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I just got back...
and just logged on to Yahoo...
think I'll try to e-mail you directly...
trying to figure out "who is Jean"? Also and dying to find out.. did Sissy's daughter have the baby (know it must be SO long about that now).
Hope everyone is well and ready to get "back on track" tomorrow. I wasn't intending to "eat crap" this weekend... but I think everything finally hit me about being down w/Mom and "old stuff" (I also forgot to bring my meds so that didn't help), luckily Libby was a BIG help (which I was pleasantly surprised.. she's growing up so fast) and had a nice visit w/Mom (which was needed since we had been passing through for the last couple of times there).
I really need to get back on track. I'm feeling like crap. TOM, cold which is blooming back into the flu (have the aches now which I didn't have before).
who ate WAY too many oreo tops driving back in traffic tonight but VOWS to drink my water tomorrow while I help Libby sell Girl Scout cookies at booth sale.
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Morning all,,

[size=2]Carolyn, Jean is Seagulls, retired and living in Mrytle Beach. Born in Scotland, came over and worked for Bell in Phillie untill they retired and moved to Myrtle Beach. Sissy's daughter had a little boy (Ryan) who is happily living in CA with Holly and Casey. Sissy is out there right now helping her stepmother move but should be back mid-week. Glad Libby was a big help! Is she feeling better now? You need a down day to take care of yourself and do make sure you get the water in.

Belle, How was your weekend? Believe it or not, we had decent weather and today should be sunny and 60. Glimmers of hope shining through. By this time next month, you'll have everything taken care of and be back on track.

Mir, Hi if you stop by!

Ok, better get moving since work just won't wait any longer!

Have a great day and grab that water!

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Hey Donna,
Saw that you were "on" so I thought I'd post....
though I really don't have anything to "say"...
still sick so I'm not eating right...
all achy and stuff, so I intend to go back to bed since everyone's out now.
Hope to drink enough liquid today to hopefully know this "bug" out of me.
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