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Everything posted by kjbacon

  1. I’m not sure what’s up so that’s why I posted the question on here. Most ports on this cruise have all the shorex starting at the same time, 7:30 in one, 8:30 in another, 10:30 in another, 7:00 in another. And some of these ports are ports that we just called on last January with no issues at all like this. Made our reservations 12 months out, no problem. Like I said earlier, we’ve done many regent cruises and have never experienced anything like this. Now we are less than 8 months from sailing and all the excursions are still a mish mosh.
  2. This is part of the problem … you can’t select a time. For example, one day in New Orleans, all the excursions start at 8am and the second day, they all start at 7:30am. It’s impossible to book two shorex in a day, which we often do, or coordinate anything on land (like brunch reservations at the Court of Two Sisters). We did book all our shorex months ago but we know most, if not all, of them are wrong. We have sailed many times with Regent and have never experienced this so I’m curious why.
  3. Three months later and no changes so the times for the shorex are still wrong in most ports. This doesn’t makes sense, does it?
  4. Regent is set up to accommodate a low salt diet at dinner if requested ahead. Each day, you receive the next day’s menu in your cabin to make your selections. At breakfast, you can order your eggs to be prepared without salt at the grill station day of. The day before, I also request avocado in La Veranda.
  5. In Reykjavik, we loved Thingveller National Park where the continents meet. It’s beautiful and so very different!
  6. We did a similar itinerary on the Grandeur just a few months ago. In Cozumel, we did the Chefs Led Tequila Tasting and absolutely loved it. It’s a shorex with an up charge but we would highly recommend it. It was fun, delicious, and educational… what’s not to like! In Santo Tomas de Castillo, we did the Las Escabos tour. We enjoyed it and the scenery at the actual park is spectacular but note that there is more walking than you might expect with lots of steps. We were also unprepared for the level of sustained poverty as we traveled to and from the park. In Roatan, we went to gumbalinda (sp?) nature preserve and disliked it very much. Note that we were in odd step on that. We did not like the touristy feel, especially with the sense of being taken advantage of. For example, you are absolutely not permitted to carry anything into the park and are required to rent a locker for $5 or $10. So, you guessed it that they nabbed nearly everyone with that little surprise! We also were looking for a more natural setting with the animals but found it too staged for our taste. In Grand Cayman, we did the Reef and Wreck Snorkel and thought everything about it was great. You said no scuba but don’t know if you snorkel. If you do, this was one of the better snorkel tours and we would recommend it. Hope you enjoy your cruise as much as we did!
  7. On our very first Regent cruise years ago, we stopped at that port with every intention of going to Florence. Long story short, we were exhausted so we switched gears and went to Lucca instead. It turned out to be one of our favorite days on our Med cruise and we still talk about how much we love Lucca!
  8. Same here. We were going to switch to the ‘27 Splendor, our favorite ship, but the itinerary just could not compare to ‘26 for what we wanted. We will probably become well acquainted as we cruise the world together!
  9. Yes, but I love the intensity into South America, Japan, and some other areas that are not the “usual”. We are booked on 2026 WC. For us, as much as we would prefer Splendor, ‘26 is a better itinerary than ‘27.
  10. Thanks so much! Doing well and looking forward to getting back on the water.
  11. No, we are on Mariner. Hopefully, another time!
  12. Thank you @flossie009 for such a great blog. Safe travels home! Are you looking at a leg of the WC? Perhaps we will meet!
  13. The good and bad news is that I didn’t realize that this was not isolated to my cruise. I’ve been wondering if we were going to hear that the ship has been chartered or is going in for a repair or something. When would you get concerned when most ports have the shorex listed incorrectly on your cruise?
  14. Maybe, that’s as good as any explanation that I’ve come up with! Yes, definitely some similarities. I also wanted to book 2 shorex in a couple ports and can’t with everything starting at the same time.
  15. We are booked on the Navigator for March 2025 and our shore excursions, for the most part, are still not listed correctly. For example, there are ports that have every excursion’s start time at 7:00 am or 8:30 am … and that includes a dinner excursion. Another port has every excursion at 12 noon, the time we pull into that port. My travel agent has called regent and was told that they are probably waiting for better info from the land operators? I’ve never had any experience with a situation like this, on regent or any other cruise line, so I’m hoping that someone here might have some insight!
  16. Yes but usually we board in time for their delicious carved rib lunch and an afternoon of cocktails 🍷 lol instead of early evening. I prob have too much time on my hands right now, recovering from minor surgery!!
  17. Yes, true, but i personally don’t think FCC’s are a substitute for actual reimbursement.
  18. Totally agree that it’s best to find your way to have a good time and not dwell on the negatives on your vacation. However, coming from a Regent groupie, I’m going to throw this out there … I think that 10% off in this circumstance is too tight. It is a tad short on the actual time lost on the trip (one day short on a 10 day plus several hours and how many cocktails!) and I think some goodwill couldn’t have hurt for the inconvenience. Maybe 15% or 20%?
  19. How many days in length is this cruise, specifically more or less than 10 days?
  20. We will be on the Navigator for our first time in about a year (and maybe the last time if the selling rumors are true). We are really looking forward to sailing this intimate ship.
  21. Just catching up on this but I’m thinking that it can’t be correct that one is not allowed to order two appetizers? Perhaps the server who advised that had a language barrier that hindered communication?
  22. That was a true lol for me … rice for spice … ha! I’m not thinking that a good curry benefited much from that sweet pudding! Your blog is so helpful, thank you. I’m a nerd, I admit it, but I’m going to start a notebook because I will never remember all this good stuff.
  23. Our world cruise ‘26 itinerary includes Kochi so extra thanks for the great pictures and helpful info in the shorex. We will take your advice and book the tour that you recommended. It sounds perfect for us, especially with an authentic curry lunch! We also have Goa on our itinerary so if I may ask, were you just ready for a break that day?
  24. While we had a fabulous trip on the Grandeur a couple months ago, there were several aspects of the ship that were disappointing. Our cabin was terribly noisy in active seas and the self slamming pocket doors were the worst.
  25. Finally now reading through this wonderful thread. @flossie009 your pictures and descriptions are just fabulous!
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