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Everything posted by Bubbeh

  1. I have a query and it's totally sort of off topic but not really. 🤔 Anyway, you know how from time to time posters will refer to another poster and they use their 'name' but it appears in blue with an @ at the front how do you make that happen? Hang on I think I just worked it out - yay! Thanks for you help everyone. LOL! @Bubbeh
  2. Never heard of that, as ChiefMateJRL says, which ship?
  3. Ugh, I hadn't thought of that. Unless there is a pillow menu I always take my pillow with me wherever we go domestic or international.
  4. Ooh, nasty! Perhaps you've developed an immunity to them now? You can always hope.
  5. Changing tack a little here, has anyone ever been bitten by kangaroo ticks? One of our daughters used to train in archery with a club out in the bush. On a particularly warm summer day, I stupidly once wore a dress to watch her - not a good idea at all. I didn't notice until hours later but my lower body was acting as host for dozens of roo ticks, they even crawled up my body and beneath my underwear. I have never felt so itchy and sick in my life! Took hours to get rid of the little buggers with Grumpy heating needles and removing them one by one. To add insult to injury, he accidentally severed a mandible which became infected requiring topical and oral antibiotics and has left a rather impressive scar.
  6. Dual lane rotarys can be confusing especially, for those of us that didn't grow up with them. However, they are a wonderful traffic management device and alleviate the hesitating effect (stop start) of signals. Having said that rotarys are really only beneficial at the junction of four road legs carrying similar traffic numbers and at a distance from major signalised intersections or railway crossings.
  7. Under promise and over deliver, a very good way to make people happy.
  8. That's sounds rude, I hope it was not intended that way. For your further elucidation, during the 2023 cruise season Australia welcomed 40 cruise ships from at least 20 different lines. In anybody's language this is a very solid season. Furthermore, while the drinking age in Australia is 18, it is 20 in Japan and 18-20 in Europe.
  9. You speak from your knowledge base and I speak from mine. This is all part of the wonderful tapestry of travel and experience; different countries, different cultures,different laws. Neither is right and neither is wrong, just different based on societal expectations. Vive la Difference!
  10. Funny you should say that, after almost 6 months I still use the wrong stick every time I start the car up again. Just returned home from an appt a couple of kilometres away and I twice tried to wipe the non-existent rain off the windscreen when turning.
  11. Actually, we drive on the correct side of the road. 😁
  12. If only I could find a decent hotel room for $100! My limit is probably around the $300-$350 mark.
  13. My rule of thumb is to fly economy domestically and up to 5 hours internationally. Anything over 5 hours and I'm a business class passenger.
  14. What white people lording it over black people? Bringing with them their cultures, customs, laws and illnesses. Fancy that!
  15. IRA? Pretty sure that was a war of attrition at best.
  16. Hmmm.... maybe you've not heard all there is to hear (hope this link works)- https://www.google.com/search?q=scared+weird+little+guys+come+to+australia&oq=scared+we&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDwgAEAAYFBiHAhjjAhiABDIPCAAQABgUGIcCGOMCGIAEMgwIARAuGBQYhwIYgAQyBwgCEC4YgAQyDAgDEAAYFBiHAhiABDIGCAQQRRg5MgcIBRAuGIAEMgcIBhAuGIAEMgcIBxAuGIAEMgcICBAAGIAEMgcICRAuGIAE0gEIMzUxN2owajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:4d9beed8,vid:eNEeq5qGh8I,st:0
  17. I didn't get my license until I was 27 and the driving instructor advised me to get an Automatic License. Before Grumpy was grumpy, I asked his advice and he couldn't see a time when we would ever buy a manual car so I got my auto license in just a few lessons. I've never driven a manual, or needed to. Just out of interest, what was your previous car?
  18. Sorry but I don't think that is completely accurate, see below: What is the drinking age on the Carnival Australia cruise? 18 years of age What's the legal drinking age onboard Carnival Cruise Line Australia cruises? Passengers must be 18 years of age to consume or purchase alcohol. Remember that if travelling on a Carnival ship in the U.S., the drinking age is 21.7 Jan 2020
  19. It was a joke and never meant to be given serious consideration.
  20. Yep, whatever we do we mustn't let the thread divert to another topic. 😁
  21. Seriously? The age of majority in Australia is 18. Irrespective, they could still get drunk and make a fool of themselves with someone else buying them a drink.
  22. Weighing in here.....Corinne I think you'll find that the vast majority of poster on this thread are decent people just voicing an option and sometimes that will be an alternate opinion, I believe that nobody means to offend or hurt you. Nevertheless, that is the outcome and you have my apologies if I'm in that group.
  23. I tend to think that people who were satisfied rarely write reviews. Those who were either delighted or disgusted tend to be the ones who take the time to express their feelings and detail their experience. This very much skews the review process.
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