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As I previously posted, I tried the low carb thing. I found I do much better by upping the exercise to 60-65 minutes a day and stick to my no fried food/no junk food/no soda/everything else in moderation plan.


In one week, I lost 2 lbs doing low carb, plus exercising 30-35 mins a day. In one week of following the above theory I lost 6 lbs in a week.


Mother nature came visiting last week, and I am always good for a 3-5 lb gain, so I avoid the scale at all costs!!!!!!!! But, I am still getting up in the morning to exercise before work/school and exercising again at night. I will weigh in a few days and report back.


You are right, though Brooke, if you are exercising, but not following your plan, it won't work. You will more than likely maintain, but a loss may not happen. Another thing to consider...if you are sticking to the food that you outline here, is it enough food?


I know what you mean. I was doing 1lb a week without the low carb and now I'm just sitting here. Its perplexing. Although WW encourages a low carb diet.

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I read an article last night about a couple of snack items that I'm going to try.


Better'n Peanut Butter is sold at Trader Joe's and can also be purchased online. It's only one point per serving if you're doing weight watcher's. It's supposed to taste really good, and comes in different flavors. A serving (two tablespoons) of the regular flavor has 100 calories, 2 grams of fat, 190 grams of sodium, 2 grams of sugar, 4 grams of protein, and 13 grams of carbs. The website has lots of yummy recipes. http://www.betternpeanutbutter.com

Yonanas is a cool appliance that turns frozen fruit into ice cream-style soft serve. http://www.yonanas.com/


I'll report back after I try them or maybe someone else who has tried them will share their experience(s).


Good choices! icon7.gif


Interesting..........will have to look at it.

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sat. 317

sun. 315.8

mon. 318

Tues. 317.2


Well, at least its going back down. I'm trying.


BK: Flax muffin


S: Skinny Vanilla latte


L: Fajitas deer meat w/ onions (no extra oil), brought some spinach leaves and a tomato to mix in too.


S: Cheese stick


D: I think I will just have the rest of the fajitas, but make a spinach salad this time.


W: 40 mins. on the bike.


I got in my 40 mins. on the ellpt. I had to stop in the middle for a bathroom break though, but it really helped me push through the last 20 mins. at a good speed instead of slowing down. Just about 1.5min. break. Got home and I cooked the turkey cutlet with just some seasoning salt, oregano, pepper and I had fixed an egg for my dad before so I just used what oil was left in the pan after to pan sear it. I steamed my asparagus w/ butter and lemon pepper.


I had 1/2 cup of ice cream that was left in my 1/2 gallon I had bought at the beginning of the week so that was out of my life. I had some crackers w/ butter and then 1 pop tart. Its the post snacking that gets me. Not to mention most of this stuff my parents buy. I try to stay out of the kitchen, but when I had to cook and then I came back and cooked the fajitas for today..........stuff is just laying everywhere and apparently my self control stinks. Doesn't matter today........b/c its all new.


Good Choices.

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This is probably a stupid question, but how do you steam asparagus? Is it in the microwave? I usually boil it or roast in the oven, but would like to try steaming.


It's hard to stop the after dinner snacking. Maybe try keeping sugar free jello around for a "healthy" snack! Ricotta cheese with a little bit of splenda and cinnamon warmed in the microwave is also a good one!


Keep up the good work!

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How I do it is with a steamer basket held in water for a few minutes. I cut the tips and also chop up the stems, except for about 1 inch of them.


Asparagus is a great supefood because it has a high water content so it's great for healthy eating.


I did read somewhere once if you have a problem with "snacking" in the evening it may be that you are not eating enough during the day, if indeed you are truly hungry.


A great "tip" I read in a magazine this weekend to determine if you are "hungry" or not..ask yourself "If this were a gigantic bowl of fruit would I eat it?" If you answer honestly "no", then you are not really hungry and maybe bored or something else. I thought that was a great idea!


This is probably a stupid question, but how do you steam asparagus? Is it in the microwave? I usually boil it or roast in the oven, but would like to try steaming.


It's hard to stop the after dinner snacking. Maybe try keeping sugar free jello around for a "healthy" snack! Ricotta cheese with a little bit of splenda and cinnamon warmed in the microwave is also a good one!


Keep up the good work!

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This is probably a stupid question, but how do you steam asparagus? Is it in the microwave? I usually boil it or roast in the oven, but would like to try steaming.


It's hard to stop the after dinner snacking. Maybe try keeping sugar free jello around for a "healthy" snack! Ricotta cheese with a little bit of splenda and cinnamon warmed in the microwave is also a good one!


Keep up the good work!


LOL, you will love how my lazy cooking trends continue. I buy those Ziplock Steamer bags. It has most veggies and how much and how long to put them in the microwave for on the each bag. I pop the sauces and seasoning in there with it and then just dump it out on the plate.


I have some ricotta. I thought about mixing it with the fajitas today, but decided not to.

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I will look for the zip-lock steam bags...thanks.


I never thought of putting ricotta with fajitas! I used to mix ricotta with cooked ground beef, low carb red pasta sauce, and mozzarella for a "no noodle" lasagna. Haven't made it in a while, as I can't find a red sauce low enough in carbs. I guess I will have to order one online.


My lunch today is mozzarella on a plate with some pepperoni, microwaved to melt the cheese and crisp the outside of the pepperoni! Very easy and a good substitute for pizza. I'm all for lazy cooking!!

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I know Brooke has posted some photos, so here goes:


Here is me, almost 250 lbs. about a year ago, with my DD:




Here I am now, about 50 lbs. lighter, also with DD. Still have another 50 lbs to go, but it's a start:




Whether you go low carb, low fat, WW, or a combination of the above, it is definitely worth it to get the weight off. These photos motivate me to stay strong. I miss having a cocktail more than I miss chocolate, lol!! I will have a glass of wine occasionally, but definitely no more sugary cocktails.


Best of luck to all on the weight loss journey! So glad we can share our experiences here!!

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I know Brooke has posted some photos, so here goes:


Here is me, almost 250 lbs. about a year ago, with my DD:




Here I am now, about 50 lbs. lighter, also with DD. Still have another 50 lbs to go, but it's a start:




Whether you go low carb, low fat, WW, or a combination of the above, it is definitely worth it to get the weight off. These photos motivate me to stay strong. I miss having a cocktail more than I miss chocolate, lol!! I will have a glass of wine occasionally, but definitely no more sugary cocktails.


Best of luck to all on the weight loss journey! So glad we can share our experiences here!!

Wow you are doing a great job on your weight loss, sounds like you have learned how to make it work for you and your committed to it. You and your daughter are lovely, thanks for sharing. :)

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:) Brooke, sounds like you know what your challenges are, glad to see the scale going back down. What about buying a dress or outfit to wear on your beach trip and buy it small so you have a goal, I bought a dress in March and tried it on every week and Saturday when I put it on it fit, I danced around the house like I won the lottery, my family thought I lost my mind.:)

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I know Brooke has posted some photos, so here goes:


Here is me, almost 250 lbs. about a year ago, with my DD:




Here I am now, about 50 lbs. lighter, also with DD. Still have another 50 lbs to go, but it's a start:




Whether you go low carb, low fat, WW, or a combination of the above, it is definitely worth it to get the weight off. These photos motivate me to stay strong. I miss having a cocktail more than I miss chocolate, lol!! I will have a glass of wine occasionally, but definitely no more sugary cocktails.


Best of luck to all on the weight loss journey! So glad we can share our experiences here!!



Well I think you are pretty in both pictures and have a very lovely daughter too. I think weight loss just enhances your natural beauty and I'm sure it makes you feel better all over.


I can't wait to see 50lbs off on the scale!

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:) Brooke, sounds like you know what your challenges are, glad to see the scale going back down. What about buying a dress or outfit to wear on your beach trip and buy it small so you have a goal, I bought a dress in March and tried it on every week and Saturday when I put it on it fit, I danced around the house like I won the lottery, my family thought I lost my mind.:)


I kinda have a bathing suit I want to at least make look at little better, so I will use that. Plus I've said I can't buy another formal dress for the cruise until I've met my goal so...........you know how hard not buying clothes is for me.:D

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sat. 317

sun. 315.8

mon. 318

Tues. 317.2

Wed. 317.2


Hmmmm, come on scale.............go back down. I just have to let it go until I reset from all the "extras" I've been doing.


BK: 1/2 c Oatmeal, 2% milk, 2 tsp of sugar


S: Cheese stick


L: Trying the melted mozzarella cheese with pepperoni that was suggested.


S: Carb bar (it supposed to be low in bad carbs, but give you a boost, which I need in the afternoon before my workout)


D: I had breakfast last night, so I guess I'll heat up the fajitas and use a low carb wrap.


W: 30 mins on the ellpt. My lower back on the right hand side is really swollen and annoyed this morning. Unless the Ibprofen. works a little better I think it is wise just to take it back a notch today.


My friend gave me some laxative tea she uses on a Dr. program she does that is like no carbs and no sugar. It works much like the tea I had used before but like $8 a box instead of like $59 a box. Needless to say.........that sounds some much better.


I'm also reconsidering the vitamens I'm on. Now, I haven't had any problems being on them and I guess its been so long I can't tell the difference in how I feel anymore. But at $100 for a month supply..........I'm wondering if just plain vitas will do the trick. I guess I'm all about trying to save some money right now.


Well, gotta get started on another work day.


Good Choices.

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Wow you are doing a great job on your weight loss, sounds like you have learned how to make it work for you and your committed to it. You and your daughter are lovely, thanks for sharing. :)


Thanks so much. Sometimes I really need the visual cue to stay on track!


Well I think you are pretty in both pictures and have a very lovely daughter too. I think weight loss just enhances your natural beauty and I'm sure it makes you feel better all over.



That's so sweet, thanks! Yes, I do feel a lot better with the weight loss and more importantly, have cut down the blood pressure pills to half the dosage of before. So, it's not just vanity, but health benefits too!!


Let us know how you like the cheese and pepperoni! I enjoy it, so hope you will too!


As for the expensive vitamins, I'd definitely try a cheaper version. I just go to Walmart and get the Spring Valley or Nature Made brand. I'd think vitamins are like generic medicine...if it's 50 mg of Vitamin C, does it matter if it's GNC brand or Spring Valley?


Hope your back is feeling better!!


I'm boiling a big pot of boneless, skinless chicken breasts today. I will make chicken salad (adding mayo and celery and splenda) with some, a chicken pot pie for the family with some, and save 1-2 to put an Indian stir fry sauce on for my son. I find one of the most important things with the diet is to always have "safe" food on hand that I can eat when in a hurry. I keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge and try to keep chicken salad on hand for quick meals. That way, I am much less tempted to grab something high in carbs just because it's easy.


Last night's dinner was hamburger patties with pepper jack cheese. I like spicy foods, and the pepper jack cheese kept it from being just a boring old hamburger!!


Good luck to everyone!

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sat. 317

sun. 315.8

mon. 318

Tues. 317.2

Wed. 317.2

Thurs. 317.2


Well, it seems to be a trend............:rolleyes:


BK: Flax muffin, skinny latte (I've been only trying to do carbs (complex) in the morning.


L: 3 boiled eggs, 3 pieces of bacon, spinach/parm/oil salad (I'm not putting the egg and bacon on the salad, they are separate. I haven't gotten into putting egg on salad yet.) But I thought I needed a veggie, so I brought the spinach for a quick fix.


S: Carb bar


D: I'm gonna wait and see if we go over to see the boys tonight..........to plan this.


W: 40 mins. on the ellpt.


I didn't do the gym last night. I was hurting too much. I figured I needed one day for my body to try and repair itself. Afterall, I have been pushing it a little harder. I should be good to go today and I know have some new workout capris too! I Thought that was a good reward for making 40 mins a priority.


I wanted to eat out soooooooo bad last night. All the way home it was.......fries........no what if I just got a chicken sandwich...........just one hamburger...........fries.........fries............fries...........


I appealed to my $ side, saying it was silly to spend money when I had stuff at home. I also appealed to my lazy side of not wanting to get off my route home and having to either go in the store or wait in a drive thru. I held fast and made it home.


I decided to fix a baked potato. I hadn't had a potato in a long time and I thought maybe if I had that, then the fry craving would go away (better choices and all). I had some corn and then Grilled herb shrimp. Was def. full. I had some cheerios for dessert and I was good to go.


I think I will need to get some yogurt or something else in my system, def. need to drink a little bit more water with increased protein.


BTW, the pepperoni and cheese was pretty good. Thanks.


Good Choices.

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Glad you liked the pepperoni and cheese!


Another low carb snack I like are the tabasco flavored slim jims. I know they are probably not that healthy in the long run, but if I'm working and want a snack, it's very low carb.


Yesterday I ate way too late at night...my son had SAT tutoring and we got home late and I ate at 8 pm. It was only chicken salad, so was low carb, but I did not feel good eating that late at night. I have been trying not to eat much past 7 pm at the absolute latest.


Hope the back is feeling better.

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sat. 317

sun. 315.8

mon. 318

Tues. 317.2

Wed. 317.2

Thurs. 317.2

Fri. 316.6


Good sign


BK: oatmeal.....1/3 cup skinny latte (leftover from the day before)


S: few pepperonies/ cheese slice


L: What I was going to eat yesterday......I'll explain below


D: idk


W: maybe


Ugh, yesterday was horrible and today is still bleh. I missed a grant deadline..........one I've been looking for........for over a year now. I had caldender reminders set up every month to check the site. Yea, the dates were the 23rd-23rd one month. My reminders were on the 30th of each month!!! I felt so sick..........I ate my carb bar, a soda and a rice crispy............then I had to tell my boss...........it went okay.............but she has to tell our President....................who has been on us about this for a year..............who I told..........."I got it."


So I ate a angus burger and fries and cerel for dinner.


I did 35 on the bike.


Prayed about it and finally fell asleep.


Woke up feeling somewhat better.


Got to work and got an email from the Presd. asst. asking about the grant..............my boss says she will handle it..........by the end of the day..........she seems okay...........but...................I'm just waiting for the shoe to get thrown at my head. B/c it all boils down to no "ifs ands or buts" my fault. Though I was given wrong information by the agency when I called about application opening times.


I guess life will go on and I hope I will keep my job. In this time........you just can't assume anything.


At any rate..........My booty has been nose to the grindstone all morning and will be the rest of the day trying to come up with a better way to deal with so many deadlines.


Good Choices.

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So sorry to hear of your trouble at work. But, you can't change the past and you can only go forward! I worked at a university for 10 years doing grant applications (and managing the grants when they were received). It is tedious work at best!


Hope you have a better weekend!


BTW, I found the steamed veggies in the frozen food aisle...I don't buy a lot of frozen veggies so had never seen them before, but I got a bag for the chicken pot pie I made for the family (off limits to me!) and boy, you can't beat the convenience!

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Is that what the online system is telling you? I thought points adjusted down in 10 lb increments, so at 310. That's how it worked on the old plan...not sure now since I'm already at the lowest points. However, I'm wondering if you're eating enough. Based on what you post, I don't know how you hit your points. I feel like I eat more than you (I flex up to 29 and eat 4-5 weeklies each day. I average 2 lbs a week when I'm losing. I work out 13 hours a week, so I need the extra fuel).


My next cruise is in 2 weeks and I want 5 more lbs. Low carb doesn't seem to be working any more. I'm trying paleo, which is still lower carb. I can eat any meat, fruit, veggie, nut (no peanuts), seeds. No dairy though. For calcium, I'm eating oranges and spinach, plus I discovered Whole Foods unsweetened almond milk. Delicious! I'm about to prep a roast to put in the crock pot. Have a great Sunday!

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:) Lucky Chigirl only a few more days and you will be on your cruise, hope the last 5 pounds come off before you leave. Brooke your still losing I am glad to see that. Sorry about your work delima I really hate it when I get stressed about work it does tend to drive up the calories. :eek: it is so hard not to think about it. Good Luck this week. Remember to eat enough during the day so your not hungry and eat extra at night. :)

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Is that what the online system is telling you? I thought points adjusted down in 10 lb increments, so at 310. That's how it worked on the old plan...not sure now since I'm already at the lowest points. However, I'm wondering if you're eating enough. Based on what you post, I don't know how you hit your points. I feel like I eat more than you (I flex up to 29 and eat 4-5 weeklies each day. I average 2 lbs a week when I'm losing. I work out 13 hours a week, so I need the extra fuel).


My next cruise is in 2 weeks and I want 5 more lbs. Low carb doesn't seem to be working any more. I'm trying paleo, which is still lower carb. I can eat any meat, fruit, veggie, nut (no peanuts), seeds. No dairy though. For calcium, I'm eating oranges and spinach, plus I discovered Whole Foods unsweetened almond milk. Delicious! I'm about to prep a roast to put in the crock pot. Have a great Sunday!


I eat more than what I post most of the time. I tend to snack at night, which is something I don't usually report here b/c its after the fact. I eat into my weekly points mainly on the weekends.


When I started the new WW, I found that their "new" points for me actually made me maintain my weight and not lose. When I lowered my daily points manually, I started losing again. So, I've been doing about 2points lower than what they put for me since. It had been working at about 1lb a week until I started trying low carb and since then......I've just maintained again. Although I fully admit my eating habits have been not so nice.


I think I will just discuss this with my Dr. on Monday and see. I don't mind the lower carb, if I can have things here and there or maybe just one thing a day.



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Good Morning, Ladies!


Is it okay for me to jump in on your long-standing thread? I hope so - I have gone back and read parts of your thread and you seem like a fun group!


I will tell you "my story" so as to introduce myself. :) My issues with weight have been around for quite some time, beginning when I was in my late elementary school years. From that age (of about 10) until I was about 21 - I stayed, what I would catagorize as, chunky. At 21 years old (weighing around 175ish), I married my husband (of nearly 16 years) and got pregnant with our first child. So began the downward spiral of my weight struggle. After 15 years and two kids later ~ I had packed on somewhere in the neighborhood of EIGHTY FIVE POUNDS! I still can't believe it! Over the years I made a few half-hearted attempts to lose weight and a few decent attempts. Nothing ever lasted more than 3 months and I would wind up right back where I had started or 10 pounds heavier.


Last spring we went on our eighth family cruise with two of our close friend families. When we got back from that wonderful trip and were looking at photos.......I was DEVASTATED. I think I had always been one of those people who don't FEEL as heavy as they LOOK or ARE. But, the photos from this trip were undeniable! My weight was OUT OF CONTROL.


I made the decision that it was time for me to change my life. I knew I had a long road ahead of me and promised myself that I would stick with it. So ~ on 5/24/11, I began my new life....weighing in at 260 pounds. Ugh. (I try to avoid calling it "my journey" because "journey" indicates to me something with a specific beginning and end. This change is FOREVER.)


Over the last eleven months, I have.....

- Totally changed the way I eat. I used to eat a lot of processed foods and now I eat 90% clean.

- Joined two gyms and actively use both memberships. One is for my regular workouts and one for fitness classes. I typically workout for one hour a day, five to six days per week.

- Convinced myself that I am worth the time and effort I am pouring in to myself.


As of today (after 11 months), I am down 50.1 pounds ~ weighing in at 209.9 pounds! Although I still have a long way to my long term goal - I am thrilled with my progress. The last year has been tough at times, but when I think about my improved health and well being it is totally worth it. I set small goals for myself along the weigh and sometimes try to really challenge myself with those goals. My current short-term goal is to be down in the 100's by my one year new life anniversary, which is 5/24/12. That means I want to be down to 199.9 pounds by then, which will require a loss of exactly 10 pounds in just shy of 4 weeks. I know that is a lofty goal when I am eleven months in to my weight loss ~ but, I know what I can accomplish when I put my mind to it.


SOOOO........here I am, looking for accountability and encouragement and willing to offer the same. I look forward to sharing with all of you. This is always easier with good company! :)

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Brooke, I think it's good you are going to consult with your dr. The dr. will probably have some good insight for you. When I was first diagnosed with high blood pressure (about 3 years ago), the dr gave me the "diabetic" diet to follow. It was essentially low carb, so I just decided to do Atkins when I decided to diet seriously (which was not until this past Aug, unfortunately!).


McFam5, sounds like you are on the right track! Congratulations on your weight loss! Good luck on your goal!! I had a similar experience to yours...I have also recently lost 50 lbs., but have about 50 more to go!! Sounds like you are doing great on the exercise! That is the one area I struggle with. I have a stationary bike at home, but don't use it and FL is so darn hot, that unless I walk at 6 am or after the sun is down, it's not happening!!


Best of luck to everyone on the weight loss journey, lifestyle, etc. Enjoy what's left of the weekend! We are off to see a play!

Edited by pcrum
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