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Cruising to Healthy


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Sorry to pop in, I've been searching low carb and cruising and this thread is one that popped up. I'm pregnant, due in 16 days and looking to find a place where I can discuss weight loss once baby is here... Especially since I will be excitedly planning our very delayed anniversary cruise.



Very encouraged by your results and hope to learn more. Is this a mix of all diets or just WW? I did WW for breastfeeding mamas after my first son, and am debating going back or simply calorie tracking on spark people!


Hey, Welcome! The thread isn't just about WW or low carb. Each of us kinda do our own, but we share advise and give support too.


I'm on WW, but my Dr. asked me to try lowering my carb intake, so I try to pay attention that.


Actually, the new WW Points measures Fat, Carbs, Protein, and Fiber. And you will find that lower point items are Low in fat, Low in carbs, High in Protein and High in Fiber..........which is basically a low carb diet. But seeing how WW is kinda a "Eat how you want, but stay in points" mantra, I have chosen to more cautiously watch my carbs.


I always encourage people to do what feels comfortable to them and what they think they can live with (if you plan on doing it for.........ever.)

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Alright, I am very discouraged today. I totally derailed with my eating last night and then made the mistake of getting on the scale this morning to assess the damage. I was up 1.5 since yesterday morning. Now, I know that is not actually what I gained ~ considering I only ate 1900 calories yesteday, but my goal is 1200. But, it still frustrates the HECK out of me!!! The last week, I have worked very hard and showed very little progree. That always messes with my head. :mad:


Okay, venting over!


I know the feeling. I've been stuck in the teens forever and I can't seem to find a way to jump the hurdle, but I know their are reasons and factors and they can't hold out forever and I will eventually win..........if I just keep my attitude in the right place. I know you can!:D

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I'm exhausted.


I've gone from 8am to now........full blast.......for our event in 88 degree weather. We are getting a small 30 min. break and then we have to set up for tonights event and then do the event..........will be here until 10ish.


I don't feel so bad about skipping exercise last night for nephew time again b/c I have def. burned some calories today, if not merely in sweat. I'm here typing on our break just so I don't fall into the that "I'm exhausted and I stopped moving phase."


I have to change into something nicer and get cleaned up and pray it is not about to pour rain on us.


I had a Glucerna shake this morning b/c it is supposed to keep your blood sugar up (which we all know I have issues with) and I didn't know how late or when I would get lunch, so I thought that was a good idea (10 grams of protein too). So, I did grab lunch around 12:15 and grabbed a hotdog with a bun (no way to eat it otherwise) and a small ice cream cone (real, straight from the cow kinda ice cream) and a bottle of water.


Everyone really didn't grab food (It took me 10 mins to woof it down and get back to work, probably not a great idea......), so they drove to DQ during a quiet period during the event and got food and they got me a large sweet tea, which has gotten me through so far. I will need food soon if I'm gonna stay awake.


Had another 32 oz water in me and I think I'm okay for now. Might as well get used to this b/c this is how the beach and the cruise will feel, lol.........Just more fun. We will see how dinner goes, I suppose they all aren't too hungry since they ate so late.


Good think I brought stuff to pull my hair back with.........heat, humidity and sweat does not fair with my hair well.


I will try and make up the missed exercise this weekend.


Good Choices.

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I'm exhausted.


I've gone from 8am to now........full blast.......for our event in 88 degree weather. We are getting a small 30 min. break and then we have to set up for tonights event and then do the event..........will be here until 10ish.


I don't feel so bad about skipping exercise last night for nephew time again b/c I have def. burned some calories today, if not merely in sweat. I'm here typing on our break just so I don't fall into the that "I'm exhausted and I stopped moving phase."


I have to change into something nicer and get cleaned up and pray it is not about to pour rain on us.


I had a Glucerna shake this morning b/c it is supposed to keep your blood sugar up (which we all know I have issues with) and I didn't know how late or when I would get lunch, so I thought that was a good idea (10 grams of protein too). So, I did grab lunch around 12:15 and grabbed a hotdog with a bun (no way to eat it otherwise) and a small ice cream cone (real, straight from the cow kinda ice cream) and a bottle of water.


Everyone really didn't grab food (It took me 10 mins to woof it down and get back to work, probably not a great idea......), so they drove to DQ during a quiet period during the event and got food and they got me a large sweet tea, which has gotten me through so far. I will need food soon if I'm gonna stay awake.


Had another 32 oz water in me and I think I'm okay for now. Might as well get used to this b/c this is how the beach and the cruise will feel, lol.........Just more fun. We will see how dinner goes, I suppose they all aren't too hungry since they ate so late.


Good think I brought stuff to pull my hair back with.........heat, humidity and sweat does not fair with my hair well.


I will try and make up the missed exercise this weekend.


Good Choices.



Thank you for the encouragement, I needed it. :o I am happy to report that I am feeling a bit more optimistic tonight!


You really do have the marathon work day going on today, don't you??!! For goodness sakes......sounds exhausting! LOL Hope you find a way to have a healthy dinner tonight - I'll be thinking about ya! :)

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Hope you survived Friday, Brooke. Sounds rough!! I hear you about the heat and humidity not being good for the hair! I think of how many "good" hair days I could have if I lived in a less humid climate. Thank goodness for the chi.


I indulged a bit last night...went out to dinner with the hubby for a belated anniversary dinner and I had a glass of chardonnay and creme brulee. My appetizer was all protein (escargot) and my entree was steak with extra veggies (I asked them to not serve me the potato), so I think I did ok. I also had a cappuccino, but asked them to use whole milk (I know, more fat, but less carbs and I'm a carb counter!). I have no way of knowing if they honored my request, but I hope so!! I know now that after those indulges I just have to jump right back into the program and not let the one indulgence be an excuse to go crazy with carbs! As I've stated before, I think 90% of the weight loss thing is mental and I am now in the mental state that I want to lose more than I want to eat a lot of carbs. I enjoyed last night immensely, but now don't need a dessert for a while!!


It's a process and I think we will all meet our individual goals eventually!!


Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!

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pcrum ~ sounds like you had a nice evening with your husband last night. Good for you! I think we all need to be able to do that from time to time - indulge a bit and then have the strength to get right back on our programs.


Hope everyone has had a wonderful and successful weekend. Not looking forward to Monday, but it is inevitable I suppose! :p

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Fri. 318.6

Sat. 316.2

Sun. 315.4

Mon. 315


I forgot to post those.


BK: Oatmeal


Haven't planned any further than that today.


I have the day off, my boss was super nice and gave it to us after our long day on Friday.


I really felt Friday, even on Sat. I woke up still sore and my feet were burning after walking around half the day with the nephews shopping. I was still tired too. I iced my knees, back, and ankles down that night. I kept Ibprofin in my system too. By Sunday I felt better and so I jumped on the bike for 40 mins.


On Sat. I had a glucerna shake and half a flax muffin (I got full, so mom ate the other half).


We went shopping with the boys, so I was walking and on my feet, plus carrying at least the 4 year old a few times.


We went to a local bbq place and I ordered a platter with pulled chicken, pulled pork and sausage. I did order fries and green beans and it came with a rolls. I ate all the pulled pork with just one spoon of the sauce, and I tried some of the chicken (it wasn't bad) and I took one bite of the sausage and .......yuck. Fries and fries and two rolls ate. We did do more shopping after that.


Knowing I had ate plenty at lunch and kinda a late lunch, I knew I would have to make good decisions for dinner. On our way home mom stopped at McDs to get dinner for dad. Man, was this hard. I was extremely tempted to say......"Oh well, already did a "lunch out" why not a dinner?" But when she looked over at me and asked if I wanted something........I kept my mouth shut and just shook my head NO. I went home and cooked two of my low fat burger patties and had those with a few pickles on the side. However, the chocolate cake was too tempting......had a slice.


Sunday I did pretty well. Oatmeal for BK, but I ate around 11am b/c I got up around 9:30 and wasn't too hungry.


I had a tuna/tomato/salad seared wrap for lunch ( I made it!) w/ a few handfuls of popcorn and some whipped cream and a few oreo crumbles.


I had grilled shrimp scampi w/ some corn mixed in and a bake potato on the side. I poured most of the sauce off the scampi.


Did have a slice of cake and a glass of milk though.


Then 40 mins of bike.


I know WW works, if you use the plan right. I also know my own body and know that I CAN'T lose weight without exercise. I know I've been doing it, but my Dr. was right......I was doing just enough to stay in place. I have to increase my exercise either by days or time.


Good Choices.

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Fri. 318.6

Sat. 316.2

Sun. 315.4

Mon. 315


Good job on those numbers!!! Going down even in the midst of a challenging work day on Friday and a day out on the weekend. You made the right choice by skipping the McDonald's, which at our house is called McGarbage. You would be amazed how less appealing something seems when you refer to it as trash. :D


Have a great week!

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Sat. 316.2

Sun. 315.4

Mon. 315

Tues. 316.2


BK: 1/2 glucerna and 1/2 atkins shake. Its starting to get to the point where its warm in my house (no central ac) and I will start not wanting to cook hot things for this reason.


L: The turkey/tomato no bread sandwich sounds good, with a fruit cup. I don't know if the spinach is still good.......I'll check.


D: BBQ (no bread) and some corn (I need to get veggies from the store)


W: I'm gonna hit the gym sense I'm back at work. 40 mins......maybe a full 60 if I can handle it.


Are carbs sneaking back in to my diet, Yes. Am I totally upset about it? No. Like I said, I KNOW WW works, if I just follow the plan and I've said before that WW is actually promoting a low carb diet. But maybe being more conscious of my intake will keep me even lower on the scale of carb intake. I actually think exercise is the key to my next level at this point. As much as you guys praise me for making it to the gym (and thanks for that!) I haven't been doing enough.


I suppose I'm scared of hurting myself. Or maybe I'm just lazy. Its not like I have a extremely busy life where I can't simply fit in some gym time. I think like most people I'd rather not be in motion and sweating........or maybe that is just me, lol. Although I do like the feeling after I exercise, most of the time the during is just plain..........boring. Zumba always made things a little bit more fun, but Zumba is over until the students come back in the fall. I'm hoping the pool will be open again this summer so I can switch up my exercise. Although, I don't look forward to fighting with the summer campus when they start coming again. Oh well.


Good Choices.

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Going to butt in here...


On one of my exercise tapes the guru said "most people don't exercise long enough. They have something in their mind that says they can't do it and stop way too early". He was pointing out that the main thing is doing it consistently and to not get bored.


I personally can't stand the gym anymore..too boring. It took me a few years to get consistent, but now I find it's easier to stay fit if I do a variety of things every week. Now I run, do a boot camp, bike etc..no set routine. I am taking a boot camp class now and love it, though it's hard. A lot of times I said I couldn't do it but each class told myself "I'll do 5 more pushups, 20 more jumping jacks" etc. Last night we did over 500 squats and 300 arm curls. I can hardly move today and my former heel fracture does hurt some, but I'm going to push beyond it.


A friend of mine who weighed close to 300 lbs lost 20 lbs on her own first..then 35 lbs on WW in 5 months and all she did was walk every day. She could only walk about 15 minutes at first, but she slowly added a minute every couple days or so and last year she walked a half marathon Now she walks, does yoga, weights, etc. She wanted it bad enough and forced herself to move out of her comfort zone. I'm not saying you don't want it bad enough, just sharing a story of success from someone I watched who struggled


It's HARD to train your mind to do it, but if you can, try to exercise first thing in the morning..even if you just get up earlier and take a short walk outdoors..or during lunch, etc. That way at least you get something in even if you dont make it to the gym.


Sat. 316.2

Sun. 315.4

Mon. 315

Tues. 316.2


BK: 1/2 glucerna and 1/2 atkins shake. Its starting to get to the point where its warm in my house (no central ac) and I will start not wanting to cook hot things for this reason.


L: The turkey/tomato no bread sandwich sounds good, with a fruit cup. I don't know if the spinach is still good.......I'll check.


D: BBQ (no bread) and some corn (I need to get veggies from the store)


W: I'm gonna hit the gym sense I'm back at work. 40 mins......maybe a full 60 if I can handle it.


Are carbs sneaking back in to my diet, Yes. Am I totally upset about it? No. Like I said, I KNOW WW works, if I just follow the plan and I've said before that WW is actually promoting a low carb diet. But maybe being more conscious of my intake will keep me even lower on the scale of carb intake. I actually think exercise is the key to my next level at this point. As much as you guys praise me for making it to the gym (and thanks for that!) I haven't been doing enough.


I suppose I'm scared of hurting myself. Or maybe I'm just lazy. Its not like I have a extremely busy life where I can't simply fit in some gym time. I think like most people I'd rather not be in motion and sweating........or maybe that is just me, lol. Although I do like the feeling after I exercise, most of the time the during is just plain..........boring. Zumba always made things a little bit more fun, but Zumba is over until the students come back in the fall. I'm hoping the pool will be open again this summer so I can switch up my exercise. Although, I don't look forward to fighting with the summer campus when they start coming again. Oh well.


Good Choices.

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Going to butt in here...


On one of my exercise tapes the guru said "most people don't exercise long enough. They have something in their mind that says they can't do it and stop way too early". He was pointing out that the main thing is doing it consistently and to not get bored.


I personally can't stand the gym anymore..too boring. It took me a few years to get consistent, but now I find it's easier to stay fit if I do a variety of things every week. Now I run, do a boot camp, bike etc..no set routine. I am taking a boot camp class now and love it, though it's hard. A lot of times I said I couldn't do it but each class told myself "I'll do 5 more pushups, 20 more jumping jacks" etc. Last night we did over 500 squats and 300 arm curls. I can hardly move today and my former heel fracture does hurt some, but I'm going to push beyond it.


A friend of mine who weighed close to 300 lbs lost 20 lbs on her own first..then 35 lbs on WW in 5 months and all she did was walk every day. She could only walk about 15 minutes at first, but she slowly added a minute every couple days or so and last year she walked a half marathon Now she walks, does yoga, weights, etc. She wanted it bad enough and forced herself to move out of her comfort zone. I'm not saying you don't want it bad enough, just sharing a story of success from someone I watched who struggled


It's HARD to train your mind to do it, but if you can, try to exercise first thing in the morning..even if you just get up earlier and take a short walk outdoors..or during lunch, etc. That way at least you get something in even if you dont make it to the gym.



Well, being in a small town I don't have too much going on as far as offerings. The gym is free at work and I just don't have the extra money to spare for the YMCA right now (trying to save back for my house, the beach and a cruise). Although, my work is supposed to begin renovating the gym and then contracting with the YMCA in town to use the facility for like a satellite facility. So maybe my choices will increase and still be free. Right now I'm trying to switch between the bike and ellpt. to keep it at least a bit different. Again, i hope the pool opens soon for use, that will help. I liked swimming laps. Might need to hone my swimming skills anyway if I'm going to the beach with the nephews.


Getting out on my lunch should be a priority, I spend too much time in my office, though I've been trying to use my lunch to learn some Spanish..........sometimes i think I should schedule priorities, lol.



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Sat. 316.2

Sun. 315.4

Mon. 315

Tues. 316.2

Wed. 316.8


Well.........cross my fingers.......I don't see a 317............yet:rolleyes:


BK: Oatmeal


S: 1/2 glucerna


L: Light corn beef slices, tomato, mayo, on low carb bread with a little popcorn.


S: Cheese stick or almonds.........


D: Eggs/bacon/low carb wrap/tomatoes


W: 40-60 mins in the gym.


Well, I made it to 40 mins. I had a good sweat going on and heavy breathing. I stopped b/c I could feel my the inflammation in my back and whats more............a pinch..........this scares me b/c I had a pinches nerve a few years ago that lasted about 8 months and was painful and constant. I lost sleep b/c of it, I couldn't do much exercise and I was in the chiro office every other week. It was an ordeal and my chiro says once you have one, you will most certainly get one again. This is the fear of over extended myself in the gym that holds me back. I'm so scared of the pain coming back. But I also know that the harder I work, the more weight I will lose and the the % of it happening again goes down a bit. Its a catch 22 and its hard to decide. I will try for 45 mins. tonight, just a little extra push.


Good Choices.

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A friend of mine who weighed close to 300 lbs lost 20 lbs on her own first..then 35 lbs on WW in 5 months and all she did was walk every day. She could only walk about 15 minutes at first, but she slowly added a minute every couple days or so and last year she walked a half marathon Now she walks, does yoga, weights, etc. She wanted it bad enough and forced herself to move out of her comfort zone. I'm not saying you don't want it bad enough, just sharing a story of success from someone I watched who struggled


It's HARD to train your mind to do it, but if you can, try to exercise first thing in the morning..even if you just get up earlier and take a short walk outdoors..or during lunch, etc. That way at least you get something in even if you dont make it to the gym.


I like your idea of walking first thing in the morning!! I have lost 50 lbs. on Akins without exercise, but know I need it. I have way more cellulite than people who weigh less than me and I think it's probably due to lack of exercise! I live in central FL, so walking first thing in the morning would certainly be the most comfortable and least humid time of day. I'm also a "morning" person, but because I start work at 7:30 am, I am typically up at 5:45 am and just haven't had the inclination to wake up earlier to walk, because I feel then I'd need a shower and hair straightening, etc. Right now, I shower at night and just do the chi straightening in the morning (frizzy hair due to FL humidity, don't you know!), along with the regular morning routine (get two kids off to school, scoop the kitty litter, feed cats, etc). I know, choices, decisions, etc...less sleep and healthier life or the precious few minutes of more sleep!

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I like your idea of walking first thing in the morning!! I have lost 50 lbs. on Akins without exercise, but know I need it. I have way more cellulite than people who weigh less than me and I think it's probably due to lack of exercise! I live in central FL, so walking first thing in the morning would certainly be the most comfortable and least humid time of day. I'm also a "morning" person, but because I start work at 7:30 am, I am typically up at 5:45 am and just haven't had the inclination to wake up earlier to walk, because I feel then I'd need a shower and hair straightening, etc. Right now, I shower at night and just do the chi straightening in the morning (frizzy hair due to FL humidity, don't you know!), along with the regular morning routine (get two kids off to school, scoop the kitty litter, feed cats, etc). I know, choices, decisions, etc...less sleep and healthier life or the precious few minutes of more sleep!


I've often thought about morning exercise and once or twice I tried it, but I hate waking up in the morning. Staying up is easier for me (though I prefer my 8 hours of sleep). If I don't sit down in the evening, I tend to keep the energy going and have more motivation to do stuff than in the morning. I was working out for a while during my lunch for 30 and then going after work for another 30, but its hard to do that and come back in to work and not feel gross and smelly.


I just need to increase my exercise, which is priority number one......I think I'll worry about the other stuff later. First I must survive a full 60 mins workout.

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I live in SE Florida and it's so brutally hot by 8am sometimes..and even at night when the sun goes down..but you do what you got to do.


I hate getting up early to exercise..I truly do..I get up at 5 usually..I work in a demanding field and work long hours...but you know, after I got used to it I had more energy at the end of the day when everyone else is dragging...but the good thing is I feel like I accomplished something by getting it done first. And the 2 hours of prep work on a weekend to plan food is worth it but it does take a bit of elbow grease.


I hate healthy eating..I grew up eating the way you are supposed to..I had my years with junk..but now I can't eat it without puking it up ..none of the stuff I used to like tastes good to me in terms of the junk.


For me (and only speaking for myself) I decided that I just couldnt make the excuses as they would always be there and had to face the cold hard painful truth that I was just going to have to quit the whining and do it. It was nobody elses fault but my own that I ended up being the way I was. I couldnt blame others, the fast food industry, and I had to learn to be ok with people close to me being "offended" if I didn't eat what they tried to push on me. I figured people who really cared would be supportive and I had to stop pleasing people as it was my health and not theres. I'm glad I did make the choices I did..although ahrd....I only had about 30 lbs to lose but to me that might as well have been 100.


I like your idea of walking first thing in the morning!! I have lost 50 lbs. on Akins without exercise, but know I need it. I have way more cellulite than people who weigh less than me and I think it's probably due to lack of exercise! I live in central FL, so walking first thing in the morning would certainly be the most comfortable and least humid time of day. I'm also a "morning" person, but because I start work at 7:30 am, I am typically up at 5:45 am and just haven't had the inclination to wake up earlier to walk, because I feel then I'd need a shower and hair straightening, etc. Right now, I shower at night and just do the chi straightening in the morning (frizzy hair due to FL humidity, don't you know!), along with the regular morning routine (get two kids off to school, scoop the kitty litter, feed cats, etc). I know, choices, decisions, etc...less sleep and healthier life or the precious few minutes of more sleep!
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One thing that has helped me to not be bored while working out is the investing in my nook (a kindle would work too). I read while on the bike and elliptical and it goes by so fast. They have come down a lot in price. The nook is nice because I don't have to hold the pages open! Silly, I know. But it makes it so easy. Sometimes I read magazines too. Self is a good one for me, because it's really positive and talks about being healthy. The nook is also great because I can even get library books on it for free. If I don't feel like working out, I tell myself I wil l just do an easy 30 minutes on the bike, and before I know it, I'm done.


We went away last weekend and I feel like all I did was eat and drink. :(I So this week is a fresh start, I'm tracking food again. Got a lot of fresh veg at the grocery store last night.

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Sat. 316.2

Sun. 315.4

Mon. 315

Tues. 316.2

Wed. 316.8

Thurs. 315.8


Well, at least the numbers are going down from last week. Maybe I'll see more results from the increase in exercise next week. At 315 being my lowest this week, then I have hit 15lbs again, so now..........only 20lbs to go in 6months............feels like last year again. I really wanna do it this time and not just by the seat of my pants, though I will take what I get.


BK: Oatmeal


L: Lean hamburger patty, 2 fruit cups (maybe 1/2 of scrambled egg I had from last night for more protein.)


D: Turkey cutlet seared, baked potato wedges.


S: Cheese stick, tomato slices, cup of milk (night)


W: 45-50 on ellpt.


Well, last night I decided to go home and get on the bike. Sometimes you just want to go home and I knew I HAD to exercise. I kept pushing the slacking out of my head. I find if I think too much about exercising I actually have more of a chance to talk myself out of it, however, if I just don't think about it........its like routine. Anyway, I was determined to pull through on the hour exercise. I'm very happy to report, and even though the last 10 mins were killer and my butt was so numb, I made it 60 mins. on the recumbt. bike. I almost got a leg cramp once and my upper thigh was sore a bit, but it happened. I did have to stand up for about a min. at 30 mins b/c too many things were numb, but I hardly count that against myself.


I would like to say I will spend an hour on the ellpt. but it takes a lot more out of me than the bike b/c all my weight in pushing down with gravity, lol and let's face it, it gives a better cardio (the closes thing to running I have right now or maybe ever). So, I'm gonna try for 45 mins. and if I feel okay, I'll go for 50. Eventually, I figure I will break things up more by doing the ellpt. for 30 and the bike for 30 or the bike for 40 and ellpt. for 20 or maybe 20-20-20 somehow..........anyway.......keep it interesting and my body guessing. Once they bring out the hand weights again (they have locked them away for some reason) I will try that too. And again........if the pool opens.............


Now, if I can keep my eating reasonable and increase my exercise I should see a little more in weight loss............hopefully.


As you can see, I'm still using principals of low carb eating. I think there is a very valid point to it and I enjoy protein and I'm learning to like new veggies and finding yummier ways to eat them.


Good Choices.

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Hello All!


Hope everyone is having a successful week. I am SOOOO glad tomorrow is Friday! I need a few days off! LOL


Things have been going really well for me and I have been seeing some good weightloss numbers on the scale, but last night I was derailed. UGH.


We had a busy evening with the kids after work - figure skating practice, baseball practice and a hockey game. After the game, the family wanted to go have an ice cream at Dairy Queen. I was fine with that as I usually don't have a problem sitting and watching them eat theirs! LOL Plus, I had alotted enough calories to swing by and grab a vanilla cone from McDonald's. So that is what I did.....I ran and got a vanilla cone and then headed home. Well ~ I ate the cone, THEN ate the leftover half of my "pizza quesidilla" creation from dinner, THEN ate a serving of baked tostitos scoops and THEN topped it off with FOUR chunky chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk. I felt SOOO sick afterwards.


Why do I do that to myself??! All the while I am "binging", I tell myself that its okay because it doesn't happen very often and I have been so good and I deserve it and yadda yadda ya. And then the moment I swallow the last bite -- I am LIVID at myself! Plays out the exact same way every time and has my whole life. I am still a bit mad at myself today. It's not that I am mad at myself for the food (it really only put me about 500 calories over my range for the day and I know its not the end of the world). I get mad at myself for the behavior and lack of self control.


Oh well, back on track today. Still working towards my 60 pound goal that I was hoping to hit by 5/24/12 (my one year "new life" anniversary). I was up .7 pounds on the scale this morning (thank you binge!) so I am 6.5 pounds from my goal. 6.5 pounds is a lot to lose in two weeks, but I am trying! Once I hit the big 6-0 I will set a new goal! Happy Thursday everyone!



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Wow, Brooke an hour on the bike is great. And the ellipt machine...good for you. I HATE that thing and have only been able to manage a few minutes on it! Our stationary bike is sitting unused in our guest room...I really need to get on that thing!! That is my goal for the summer...to at least get on the bike if I don't get the walking done (due to the heat).


McFam5, you can't beat yourself up for one binge. The important thing is that you get right back into the program today. It sounds like you really have the motivation to lose, so you will be fine!


I had a great "dessert" tonight...about 1/2 cup of ricotta cheese sweetened with splenda, heated in the microwave for 45 seconds topped with Emerald cinnamon roasted almonds (you can also use the chocolate roasted almonds if you prefer). It's low carb and satisfies the need for something sweet after dinner.


Tomorrow is Friday...yay!

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Ouch. But at least you got back on track.


I kinda disagree with saying "that's ok, I don't do it that often". Well, in the big picture it really isn't okay..saying it's ok justifies you doing it. (my behavior medicine side kicking in again, sorry!). I think the next time before you do it you have to tell yourself "this isn't ok, these are the things that got me heavy, I got sick last time, I got angry etc.).


I do these stupid mind tricks all the time and they really do help. I wanted to "binge" on pizza..it looked so good..I ate one piece which is all I really needed and was full after one..but what to do with the rest of it? I kept telling myself I had already worked out for a good solid hour but then I thought I didn't want to "undo" my exercise calories I'd burned because then the exercise was a waste of time. Then my newest trick: "If this were a bowl of fruit, would I eat it because I am THAT hungry?". Well, honestly the answer was no, if it were a bowl of fruit I wouldn't eat it though I love fruit. So I portioned out the rest of the slices and wrapped them up to freeze them individually for other "treat" times.


For me, I try to remember how awful I felt after I binged the next time before I binge. And that corny trick about the fruit bowl really does work!


Onward we all go!:)


Hello All!


Hope everyone is having a successful week. I am SOOOO glad tomorrow is Friday! I need a few days off! LOL


Things have been going really well for me and I have been seeing some good weightloss numbers on the scale, but last night I was derailed. UGH.


We had a busy evening with the kids after work - figure skating practice, baseball practice and a hockey game. After the game, the family wanted to go have an ice cream at Dairy Queen. I was fine with that as I usually don't have a problem sitting and watching them eat theirs! LOL Plus, I had alotted enough calories to swing by and grab a vanilla cone from McDonald's. So that is what I did.....I ran and got a vanilla cone and then headed home. Well ~ I ate the cone, THEN ate the leftover half of my "pizza quesidilla" creation from dinner, THEN ate a serving of baked tostitos scoops and THEN topped it off with FOUR chunky chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk. I felt SOOO sick afterwards.


Why do I do that to myself??! All the while I am "binging", I tell myself that its okay because it doesn't happen very often and I have been so good and I deserve it and yadda yadda ya. And then the moment I swallow the last bite -- I am LIVID at myself! Plays out the exact same way every time and has my whole life. I am still a bit mad at myself today. It's not that I am mad at myself for the food (it really only put me about 500 calories over my range for the day and I know its not the end of the world). I get mad at myself for the behavior and lack of self control.


Oh well, back on track today. Still working towards my 60 pound goal that I was hoping to hit by 5/24/12 (my one year "new life" anniversary). I was up .7 pounds on the scale this morning (thank you binge!) so I am 6.5 pounds from my goal. 6.5 pounds is a lot to lose in two weeks, but I am trying! Once I hit the big 6-0 I will set a new goal! Happy Thursday everyone!



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Hello All!


Hope everyone is having a successful week. I am SOOOO glad tomorrow is Friday! I need a few days off! LOL


Things have been going really well for me and I have been seeing some good weightloss numbers on the scale, but last night I was derailed. UGH.


We had a busy evening with the kids after work - figure skating practice, baseball practice and a hockey game. After the game, the family wanted to go have an ice cream at Dairy Queen. I was fine with that as I usually don't have a problem sitting and watching them eat theirs! LOL Plus, I had alotted enough calories to swing by and grab a vanilla cone from McDonald's. So that is what I did.....I ran and got a vanilla cone and then headed home. Well ~ I ate the cone, THEN ate the leftover half of my "pizza quesidilla" creation from dinner, THEN ate a serving of baked tostitos scoops and THEN topped it off with FOUR chunky chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk. I felt SOOO sick afterwards.


Why do I do that to myself??! All the while I am "binging", I tell myself that its okay because it doesn't happen very often and I have been so good and I deserve it and yadda yadda ya. And then the moment I swallow the last bite -- I am LIVID at myself! Plays out the exact same way every time and has my whole life. I am still a bit mad at myself today. It's not that I am mad at myself for the food (it really only put me about 500 calories over my range for the day and I know its not the end of the world). I get mad at myself for the behavior and lack of self control.


Oh well, back on track today. Still working towards my 60 pound goal that I was hoping to hit by 5/24/12 (my one year "new life" anniversary). I was up .7 pounds on the scale this morning (thank you binge!) so I am 6.5 pounds from my goal. 6.5 pounds is a lot to lose in two weeks, but I am trying! Once I hit the big 6-0 I will set a new goal! Happy Thursday everyone!




Self sabotage is the worse, but we have all been there, so we all know how it works. Don't feel guilty, just take a deep breath and say, "Next time, I WILL make better choices." And that's all you can really do b/c you can't undo it.


6.5lbs! I know when you are that close to your goal it probably seems like 6.5lbs is more like 65lbs............but you are really close and you should def. remember how far you have come.

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Ouch. But at least you got back on track.


I kinda disagree with saying "that's ok, I don't do it that often". Well, in the big picture it really isn't okay..saying it's ok justifies you doing it. (my behavior medicine side kicking in again, sorry!). I think the next time before you do it you have to tell yourself "this isn't ok, these are the things that got me heavy, I got sick last time, I got angry etc.).


I do these stupid mind tricks all the time and they really do help. I wanted to "binge" on pizza..it looked so good..I ate one piece which is all I really needed and was full after one..but what to do with the rest of it? I kept telling myself I had already worked out for a good solid hour but then I thought I didn't want to "undo" my exercise calories I'd burned because then the exercise was a waste of time. Then my newest trick: "If this were a bowl of fruit, would I eat it because I am THAT hungry?". Well, honestly the answer was no, if it were a bowl of fruit I wouldn't eat it though I love fruit. So I portioned out the rest of the slices and wrapped them up to freeze them individually for other "treat" times.


For me, I try to remember how awful I felt after I binged the next time before I binge. And that corny trick about the fruit bowl really does work!


Onward we all go!:)


I'm not quite in you camp of thinking yet, but you have been working on me for a while :). However, I did halfway use your train of thought in context with my own, so I guess I'm halfway there, lol.


Last night I was able to endure the ellpt. for 60 mins and burned (according to the machine) 700 calories. When I went home I had dinner and then I wanted something sweet and had the points to do it, so I looked around for something.


Ice cream-eh wasn't feeling it

Yogurt-Wasn't what I wanted

Little debbie cake chocolate thing-hmmm?

The Hershey chocolate pie that dad got mom to buy-Hmmm?


So, the best thing to do was to check the nutrition.


Little debbie cake-170 calories

1/6 Hershey pie slice-650!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I stopped and thought, "I just burned 700 calories on that ellpt. and it was a lot of work (which my back is still aching this morning) and with one fleeting moment, for something that will make me happy for the mmm 10 mins it will take to eat it, I want to undo that workout that was so hard for me to do and I was so proud I did?


170 calorie little debbie it was.


Now, I know you probably would have forwent both, but I used your thought process and then my "Good Choices" mantra to make the decision.


So, I consider it a win:D.

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Sat. 316.2

Sun. 315.4

Mon. 315

Tues. 316.2

Wed. 316.8

Thurs. 315.8

Fri. 316.2


Well, FINALLY back to 15lbs total............now to start working on the other 20lbs I need to lose to meet my goal.


BK: Oatmeal


L: I will have to go get something today b/c I just didn't plan ahead.


D: Mom and might eat out since we are going to see a movie. I might prefer Applebees b/c they have the WW menu and the Under 550 menu too.


W: I might not get one in if mom and I plan on going to grab something to eat and then get to the movie............I did bring clothes just in case though.


S: I brought fruit cup, yogurt, carb bar


If you didn't read above...........I did make it the full 60 mins on the ellpt. last night. It was hard, but not too hard. I started with 45 mins on the timer, I did keep it at level 1 and I stayed at around a 4.0 speed to help me go the distance. At 43 mins. I bumped it up to 50........I felt okay so at 53 mins. I bumped it up. I felt my back swelling and my right leg was aching (I'm right handed so I depend on that leg more I guess, so I tend to lean that way, which is also why my SI joint has issues b/c that is the side it pops out on) but I kept going and made it. I felt accomplished.


Good Choices.

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Well, that's a great win! :)


Almost every nutritionist or physician I've had to work with will push the idea of the "thinking" part. A lot of the battle is in the mind. They say this is the best thing to really adapting a healthy lifestyle is how you approach food and learning how to "see" it as eating to live, not living to eat.


If those are the tricks that work for you, then I say rock on! For me that bowl of fruit visioinary is the thing as silly as it is. I love fruit but if I'm not willing to eat a bowl of it instead of a cake or cookie, then I am not really hungry. I had read that if you are REALLY are hungry you would eat the bowl of fruit, other than that it's just eating for the wrong reason. Works for me.


Your right..I would have forgone both..LOL..but only because I am not a chocolate eater. If I am going to eat a dessert, I will literally drive to the Bakery and buy just one really, really, fine treat and enjoy it or there HAVE been times when I would literally bake an entire cake from scratch, eat one piece and give the rest to a neighbor (they love it when I'm in that kind of mood!)


I figure if I'm going to have a treat, I want it to be worth my time and calories...Little Debbie of Hershey Pie I can get any day the rest of my life.





I'm not quite in you camp of thinking yet, but you have been working on me for a while :). However, I did halfway use your train of thought in context with my own, so I guess I'm halfway there, lol.


Last night I was able to endure the ellpt. for 60 mins and burned (according to the machine) 700 calories. When I went home I had dinner and then I wanted something sweet and had the points to do it, so I looked around for something.


Ice cream-eh wasn't feeling it

Yogurt-Wasn't what I wanted

Little debbie cake chocolate thing-hmmm?

The Hershey chocolate pie that dad got mom to buy-Hmmm?


So, the best thing to do was to check the nutrition.


Little debbie cake-170 calories

1/6 Hershey pie slice-650!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I stopped and thought, "I just burned 700 calories on that ellpt. and it was a lot of work (which my back is still aching this morning) and with one fleeting moment, for something that will make me happy for the mmm 10 mins it will take to eat it, I want to undo that workout that was so hard for me to do and I was so proud I did?


170 calorie little debbie it was.


Now, I know you probably would have forwent both, but I used your thought process and then my "Good Choices" mantra to make the decision.


So, I consider it a win:D.

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:)Busy week for me, glad to read everyone is doing okay. It is just starting to be warm and sunny here so there is lots of yard work and winter clean up for us.I bought some of those cocoa almonds and the cinnamon ones they are a great after dinner snack on occasion. :) Brooke I was hoping to see you under the 315 when I checked in today sounds like your starting to get more motivation so hopefully by the end of next week. Have a great and healthy weekend everyone.

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