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Posts posted by KBS1607

  1. As of 9/20 on the Coral Princess MUTS showings will be:


    Godzilla (2014): Starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ken Watanabe. Directed by Gareth Edwards. PG-13, 123 min.


    Maleficent (2014): Starring Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning. Directed by Robert Stromberg. PG, 97 mins.


    Oh thank you! I haven't seen either. How did you find out? I'd love to see Casablanca like another poster.

  2. I'm a little worried about the 8 sea days on our upcoming Panama Canal cruise. I've never done one with that many. New experience that I'm looking forward to. It's our 30th anniversary and our honeymoon was a cruise.



  3. Thanks for the tips everyone! I asked my mom what her dream vacation is and she said to visit me. How sweet and cheesy is that?! :p So after some contemplation I called her and asked her to come with me on the cruise I already have booked for May. That way we can spend time together and neither of us have to stress about where she wants to go. She's reluctant to say yes and wants to think about it a few days. I'm tempted to just add her to the booking but don't want to drag her on a vacation she will hate so I'm going to give her time to decide. If she says no then I'll have to find a travel agent or conspire with one of her friends!


    Thanks again for all the tips! :D


    I hope she decides to go.

  4. I loved your post! Very helpful. Also read your Ode to a Cruise Ship Balcony! Loved it! When I booked our Panama Canal cruise DH couldn't talk due to work. He just texted for me to get what I wanted but be sure there's a balcony, lol.


    Al do you know anything about the uncovered balconies on Coral Princess? That's all I could get.


    Sapphiregem we loved Freedom. My niece was 13 at the time.

  5. My daughter was an irresponsible college kid and had 6,000 dollars stolen on a debit card (grandpa gave her money). It took weeks to get it back but she finally did. She's 26 now and DH still looks over her accounts.


    I listen to consumer types on the radio. They really like credit unions. I think that could help the above poster. Best of luck. DD lost her job in May but found another after seven weeks.

  6. This was my 20 year anniversary gift. I got it on board the Summit in July. The memory of our cruise and where the bracelet came from is priceless! I am a big fan of on board shopping.


    Is that sapphires? It's very pretty.

  7. I disagree with this statement, based on my personal experience (May 20 cruise to Alaska on the Grand Princess with my 1-1/2 and 3 year old granddaughters). Perhaps you will find some helpful suggestions for cruising with toddlers in my review:



    I do think that your nephew will probably sleep through most of the train ride.


    Thanks I really enjoyed it.

  8. Thank you! I'm sorry. I bought the dress at Belk a few months ago and they don't have it anymore.

    It's called Dana Kay Cap-Sleeved Sheath with Jewel Trim.

    I did a search and found it in a gold top, wine top, and a white top. I hope you like one of these. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_031VA70980412P?srccode=cii_13736960&cpncode=32-351257505-2&sid=IDx20070921x00003d


    Thank you all for the suggestions. I'm going to start looking for your suggestions and try on my pearls this weekend. :)


    Thank you so much! I love it in both other colors. I think I'm getting both; they are on sale. I got the wine and gold.


    Now I need help, lol! Pearls or something else with these? I can also do long earrings but I have longish hair and always feel like they get lost. I have 3 formal nights on my next cruise and I'm glad to get these. I hope it's not bad to have two of the same dress. Are they dressy enough for formal nights?



  9. All info already here is what we have experienced as well, but in addition to that when your steward is on break there will be someone assigned to cover for him/her if you need anything. Just in case.


    Our steward was off duty when we had a crisis of epic proportions. Our daughter discovered in the evening that 'Puppy' had disappeared from her room. Trust me, HUGE deal. I figured that her precious stuffy had been bundled away with the sheet change that day and called the steward. We got his stand in, who was lovely, and was right on it, but in a matter of minutes our regular guy had been appraised as well and was up and overseeing a muster in the laundry in search of Puppy. Between the two of them and the housekeeping staff Puppy was recovered and returned in record time.


    So while you will have a regular 'usual person' you will also have a back up if needed.


    My experience is pretty limited, but housekeeping seems to be one area where service is pretty excellent.


    Man, even though my DD is 25 now that story made my blood run cold. I remember those days. Great effort on everyone's part and I'm glad it had a happy ending.



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