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Everything posted by Happily@Sea

  1. Kdam is making good time. Shouldn't take her long at all to dock and tie-up.
  2. It's almost a parade today. As Eurodam is settling into her berth, here comes Kdam into the basin area.
  3. Kdam looks to be about 20-30 minutes behind her half-sister. 🙂
  4. With the overcast today - Eurodam is looking very dark in the water, usually that white on the front - shows up brightly - or at least a lot lighter in color.
  5. Eurodam just outside harbor basin area - just barely coming into view.
  6. No tendering ship again - but I'm guessing the camera will still be panning. 😞 I plan to be here for Westy.
  7. Eurodam looks to be about 45 minutes away. Kdam is quite a ways behind her - but still north of Tracy Arm. Weather is clear [so far] but unfortunately the camera is panning yet again.
  8. Nobody tendering today. Maybe we'll get a still camera - Ha!! I still plan to be here. Thanks, Kathi, for the reminder
  9. A very quick sail-in for Zuidy. She is already hidden. See you all Monday for our double sail-in - Same sail-in timeframe as today.
  10. With 2 blocking ships it is hard to tell, but marine map says Zuidy is just outside the harbor area, Happily, the camera is clear - but also panning
  11. Eclipse is now clearly visible [right in front of camera] but the rest of the basin is still 'socked-in'. This was 2 hours after you checked and is currently 9 am AST
  12. As she moves to the CT Dock - we lose her again into the fog. I just heard Eclipse's horn. Since Noordam has disappeared back into the fog, I'll say goodbye until tomorrow afternoon with Zuidy.
  13. She is becoming a little more distinct. Just because she is closer to the cam.
  14. There is Noordam - a dark shape in the fog. That's it. If I wasn't looking for her, I wouldn't have noticed her. 😞
  15. Noordam is in the basin - according to the map. X Eclipse is in the Channel - we might be hearing her horn also, now.
  16. Marine map shows her just outside the basin - and her horn is much louder now.
  17. Back to our afternoon arrivals. Thanks. Kathi, for the reminder.
  18. Noordam will be early - she has already entered Gastineau Channel. Unfortunately, the basin area is pea-soup fog - right now. Noordam should be arriving at the top of the hour.
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