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Cruising to Healthy


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I hear you. I think anytime you can get used to eating food made from scratch it's a whole lot healthier and taste better. The packaged stuff will make you sick after (at least it does for me). If you can shy away from using a crust with wheat or gluten, even better in terms of the carb load. I make it with a premade cornmeal crust sometimes.


Brooke, how's it going?


I have done homemade pizza it actually tastes better to me. I use usually chicken and low fat mozz cheese, I add spinach to my side and jeff like his meats so bacon and pepperoni to his side. I hate warm pepperoni XP
Edited by Gathina
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Well ladies I have to say at least I got a workout in last night. Made an apt. to see the chiro tomr. b/c my legs have been aching nonstop for about 2 weeks. I wonder if its a pinched nerve. My chiro also encourages me b/c he actually lost over 200lbs.

I did give in to a carving (PMS, is coming in and though its not an excuse it happens) I had low-fat baked tortilla with melted cheddar with salsa. Yep, put me over calories by 200. One step backwards means I have to take two steps forwards though.


My biggest problem yesterday was although I had the bag of steamed veggies with the cup of pasta and I started the morning off with fiber and protein Its like my body knows if I don't take in enough calories (according to how much it thinks I should consume). I consumed about 730 calories between BK/Lunch and a pickle for a snack. I got a nasty headache that even Excedrin wouldn't fix. I went home and I was so hungry. I did try and I didn't snack while preparing dinner. But I fixed something that was fast not really healthy. I had pre-cooked BBQ. Now I did stick to the serving size (250 for 5 oz!!!!!), then instead of using the 200 calorie buns I used double fiber wheat bread. I added a baked potato with a tbs of smart balance butter and 1/2 tbs of sour cream. Then mom made homemade birthday cake ice cream to test it (she is a 1st grade teacher) and so I didn't say no to that. So with the chips and ice cream I made bad decisions. I could have been 200 calories under 2000 if I had just been in touch.


So, now I start a new day with clumsiness. I had BK and lunch planned. Long and behold I go to the grocery to pick up one or two things I needed for lunch and I get back in the car and look at the seat and.........Yep, completely forgot BK and my sides for lunch.


So, I'm already running late....so I stop at the conv. store down by my work and grab a egg biscuit and some V8 juice. Lucky, its a "hometown" store and I know what kind of ingredidnets they use. Their biscuits are like pillsbury and I asked the guy how many eggs he used. So, I came out better than if I'd went to DQ. Lunch is going to be Heiners 35 calorie bread with turkey and the V8 juice. I've got two halves of corn on the cob for back up today in case the headache starts again.


Good news is that I weighed on my scale this morning and I was 344 exactly. The 345 weight from before is from my scale too. When I went to the Dr. a couple weeks ago they weighed me at 351. Their scale is probably more accurate, but I've been told consistenancy is key. So I will take this as a small victory.

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Yay! That's awesome Brooke! :D


The kind of pizza your talking about with chicken and spinach is my favorite! :p


I had my weigh in last night..only down 3 lbs but it's better then nothing..so I'll take it.


I did bump into a woman I went too the meetings with about a year ago and I didn't even reconize her (she had her surgery 8 mos ago)..so it was good to catch up with her and she encouraged me a lot.


My mother and I went to Cracker Barell after and although my dinner choice wasn't the best on the menu..I felt that at least I got grilled and not fried chicken. It was grilled chicken BLT..it was good. I quit soda so I only had water with lemon. I also had a few fig newtons throughout the day.


Now I'm back at work. This morning I have had a cheese stick and half an english muffin with a teaspoon of peanut butter. I am drinking coffee this morning but with Splenda. :)

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Good morning all,


Well, last night was a win for me. Okay, so if I hadn't have fell asleep at 8pm then I probably would have eaten more.


But seeing how I was completely exhausted and couldn't keep my eyes open.


Let me stop and explain the exhaustion: So, if you didn't know my job entails sitting most of the day except for I have to climb go up and down 3 flights of stairs for the water fountain and bathroom. Well, I'm in the attic and yesterday, even though we have AC, the temp was 80 degrees in my office. I don't know about you, but too much heat at once absolutely kills my will to stay awake. So, I fought all afternoon to finish my work and get to my car so I could feel some real AC. Hints when I got home, no central air, I went upstairs and turned on my AC, ate dinner, watched the news and before I could fall asleep in the recliner took myself upstairs and went to bed.


This brings me to the point that I only ate 1789 in calories yesterday! And this morning when I weighed I was still 344. I'm always skeptical that the slightness movement of the scale can cause wrong readings.


Seeing how I will be enjoying mother nature next week I hope to maintain and stay strong in my resolve.


This morning was banana, oatmeal, and glass of milk. Lunch will be the same as yesterday except for I remember the lettuce and tomato for the sandwiches and two pickles for the side.


Haven't planned dinner yet, maybe subway.

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You are making wonderful baby steps!!!


But the one thing I notice..you eat out a lot. Is it for convenience reasons?? Not even the "healthy things" on the menu are healthy sometimes. At the Cheesecake factory on Friday last week almost ALL the salads were over 500 calories..I noticed that because the menu said "Salads under 540 calories" and there were like 2. That meant the half dozen or so other salads on the menu were OVER 540. SAD.


the other thing about fast food...sodium..the body only requires 2000mg per day for physiological purposes..period. A can of soup has over 2000 for some brands. A grilled chicken sandwich might be healthy, but if it has 1000 or more mg, then why bother. Even healthy choice frozen meals, etc. have a ton of sodium.


I wouln't weigh myself every day..too stressful..it goes up, it goes down, etc. I'd stick to one day a week.


Good morning all,


Well, last night was a win for me. Okay, so if I hadn't have fell asleep at 8pm then I probably would have eaten more.


But seeing how I was completely exhausted and couldn't keep my eyes open.


Let me stop and explain the exhaustion: So, if you didn't know my job entails sitting most of the day except for I have to climb go up and down 3 flights of stairs for the water fountain and bathroom. Well, I'm in the attic and yesterday, even though we have AC, the temp was 80 degrees in my office. I don't know about you, but too much heat at once absolutely kills my will to stay awake. So, I fought all afternoon to finish my work and get to my car so I could feel some real AC. Hints when I got home, no central air, I went upstairs and turned on my AC, ate dinner, watched the news and before I could fall asleep in the recliner took myself upstairs and went to bed.


This brings me to the point that I only ate 1789 in calories yesterday! And this morning when I weighed I was still 344. I'm always skeptical that the slightness movement of the scale can cause wrong readings.


Seeing how I will be enjoying mother nature next week I hope to maintain and stay strong in my resolve.


This morning was banana, oatmeal, and glass of milk. Lunch will be the same as yesterday except for I remember the lettuce and tomato for the sandwiches and two pickles for the side.


Haven't planned dinner yet, maybe subway.

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Good Job Brooke!


I am probably going to Subway for lunch. :)


Last night was really good for me as well. I went with a friend after work to get Thai food. My meal basically consisted of broccoli, chicken and some garlic oh and they give you steamed rice on the side. It's soo yummy and a glass of water with lemon.


Later we took a really good up and down hill walk..took about an hour and I was breathing hard and sweating so I know I was doing something good. We then decided to go for a swim...in the lake! Bad Idea. It felt refreshing but it was waaay to cold. My hands looked like a dead person's for 2 hours after swimming. :eek: I think we will wait longer in the summer to do that again!


This morning for me has been 1 cheese stick, half an english muffin with a teaspoon of peanut butter and 1 cup of coffee with splenda.


For a snack later I will have no sugar added applesauce.


Good Luck today girls! ;)

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I usually only eat out once or twice a week. Last week was an rare b/c we went the weekend without going to the store, so I broke a few rules. This week will be better b/c I usually make my lunch and bring my bk. Dinner is always a toss up. I said subway b/c mom mentioned bringing it home this morning.


I weighed twice this week b/c I have been getting such mixed reviews on the scale. Now that I know it is consistent I can got back to once a week.


OOO, here's a question for you guys. My friend asked me yesterday (as we were talking about dieting) that if a salad was 500 calories and a burger was 500 calories wouldn't it still be better to eat the salad b/c it had veggies and ruffage verses the burger with mayo and cheese and grease?


I told her this morning that I was under my calorie range and she asked why i just didn't eat stuff to meet it? Of course I answered b/c I was sleeping, but I wonder if I was awake I probably would have eaten those calories. Is it right to eat the calories b/c they are there? I know on ww they tell you that you have to at least eat the min. of points you get so you have enough food for energy. Was I so tired from the heat or b/c I've cut my calories during the day down from about 900 to 700 (not snacking) if I'm not getting the energy I need to make it through the day?


Okay, that was like three questions in one.

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First of all I eat out a lot. Honestly. I hardly cook and my friend is living with her brother and they dont get along so a few times during the week we go out to dinner and I also eat out for lunch as well...mostly it's Subway though for lunch. You can pick what you get at Subway...you don't have to get cheese or mayo..the honey mustard is a better choice for example. Also they have little bags of apples or a yogurt you can get for a meal deal. So it works out great!

My friend is thin and extremely health concious. We go to the same places because we know what kind of food they serve. There can be hidden things in food but it doesn't take an einstein to figure out what's better for you. Even if it's not the healthiest meal..eat half then save the rest for another time. :)


To answer the 500 calorie question..I'm no expert but yes if the salad has LOTS of veggies then I would assume that is better but on the other hand meat has a lot of protein. However if I knew the salad or burger was 500 calories..I would probably go with the salad and eat only half.


I've never been to a place where you couldn't pick your own dressing though so I don't know what kind of salad would have 500 calories unless it had like bacon, ham and lots of extra stuff besides veggies. Also don't forget..you can specifically request to add things, change things...it shouldn't be a problem at most resturants.


Also as for the calories I wouldn't go under 1500 or 1000. I am bigger then you and my nutritionist said I should eat between 1500-2000. Also if you do go under for that 1 day..I don't think it will do any harm..as long as it's not everyday.


I wouldn't stress about it. Your doing good though! ;)

Edited by Jesscap5
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First of all I eat out a lot. Honestly. I hardly cook and my friend is living with her brother and they dont get along so a few times during the week we go out to dinner and I also eat out for lunch as well...mostly it's Subway though for lunch. You can pick what you get at Subway...you don't have to get cheese or mayo..the honey mustard is a better choice for example. Also they have little bags of apples or a yogurt you can get for a meal deal. So it works out great!

My friend is thin and extremely health conscious. We go to the same places because we know what kind of food they serve. There can be hidden things in food but it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out what's better for you. Even if it's not the healthiest meal..eat half then save the rest for another time. :)


To answer the 500 calorie question..I'm no expert but yes if the salad has LOTS of veggies then I would assume that is better but on the other hand meat has a lot of protein. However if I knew the salad or burger was 500 calories..I would probably go with the salad and eat only half.


I've never been to a place where you couldn't pick your own dressing though so I don't know what kind of salad would have 500 calories unless it had like bacon, ham and lots of extra stuff besides veggies. Also don't forget..you can specifically request to add things, change things...it shouldn't be a problem at most restaurants.


Also as for the calories I wouldn't go under 1500 or 1000. I am bigger then you and my nutritionist said I should eat between 1500-2000. Also if you do go under for that 1 day..I don't think it will do any harm..as long as it's not everyday.


I wouldn't stress about it. Your doing good though! ;)


Thanks Jess,


I'm just trying to make better choices. I figure if I'm eating out subway is a way better choice than McD's. Unless, I chose like the 12 inch meatball sub with cheese, but I wouldn't do that. I figure fast food is here to stay and I have to learn how to live with it not around it. It's like deprieving yourself of chocolate cake b/c its "bad" for you. Then the next thing you know you are craving it so bad that you eat three slices instead of the one you would have ate.


I'm so going to go off on a tangent here:


I realize now why people do specific diets. Atkins, the Zone, the south beach, etc. Because it is driving me crazy to try and fit all of the areas of diet into one. Different people keep telling me I need to eat low-carb, then someone will say high protein, then another will say no sugar, while the next throws in low-fat.


I'm going to go out of my MIND! It is so impossible for me to incorporate every diet in the world into to one. I don't know why I let myself get waylayed. I promised myself that I was only going to count calories and exercise. Simple. It's too hard to try and please all the aspects of dieting at once. I figure when calories and exercise stop working I'll add in low-carb. And if that stops working no sugar...etc. But trying to do it all at once pushes my buttons, makes it difficult and makes me want to give up b/c it makes you feel like you are not reaching your goals. So, its simple for me. Calories and exercise and I'll worry about the rest later.


And I'm done venting now.:D

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I totally understand you. ;)


I don't bother to really give up everything. I just try to make different or better choices. I would rather get a 6 inch at subway then go to MCd's. Not because it tastes better but because it's good and it's a lot better choice.


I know I am the type of person where If I am craving something and don't get anything from it..I will binge like you said with the cake. So I have to find something that will give into that craving weather it be a bite of the cake or something else. Even if I do eat a slice....it's not the end of the world, just remember and like you said before if you take one step back..take two ahead. Don't worry about all those fad weird diets. In the long run...they honestly don't work. But if are making better lifestyle changes..even if they are small...they are actually huge. So you are doing great! You may get there in a slower pace then others who crash diet and what not but you are doing it in a healthy way. It's better to get in all food groups in moderation then eliminating one or more. Your body needs nutrients from all food groups..so like I said in the long run..you will be much healthier! :D


Don't beat yourself up or think to much about later. Think about now, how well your doing..and lunch. LOL :D


(yes I'm hungry LOL)

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Phew sorry ladies its been a busy week for me. The salad vs hamburger debate. I would say salad also. Even though meat does contain proteins "Red meat" wont contain as much as you think or as much as say chicken on that salad, Plus the vegetables in the salad will give you many many more vitamins and nutrients that your body needs. You in truth should go to your calorie intake for the day. Mostly because you want to keep your metabolism running when you dont get enought calories your feeling tired and lazy thats your metabolism shutting down. However just because you have the calories left doesnt mean you get to eat that chocolate cake. I would suggest doing what I do and thats to make your meals in general smaller and add a 4th meal. I normally eat breakfast at 4-5am usually cheerios and an apple (thats when I have to be at work so I am earlier then you would be) I eat a second breakfast about 9am thats usually fruit or yougurt which is high in protein, some coffee about now since I am usually going to the gym within the hour. (coffee makes you work out better) then lunch about 1-2 sandwich or leftovers from dinner. and dinner at 6-7 sometimes between lunch and dinner i have more yogurt or fruit. Sometimes a veggie snack. I eat nothing else after dinner. Sometimes I go to the gym after dinner but not usually. This keeps me moving all day by keeping my metabolism engaged. Its hard to not have full plates of food expecially for dinner but its do able. I also cater to no one but myself and my husband to be who will eat anything anytime :) Also look into how you cook some vegetables I have heard that if you cook carrots they arent as good for you as they are raw.

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I read somewhere once "500 calories is 500 calories, no matter what" . Granted, the ingredients may be different, the food choice may be different, but it's the same old principal: the amount of calories adds up to the same thing in the end. And you only lose weight by cutting calories regardless of what they are.

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OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, yesterday was a disaster! It involved Oreo Cakesters and homemade banana cream pie shake. Then interrupted exercise. Every single time I tried to get on the bike I was interrupted! I got three sessions of 5 mins. By 9:30 I gave up and went to bed. I went over calories horribly and didn't even get exercise to make up for it a little bit.


Glad its a new day. I'm going out to eat for a co-workers bday. Although we are going to a little cafe, so I think I should have better choices than say...applebees. I plan on just eating half of what I get and saving the rest for dinner.


tonight I'm going to break my exercise into to sessions of 20 mins. My chiro actually told me not to work out yesterday, but I'm stubborn. I guess the universe agreed with him and thats why I kept getting interrupted. But I got to the bottom of my leg aches. He said something about my L9 vertebre was being compressed agaisnt my nerve b/c of the curve lean in my pelvic area which was causing the deep aching pain. He pressed in the middle of my lower spine and I thought I was going to come off that table. he said I'd also pulled a muscle, trying to support the pelvic tilt, on my left lower back. He fixed me but said to take it easy for a few days. Hints the 2 sessions of 20.


I'm going to make better choices today.

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Question: Is this food you had already purchased?? Is it food you have to keep in your house? If it's for other people, then ask them to have some respect for you and to keep it put away somewhere where you won't be tempted. You have a right so stand up for what's right for you.


If it is, get rid of it. Stop beating yourself up over yesterday. It's done and over with and you are only going to reinforce feeilng miserable if you keep beating yourself up. Why would you want to do that?


Exercise isnt going to make up for what you did, so why beat yourself up over that. You'd have to ride the exercise bike for hours yesterday to have made up for the binge.


Today is a new day. New choices. New opportunties.


What advice would you give a friend? Be a friend to yourself. Do what you would tell your friends to do in this situation.


If it were me..I'd take all the junk food and bad food out of my house and bring it to a foodbank or a shelter or something. Keep it in your house for what?


Something to ponder. I'm sorry if this is harsh, but it's reality and truth can be painful at times.



OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, yesterday was a disaster! It involved Oreo Cakesters and homemade banana cream pie shake. Then interrupted exercise. Every single time I tried to get on the bike I was interrupted! I got three sessions of 5 mins. By 9:30 I gave up and went to bed. I went over calories horribly and didn't even get exercise to make up for it a little bit.


Glad its a new day. I'm going out to eat for a co-workers bday. Although we are going to a little cafe, so I think I should have better choices than say...applebees. I plan on just eating half of what I get and saving the rest for dinner.


tonight I'm going to break my exercise into to sessions of 20 mins. My chiro actually told me not to work out yesterday, but I'm stubborn. I guess the universe agreed with him and thats why I kept getting interrupted. But I got to the bottom of my leg aches. He said something about my L9 vertebre was being compressed agaisnt my nerve b/c of the curve lean in my pelvic area which was causing the deep aching pain. He pressed in the middle of my lower spine and I thought I was going to come off that table. he said I'd also pulled a muscle, trying to support the pelvic tilt, on my left lower back. He fixed me but said to take it easy for a few days. Hints the 2 sessions of 20.


I'm going to make better choices today.

Edited by Gathina
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I know it's really really hard...trust me. You must be a sweet eater like me :o.


At least the Bananna shake had some kind of fruit. lol


The Oreo cakesters..I love Oreo's but absolutley know that I can't even smell them because those are the worst cookies in calories in fat. The OP is right though..forget about it as that was yesterday. But take in any advice for next time. Just two days ago I came back from work and one of the girls who took my place while I was gone had a small package of the Oreo Cakesters and our other coworker was standing there next too her and she asked her if she wanted her last Oreo Cakester. The girl of course took it and the other girl who gave it too her said "I know Jess is trying to lose weight so I figured I would help by not offering it too her"


It was nice of her..but even if she did ask I would have said no. They have cake here all the time and I don't see it because I am downstairs so it's easy for me to say "No Thanks".


I just try to imagine that I will gain 5lbs just for eating one of those...helps for me when I know I have been trying so hard.


For excercise..it's really important but listen to the Dr or chiro because you don't want to end up hurting yourself so much that you can't do much at all! Last fall I tried to run...bad idea. My knee had severe pain and I couldn't hardly walk up and down the stairs. Anyway take it easy till you get that settled.


You can do it Brooke, I have faith in you! ;)

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Thanks Jess,


I really did try and look for something less caloric than oreo cakesters, but they were out of the single M & M packets. I just had a craving for chocolate, which is weird b/c I am not a chocolate person. Chocolate milk has to be diluted with white milk and I don't like dark or bitter chocolate and if I eat chocolate bars I have to have milk with them to dull the taste. I'm guessing its hormones and I'm hoping that will be the only time I give in.


I think god for my new job b/c the "kitchen" is in the basement and I'm in the attic. I don't care if they had they had all you can eat for free, I wouldn't truck down all those stairs and back up for it. Laziness wins again over food.


I made a decent choice for lunch. Chicken sandwich with potato chips and a pickle and unsweet tea. I only ate half of the sandwich (i didn't know they like smothered the diced chicken in mayo like a sauce!!!!!) I did eat the chips and the pickle, but the chips for in a small bag. But I didn't pass up dessert. S'Mores chocolate brownie. Thank god I choose that one though b/c it was a small brownie with just a little marshmallow and a graham cracker on top. The others had huge slices of cake. I think I made the better choice.


Then we had to run down the street to the car b/c we just had a trerenchel down pour here and a tornado warning. So I probably just undid all my chiro work, but I def. count some exercise points for that b/c I NEVER run!


I think dinner will be the rest of my sandwich and some tortilla chips and a pickle.


PS- Did I mention, Nicole, that it sounds like you are kicking butt and taking names!

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lol I am trying. Its all about will power to me. I did buy some chocolates for Jeff and ended up eating some of them. I wouldnt make yourself feel bad about the other day binges happen, temptation is hard especially in the beginning. Gathina: Brooke does live with her family so they probably buy the food that they want. I dont believe in asking them to lock food up or hide it from her would help. The world if full of temptations and someone who is going to offer you something yummy. She/me anyone overweight needs to learn to say no to that temptation. Just because its not in your house doesnt mean that next time you go to the grocery store your not going to buy it. If someone hid food from me when I found it or saw it in the store you better believe I would be like oooooh I love those I am going to get them for myself now while no one is looking so I can eat them. I use to do that when I was younger, my parents always had good health food in the house and we rarely bought things like mcdonalds, you best believe as soon as I could drive and be alone I was always getting mcdonalds to eat in the car and throw out the evidence before anyone could see. Thats how I think atleast brooke could be different then me I am sure everyone has different down falls. Once we bought our house and I was on my own, we did take out quiet often. Only recently have I been making sure we both eat a health dinner and stay away from the fast food. Its the first step to me. Things like salt snack or chocolates I try not to even buy in the store. Lately I have been which I need to get away from doing it. I bought these chocolates saying "Oh jeff would loves these and he has been bugging me for snacks lately, I wont have them they are just his" Lo and behold as soon as I got home who was eating them?.... me of course. I need to re-evaluate my grocery list and make sure not to buy that stuff!

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Nicole that reminds me of when I was younger..sneaking food, hiding evidence.

I live with my family too (parents and disabled sister) so I can imagine how hard it is for Brooke if others buy something that we know we are not suppose to have.

I slipped a little today too. I had a chocolate chip cookie and over the course of an hour ate the other half of my 6 inch sub. :o I really did feel hungry though. I am going to try hard not to eat much if at all for dinner and snack on veggies or fruit and I need to take my walk tonight. I do need to drink more WATER! So hard to get all I need in.


I can tell you the fast food was one of the first things I had to stop doing. In fact my last trip to McDonalds led to a speeding ticket. Every morning I was going to McDonalds to get a bacon, egg and cheese bagel with a hashbrown and not only was I almost everytime being late for work...but I was spending more $$ and got a speeding ticket!! This wasn't too long ago either. It was since then that I have not been back to McDonalds at all and don't make any stops before work and now I'm always early for work..It was costing me in more ways then one!


I'm still not perfect..I do go too subway and go out to regular resturants but for the most part try to make healthy choices.


I am a crazy coupon user...LOL and I get stuff free all the time and one of the things I would get for free was the big bags of M&M's or sometimes other candy. It's hard sometimes even if the stuff is free or a profit but I have to say no..usually I would make an excuse and say oh I will give this away or sell it..and I would sell maybe 2 bags and eat the rest. LOL So when shopping I also have to be careful with that..

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Oh my, yes I too was a food hider when I was younger. My mom went back to school when I was young and she took a "Healthy Human Body" class (strangely, i attended the same college and took the same class) and b/c she was learning about being healthy she really tried to help me as I was already an overweight child. One time she even made me carry around to gallon milk jugs filled with water for 30 mins in the yard to show me what putting on 10 more lbs would fee like. Of course at like 8, you don't grasp that lesson. I would NOW!


I do live with my family and they do try to help me, but sometimes mom over helps and she just annoys me, so she has learned just to let me do it and just to be supportive. But she has a husband to buy food for too and though he could stand to lose 20lbs and has high cholstl and BP and acid reflux he still eats debbie cakes and pies and wants ice cream in the house, plus he is trying to quit smoking so there is candy everywhere! I avoid the candy and when mom buys groceries I try not to be the one who puts away his "snacks" so that I don't know what they are, so that I don't want them. And she tries to buy things she knows he will like, but I won't (like anything with coconut.) I try to eat in my room. I know they say that's bad, but my room is upstairs and if I eat up there at least I have to climb the stairs to get there and once again laziness will keep me up there for a while longer and away from the kitchen and seconds.


I'm also trying to train my brain to cut off eating. After I finish dinner and sometimes have a small cookie or fruit I brush my teeth. I'm trying to do like a Palov's dog thing. Make my brain say, "Oh, she brushed her teeth, no more food." It might work, IDK.


I gave up fast food for a year once when I was doing WW and it was so hard. It is the devil and I know it, but the temptation is there and I do need to learn to say no on my own. I wonder it I should set a goal for that. A small step goal of ....for a week, when I'm offered something sweet or "bad" for me I say no. If I can go a week, then I'll go see a movie or something. But not the one movie theatre b/c they have nachos and I love movie theatre nachos.


OOOO, another small goal. During mother nature, I can't have frito lay jalopeno cheese dip and tortillas. That's my "go to" food. I crave spicey foods.


I have to say thanks to you guys though b/c in the past I have felt the need to lie about my food choices b/c of the guilt, but while this new total honesty with myself and others kick is hard sometimes I find that if I say it (write it, same thing) that it makes more of an impact. And then I don't feel double guilty for lying and for eating bad things. Thanks for helping.


I hope you guys are getting something out of it too ;)

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Brooke my mom can be annoying too TRUST me! LOL


I went to the support group and was embarassed but felt I needed to express what had recently happened to me (Speeding ticket & why I got it) if I was ever going to face reality and get some real advice..and I did. I choked backed the tears for a lot of things I said..and some of it had to do with some name calling I was getting while walking with a friend at the school track. I'm used to that but it was all together and it was hard for me to admit to others..especially talking face to face. Your not the only one though. There are things that you, me and others have all expierenced that have been tough to admit or deal with..but together and with support we can make it. :)

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I'm not suggesting anybody lock up their food..lets get that point straight.


My point was..I think it's ok for her to have a frank talk with them and ask them to be sensitive to where she's at...to be supportive...like to maybe encourage her to not eat the garbage they choose to stuff themselves with.


English is not my first language..maybe ths is where some confusion comes in about what I right.

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I'm not suggesting anybody lock up their food..lets get that point straight.


My point was..I think it's ok for her to have a frank talk with them and ask them to be sensitive to where she's at...to be supportive...like to maybe encourage her to not eat the garbage they choose to stuff themselves with.


English is not my first language..maybe ths is where some confusion comes in about what I right.


I think you are just really straight forward and sometimes that can be taken as harsh. But I try to take things I read online with a grain of salt b/c its typing not face to face, so things can be taken out of context.


I haven't asked my parents for help. My thinking is that I will have to deal with bad choices in my face for the rest of my life and I need to learn to stand up for myself. They shouldn't have to baby me, I'm old enough to make smart decisions. They aren't the ones who are obese, I am and they shouldn't have to curve their life for my bad choices.


I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I'm curious....do you or did you have a weight problem you had to deal with or are you like a nutrionist or dietian?

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Today has been a better day, can't say what dinner will bring. Friday is usually pizza night b/c mom is too tired to cook and usually so am I.


Made my own breakfast sandwich this morning. The Dr. at our campus clinic recommended more protein and more meat in my breakfast. So this morning I used one egg to make scrambled eggs with olive oil (not butter) then some pre-cooked bacon (only 80 calories for 3 slices vs. 109), then to cut the calories I only used one slice of bread. I added about a tsp on light mayo and a slice on tomato cut in half. I folded all between the bread and headed out the door. It was really good and it kept me full up until about 11:45, which is good b/c I eat lunch at 12pm.


Lunch was a repeat with the turkey sandwiches and pickles. Then I got a hunger pain around 2:30, so I took two slices of my 35 calorie bread and put about a tsp & 1/2 of smart balance butter on the bread. I'm still only about 788 into my calories for the day. So if I do have pizza tonight there is room for it in my calories left. There will just be not dessert.


I did have a non-diet soda when I got work, but I'm not a coffee drinker and obviously didn't have any tea with me and I needed caffiene. It was the third day of rain and I had another day of constant calling of ppl to see if they were coming to our end of the campaign Gala. I counted the calories and at least they only have a can soda machine downstairs (which by the way I had to make the treact down to the basement and back up.) So it was only 12oz??? Gosh its been so long since I had a can soda that I don't know how much they are anymore. I just copied the calories from the back.


On a non-diet note. I'm excited about April 2010. My traveling partners have switched ships and ITN about 5 times already, but at least two of us agree on one ship. I REALLY want my mom to come with me! We completely got in a standoff about it at the end of May. I'd been bugging her too much (I admit it.) about coming with me on the next cruise and she was getting ready to start grading and testing for her kids, so it wasn't a good time. Needless to say she told me not to talk to her about it anymore until school was out. I plan on working on her by the end of June...that will give her some actual time to get into the summer mode. I'm paying her back for my wisdom teeth surgery that I had to have when I was 21 (It was $1,000) and since I've just now got a steady job with a little extra cash to spend I plan on finishing paying her the $500 I owe her this summer. I'm hoping she will use this to go on the cruise. I know it will be about $200 more, but I would give her more than half of the money.


Back story here, if you want to read it. My grandmother passed away about 10 years ago from colon cancer. Right before she took the last turn they were planning on going on a cruise. They had put down the deposits and everything. My grandmother's doctors wouldn't give her clearance, so she gave the refunded money to my mom and told her they would go later. She died later that year, in April actually. Not knowing this, I decided for my hs grad a couple years later that I wanted a cruise. So I worked extra hours at my fast food job and my friends parents let us make payments to them. At my grad party, mom gave me a card with a reciept from our bank stating that she had replaced all the money. She had used the money my grandmother had given her to give me the money. I've always felt that she should take the cruise that her mother intended her to take. That's why an April cruise would be so perfect. Now if I can just convince her of that. Why are parents so selfless and stubborn!


That was alot.........Good Choices.

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For me today breakfast was 1 slice whole wheat toast, tablepooon peanut butter, small glass chocolate milk.


Got too work and had 1 cheese stick and Fruit which consisted of Pineapple, strawberries and green grapes.


Lunch I had a footlong bmt at subway :o it's so good with the southwest sauce but I know that really isn't the right choice. I need to just remember to only buy a six inch because I will end up eating a whole foot long between lunch and dinner.


I snuck in some Dannon Light N Fit yogurt after lunch...took me about an hour or two too eat it and I didn't even finish it all. I'm not big on yogurt but my nutritionist says I should eat it, so I do. :rolleyes:


I've been drinking water- but sadly I've had half a cup of coffee with splenda (this morning) and only half a bottle of water. I have a 20oz Dasani sitting here from lunch and it's only 1/3 gone...gotta work on getting more water in.


Tonight is gonna be hectic. It's my parents 27th anniversary today and they want to go out for dinner. They want me and my sister (who is disabled) to go with them but I feel they should go alone, PLUS I haven't been walking in 2 days and I really need to get moving. I can't go walking however if I have my sister when they are gone for dinner. My friend is suppose to come over or doing something with me as well but plans are not final for that.


PLUS I have to make a gift basket for someone due by tomorrow..(I make and sell gift baskets) and of course I was just informed she wanted one for tomorrow, so I'm assuming I will be up all night working on that.


BTW I am not even out of work yet! I don't get out till 6pm est. Can't wait for tomorrow...actually hoping my parents leave for the night so I can do whatever I want with my sis.


Forgot to add: My kitty also got spayed today and I haven't seen her all day! :(

Edited by Jesscap5
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I work in physiatry and neuropsychogy..with rehab patients..and I work with dietitions all the time. My lead doctor is a physiatrist..I deal with the psych part..so I work with diabetics and people who have multiple health problems due to their weight. On our team we are not afraid to tell a stroke patient, diabetic, amputee, or heart attack victim that they will die if they don't change their eating habits. Because the truth is, they will. It's not a personal judgement we make on anyone..it's a cold, hard, ugly fact. And yes, it's harsh and painful but that is the only way people get to face the truth is by facing the emotions that go with it. So we work as a team. We have a job to educate our patients and help them confront reality, no matter how painful. And we encourage the family members to do things like I have suggested to be supportive.


Hope that answers the question..:)


I think you are just really straight forward and sometimes that can be taken as harsh. But I try to take things I read online with a grain of salt b/c its typing not face to face, so things can be taken out of context.


I haven't asked my parents for help. My thinking is that I will have to deal with bad choices in my face for the rest of my life and I need to learn to stand up for myself. They shouldn't have to baby me, I'm old enough to make smart decisions. They aren't the ones who are obese, I am and they shouldn't have to curve their life for my bad choices.


I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I'm curious....do you or did you have a weight problem you had to deal with or are you like a nutrionist or dietian?

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