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Cruising to Healthy


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I guess I missed the post where you don't like microwaved chicken...sorry. The chick fil a nuggets are not gourmet by any means, but when on the run, I have them rather than other fast food. My other option is a 1/4 lb. burger from McDonalds without the bun, but I've read so much about McDonald's beef not being the best, that I've been avoiding that as late.


Sorry the crystal light selection at your store is so small. They have so many interesting flavors. Target and Super Walmart in FL have the mocktail flavors, including appletini and mojito flavors. I love the appletini and margarita flavors. I also like the honey lemon tea packets for water bottles, but then I never liked southern sweet tea!! I also buy the crystal light lemonade and drink that a lot.


For a chocolate fix, have you tried the Emerald chocolate roasted almonds? Those are low carb and serve the purpose for me. I either eat them plain or crunch some up over plain, whole milk Greek yogurt (sweetened with splenda).


For pizza, I make "no dough" pizzas. I take a plate and put either shredded mozzarella cheese or about 3 of the mozzarella stick cheeses (they melt and spread in the microwave) on it and top with pepperoni. Then microwave or bake in the oven. You could do sausage, veggies or whatever you like on a pizza. You could also spread some pizza sauce (I think some are low carb, just check the labels) on the plate too, but I skip the sauce and just go with the cheese and meat. It really satisfies my taste for pizza to have that melted cheese and pepperoni. We used to have a pizza restaurant that made "no dough" pizzas, but they went out of business, but that is where I got the idea.


Eggplant parm is a great...I keep meaning to find a recipe for a low carb red sauce as so many of the bottled sauces are so high in carbs.


The best part about losing the weight is the health results. I just went to the dr and my blood pressure was down so much that we are cutting my medication in half (with the goal of stopping it entirely soon). My cholesterol was also down, despite the fact that I eat 2 eggs every single day. I really think the low carb lifestyle works. I hear you about feeling punished and I too have friends who can eat whatever they want and not gain a lb., but that's not the cards I was dealt, so I try to work with what I have. My philosophy is that everyone has "something" they are dealing with; my thing is weight. That helps me not to feel punished. Plus, I know the choice is mine. I can either eat the sweet food and pay the consequences or resist and feel (and look) so much better. Every day is a choice. For me, the big payoff is the reduced cravings with going low carb. I used to sit and eat gold fish or crackers without thinking. Before I knew it, half the box was gone. And, I'd still be hungry. But, with the low carb, I don't crave them anymore and I am full with eating so much less.


It's not easy, but that's why forums like this are so good for people to share ideas. I am so glad you started this thread. I wish you much success!



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My aunt shared with me that she was about 260lbs last Easter when she visited and my scale now has her at 308. About 48lbs in a year. Of course, her life is way more stressful than mine and she has problems out the.....:eek:, not trying to make excuses for her, but I'm not in her shoes either. Sadly, I'm still bigger than she is. But, I'm actually much healthier on paper than she is, but I do have age going for me 28 vs 40. But it gives me a picture of where I could be...........:(


The important thing is you recognize you have a problem and you're doing something about it NOW. You can do this :)



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So my very low-carb plan is pretty much a bust. I was down 6 only to gain every single pound back on Easter!! Throw in 3 days of no exercise (1 due to the ever-returning stomach bug and 2 due to laziness) and eating 2 pieces of cake, jelly beans and a huge meal. I would not normally gain 6 lbs in a couple of days, but I truly believe it was because I freely ate the carbs.


So....here we go again. I am adding some carbs back in, but not in mass quantities. I have also added in an extra 30 minutes of biking - so I am up to an hour a day of biking. I am do 30 mins at 6am and 30 mins after dinner. Result in 2 days? 3 lbs. I also feel great. This is the 3rd day of getting up early to bike and I feel more energized. I hope I can keep it up!! Somehow exercising first thing in the morning makes me think twice about what I eat during the day - I don't want to undo what I got up so early to do!! :)


I will try to check in again soon and let you guys know if I have stuck with it.

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Sat. 315.4

Sun. 316.6

Mon. 317.2

Tues. 316.8

Wed. 316

Thurs. 316.8


Well, they had Zumba last night, so I went with that. It was a bit hard on my shoulder actually, but I worked through it. My knees were mad too, but such as life when you don't get in good exercise for a few days.


BK: 1/2 c (dry measure) of oatmeal, splenda (forgot to grab fruit, but I think I can ask a workstudy student to borrow some from the cafe.)


S: Peanuts


L: Deer sausage mixed with cream cheese and cilantro, 1 c corn.


S: 1tbsp PB


D: Grilled flavored shrimp (pre-packaged since I can't seem to fix it right myself), Asparagus (I didn't have that last night, I pre-cooked the sausage so I ate a portion last night with green beans and brought the rest for lunch today)


W: at least 30 in the gym


I see I popped up in weight today. Well, it seems to be a trend the last few weeks........lower totals at the beginning of the week and higher at the end. Well, as long as my weight goes down again next week..........I'm okay with that. I sure hope there isn't a delayed reaction to my overeating this past weekend. This week I truly haven't been looking at my carb totals, though I've been making lower carb choices. I'll be curious to see what I get without really seeing the totals each day and trying to really focus on a certain total. I think this will give me what I'm "comfortable with" and then I need to take it down a notch from there.


I told my chiropractor that maybe I'm not losing what I thought I would b/c I wasn't taking in as many carbs as I had thought I was. I used numbers from when I was doing Sparkpeople. The thing is...........WW kinda is a low carb diet.


WW tracks:


Total Fat





They do some kind of secret calculation and come up with points for each food depending on the above information. So, what I have noticed is: If you eat low fat, low carb, high fiber, high protein............the points for the food per serving is lower. So "technically" WW is a low carb diet. I know I was still eating breads, potatoes........etc. but I wonder if it was closer to around 200 carbs a day instead of the 300 I was thinking and therefore.........taking it down to 150 didn't cause much difference. I could just totally be making that up.


However if 200 was closer then half would be 100 carbs a day. I guess I will just take a look at my totals per day and see what I'm taking in and then decrease that.


Good Choices.

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So my very low-carb plan is pretty much a bust. I was down 6 only to gain every single pound back on Easter!! Throw in 3 days of no exercise (1 due to the ever-returning stomach bug and 2 due to laziness) and eating 2 pieces of cake, jelly beans and a huge meal. I would not normally gain 6 lbs in a couple of days, but I truly believe it was because I freely ate the carbs.


So....here we go again. I am adding some carbs back in, but not in mass quantities. I have also added in an extra 30 minutes of biking - so I am up to an hour a day of biking. I am do 30 mins at 6am and 30 mins after dinner. Result in 2 days? 3 lbs. I also feel great. This is the 3rd day of getting up early to bike and I feel more energized. I hope I can keep it up!! Somehow exercising first thing in the morning makes me think twice about what I eat during the day - I don't want to undo what I got up so early to do!! :)


I will try to check in again soon and let you guys know if I have stuck with it.


I too have recently started getting up and doing some excersising in the morning as well as the evening. It has made a HUGE difference for me. I have a lot more enery and agree with you... I always think twice about what I ate. Why get up so dang early if I am just going to give in anyway. Also, I have added healthy carbs into my meals during the day and noticed a big change. I have more energy, feel full longer and have lost a lot more weight than I did limited my carbs. I know the low carb way is the big thing right now and I do know it works, but it was really hard for me and I have much more success just limited calories and sticking to good carbs.

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Sat. 315.4

Sun. 316.6

Mon. 317.2

Tues. 316.8

Wed. 316

Thurs. 316.8


Well, they had Zumba last night, so I went with that. It was a bit hard on my shoulder actually, but I worked through it. My knees were mad too, but such as life when you don't get in good exercise for a few days.


BK: 1/2 c (dry measure) of oatmeal, splenda (forgot to grab fruit, but I think I can ask a workstudy student to borrow some from the cafe.)


S: Peanuts


L: Deer sausage mixed with cream cheese and cilantro, 1 c corn.


S: 1tbsp PB


D: Grilled flavored shrimp (pre-packaged since I can't seem to fix it right myself), Asparagus (I didn't have that last night, I pre-cooked the sausage so I ate a portion last night with green beans and brought the rest for lunch today)


W: at least 30 in the gym


I see I popped up in weight today. Well, it seems to be a trend the last few weeks........lower totals at the beginning of the week and higher at the end. Well, as long as my weight goes down again next week..........I'm okay with that. I sure hope there isn't a delayed reaction to my overeating this past weekend. This week I truly haven't been looking at my carb totals, though I've been making lower carb choices. I'll be curious to see what I get without really seeing the totals each day and trying to really focus on a certain total. I think this will give me what I'm "comfortable with" and then I need to take it down a notch from there.


I told my chiropractor that maybe I'm not losing what I thought I would b/c I wasn't taking in as many carbs as I had thought I was. I used numbers from when I was doing Sparkpeople. The thing is...........WW kinda is a low carb diet.


WW tracks:


Total Fat





They do some kind of secret calculation and come up with points for each food depending on the above information. So, what I have noticed is: If you eat low fat, low carb, high fiber, high protein............the points for the food per serving is lower. So "technically" WW is a low carb diet. I know I was still eating breads, potatoes........etc. but I wonder if it was closer to around 200 carbs a day instead of the 300 I was thinking and therefore.........taking it down to 150 didn't cause much difference. I could just totally be making that up.


However if 200 was closer then half would be 100 carbs a day. I guess I will just take a look at my totals per day and see what I'm taking in and then decrease that.


Good Choices.


Hi Brook:)


If I may offer a bit of advice? maybe the scale is at a standstill or gain because of too much sodium? I would lower your sodium intake, eating sausage everyday along with other protein foods high in sodium can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Like the other day I ate turkey breast and other cold cuts, my weight was up in no time because of all the salt. Most seafood has a ton of salt per serving. I think you were doing just fine with your oatmeal in the morning, have a whole wheat type of sandwich for lunch with fruit and a healthy dinner in the evening (chicken, fish, lean beef, vegetable and salad) and that scale will be smiling at you;) keep the sweets to a serving or 2 a day (100 calorie pack chocolate).


Yes the weight gain this week could be from eating all the good foods Easter day, see how it looks next week.


I applaud your efforts, keep up the good work:)



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I too have recently started getting up and doing some excersising in the morning as well as the evening. It has made a HUGE difference for me. I have a lot more enery and agree with you... I always think twice about what I ate. Why get up so dang early if I am just going to give in anyway. Also, I have added healthy carbs into my meals during the day and noticed a big change. I have more energy, feel full longer and have lost a lot more weight than I did limited my carbs. I know the low carb way is the big thing right now and I do know it works, but it was really hard for me and I have much more success just limited calories and sticking to good carbs.


I agree, good carbs are not the problem, it is the sugar sweet stuff that is the problem and partly my weakness, along with things like yeast rolls that have no real holding power, but I would have eaten three before dinner before. Its all so individual too and what works for each person. Good job.

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Hi Brook:)


If I may offer a bit of advice? maybe the scale is at a standstill or gain because of too much sodium? I would lower your sodium intake, eating sausage everyday along with other protein foods high in sodium can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Like the other day I ate turkey breast and other cold cuts, my weight was up in no time because of all the salt. Most seafood has a ton of salt per serving. I think you were doing just fine with your oatmeal in the morning, have a whole wheat type of sandwich for lunch with fruit and a healthy dinner in the evening (chicken, fish, lean beef, vegetable and salad) and that scale will be smiling at you;) keep the sweets to a serving or 2 a day (100 calorie pack chocolate).


Yes the weight gain this week could be from eating all the good foods Easter day, see how it looks next week.


I applaud your efforts, keep up the good work:)




Could be. I do try and drink about 64oz of water a day, but I guess that doesn't always help if it builds up and you keep putting it back in. Though I have used turkey sausage and low sodium bacon lately. I will pay closer attention.

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:) Sounds like your week is going well, I am so the opposite my weight is up at the begining of the week and lowers by friday. That is why I weigh in on friday's. Keep up the good work. :)


My weigh day is Friday and when my weight is the highest, but it also starts over my weekly points, which are better used on the weekends :D. But I take the lowest weight of the week, so I really don't worry about what Friday's weight is.




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Sat. 315.4

Sun. 316.6

Mon. 317.2

Tues. 316.8

Wed. 316

Thurs. 316.8

Fri. 316.8


Soooooooooo 315.4 is my weight this week. That puts me up a lb from last week. But still in my 5% body weight loss and 5lbs additional to the 10lbs I lost. This seems to be what happened last year when I booked my cruise. I changed my diet back to WW, which happened to have changed the program. It then took me about 3 months to figure out that the points they assigned me were too many and causing me to maintain and not lose. Then I had 3 months to lose the 10lbs I wanted to before the cruise, which ended up coming down to the day before I left to meet it. So, here I am again trying to lose weight for a cruise and I started with a year and lost about 5lbs in 5 months and now I'm trying something new AGAIN and its causing me problems AGAIN..............I don't want to be down to the wire again on this one. I really was hoping I could lose the 25lbs and then some. Annoyed? Yea a bit, but I know it will pass.


BK: Flax muffin (finally bought some splenda), some butter on it, one piece of 3oz ham.


S: Peanuts (Lori-I need to buy almonds or at least unsalted peanuts, you're right) The PB I have is low sodium and low sugar.


L: Ham sandwich on my low everything bread w/ some light mayo and mustard. Didn't think to grab a veggie this morning. I have a cheese stick though.


D: I will try for the shrimp again tonight. Last night the nephews called (my brother and SIL usually call us to come see them on Thursdays b/c thats when they have visits with their biological mom and they think it kinda helps when he gets to see us after that.) We went to McDs and yes, I let the carbs fly. The 2 cheese burger meal with fries and diet drink, then my brother bought me an ice cream cone.


I've noticed that Thursday..........seem to be "the day" for me. I don't know why. Maybe its b/c I'm usually with the kids. Its also the last day before weekly points restart. Idk, maybe Gathina was right in saying I needed treats, maybe I just need one meal, one day a week. Hopefully, not always that horrible, but something. Something to consider.


W: I will workout at home tonight b/c I'm going to view a house. I worked out at home last night after McDs b/c of going out to eat with the boys. I did do 40 mins. on the bike though. Was proud of that.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 315.4

Sun. 316.6

Mon. 317.2

Tues. 316.8

Wed. 316

Thurs. 316.8

Fri. 316.8


Soooooooooo 315.4 is my weight this week. That puts me up a lb from last week. But still in my 5% body weight loss and 5lbs additional to the 10lbs I lost. This seems to be what happened last year when I booked my cruise. I changed my diet back to WW, which happened to have changed the program. It then took me about 3 months to figure out that the points they assigned me were too many and causing me to maintain and not lose. Then I had 3 months to lose the 10lbs I wanted to before the cruise, which ended up coming down to the day before I left to meet it. So, here I am again trying to lose weight for a cruise and I started with a year and lost about 5lbs in 5 months and now I'm trying something new AGAIN and its causing me problems AGAIN..............I don't want to be down to the wire again on this one. I really was hoping I could lose the 25lbs and then some. Annoyed? Yea a bit, but I know it will pass.


BK: Flax muffin (finally bought some splenda), some butter on it, one piece of 3oz ham.


S: Peanuts (Lori-I need to buy almonds or at least unsalted peanuts, you're right) The PB I have is low sodium and low sugar.


L: Ham sandwich on my low everything bread w/ some light mayo and mustard. Didn't think to grab a veggie this morning. I have a cheese stick though.


D: I will try for the shrimp again tonight. Last night the nephews called (my brother and SIL usually call us to come see them on Thursdays b/c thats when they have visits with their biological mom and they think it kinda helps when he gets to see us after that.) We went to McDs and yes, I let the carbs fly. The 2 cheese burger meal with fries and diet drink, then my brother bought me an ice cream cone.


I've noticed that Thursday..........seem to be "the day" for me. I don't know why. Maybe its b/c I'm usually with the kids. Its also the last day before weekly points restart. Idk, maybe Gathina was right in saying I needed treats, maybe I just need one meal, one day a week. Hopefully, not always that horrible, but something. Something to consider.


W: I will workout at home tonight b/c I'm going to view a house. I worked out at home last night after McDs b/c of going out to eat with the boys. I did do 40 mins. on the bike though. Was proud of that.


Good Choices.


Good morning:)


They also have low sodium cold cuts too, and yes you are better off with the unsalted peanuts. When I want cold cuts I buy the low sodium cheese, turkey or bologna, every little bit helps. Thankfully I do not eat the cold cuts too often. Your choice in peanut butter sounds good with the low sodium and sugar.


Oh, and if you like spaghetti they offer the whole grain version which is what I buy all the time, like last night I had it, a small enough portion with a salad.


You are right, although you are drinking enough water, if you are constantly eating foods high in sodium you are not giving yourself a chance to flush your system out and of course you know salt causes fluid retention which shows on the scale. But it seems like you are already making different choices with lowering your sodium intake, good job:)


Have a nice weekend.

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Maybe if you only treat yourself only on thursday when your with your nephews, it could be something for you to look forward to and help you to really stick to your diet the rest of the week. I go out every weekend and I really look forward to it.I have noticed the more weight I lose the better choices I make when going out. Just an idea. I lost one pound this past week. My kids are both graduating from college the begining of May and I bought a new smaller dress to wear I am close to fitting in it, I guess if I don't make it they can't graduate? They will not like that and neigher will I.

Good choices :)

I love the saying its my go to thought when I want to eat oreos with my son.:eek:

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sat. 316.2

Sun. 315


Well, gotta get on that bike today, to hopefully keep the scale going down.


Congratulations on the weight loss. My DH decided to do the low carb diet with me since he has gained 10 lbs. in 4 months. So, we will be dieting together, which will be fun. I am reaping the benefits as I am back into clothes that I had previously not been able to wear. Took out a pair of shorts I had put away "until I lost weight" and they were so big, they would not stay up! A great feeling for sure! It's little things like that which are the motivation to stay on the diet and not give in to temptation!


Keep up the good work Brooke and good luck on the house hunting. I know how stressful that can be!!

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Congratulations on the weight loss. My DH decided to do the low carb diet with me since he has gained 10 lbs. in 4 months. So, we will be dieting together, which will be fun. I am reaping the benefits as I am back into clothes that I had previously not been able to wear. Took out a pair of shorts I had put away "until I lost weight" and they were so big, they would not stay up! A great feeling for sure! It's little things like that which are the motivation to stay on the diet and not give in to temptation!


Keep up the good work Brooke and good luck on the house hunting. I know how stressful that can be!!


Good for you, that is awesome, nothing is as good as a smaller size feels!

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Good for you, that is awesome, nothing is as good as a smaller size feels!


So true! Thanks so much.


Well, DH took a look at the vitamins I take while doing low carb (Magnesium tablets, zinc, and Vitamin C) and decided he would just cut out snacking at night, rather than going full force low carb. But, since I cook his meals, I'm going to serve him low carb fare. That, along with cutting out snacks will hopefully work! He works from home, so is limited to what I cook and have in the house unless he makes the effort to go out!!


Breakfast/lunch (we slept in) today for both of us was a hamburger patty with cheese (not American...that is not real cheese!). DH had his with a bagel thin, but that will be his last bread for a while! Dinner was steak and sauteed mushrooms with a side of sauteed spinach topped with fresh parmesan cheese for me (DH won't eat spinach, even though I try to tell him the fresh kind tastes nothing like canned!). My snack was a container of Greek yogurt with splenda and flax seeds. Couldn't talk DH into that one either. So, a pretty successful first day for him--definitely less carbs than he has been eating, so hoping for some results!

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sat. 316.2

Sun. 315

Mon. 317


My stomach feels icky and I wasn't into eating this morning. I brought some greek yogurt with me and stuff to make a flax muffin when I get around to feeling hungry. I just overdid the food yesterday and I'm paying for it, i believe.


BK: Yogurt and flax muffin......when I get there.


L: Veggie/beef (deer) soup


D: Probably chicken. Since mom was off today, I asked if she would go and pick up some stuff I needed for the week's menu, so depending on if she goes or not..........I went over to watch the nephews yesterday and had just enough time to get on the bike for 25 mins., dye my hair and dry a load of laundry when I got home.


W: Zumba should be on tonight. Its probably the last one until Fall.


Gonna be a busy work week b/c of a big event on Wed. I got a meeting this morning and this afternoon and preparing for the event in the middle.


My realtor is also supposed to be putting in a bid for me on a house. I know its open until the 19th, but this house is REALLY nice for a foreclosure and I'm afraid someone will put in a the same number bid as me and then the priority would go to the first bidder, so the sooner he puts it in the better. He has been up North with his "g/f" a her brother's wedding for almost a week and will be back today. Now, he said he would do it yesterday, but seeing how I didn't hear a peep from him..........I bet the g/f too priority. I really want to blame her b/c he is family and I like him too much, but he knows better. Real estate agents are almost always on call............no matter what. He should know this from his mom's 20+ years in real estate. I guess I can be a little more patient, but I will insist when he gets back today that he put the bid in. He is causing me more stress than needed and my bad habits return when that happens.


Good Choices.


PS- Great job Pcrum!

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sat. 316.2

Sun. 315

Mon. 317

Tues. 316.4


I sure wish I was seeing more than a lb or less (so far) each week. But, I could if I tried harder, I guess.


BK: 1/2 c oatmeal/1 c 2% milk/ tbsp sugar.


L: Hamburger patty/light bread/ canned fruit b/c it was like the only thing healthy we had.


D: Idk, mom is supposed to go to the store this afternoon, so hopefully I will have some choices when I get home.


W: 30 in the gym


I did 23 mins yesterday on the ellpt. I made it to 300 calories burned (or so said the machine). I had walked across campus yesterday and back, so I didn't feel bad giving up a little early. After all, I haven't seen the ellpt. in a while.


I'm gonna have to be up by like 5:30am tomr. for work. We have an event that I have to work. Lucky though, my boss is gonna let us go after its over, so it will be an early morning, but early day too. I will workout at home tomr. if I have the energy after being up an hour early (I'm not kidding, early morning really affect me that way).


I gotta go track my food for yesterday. I've been slacking on it and I'm sure that is part of my problem.


I hope everyone is having a good week!


Good choices.

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sat. 316.2

Sun. 315

Mon. 317

Tues. 316.4


I sure wish I was seeing more than a lb or less (so far) each week. But, I could if I tried harder, I guess.


BK: 1/2 c oatmeal/1 c 2% milk/ tbsp sugar.


L: Hamburger patty/light bread/ canned fruit b/c it was like the only thing healthy we had.


D: Idk, mom is supposed to go to the store this afternoon, so hopefully I will have some choices when I get home.


W: 30 in the gym


I did 23 mins yesterday on the ellpt. I made it to 300 calories burned (or so said the machine). I had walked across campus yesterday and back, so I didn't feel bad giving up a little early. After all, I haven't seen the ellpt. in a while.


I'm gonna have to be up by like 5:30am tomr. for work. We have an event that I have to work. Lucky though, my boss is gonna let us go after its over, so it will be an early morning, but early day too. I will workout at home tomr. if I have the energy after being up an hour early (I'm not kidding, early morning really affect me that way).


I gotta go track my food for yesterday. I've been slacking on it and I'm sure that is part of my problem.


I hope everyone is having a good week!


Good choices.


Hi Brook,


Is there a park with a walking path close to where you live? that would be great regular exercise and being outdoors with a nice pair of headphones, that is good cardio exercise, the pounds should fall off. That is what I did today and will continue to do now that the weather is nicer.


Don't beat yourself up, dieting is not easy, eventually you will find what the right food plan is for you and the pounds will come off.


I know your screen name is BrooklynFC and I hope I have not been calling you by the wrong name. Your name is Brook, right?


Good luck in your house hunting too.



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Hi Brook,


Is there a park with a walking path close to where you live? that would be great regular exercise and being outdoors with a nice pair of headphones, that is good cardio exercise, the pounds should fall off. That is what I did today and will continue to do now that the weather is nicer.


Don't beat yourself up, dieting is not easy, eventually you will find what the right food plan is for you and the pounds will come off.


I know your screen name is BrooklynFC and I hope I have not been calling you by the wrong name. Your name is Brook, right?


Good luck in your house hunting too.




I work at a college, so I can walk around campus, but my chiropractor actually discourages walking for me b/c of the impact on my lower spine. He says maybe when I lose some more weight it won't be as bad. He doesn't like the Zumba either, but its usually one day a week, so he lets it slide. The ellpt (as long as my knees stay strong) and the recumbant bike are the two things he likes for me until more weight comes off. Walking casually, doesn't hurt too much, but long periods will cause a lot of soreness and swelling in my lower back. I'm hoping that the 25lbs I want to lose will really help move past this b/c I really want to go cave tubing and there is a 30 mins hike through the jungle.......hope I can make it.


I'm my own worst enemy. I'm serious about losing weight, but not serious enough to cut it all down to the bare bones to lose more than a 1lb a week. I just keep holding on to the idea that......I may lose a 1lb a week, but hopefully it won't come back as easy once I make my goal.


Yep, my name is Brooke, brooklyn is a sorority name and fc is the initials of my college and hometown.

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Hey everyone,


Well after a difficult day today, and a trip to McD for lunch (I had a Happy Meal - and with a chocolate shake for the drink :(), I think I am going to go on WW online. To those of you who have tracked on WW vs. an app like Sparkpeople - is it easier with WW? I cook w/ a lot of fresh foods - is it a pain to enter in a recipe?


Bascially, I've found it would be super easy to track on Spark if I ate a lot of prepackaged foods that I can search for - but I don't really eat that way. I'm always making something like homemade tomato sauce w/eggplant parm, which is just a pain in the you know what to enter in because I have to create a recipe. I guess I need something to be easy, if it is too difficult I just stop doing it after awhile. Any thoughts? Also, if anyone has WW online - are there a lot of Trader Joe's brand foods entered in? I mostly shop there so if not I won't bother. Spark does have a lot of user-entered foods from Trader Joe's.


Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that I am going to tell people that I'm trying to lose 15 pounds for an upcoming trip. I really want to lose 30 pounds, but I'm going to start with a small goal first then bump it up. The difference is that I usually don't say anything to people about being on a diet, I just suffer through it alone and on message boards where I don't personally know anyone. But this time I'm going to be more open about what I am trying to do.


I have a trip coming up in June, and I really want to be at least 10-15 pounds lighter. It makes a difference in the clothes I wil bring with me and the way I look in pictures (at least, it makes a difference to me).


Maybe I will go visit the WW board on this site. Hope everyone is doing well.

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Hey everyone,


Well after a difficult day today, and a trip to McD for lunch (I had a Happy Meal - and with a chocolate shake for the drink :(), I think I am going to go on WW online. To those of you who have tracked on WW vs. an app like Sparkpeople - is it easier with WW? I cook w/ a lot of fresh foods - is it a pain to enter in a recipe?


Bascially, I've found it would be super easy to track on Spark if I ate a lot of prepackaged foods that I can search for - but I don't really eat that way. I'm always making something like homemade tomato sauce w/eggplant parm, which is just a pain in the you know what to enter in because I have to create a recipe. I guess I need something to be easy, if it is too difficult I just stop doing it after awhile. Any thoughts? Also, if anyone has WW online - are there a lot of Trader Joe's brand foods entered in? I mostly shop there so if not I won't bother. Spark does have a lot of user-entered foods from Trader Joe's.


Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that I am going to tell people that I'm trying to lose 15 pounds for an upcoming trip. I really want to lose 30 pounds, but I'm going to start with a small goal first then bump it up. The difference is that I usually don't say anything to people about being on a diet, I just suffer through it alone and on message boards where I don't personally know anyone. But this time I'm going to be more open about what I am trying to do.


I have a trip coming up in June, and I really want to be at least 10-15 pounds lighter. It makes a difference in the clothes I wil bring with me and the way I look in pictures (at least, it makes a difference to me).


Maybe I will go visit the WW board on this site. Hope everyone is doing well.


I've done Sparkpeople and WW. WW is easier for me, but I can't really tell you why, maybe its b/c I can guess pretty close to the amount of points something would be, but not the amount of calories.


I looked in my tracker and there were a few Trader Joe's items entered by community members, but I'll admit not a lot.


WW has a recipe builder. You type in each ingredient and the measurement and then it calculates the points........you can enter your own serving size (like I do single servings a lot b/c I eat for one). I find it fairly simple b/c then you can save that recipe and then if you have it again later, just type in the search box what you named it or search in your recipes and it will be there ready to use.


Also, with WW they have a calculator that you can just put in the Fat, carbs, fiber and protein form the package and it will give you the points per serving.


If all else fails, all logic fails that is, I do my best to pull apart each ingredient and enter it separately into my tracker. Lets say i went out to a restr. and had a taco salad, but they didn't have an online menu for me to get the nutrition from. No big deal. I just say: 2 cups lettuce, 1 c tomatoes, 6oz ground beef (I will assume full fat), 2 tbsp sour cream, .5 c cheese............etc. I search for each of those items (or if I know them already, which I typically can remember a lot of point values) and then enter them all in. You can also use the recipe builder for this as well. B/c WW says fruits and veggies are 0 points, but if you make stir-fry with more than one veggie they do have point values.


Anyway, that was a lot of info. but I hope it helps.

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I work at a college, so I can walk around campus, but my chiropractor actually discourages walking for me b/c of the impact on my lower spine. He says maybe when I lose some more weight it won't be as bad. He doesn't like the Zumba either, but its usually one day a week, so he lets it slide. The ellpt (as long as my knees stay strong) and the recumbant bike are the two things he likes for me until more weight comes off. Walking casually, doesn't hurt too much, but long periods will cause a lot of soreness and swelling in my lower back. I'm hoping that the 25lbs I want to lose will really help move past this b/c I really want to go cave tubing and there is a 30 mins hike through the jungle.......hope I can make it.


I'm my own worst enemy. I'm serious about losing weight, but not serious enough to cut it all down to the bare bones to lose more than a 1lb a week. I just keep holding on to the idea that......I may lose a 1lb a week, but hopefully it won't come back as easy once I make my goal.


Yep, my name is Brooke, brooklyn is a sorority name and fc is the initials of my college and hometown.


I guess some chiropractor's have their own theory, mine used to encourage walking because it will strengthen your back, walking is the only form of exercise I will do, I do take the stairs quite a bit at home too. But I can certainly understand your wanting to lose a certain amount of weight before you do any intensive walking. I love it, I enjoy the scenery while walking. I can't tell you how many times I joined a gym only to last a few weeks. My DH says gyms are off limits for me;) plus I like to be outdoors.


Losing 1 lb a week is fine, that old saying "slow and steady wins the race", when you think about it that is 8 lbs in two months, nothing wrong with that number. I need to get serious about my diet too, I am at least 20 lbs overweight for my height if not a bit more.


Thanks for the info on your screen name, can be confusing since you live in Virginia and not brooklyn lol...what college and town?


You will reach your goal for that cave tubing adventure, just be positive:)

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