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Everything posted by dusababy

  1. Why is it so hard to question and comply with a long established, reasonable dress code that elevates ladies and gentlemen for an evening or two of an adult dining experience ??
  2. I very much like the report about these small details and annoyances -- which, if not corrected, may become a PIA - totally unacceptable on SS. Keep the faith !
  3. We did that on the Muse - got caught in a terrible hurricane in the N. Atlantic -- I was musing (pun intended) about what to take when we abandoned ship and was told "we wouldn't stand a chance." Not to alarm anyone but......it was part of the book of memories....🥰
  4. And with my Walter, whose motto was "If not now - when?"
  5. Glad kitty is making it. Vet Techs are angels in disguise. One saved my elderly kitty when I couldn't - she took him home with her and within days he was good as new. So much for my best nursing skills.
  6. I just heard from her daughter who said her house is uninhabitable and she is staying with a friend but she's OK. I've tried to contact her directly but of course no luck. Will keep you informed Victoria if I hear more.
  7. Gee - wish I could afford a box of chocolates in California. See's -- favorite -- has priced itself out of my budget. Aldi carries some fabulous German chocolates -- at ridiculously low prices. (Saving money for cruising....)
  8. Years and years ago-- early 70s - DH and I were in Scotland near the railroad station. We saw a beautiful black train on the tracks -- THE ROYAL TRAIN. We asked the guard what gives? About that time a Bentley drove up right past us, could have reached out to touch her. She was with a lady in waiting on the other side. I do remember her complexion was radiant. My DH said "She looks just like the stamps."
  9. I LOVE CROSSINGS. After a very few days, enter into another world. No pressure -- do or don't participate in many and varied opportunities for entertainment - or not. Nothing like having a lazy, wonderful lunch and then retiring for a little nap before getting dressed for cocktails and dinner. Life at its best !!
  10. I am so effing tired of men (little boys) rebelling against the "rules" just because they can ! They are destroying a big part of what makes Silversea special, and are doing a great deal to reduce it to just another mass market mosh. Please please grow up. Respect rules. Management - please please ENFORCE the codes, Guests - protest nicely when violations occur. Everyone - let's act like ladies and gentlemen and we'll all enjoy it more.
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