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I am going to have Gastirc By-Pass surgery...


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I had my 6 month check up yesterday all my labs were perfect!!!! My Dr. wants my BMI between 25 and 30 I am at a 31.4 so almost...He would lie to see me at about 160lbs I am 181 but he said if I did not lose another oz he would be happy with what I have done in a little under 6 months....I would love to lose a little more but if not so be it...But I am going to keep trying thats for sure!!!!

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Ssatterly that is fantastic!:D I'm only down to 177 so I still need to lose another 42 lbs. But I figure I'm not doing too bad, I've lost 91lbs in 5 months. That's the most I have ever lost. It does seem as if the loss is slowing down a little now. Now I just have to really work harder at it. But I am bound and determined that I am going to get down to 135 yet.:D See, if I wasn't so dang short I could let myself weigh more.:rolleyes: Well, you guys keep up the good work and have a good one,


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I am at 178 it seems to be gettin ghard to lose the closer I get to goal.. Only 18lbs to go!!!!


I know what you mean. The weight is definetly coming off slower than it did at the beginning even though I really haven't changed my diet. I bet it feels really good to know that you have less than 20lbs to finally get to the weight that you wanted to be at.:D I can't wait to get to that point. Keep up the good work and have a good one,


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Feistyred, welcome to the club. :D You'll find that if you have any questions the people here are really great about answering and there is really a lot of good feedback. On getting enough fluids, just remember to sip on water, or whatever you're drinking, throughout the day. As you go along it will get easier to consume more liquids. If you just take a small drink every 5 - 10 minutes you should be ok. I know it's hard at work sometimes but it really is important. It is a little weird to actually LIKE to get on the scales, isn't it.:D My dd teases me about my "scale dance", it really helps if your family is as supporting as mine is. But of course we tease each other about different things all the time. It's just the way we are.:rolleyes: If you have any questions or just want to chat, give a shout. The board has been kind of quiet the last week or so, I'm not sure where everybody is. Maybe they got so skinny they disappeared.:eek: Sorry, couldn't resist. It's been one of those kind of mornings. You have a good one and keep up the good work,


i just discovered this board and i have a lot of questions. i hope to have the gb surgery in december and i'm worrying about taking a cruise next may. i'm escorting the group to the med and i worry about the long flight from california and how i will feel 5 months from surgery. i have a friend scheduled for next month who has completed the classes through kaiser. i met a lady in my support group that mentioned that kaiser is going to stop the band surgery because of poor results. i have a friend that took no classes and has failed with the lap band. she really didn't change her eating habits. i also have two cousins that had gastric bypass, one was successful and the other gained all back plus more. i'm short and a very slow looser but i need a knee replacement and they won't do the surgery until i loose weight. when you are in good health but you can't walk that's enough to make you hate food. i will pass on this board to others. thanks for whoever started it.

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i just discovered this board and i have a lot of questions. i hope to have the gb surgery in december and i'm worrying about taking a cruise next may. i'm escorting the group to the med and i worry about the long flight from california and how i will feel 5 months from surgery. i have a friend scheduled for next month who has completed the classes through kaiser. i met a lady in my support group that mentioned that kaiser is going to stop the band surgery because of poor results. i have a friend that took no classes and has failed with the lap band. she really didn't change her eating habits. i also have two cousins that had gastric bypass, one was successful and the other gained all back plus more. i'm short and a very slow looser but i need a knee replacement and they won't do the surgery until i loose weight. when you are in good health but you can't walk that's enough to make you hate food. i will pass on this board to others. thanks for whoever started it.



Cruisergal, welcome to the board and hopefully someone will be able to answer all of your questions. I had the gastric bypass surgery done on May 12, so it has been just a little over 5 months ago. And to be perfectly honest, I feel GREAT:D. My arthritis doesn't bother me as much, my insulin usage has cut down by 80 units, which is alot:eek:. I have more energy, and I think something that is very important, I just feel better about myself. And I have never been someone that needed to be noticed by others, but I have found that I do like it when I see someone that I haven't seen for a while tells me how nice I look.:D If everything goes right for you during surgery you shouldn't have any problems with you cruise or your flight. Of course it is still major surgery and always has some risks, but if you've researched the surgery you already know that. And believe me I am not trying to discourage you. This has been the best thing medically that has ever happened to me. You do have to make an honest effort to change your eating habits, but if you listen to your body it really isn't hard. My stomach tells me when it's full sometimes before I've eaten my 4 oz of food. I know that doesn't sound like a lot of food but it is enough. You just have to make the correct choices of what food to eat. If you have more questions or just want to chat someone from here will always answer. Have a good one,


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Cruisergal, welcome to the board and hopefully someone will be able to answer all of your questions. I had the gastric bypass surgery done on May 12, so it has been just a little over 5 months ago. And to be perfectly honest, I feel GREAT:D. My arthritis doesn't bother me as much, my insulin usage has cut down by 80 units, which is alot:eek:. I have more energy, and I think something that is very important, I just feel better about myself. And I have never been someone that needed to be noticed by others, but I have found that I do like it when I see someone that I haven't seen for a while tells me how nice I look.:D If everything goes right for you during surgery you shouldn't have any problems with you cruise or your flight. Of course it is still major surgery and always has some risks, but if you've researched the surgery you already know that. And believe me I am not trying to discourage you. This has been the best thing medically that has ever happened to me. You do have to make an honest effort to change your eating habits, but if you listen to your body it really isn't hard. My stomach tells me when it's full sometimes before I've eaten my 4 oz of food. I know that doesn't sound like a lot of food but it is enough. You just have to make the correct choices of what food to eat. If you have more questions or just want to chat someone from here will always answer. Have a good one,


Thanks for the response so quickly. i think this board is going to help me more than some of the staff at the medical center. i went backward on the board and read a post where you mentioned you had medicare. so do i and the 1st think that the dr. i was assigned to said i was too old. he didn't seem to notice that i was referred by my primary care dr. and she wouldn't have if i was in poor health. i feel fortunate that i don't have many of the health problems that people of my age typically have, but if i don't do something now, it's over for sure. i started backward on the board and noticed that you had unsucessful lap band surgery. last year i was sure it was what i wanted and when another center at a very well known hospital in los angeles told me it was not recommended for me i didn't accept the decision. the dietician gave no reason so i became angry and left. the dr i go to now gave me valid reasons for doing the bypass and i had something to think about and research. i just found out after the upper gi that i couldn't have it anyway because my esophogas is too narrow. i have a lot of living to do and i'm very goal oriented. steady weight loss has been my failure.

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Thanks for the response so quickly. i think this board is going to help me more than some of the staff at the medical center. i went backward on the board and read a post where you mentioned you had medicare. so do i and the 1st think that the dr. i was assigned to said i was too old. he didn't seem to notice that i was referred by my primary care dr. and she wouldn't have if i was in poor health. i feel fortunate that i don't have many of the health problems that people of my age typically have, but if i don't do something now, it's over for sure. i started backward on the board and noticed that you had unsucessful lap band surgery. last year i was sure it was what i wanted and when another center at a very well known hospital in los angeles told me it was not recommended for me i didn't accept the decision. the dietician gave no reason so i became angry and left. the dr i go to now gave me valid reasons for doing the bypass and i had something to think about and research. i just found out after the upper gi that i couldn't have it anyway because my esophogas is too narrow. i have a lot of living to do and i'm very goal oriented. steady weight loss has been my failure.


cruzergal, I did have to have quite a few tests before medicare would pay for my surgery but because of weight, diabetes, arthritis and copd my primary care doctor convinced them that even tho I was 52 it was still in my best interest health wise to have this done and eventually they agreed. My lap band failed not because of surgical reasons but physical ones, my body has this strange reaction to plastic that is placed inside of me and tries to push it out. It was trying to push out the port that they use to tighten the band. So for my health they had to remove it.:( But it actually worked out better because of switching to the bypass. I hope you will be able to work things out with this new doctor. Your age should not be a factor (maybe 120 would be too old:rolleyes:). You are doing this to improve your health and increase your life span. Let us know what happens and good luck,


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Thanks for the response so quickly. i think this board is going to help me more than some of the staff at the medical center. i went backward on the board and read a post where you mentioned you had medicare. so do i and the 1st think that the dr. i was assigned to said i was too old. he didn't seem to notice that i was referred by my primary care dr. and she wouldn't have if i was in poor health. i feel fortunate that i don't have many of the health problems that people of my age typically have, but if i don't do something now, it's over for sure. i started backward on the board and noticed that you had unsucessful lap band surgery. last year i was sure it was what i wanted and when another center at a very well known hospital in los angeles told me it was not recommended for me i didn't accept the decision. the dietician gave no reason so i became angry and left. the dr i go to now gave me valid reasons for doing the bypass and i had something to think about and research. i just found out after the upper gi that i couldn't have it anyway because my esophogas is too narrow. i have a lot of living to do and i'm very goal oriented. steady weight loss has been my failure.



Welcome!!!! I have my GB in April and at only 6 months out I am only 18 lnd from goal.. I feel amazing and so will you!!!!! No worries about the cruise at all as a matter of fact I am taking one in 47 days!!!!

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Kathi or anyone that has cruise with WLS


I had RNY done on August 20, 09. In Jan we are doing a ten day cruise. This will be our first cruise with me having the WLS. I told our TA to have me listed as a diabetic. Hopeing this will help control sugars and carbs. Also I plan to ask for child's portion.

Can you tell me if you do anything different in the Dining Room when it comes to ordering dinner?

We cruise with Princess and it will be our seventh cruise.

Thanks in advance


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That was a great idea asking to be listed diabetic because of the dumping. I think you are on the right track. I had lapband surgery in 07. I am struggling right now and need an adjustment but really was trying to wait until we are back from the cruise next month. Not sure I am going to make it. I have picked up my exercise alittle and going to see if that will help on not gaining anymore in the next 23 days. Any suggestions?

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Kathi or anyone that has cruise with WLS


I had RNY done on August 20, 09. In Jan we are doing a ten day cruise. This will be our first cruise with me having the WLS. I told our TA to have me listed as a diabetic. Hopeing this will help control sugars and carbs. Also I plan to ask for child's portion.

Can you tell me if you do anything different in the Dining Room when it comes to ordering dinner?

We cruise with Princess and it will be our seventh cruise.

Thanks in advance



I haven't cruised yet, still have a while before our first cruise.:( But something that I have found that helps me when I go to a restaurant. I always ask for an extra saucer or salad plate. Then I put the amount of food on the smaller plate that I know I'm allowed to eat. It seems a little easier to help control my portions when I'm not at home. And then I have the waitress box up the rest of the food. I'm not tempted looking at it and dh loves it as he eats my leftovers.:D Usually when I go out to eat it's with my dd when we meet to go shopping or something, dh really doesn't care to go out to eat very often. And I've gotten used to the looks I get when someone realizes that I'm only eating such a small amount.:rolleyes: But hey, the weight loss is worth it. Down to 170lbs now:D. You all have a good one,


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  • 3 weeks later...

This is starting to get depressing.:( I am stuck at 169 and have been for almost 2 weeks now. I know this happens and I also know that it will pass but I really hate it. Ssatterly, now I know how you felt when you was stuck for a little while.:o By the way, how was your cruise? I'll bet you had a good time. You'll have to let us know how you did with your diet while cruising. Hope everyone is doing well, board has been really quiet for a while. You all have a good one,


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This is starting to get depressing.:( I am stuck at 169 and have been for almost 2 weeks now. I know this happens and I also know that it will pass but I really hate it. Ssatterly, now I know how you felt when you was stuck for a little while.:o By the way, how was your cruise? I'll bet you had a good time. You'll have to let us know how you did with your diet while cruising. Hope everyone is doing well, board has been really quiet for a while. You all have a good one,




I have not been on my cruise yet,...... It leaves on Dec 5th!!!! close to only 2 weeks away I can not wait!!!!


I am down to 172.. having lost 92 lbs so far....Only 12 lbs to go untill my goal!!!!!

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I have not been on my cruise yet,...... It leaves on Dec 5th!!!! close to only 2 weeks away I can not wait!!!!


I am down to 172.. having lost 92 lbs so far....Only 12 lbs to go untill my goal!!!!!


Way to go on the weight loss!:D I don't know why, but I was thinking that your cruise was the beginning of November.:o I guess that I'm trying to get my cruise to hurry up and get here so I am making everyone elses get here early. You'll have to come back and post how you did with your eating and such while on your cruise. And of course how much fun you had. :D You have a good one,


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Way to go on the weight loss!:D I don't know why, but I was thinking that your cruise was the beginning of November.:o I guess that I'm trying to get my cruise to hurry up and get here so I am making everyone elses get here early. You'll have to come back and post how you did with your eating and such while on your cruise. And of course how much fun you had. :D You have a good one,




I will... we leave 2 weeks from tommrow for the long drive to Miaami!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, where is everyone?:D Hope the holidays went ok for everyone. Ours was ok, I guess. It felt a little different not having a huge plate of food in front of me this year tho. But honestly, I really didn't miss it. I just made sure I got a few bites of my favorite dishes and I was happy to skip all the rest of the stuff. I did get teased by a couple of my bil's, but I was expecting that.:D I am finally down to 164, so only about 30 more to go. Hope everyone is doing well and all have a good one,


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Hi, I've really enjoyed reading the experiences of all you guys. My RNY gastric bypass was February 2, 2007 - I'm a ground hog gal! OK, well, maybe not so much a "hog" any more....pretty much at goal for the past couple years, though I have noticed some "tightening" of the pants lately. Am doing something about that as we speak!


I've been on two cruises since my surgery and they have been wonderful! While respecting each of your choices concerning "how" to handle the various food situations, I will say that I rarely ask any of my waiters to do anything special. The reason for that is that they are already so darn busy and have so many things to remember. I just figure it's up to me to remember not to eat everything in sight :-)


Heading out on my next cruise soon. My main worry now is the fog...hope it goes away and stays there!

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