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Everything posted by Happily@Sea

  1. Zuidy in Tracy Arm region - probably 1 1/2 hours yet. Pretty close to ETA time - not early at this rate. Juneau cam has cleared of raindrops - for now.
  2. Zuidy is still in Radio dead zone south of Tracy Arm - 1 hr 18 mins old
  3. All tied down. Our view-clocking ship is entering the harbor basin - X Eclipse - so, I'll take my leave. Tomorrow Zuidy at regular afternoon sail-in time frame.
  4. All lined up - now she just needs to slide over and dock.
  5. Noordam taking her time doing a 180 toward the dock.
  6. Back to afternoon sail-ins. Thanks, Kathi, for the reminder and the thread.
  7. Noordam running on the early side. She is already in the basin heading for the docks. Camera is clear, bright but also panning. Looks like it might actually be a nice day.
  8. Tomorrow is early arrival usually between 6-7 am AST for Noordam.
  9. Second day in a row I've watched our BHB - disappear behind the view-blocker at the AS dock. Camera exactly ibn right position in the panning. 👍 👍
  10. Thanks for the reminder. Our view blocker [X Eclipse] is the one delayed in Vancouver because of the tug boat strike. I wonder if that will make her later than usual? Noordam normally arrives between 6-7 am AST for her scheduled 8 am AST - ETA. Last week NA was on time for 8 am.
  11. NA is just outside of the harbor area. With all the view-blockers, I'm not sure how long we will see her. But NO raindrops on the panning camera.
  12. A little of her stern was still showing - but I watched her disappear completely while the camera was panning in the docking area, Nieuw Amsterdam tomorrow at 10 am AST. Thanks, Kathi, for the thread.
  13. Westy moving quite quickly. Not sure she'll be here when the camera pans back. Already partially disappearing.
  14. Westy coming out from behind one of the Norwegian 'shuffle twins'.. I wonder how fast she will dock and become hidden?
  15. A little bit of sprinkling again on camera view.
  16. Still panning - but the picture has cleared. Westy north of Thane - maybe about 10 minutes - many view blockers today.
  17. Westy just south of the entrance to the Gastineau Channel - maybe 35-45 minutes away. Not good viewing today - panning and raindrop-covered views.
  18. So, with no Kdam - I'll be back for Westy tomorrow. Same sail-in time frame.
  19. You are correct. She has veered west of the Gastineau Channel and headed due west. Thanks for making me look again.
  20. Kdam must have slowed down - she is still almost 40 minutes away.
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