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Everything posted by purplesea

  1. We've had rain overnight again. Although it's not raining it's a dull, damp, breezy and looking across the bay it's misty. Could almost be winter, except it's warmer.
  2. Yes it is, we even have patches of blue sky. Not very big mind you!!
  3. Morning everyone, hope you are all keeping well. We've had rain overnight. It's a bit breezy, warm but very humid/sticky. I can see some blue sky as the clouds are trying to break up, but don't expect it to be sunny. Busy day ahead - I've been over to Penzance to collect my Tesco order, called in at Sainsburys to pick up an order from Argos, then some bits from B&M and back home now with a cuppa. We were given a lot of strawberries earlier on in the week, so have made jam with most of them, but ran out of jam jars, so am intending to make strawberry ice cream with the remainer soon. I'm working this afternoon so need to get some ironing done as I need a clean blouse. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  4. I decided I wasn't going to cook, so ordered fish and chips via the local chippy's app and sent hubby down to get them. No mushy peas for me either, I hate them and am not keen on baked beans either!
  5. On Azura in April there was a small round bar of soap on the washbasin and shower gel and shampoo in dispensers in the shower.
  6. A nice bright sunny day down here with a temp of 18c and hardly any breeze. Ordered a click and collect order for tomorrow. Working this afternoon with a late finish, but do have tomorrow of. Hope everyone enjoys their day.
  7. Nice cool 18c down here now. Spent day working in St Ives and it's smelling smoky due to gorse fines on the moors at Zennor and the breeze is blowing the smoke towards the town.
  8. Looks lilke summer is over in my neck of the woods! It's now cool 18c along with rain, thunder and lightening.🙄 Typical British summer!🤣
  9. We have a stiff breeze here and being near the sea helps keep our temp down, but it is 30c at present.
  10. As the car park at work is down by the beach and the climb up is steep, I'm thinking of getting the bus to and from work tomorrow. The bus stops are just down the road here and outside the door at work, so I won't arrive at work hot and out of breath!😌
  11. Present temp here is 23c, but we did hit 29c here today despite a breeze. Being near the coast tends to keep the temps down a tad. Have spent the latter half of the afternoon in the garden and come in now and it feels warm indoors!
  12. Another bright sunny day here and it's going to get hot, at present it's 21oC. Not working today, but need to catch up with some chores, but am tempted to leave them and head down to the beach. Hope you all have an enjoyable day.
  13. Just returned home after being at work all afternoon and evening. We had a visit into the bay this afternoon too. This is was view from our reception.
  14. We flew out from Bristol to join Azura at the end of April and our flight time was 6am, but it could now be different.
  15. I saw a headline that South West Water are asking residents to save 5 litres of water per person! I have been at work all afternoon and the computer icon at the bottom of the screen has been showing that the temperature is 30oC and raining😕 We have had a few clouds, but the sun has been shining strongly!!
  16. No it looks down on Porthminster beach. Here's the back taken from the station.
  17. The weather down here today is not wall to wall sunshine, but it is just as hot a humid. I have just spent the last half hour or so washing my car to get rid of all the calling cards left by the gulls😒 after having had to chase them off the car first😠. Enough done for today, so going to take a coffee out into the garden, before having some lunch and going into work. I've got a parking permit now so will not have to hang around waiting for buses and trains.😀
  18. Now I wonder🤔🤔🤣 The first photo is of the terrace bar at my place of work.
  19. Been at work all day and then had to wait for the train which was late. I had asked hubby to met meet me at the station where I need to change trains so I didn't have to wait for over 20 minutes for a connection, good job I did as I would have missed the connection and still been waiting. To continue with the beach pictures here a few that I took today. The first was taken from near work - do you know were Zapp?
  20. We were on board Iona in January. We had two cabins booked, we didn't get a questionaire, but my mother did, we booked both at the same time direct with P&O. When OH and I returned from our Azura cruise in May I received the questionaire and that cruise had been booked with a TA, so it seems to be anybody's guess!
  21. Happy Birthday to your Mum MIchelle, have a lovely afternoon. We're going over to my daughter's for a BBQ this afternoon, there will be four generations of us there too!
  22. We were on Azura in April and the app wouldn't work in our cabin, so I just didn't use it to book anything, we just turned up at the dining room and were asked if we were prepared to share, said yes and were shown to a table!
  23. Happy Birthday for tomorrow. Typical of my luck, hottest day down we have had down here so far this year and I started a new job, so spent it at working! Next week is set to be good too, what did I do wrong?😒At least I am not working tomorrow as we have a family BBQ so will get to see some to the warmer weather! Hope everyone has a good weekend.
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